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  1. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 12:46am UTC
    Me: "I haven't taken a picture in a while." *takes picture* "Oh that's why."
    -Jenna Marbles

  2. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 12:43am UTC
    That Depressing Moment #6
    When he doesn't feel the same way you feel about him. You're just another fish in sea.
    fave and i'll do a series!

  3. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2012 11:25pm UTC
    That Depressing Moment #5
    When you dress up all nice and do your hair & makeup all special, and he's absent. nmq
    fave and i'll do a series!

  4. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2012 11:22pm UTC
    That Depressing Moment #4
    When your see people getting like 500 likes on their status's and you have like 2 and one of them is your mom.
    fave and i'll do a series!

  5. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2012 11:16pm UTC
    That Depressing Moment #3
    When you study for hours, and you end up failing the test anyways!
    fave and i'll do a series!

  6. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2012 11:04pm UTC
    That Depressing Moment #2
    When you find out the guy you've been crushing on used to like you.
    fave and i'll do a series!

  7. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2012 10:57pm UTC
    That Depressing Moment #1
    When your realize you're done with middle school, and you're done being a little kid, you're growing up!
    fave and i'll do a series!

  8. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2012 4:31pm UTC
    We all have that song that we could listen to for hours, no matter how much we listen to it, it never gets old.
    comment your favorite songs!
    i'm taking a school survery

  9. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2012 4:29pm UTC
    " a wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens
    but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is
    -Marilyn Monroe

  10. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2012 6:20pm UTC
    certain things can just
    trigger my memories

  11. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 12:37pm UTC
    i love that cute thing you
    when you lead me on and
    make me think we actually
    had a "thing" its just
    adorbz !

  12. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 12:33pm UTC
    Please Favorite This Quote if
    you've ever broken your ankle. i have a few questions!

  13. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 12:25pm UTC

    That smile you get, when "he" texts you <3
    format by neversaynever16

  14. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2012 10:49am UTC
    ♥ That DEPRESSING moment
    when people get your hopes up
    just to let you down
    & you just wanna cry

  15. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 6:23pm UTC
    90% of people will marry their 7-12 grade crush
    since you read this you will be told good news tonight but if you dont re-post your worst week will start tomororw.

  16. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 10:19pm UTC
    we all have our first real crush, when you like him for what it seems like forever, no matter what he does, no matter how much of a jerk he is, you still find a big place for him in your heart. then we grow up and find someone to love and be with forever, but you still will never forget your first "love"

  17. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 4:12pm UTC
    we met in pre-k
    the first time i layed eyes on him, just sent butterflies through my stomach. when we first talked i said i like your hair. he said i like your hair too. i didn't know much about love then, but now i really do. we were bestfriends, wherever i was he was, wherever he was i was. we were inseparable. everyear he & i were voted best hair. a reputation grew of the hottest hair couple. one day he got cancer, and he no longer had hair. his hair was our claim to fame. when we went to school holding hands in 8th grade, we could walk by and everyone stared and whispered. i felt millions of eyes upon me. thats when i ran out of school, and went straight to my hairdresser. when i walked out i was also bald. and i went back to school ran up to him, hugged him and kissed him. he was the one i wanted to be with forever & ever. & he did survive cancer. after all of his medical issues were cleared up, we bought a beautiful house. and then we opened up a hair dresser business. we did great, it was everything i had ever wanted. i didn't need a money to fulfill my life long dream. all i needed was love, devotion, determination, and happiness. money doesn't buy happiness, your heart buys your happiness to another person.
    i need feedback!

  18. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2012 10:17pm UTC
    who else re-reads text conversations from the person they like ♥

  19. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 10:59pm UTC
    the worst feeling is knowing you're not good enough.

  20. pretty_in_pink_xoxo pretty_in_pink_xoxo
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 9:50pm UTC
    knowing sponeboby was supposed to be an adult show and realizing
    -squidwards nose
    -sand cheeks
    -bikini bottom
    - krusty krab
    -spongebob's gay


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