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Member Since: 10 Oct 2006 06:47pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 41040

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my names sammie, im blonde, 5'1. My best friend is nikki or SnickersQueen93. (her witty). and im in 7th grade at Marshall Middle Va.
  1. peter_pan_1311 peter_pan_1311
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2006 6:01pm UTC
    Hand In Hand
    I can remember you vioce
    I can remember you smile
    I remember your laugh
    Tho I haven't heard it in awhile.
    I remember your comfort
    And the way you ran
    I thought you'd always be
    My one and only man.
    I remember your walk
    And how your eyes shine
    I remember your hand
    As it layed in mine.
    to eman
    <3 christie

  2. peter_pan_1311 peter_pan_1311
    posted a quote
    October 17, 2006 4:06pm UTC
    You can't see me crying
    You can't feel me shake
    You can't hear me screaming
    I guess I'm just a big fake
    How I solve my problems
    To ask is really low
    But it you ask to see it
    That I'll never show
    Cutting's my solution
    I use my razorbalde knife
    Tho any blade will do
    And if you wonder why
    I might break down and cry
    Nikki trys to cheer me up
    Other do to
    Blood starts to drip everywhere
    Even on my shoes
    People think I'm crazy
    But what else can I do
    Keep this inside me?
    I would try and do it for you
    In the end I'm happy
    But only to others
    I'm glad that no one know
    Especially my mother
    Atleast someone understands me
    For that tells who i love
    Who cry's everyday for me
    Who brings me up above.
    100% MINE to my BESTFRIEND nikki!!! I LOVE YOU!

  3. peter_pan_1311 peter_pan_1311
    posted a quote
    October 16, 2006 5:12pm UTC
    You're the melody to my choir
    You're the rules to my law
    You're the dot to my i
    You're the AE to my mall.
    You're the paper to my book
    You're the ring to my call
    You're the CD to my radio
    You're the height to my tall.
    You're the beat to my heart
    You're the paint to my wall
    You're the lace to my shoe
    You're the hurt to my fall.
    100% mine! use but DO NOT take credit. i wrote this to my best friend in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!! NIKKI I LOVE YOU!!!!

  4. peter_pan_1311 peter_pan_1311
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2006 6:39pm UTC
    my wrists are sore
    my eyes are red
    there's blood on the floor
    it's blood that i've shed
    as i lay there on the floor
    red water all around
    i lay there silent
    not making a sound
    then i pick up a razor
    lay it on my arm
    "one more cut couldn't do any harm"
    i put pressure on the razor
    and i hear the slice
    this cut felt good,it felt really nice
    i could feel the blood running down my arm
    "just one last cut couldn't do any harm"
    my wrists are sore
    my eyes are red
    there's blood on the floor
    it's blood that i've shed
    as i lay there on the floor
    red water all around
    i lay there silent...
    can't make a sound.

  5. peter_pan_1311 peter_pan_1311
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2006 3:03pm UTC
    I think of the memories
    That linger on my brain
    The thoughts of you are driving me insane
    Pictures of holding your hand make me cry
    You never lied to me
    Or denied
    I keep screaming your name
    Dreaming your face
    When I see you smile
    I smile
    When I see you laugh
    I melt
    I miss you so much
    I don't know what to do
    When I say these words
    You better believe there true
    Hey, I love you
    100% MINE dont take the credit!

  6. peter_pan_1311 peter_pan_1311
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2006 2:59pm UTC
    Think of a Wonderful Thought
    Think of a wonderful thought
    Any merry little thought
    Think of Christmas
    Think of snow
    Think of sleigh bells off you go
    Like reindeer on the skyiii
    You can fly *4
    Think of the happiest things
    It's the same as having wings
    Take the path that moonbeams make
    If the moon is still awake
    You'll see him wink his eyeii
    You can fly *4
    Up you go with a heigh and ho
    Till the stars behind the blue
    There's a never land waiting for you
    Where all you dreams come true
    Everyday you dream
    When there's a smile in your heart
    There's no better place to start
    Think of all the joy you'll find
    When you leave this world behind
    And bid you cares good-byeii
    You can fly *5
    When there's a smile in your heart
    There's no better place to start
    Think of all the joy you'll find
    When you leave this world behind
    And bid you cares good-byeii
    You can fly *5

  7. peter_pan_1311 peter_pan_1311
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2006 5:42pm UTC
    You cut my heart and made it shatter
    You made me cry, but it doesn't matter.
    I love you so much I don't know what to do
    My life's so screwed up,and all I need is you.
    You came along and changed my life
    So now I pick up that stupid knife.
    As I watch the blood trickle down my arm
    It's a little thing I call self-harm.
    When I slit my wrists it was a sign
    A sign to show I wasn't fine.
    As I sit here and cry
    Waiting for the day I just break down and die.
    All life brings is pain
    Someone get help before there's nothing left to gain.
    All's I ever wanted was you
    Everything I've tried, everything I do.
    You cut my heart and made it shatter
    You made me cry but it doesn't matter.

  8. peter_pan_1311 peter_pan_1311
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2006 5:42pm UTC
    You cut my heart and made it shatter
    You made me cry, but it doesn't matter.
    I love you so much I don't know what to do
    My life's so screwed up,and all I need is you.
    You came along and changed my life
    So now I pick up that stupid knife.
    As I watch the blood trickle down my arm
    It's a little thing I call self-harm.
    When I slit my wrists it was a sign
    A sign to show I wasn't fine.
    As I sit here and cry
    Waiting for the day I just break down and die.
    All life brings is pain
    Someone get help before there's nothing left to gain.
    All's I ever wanted was you
    Everything I've tried, everything I do.
    You cut my heart and made it shatter
    You made me cry but it doesn't matter.

  9. peter_pan_1311 peter_pan_1311
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2006 5:35pm UTC
    You cut my heart and made it shatter
    You made me cry, but it doesn't matter.
    I love you so muuch I don't know what to do
    My lifes so screwed up,and all I need is you.
    You came along and changed my life
    So now I pick up that stupid knife.
    As I watch the blood trickle down my arm
    It's a little thing I call self-harm.
    When I slit mt wrists it was a sign
    A sign to show

  10. peter_pan_1311 peter_pan_1311
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2006 7:09pm UTC
    The Real Side (of me)
    Im sorry it ended this way
    But now i have nothing left to say.
    I sit and cry
    Face it, Im telling so many lies.
    I have no purpose im life
    So Ill just sit and cut with this knife.
    My hands are quivering
    And Im shivering.
    I cant believe I just lost my best friend
    I thought we were there, till the end.
    My heart has sunken way down deep
    You told me a secret I could always keep.
    My life really sucks right now
    Why cant we die, if we take a bow?
    I dont understand anything anymore
    I dont know who I am for sure.
    I cant picture this
    From someone I always miss.
    Inside me I am screaming
    Hopefully Im just dreaming.
    At this momment I wish I were dead
    Just never awoke from my bed.
    Lifes horrible, just thought you should know
    I'd never thought i would show
    The other side of me.
    100% mine do NOT take the credit!

  11. peter_pan_1311 peter_pan_1311
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2006 3:11pm UTC
    In my head, I am screaming
    I have no clue if this is real or if I'm dreaming
    I start to cut with that blade
    Look at all the mess that has been made
    My body starts to get cold
    I never got to grow up and be old
    No really ever cared
    And I'm anything but scared
    When I'm done cutting
    I fall
    I was just like a doll
    I was attached by strings
    People made me do these crazy things
    So I deided to cut my veins
    So I would be safe
    All these thoughts running through my head
    But before I know it
    I'm dead


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