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Member Since: 11 Apr 2009 02:14pm

Last Seen: 7 Feb 2013 08:33pm

user id: 73167

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Peace, Love, And Pink.

I am a writer
Because that is what I like to do
I have five hobbies:
Writing, Reading, Listening to Music, Watching Movies
And Texting.
  1. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2012 7:05pm UTC
    Writing is my passion;
    it's the only thing I can actually see myself doing for the rest of my life.
    Not many people support what I do; they believe it should only be a side thing for me because they don't think I could ever make a living off of writing. It's not about making a living for me. It's about writing something that people actually want to read. Writing is what makes me happy, and I want to prove them wrong and show them that I can be successful. Please, if you would like, help support my writing. I've recently published my first book, Harvesting Hearts, and it's for sale now. Visit my website www.emilybissel.com and either buy my book or support my writing by liking my page on facebook or following me on twitter @emily_bissel

  2. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2011 8:54pm UTC
    Facts About Life #5
    When I'm not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded.

  3. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2011 8:46pm UTC
    Facts About Life #4
    I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.

  4. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2011 8:35pm UTC
    Facts About Life #3
    If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

  5. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2011 8:30pm UTC
    Facts About Life #2
    Everyone makes mistakes.The trick is to make mistakes when nobody is looking.

  6. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2011 8:25pm UTC
    Facts About Life #1
    The evening news is when they start it off with a pleasant "good evening" and then they tell us all the reasons why it's not.

  7. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2011 10:55pm UTC
    Once upon a time, a girl fell for a boy and he fell to
    The classic beginning to a timeless tale that doesn't always ring true.
    She told him she loved him and he shied away
    Then she found herself constantly asking, "Is he going to talk to me today?"
    She waited patiently, believing she made a mistake
    As days and months passed, the growing silence between them only led to her heartbreak.
    Once upon a time, a boy fell for a girl and she fell too
    The classic beginning to a timeless tale not many follow through.
    He loved her, he knew, but he couldn't tell her
    He believed "love" was too strong a word to describe what they were.
    So he left her, alone and broken
    knowing deep in his heart the words he should have spoken.
    Once upon a time, a girl fell for a guy and he fell too.
    The classic beginning to a timeless tale they would live through.
    He found her broken and mended her heart
    Years passed and they realized they could never be apart.
    They stood on the alter saying their vows, ignorant of the boy who slipped in
    The boy stared at the bride in awe, and he whispered "I love you" as the tears rushed down his chin.
    Once upon a time a boy fell for a girl...
    And he lived with the regret of never telling her
    "I love you"

  8. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2010 5:26pm UTC
    "Life needed a fast forward button. Because there were days you just didn't want to have to live through, not again, but they kept coming around and you were powerless to stop time or speed it up or do anything to keep from having to face it."
    -Sara Zarr

  9. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2010 2:14pm UTC
    I'm selfish, impatient,
    and a little
    i make mistakes
    I am out of control & at times
    hard to handle
    But if you cant handle me
    at my worst,
    Then you absolutely don't
    deserve me
    at my best....

  10. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2010 7:22pm UTC
    We girls are doomed from the start. Yes, I said doomed. We have very high expectations for a relationship, maybe even a little too high. Why you might ask? Because ever since we were little a perfect fairytale ending has been drilled into our heads. We’ve been shown that we’re all going to end up with the perfect guy who is simply well…perfect.
    Those fairytales would have never prepared us for real life.
    Instead of our knights in shining armor,
    we get teenage boys who only care about how far
    they can get with a girl on the first date.
    Instead of romantic poetry, we get cheesy pick up lines.
    Instead of balls and waltzes, we get school dances and grinding.
    Instead of saying I love you in person, it happens over text.
    Instead of a real date just the two of us, we get to go hang out with you
    and all of your other friends.
    Instead of getting the truth, we get lies.
    In our minds, we build up the perfect image of a guy and we expect that.
    Maybe that’s the reason why we get so freaked out when guys don’t act how we thought they’d act. We expected Prince Charming when instead we got a testosterone- filled teenage boy.
    But you, boys, can't blame us for expecting so much.
    We grew up on fairytales and happily ever after...
    mine :D

  11. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2010 6:47pm UTC
    How many 'incidents' will it take me to finally realize
    you don't love me.
    Love isn't even a definition in your vocabulary.
    It's only a line you use.

  12. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2010 6:40pm UTC
    ((It means I love you in dinosaur))

  13. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2010 6:31pm UTC
    You complain that I'm the emotional one.
    But you're the one that is constantly in a bad mood.
    You freak when I say something
    that you said to me last week.
    You lied so much before but now
    you expect me to just trust you?
    I don't think so, boy.
    Sorry, but this girl is doesn't put up with that
    I'm over you.

  14. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2010 11:25pm UTC
    I'm Not Bossy...
    ((I Just Know What I Want))
    please don't steal

  15. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2010 9:34pm UTC
    I fell for a guy who only broke my heart.
    I know it's wrong to even just be friends.
    But I'm still in love with him...
    and true...

  16. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2010 9:09pm UTC
    There is the right guy out there for me...
    The one who will love me not for my perfections but for my imperfections. The one who will be willing to give me anything in the world. The one who will take care of me and visit me when I am sick. The one who won't point out all of my bad flaws. The one who will cheer me up when I'm down. The one who will tell me how much he loves me just by the admiration in his eyes. The one who will make me happy just by thinking about him. The one who will tell me I look beautiful even when I'm having a bad day. The one who will take the time to get to know me better than anyone else. The one who will greet me with a kiss on the cheek. The one who will drop anything just to talk to me. The one who will bring a smile to my lips just by walking in a room. The one who will bring me my favorite flowers for no apparent reason. The one who I'll trust with all my secrets and he'll trust me with his. The one who will understand my moods. The one who will know what makes me feel better. The one who will not judge me by how I act. The one who will listen to all my problems. The one who will be proud of me for all of my achievements. The one who will give me advice, especially when I need it. The one who will wipe the tears away from my cheeks. The one who will not care what I do and won't do. The one who will help me be a better me. The one who will put up with me even when I'm uncontrollable. The one who will hold me and comfort me when I'm scared. The one who will not try to change me. The one who will be able to tell what's going on just by an expression on my face. The one who will rescue me even if I don't need rescuing. The one who will be able to recite all of my likes and dislikes. The one who will make me laugh even when I'm mad. The one who will sneak up behind me and hug me. The one who will take the chance to get to know me. The one who will show me a whole new world. The one who will sweep me off my feet. The one who will accept me for the real me. The one who will be my knight in shining armor. The one who will help me complete my fairytale. The one who will be completely trusted with my heart.
    The one who will love me...just for the fact that I'm me.
    all mine. and true.
    please don't take/steal.

  17. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2010 7:55pm UTC
    Yeah, I'm emotional and sometimes in a mood
    ((But I'm a girl what do you expect?))
    I change my mind a lot
    ((I'm just confused))
    I say things that I don't mean all the time
    ((You just make me so mad, that I don't watch what I say))
    I try to do right. I try to be good.
    ((It's just so hard sometimes when everything seems to be going wrong))
    I don't try to be mean
    ((sometimes the things I say come out that way even if I don't mean it like that))
    I'm sorry for the way I act
    ((And I mean it when I say that.))

  18. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2010 7:06pm UTC
    I swore I'd never let a guy
    b r e a k my heart.
    After that, I swore I'd never
    l o v e him.
    And then I swore I'd never let him
    break it a g a i n.
    And now here I am today,
    with my heart broken a n y w a y.

  19. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2009 9:25pm UTC
    A conversation between a guy and a girl:
    Girl: So what does your dad do for a living?
    Boy: He's a carpenter.
    Girl: Oh...but I thought you said once that he built houses...?
    Boy: He does...a carpenter builds stuff. What do you think a carpenter does?
    Girl: I thought they put down carpets and floors.
    Boy: No, that's a florist.
    ( He was serious. )
    True Story.
    It happened between
    my friend and I.

  20. peaceloveandpink6 peaceloveandpink6
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2009 6:45pm UTC
    You know he is wrong for you.
    You know he has lied.
    You know it'll never work out.
    You know that it is for the best
    to break up with him.
    But why do you find it so hard
    to do that one thing?
    When he tells you
    he loves you,
    you just can't.
    You can't end it.
    Because you're in love with him too.


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