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I love One Direction.
This song, that Harry did as a solo is perfect.

  1. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2013 12:59pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter 9
    "If no one else needs the bathroom, I am going to shower." I said standing up.
    "All yours" Liam said. I grabbed the clothes I needed, and make up and I showered. The shower was my favorite place. It was a place I could think with no interruptions. It was a place were all my thoughts were clear. However, I decided since this shower was a place were I could not move around, I would wash my hair and be done. Then, I put on my clothes, did my make-up and got out of the small room. When I came out Harry, Liam and Zayn appeared to all be busy. So, I decided to play my guitar. I played whatever came to mind. After a while I heard footsteps coming my way. It was Harry, he leaned on the door frame, "Hi beautiful". I stopped playing and looked up and put the guitar down.
    "Hi, you looked busy I didn't want to bother you."
    "I wasn't that busy, and I'm not busy now" He said walking over to me.
    "What do you want to do?" I said as he sat down next to me.
    "Well, we are on the bus for the rest of the day, so we could spend the whole day cuddling and watching movies?"
    "Or, we can do this" I said, as I started to kiss him. Harry moved so he was now ontop of me. Then, we made out. We made out for a really long time. Then, Harry stopped.
    "Something wrong?"
    "I think we should take things slow"
    "Okay, that's probably a better idea." I laid down on the bed and Harry came up next to me and we just cuddled. I closed my eyes and I was half asleep. I opened my eyes ten minutes later and Harry was sound asleep. I kissed his cheek and then, I went to sleep. We laid there in silence. Not an awkward silence, a peaceful silence that said a lot. About an hour later Liam popped his head in. I was awake, Harry was still sleeping. Liam smiled and then went away. I watched Harry sleep for a long time, I decided it was finally time to get up. I was careful not to disturb Harry, and I went and hung out with Zayn and Liam. "Have a nice rest then?" Liam asked
    "Yes, I did."
    "You want to play some video games?"
    "Why not, I suck, but why not" Then I sat with Liam, and Zayn and was defeated at whatever game they decided to put in. When I lost one, they picked a different one, well that was until we ran out of games. We joked around for a while, and then Zayn decided we should wake Harry.
    "I'll do it" He said. Zayn ran off to wake up Harry, which left Liam and I to talk.
    "I just want to say, if you ever need anything you can come to me. If you wanna talk about Harry, or how your feeling in general I'm here. As I'm sure you know, I am daddy direction". He said laughing.
    "Thanks Liam"

  2. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2013 2:57pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter 8
    Harry gave me a tour of the bus, which wasn't much because well, it's a tour bus for three boys. I was going to have to get use to living with boys. One boy would be bad enough , but three. I am in for an interesting time."So, since we are going to the hotel again tonight and take off in the morning, I was wondering if you want your own room, or you can share with Louis and I."
    "I don't need my own. I can share with you and Louis. That'll be fine" The bus drove us back to the hotel, where Harry, Louis and I went straight to bed. I wore one of Harry's tshirts and a pair of athletic shorts. Harry put his arms around me and I fell asleep instantly. The next morning was an early one. Harry woke me up at five, "Love, wake up you can sleep on the bus." I am not a morning person, so this is was not going to be easy. When Harry realized I had no intention of getting out of bed, he picked me up, carried me onto the bus and put in his bed. I fell asleep again, and woke up to the motion of the bus. Also, to the sound of Niall laughing. I got out of bed, and went into the bathroom to fix my appearance in the slightest bit. I put my hair in a ponytail, brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then, I found my way to the back of the bus where Harry and the boys were playing cards, and eating breakfast. "Morning beautiful" Harry said
    "Morning" I went and sat down on the edge of the couch next to Liam.
    "How'd you sleep?" Harry asked
    "I slept well, but how did I get on the bus, I don't remember getting up and walking on."
    "That's because you were still asleep, so I picked you up and carried you on"
    "I'm not much of a morning person, but you could have woken me up."
    "You looked peaceful I didn't want to bother you."
    "Well, thank you"
    "You want some breakfast?" Zayn interjected
    "No thanks, I'm not that hungry"
    "You sure?"
    "Yeah, I'll eat later."
    "Well, I'm going to go get clean boys" Harry said. With those words, Harry got up and went into the bathroom.
    "So, are you prepared for this Taylor?" Liam asked
    "Prepared for all of this? Can anyone ever be prepared for any of this?"
    "I'm still am not prepared for any of this and we have been doing it for three years." Liam said
    "If you're ever missing home, come talk to any of us about it. We understand and get homesick a lot of the time" Zayn said
    "Thanks, I probably will at some point. I didn't have much at home, so I don't think there will be too much to miss."
    "I don't want to get too personal,but how are you feeling about Harry?"
    "It feels good. I don't know what we are, but I really like him and I really want to be the one who makes him happy."
    "I like you. All we want is for Harry to be happy, and I hope you're the girl that makes him happy. " Liam said smiling
    "Well, thank you. I'm glad I have your approval" Then, Harry came out of the shower. He had a towl wrapped around his waist, and there were still droplets of water all over his torso. He stopped, looked at us for a moment, and then continued to make his was to his drawer of clothes. I think he forgot I was there, because he dropped his towel, and I saw his butt for a split second, until Liam covered my eyes."HARRY!" Liam exclaimed, "In case you forgot, you brought a girl with us so you can't strip down whenever you please"
    "Liam, I don't really think she minds, in case you hadn't noticed she is a girl." Liam uncovered my eyes after Harry had put on a pair of boxers. "Right, sorry.. I didn't want you to freak her out, I like her" Harry put on some shorts and stayed shirtless.
    "Thanks for caring Liam, I can handle a naked Harry. I expected it sooner than later"
    "Smart woman" Zayn chimed in

  3. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2013 11:18pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter 7
    "So Harry, tell me. Is the song Don't Let Me Go, really you?"
    "Yeah, I don't know how it got leaked though."
    "Would you ever consider singing it again?"
    "Maybe, if I had found the girl for me, and I was stupid enough to lose her. Why?"
    I had found it a while back, and I just wondered. It's my favorite song, that you have ever sang."
    "You like it better than Little Things?"
    "Not better, it's just different. In a really great way."
    "Glad to know people like it then" He said sadly, pulling on his shirt. "You want to come with me, the boys and I have to do vocal warm ups, and go to hair and makeup. "
    "I don't know what else I would do, so yeah" We walked down to hair and makeup, where the rest of the boys were waiting for Harry.
    "There you are mate, we were worried you'd gotten lost" Louis said
    "Sorry boys, let's get to work" The boys did their vocal warm ups and made sure their hair was perfect while I sat and watched them. Right before they were about to go on, Harry kissed me and I wished him good luck. Then, I went and took my place with security. It was odd, me of all people sitting with security because Harry liked me. Then the boys came on. Harry smiled at me. Cheesy as it sounds, I know he'll look at me like that for the rest of my life. The concert seemed even better than it did the night before, but maybe that was because I knew I would be going to bed with Harry tonight, not in a sexual way just a cuddly way. Or at least, I think so, I don't know the bus set up. Tonight, instead I sat and watched. I took in everything that Harry did. Right down to his last weird dance move that probably looked cool in his head. He looked so happy. Right before then end of the last song and t the encore, I decided to go backstage and wait for Harry. I met him on the side of the stage, he was all sweaty but he looked hot, so it didn't mattter I kissed him. "You were amazing"
    "Thanks" He said kissing me again. "I was thinking about you the whole time"
    "And I was thinking about you the whole time"
    Then, Zayn turned to Louis and said, "Louis, I was thinking about you the whole time"
    Louis pretended to cry, "I was thinking about you too" They both pretended to cry and hugged each other."Very funny" Harry said. "Mates, get use to it. Taylor is coming on the road with us."
    "Brilliant. I like her." Liam said with a grin
    "I'm going to change, and then you and I can move your stuff onto the bus?"
    "Sounds like a plan" Harry and I went back to the dressing room, where he once again stripped down into his boxers and put on the clothes he had before. Then we went to my car, and moved all my things into the bus.

  4. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2013 3:58pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter 6
    As I drove my car back to the arena reality set in. I was really doing this. I was really going on tour with One Direction. I didn't know what was going to happen over to course of the next three months, but I didn't care. I am just so excited to see what all this means. I arrived back at the arena and called Harry. He told me where to drive, he met me, and let me in. "You all ready?"
    "I think so, although what am I suppose to do with my car?"
    "Leave it here, no one will mind"
    "Are you sure?"
    "Positive love" I melted a little inside when he said that to me. "Come on inside then?" He said with a smile offering me his hand
    I smiled back and took it. "So how much longer until the show?"
    "About an two hours" He then continued with, "We have about an hour together, and then I need to start getting ready" We went back to their dressing room, this time the boys weren't in there. We sat down and started talking about everything.
    "So, tell me about you" I said
    "I'm just Harry. I worked in a bakery, auditioned for the X Factor and I am now in a rather popular boyband. Maybe you've heard of us?" He said giggling to himself.
    "I think I might have, what's your name again? Something Direction."
    "Something like that"
    "But really, who are you Harry?"
    "I'm just a guy. I'm just another person in the world who wants what everyone wants. My life is just more public."
    "So does that make everything you have said in interviews, true about yourself, or is that because of managment?"
    "I would walk away, from all of this if I wasn't allowed to be myself. I would rather not live a lie"
    "I love that."
    "So what about you? I still don't know that much about you"
    "Well, I moved out right when I turned eighteen, and got my own place. Everyone wanted me to go to college right away, and I wanted a gap year to work on my music. That's what I did. I regret nothing about it."
    "I applaud you for that. For doing what you believe. For doing what you want." He kissed me, however we were interrupted by Louis. "Love birds, break it up. Harry you need to start getting ready for the show"
    "Alright." Harry stood up and started to change.
    "Should I leave so you can change?"
    "Nah, as I'm sure you know I love being naked. And I'm keeping my boxers on."
    "Okay" I sat there while Harry changed. His abs were perfect." It was something about a shirtless guy in jeans that I found, so, so hot. My sisters best friend growing up, had an extra nipple, so Harry's were really no shock to me. In a strange way, he looks all the much hotter.

  5. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2013 10:15pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter 5
    This couldn't be real. No It wasn't. I am surrounded by One Direction. This only happens in dreams. Harry was still tightly gripping my hand. I looked over at him. He was looking around the room. Then he looked at me. "You want to go on a walk with me?" "Yes" I said instantly. Then continued with, as we walked out the door "It was really nice meeting you guys".
    "Same to you" They all said in different variations. I waved and as soon as I closed the door, Harry pushed me against it and kissed me. He kissed me, like I have never been kissed before. Time had stopped for both of us. I wanted to stay in that moment forever. After Harry pulled away, I just looked into his gorgeous green eyes and smiled at him. He looked intensly into my big brown eyes and smiled back at me. He continued with, "I'm sorry I couldn't help myself you're just so beautiful". Instead of saying anything I kissed his cheek, took him by the hand and started walking down the long wide hallway.
    "So what does this all mean?" He asked as we started swinging our hands.
    "Can it mean anything?" I asked as I slowed down to a stop.
    "I want it to. I just don't know how. We are leaving tomorrow."
    "We'd never see each other." I said with a sigh.
    "This is going to sound mental. Come on tour with me." I stood there in disbelief. Harry just asked me to go on tour with him. That is mental. I can't go can I? No. I have a job.
    "Harry, I want to, I jus-"
    "You want to, so come."
    "Harry, I have a job and an apartment to pay rent for"
    "I'll pay for it"
    "You can't do that for me, we just met"
    "I can. And I am going to.Don't argue, it won't work"
    "Yes. I will come on the road with you" I can't believe I just agreed. "What about my clothes and everything else I need?"
    "I'll buy you whatever you need. I will take care of you"
    "Or, I can go home which will take me a half hour, and then pack all my stuff and come back in time for the show?"
    "Be back soon then?" He asked as we started making our way back to the doors
    "As fast as I can" He kissed me goodbye and I drove home as fast as possible. What was I doing? I am going on tour with One Direction. What? I got home the fastest I had ever gotten there. I packed everything dear to me. Which consisted of, my guitar, my notebook, my computer, my camera and all my clothes. I took one last look around to make sure I didn't need anything else. I locked the door, shut the lights off and began the best journey of my life.

  6. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2013 6:34pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter 4
    I stood in the elevator and tried to collect my thoughts. Harry said he likes me. Harry likes me. He likes ME. That doesn't make any sense. I need a new outfit. I packed all my stuff and checked out of my room. I got in my car, and drove straight to Urban Outfitters. It's a hot July night, a new crop top and high waisted shorts seemed perfect. I bought my clothes only to realize that since I checked out of my hotel room I had nowhere to change. Guess I am going to have to change in my car. Great. I looked at my phone, it was now around two. I decided to text Harry, because I realized he never told me what time to be there. "Hey, it's Taylor, I was wondering, what time should I be there?" Harry got back to me almost instatnly. "The boys and I are already here, if you are ready come over now?" "I'll be there soon". I changed in record time, and did my hair and makeup in my car. I actually turned out looking alright. I drove down to the arena as quickly as possible, and called Harry as soon as I parked. Me met me at the door and walked me in. "You look really nice" "Thanks" I smiled at him. He kept his gaze on me, but his eyes wandered. He has on a blue beanie, a grey t shirt, some jeans a belt, and some sneakers. He looked so hot. "You look rather nice yourself" "Thank you." He offered me his hand. "Want to see the rest of the place?" "Sure". He showed me the entire arena, and gave me a tour of backstage. "You want to meet the other boys?" "Of course I do!" I said with maybe a bit too much excitment. He led me to their dressing room. There sat Niall, and Liam laughing about something. Along with Louis and Zayn playing pass with a soccer ball. I took a deep breath. This wasn't real. But if it was a dream, I would kill whoever pinched me. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at Harry and I. "Boys, this is Taylor. Taylor these are the boys" I slightly waved at them. Liam opened his mouth, "So Harry tells us you knocked him off his feet first thing?" "I did, and by that I mean I literally knocked him onto the ground because I'm a klutz and I ran into him without looking." He squeezed my hand a bit, I looked over at him. He grinned. "But then again, I always do say, everything happens for a reason." Harry led me over to the sofa and we sat down. "So Taylor, tell us about you" Niall said turning and looking at me. "Alright, there's really not that much to tell. I'm eighteen, I live alone, and I work in a coffee shop. On the weekends I sit at home and play my guitar. That's really it". "And you're a klutz" Zayn added chuckling at himself. I turned to Zayn and added, "Also, my dream would be to be in a girl group, since Little Mix are my inspirations." That made Zayn instantly happy. "So what did you think of the show last night?" Liam questioned."Like I told Harry, it was the most fun I have had in a very long time." "Fantastic" Liam said seeming satisfyed with himself.

  7. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2013 1:15am UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter 3
    I sat at the table waiting for Harry's return. Why did he find me intriguing. I'm just an 18 year old girl who has no friends and lives alone and works in a coffee shop. I thought Harry liked older girls. Do I look old? Wait. He probably doesn't like me. He doesn't know me. Why does he want to have breakfast with me? All of a sudden Harry came back. "I didn't know what to bring back for you, so I brought the same thing I had. Apple juice, and a bagel. I hope that's alright?" "That's just fine". I smiled at him. He sat down and just looked at me for a moment like he was thinking deeply about something. "So, Harry. Why did you want to have breakfast with me? I'm nobody." "You seemed sweet, and I want to get to know you." "How much can you learn about a person over a bagel and apple juice?" "Let's find out" "ask me anything"I said. "Alright, um how old are you?" "I'm eighteen" "what do you do in your free time?" "What free time? I work in a coffee shop five days a week and the other two, I spend alone in my apartment working on music" "ah, so you write music?" "Not so much write music, as play guitar and sing it on my YouTube channel." "You any good?" hen asked  "I try, I am going to audition for the X Factor as soon as I move out to London in a couple years" " well why not here?" "I don't like they way they run the show here" "Things seem a lot more personal in the U.K. Also I would just love to live there." "seems like you've got your life planned" "If it works out the way I want it to" "What do you want?" "I want what you have. Global success. As odd as it sounds I would LOVE to be in a girl group" "Why's that?" "Well, I don't have friends because I am so focused on my music, and Little Mix are my inspirations in every way imaginable. I LOVE those four girls" "Sounds like you're a busy girl. I dont want to pry, but do you have time for a romantic life?" "If I made time, sure. But if you are wondering, no I have no boyfriend" I said taking a sip of my juice. "I'm going to come right out and say it" he said taking my hand and gazing into my eyes again."I like you. Will you come to the show again tonight and hang out with me before and after the show?" "I would love to. I just need to call work and make sure it's alright" "sounds great." Why don't you come with me, so I can get you a pass?" he said standing up. "alright" I threw our trash away and followed Harry up to his room. I didn't go in, I stayed in the doorway and waited for him. He came back with a pass and a piece of paper. Here's my number, call me when you get there later okay?" "okay" he gave me a hug. I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest. "I'll see you tonight then?" he said smiling. "yes you will" I said walking down the hallway to the elevator. 

  8. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2013 11:03pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter 2
    I woke the next morning to make the realization that my fun was over.It was now back to working in a coffee shop while struggling to make my dreams happen. I decided to get myself together and get some breakfast. I showered and got dressed in my concert outfit. I went to the lobby and got some free breakfast. I headed for the small boxes of cereal, and put it in a bowl with some milk. I started walking around looking for a table, me being the klutz I am, ran into someone not only spilling both our breakfasts but knocking both of us off our feet. I looked to see who's day I had just ruined. My heart stopped. I just ruined Harry Style's day. "Are you alright?" he looked into my eyes intently. I took a deep breath and attempted speaking. "Yeah, I'm so sorry are you okay?" I asked hoping for a yes and not a restraining order. At that moment everything clicked for me. The crowd yesterday was because the boys were staying in my hotel. Harry stood and offered me his hand. I sat there like an idiot for a second but then took it. "What's your name love?" he asked still holding my hand. "Taylor" I finally got words to come out of my mouth. "That's beautiful I'm Har-" I cut him off. "You're Harry" I said. He still held my hand, what was going on. "You're a fan then, are you?". "I guess you could say that" I giggled a bit. Was I flirting with Harry. No this had to be a dream. He smiled a bit. "Did you see the show last night?" "I did, it was amazing the most fun I have had in a while, until now". Did I just say that? Why did I just embarrass myself in front of Harry. No this isn't happening. "Hey listen, do you maybe want to get some new breakfast and come eat it with me?" He said giving me the cutest smile in the world. "He just invited you to eat with him. SPEAK YOU IDIOT!" I thought to myself. "I don't want to bother you anymore, it's really alright." He stood there for a moment not breaking eye contact once, "I insist. There's something I find intriguing about you." I couldn't help just standing there ans smiling like an idiot. "Come on then, it's settled. You sit down and I'll get us both new breakfast alright?" He was still grinning at me. "okay". Harry walked off. What were his intentions? Why is he talking to me? I'm nobody. All these questions ran through my head at a mile a minute. What does Harry have in mind?

  9. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2013 9:29pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Chapter 1
    It was now completely dark, and I was alone in a room full of screaming teenage girls. All I wanted was to see my boys. Every girl dreams of being with one of them. Sadly, for me, that doesn't happen. All the girls any of the boys have ever dated, have been moderatly well known. So until I get myself together and audition for X Factor I have no chance. Even then, I would be to focused on the competition to have a social life.That's how I have always been. Dreams, before people. Finally after what seemed like forever, the lights went out and the show started. They all looked so hot. I didn't hold back at all, I gave it my everything and danced and sang all night. Those two hours sadly seemed to fly by. When the last song ended I wanted to cry. That was the most fun I had, had in a very long time. I stuck around and waited for the crowds to clear out. I wandered around for a bit, there wasn't too much to see. About a half hour after everyone was gone, I left and went back to my hotel. Which was not more than five minutes away. I walked back into the lobby and the same crowd was there, I paid no attention and went to bed. Sadly, my night was over. But my adventure was just beginning.

  10. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2013 4:40pm UTC
    Stole My Heart
    Tonight was going to be fantastic. Tonight was the night I was finally going to see One Direction. The five boys who stole my heart, but I had no idea how quickly I would fall for one of the boys in particular. I woke up early that day. I got in my car and started driving, I decided to get to my hotel early so I could get ready there. I put in Take Me Home and got myself excited. As soon as I arrived at my hotel I unpacked my things and began getting ready. I put on my acid wash high waisted jeans with a blue floral printed crop top. I did my hair and makeup and I was finally ready to go. I walked through the lobby and there was something going on. I tried asking someone was going on but no one could seem to give me a straight answer, there was just a lot of screaming and what seemed to be flashing light's. I finally made it outside, it was just starting to get dark out. I quickly made my way to the stadium and found my seat. By now you are probably wondering my age. A girl running around alone, going to a One Direction concert. I'm 18. I live alone in a small apartment. I don't have many friends, that's because I am busy focusing on my music. I have thought about auditioning for the X Factor but I don't like the way the American version is set up. I have decided to wait until I move to London in the next few years. I thought I would be at this stadium for two hours, go back to my hotel go to bed, wake up and go back to normal life. I was so wrong.

  11. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    October 23, 2012 11:01pm UTC
    Wow guys, I'm horrible. I haven't posted in forever. I have been so busy with school and other things I haven't had the time to sit down and write. More coming soon. I'm ending it soon. I'm gonna start another one too. Yeah. So stick around?

  12. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2012 9:24pm UTC
    Chapter 74
    I heard a car door slam shut, I know they were back. I sprang up onto my feet and ran to the door.
    "What are you doing?"
    "They're back" She got up after me and came over to wait with me. They showed up about two minutes later.
    "Hi love"
    "Hey, so glad you're back"
    "Me too" We all went and sat in the living room.
    "How'd the meeting go?" Asked Danielle
    "Pretty well, I think"
    "What was it about?"
    "The new album"
    "How come Niall and Harry didn't go?"
    "Niall already had plans so Simon said he didn't have to, and Harry did end up coming."
    "When do you guys have to start working on it?" Danielle asked
    "Three weeks"
    "You guys never have time off. I don't have to work until we get to the live shows"
    "I have no job, haha" I laughed
    "Well what would you want one?"
    "Not right now, I might later for now I'm fine without one."
    "Well, as long as you're happy, I'm happy" Zayn said smiling at me. We were sitting on the couch, his arm was around me. Danielle was sitting on a chair and Liam was sitting on the floor in front of her.
    "Well, we should get going shoudln't we?" Liam said tiliting his head backwards looking at Danielle.
    "We probably should, it's getting late"
    "Thanks for hanging out today"
    "It was fun, we'll do it again soon?"
    "Bye Liam, talk to you later"
    "Bye mate" We heard the slam of the door after they went out of sight.
    "What do you want to do tonight?"
    "Let's go somewhere"
    "Well like where?"
    "Let's jus drive around and see where we end up"
    "Then what should I wear?"
    "Wear the outfit you bought the other day"
    "You sure it won't be too cold?"
    "If it is, you have me to cuddle"
    "You'd like that wouldn't you?" I laughed
    "Just trying to help out" He teased
    "You're funny" I walked off and got changed. I walked back to Zayn. He hadn't moved, he just sat there and started at the wall, he looked really deep in thought. I didn't want to bother him, so I went to the bathroom and did touch up's on my hair and make up.
    "You ready?" He yelled
    "Let's go then" He opened the door for me, and we left. We got in the car started driving.
    "You have any idea where we are heading?"
    "None at all" He said grinning to himself. We drove for about a half an hour until we ended up on a dirt road with no other cars or people in sight.

  13. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    September 20, 2012 1:40pm UTC
    FANGIRLING!!!!!!!!! LWWY❤

  14. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 2:45pm UTC
    Chapter 73
    Zayn's POV
    We entered the shoppe and I realized that I would have been so overwhelemed without Nicole and the boys being with me.
    "I justed wanted to thank you three for coming with me, I wouldn't be able to do this alone"
    "No problem mate, we are always here for you" Said Liam. Nicole went up to the jewlery case and started picking some she thought Taylor would like. I walked up next to her and began looking for myself. Liam came by my side and joined. Louis was off at another case.
    "What do you think of that one mate?" Liam asked pointing to a simple princess cut diamond set in gold. "I don't love it, I think when I see the one I'll have a feeling"
    "What about that one?" Nicole said gesturing to an circle cut set in silver with smaller diamonds surrounding the band and the diamond.
    "That's beautiful, may I see it closer?" I asked the jewler
    "Of course" She pulled out the ring and handed it to me so I could have a closer glance. It was two bands of smaller diamonds surrounding the larger five karat circle cut. It was absolutly magnificant. I didn't care about a price. I didn't give it a second thought I bought it. "This is the one"
    "Yes" I paid and I texted Taylor and told her we'd be home soon. The next thing was finding the perfect time to do it. She still hadn't met my family, which was next.
    "You don't have any idea where or when to do it?"
    "Not really, I don't know what she would want, it can't be over dramatic but it can't be way too simple"
    "Where's her favorite place?" Liam asked
    "I GOT IT!"
    "Were gonna talk about this later" I finally knew what I wanted to do, and how I wanted to do it. It would be something she could remember forever. I just needed someway to get her there with no suspicion and no questions asked.
    "Can't you tell us now?" Nicole asked she seemed a bit annoyed with me
    "I will tell you guys, I need to get Harry, Niall, Danielle and Jess in on it too."
    "Well can you give us a hint?"
    "You guys wouldn't know. It's something that's special to the two of us"
    "Well whatever you do she will love I'm positive" Liam said sounding rather sure of himself.
    "Thanks" We drove back the rest of the way in silence. I decided to text Taylor again and tell her I would be home in five minutes
    "Hey beautiful I'll be home in about five minutes"
    "Can't wait to see you, Danielle and I have had a productive day how was your meeting?"
    "Went well, tell you about it when I get home"
    "Okay I love you"
    "Love you too :) " My hope was that she would forget about the "meeting" and I would try to avoid the subject. We pulled into the drive and parked.
    "Quick guys, what was the meeting about?"
    "It was about the new album."
    "What about it? and why didn't Harry and Niall go?"
    "Because Harry and Niall already had plans so they couldn't go."
    "Good enough for me" We all got out of the car and went to my flat where Taylor and Danielle were waiting for us.

  15. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2012 10:38pm UTC
    Chapter 72
    I woke up and found a note from Zayn laying next to me on our bed. It said Danielle would come over whenever I called her. I decided to get up and get showered and dressed. It was strange, Zayn not being with me or home. He and I had practically not been apart since we met. I put on darkwash skinny jeans and an Avengers t shirt I had brought from home. Captin America was my favorite, but that was beside the point. I called Danielle after I got my clothes on. She said she would be right over. I cleaned up a bit, Zayn left a mess in the kitchen. I didn't mind picking up it gave me something to do. A few minutes later Danielle showed up.
    "How are you?"
    "Fine you?"
    "Pretty good"
    "So any idea what this meeting is about? Did Liam know anything about it?"
    "He just said Simon wanted to see him Zayn and Louis, he didn't seem to know why"
    "This happen a lot?"
    "No not often. I'm just surprised he just called them last night and wanted to see them"
    "That is a bit strange"
    "So other than that what's going on with you?"
    "Well, not that much really. Going to visit my family in a couple days with Liam."
    "Fun fun"
    "You miss them?"
    "Yeah less than I thought I would though, being with Zayn makes up for it"
    "Zayn's such a great guy"
    "I am so lucky, Liam is wonderful too, he's like an older brother to me"
    "So what are we going to do today?"
    "I have no idea, and I have absoulutly no idea of when they are going to be back"
    "Well, we can hang out here, go to our flat, probably not go shopping because you went yesterday. You know what?"
    "Let's announce on Twitter we will be somewhere and see if anyone shows up"
    "Let's, let me go blow dry my hair real quick"
    "Sure I will make the announcement, where should we be?"
    "Let's go to WestField. We can shop and meet people"
    "Works for me"
    I went and blow dried my hair and put on a bit of makeup. I grabbed a coat and my purse and we left. We took her car since I still didn't have a car.
    "I made the announcement that we would be there at twelve."
    "It's only ten now"
    "I figure we shop first and then meet people and leave?"
    "Good planning"
    "Thanks" We got to the mall in no time. There were already people there. I tweeted that we were going shopping first so be in the center of Westfield at 12:30. We went into some really fancy places, Danielle kept telling me to go for really elegant extravigant gowns. I ended up trying on a bunch, and I don't know why but Dani convinced me to buy this really beautiful teal dress the resembled Ashley Tisdale's in Picture This.
    "Why am I gonna wear this to?"
    "Just get it, sometime's it's fun to just buy it"
    "But I don-"
    "Get it"
    "Alright, but if I never wear it, it's your fault"
    I bought the dress and she bought a short flowly purple dress. We went to the center of the mall at 12:30 there were a bunch of people there, all girls pretty much. We took pictures with a lot of them and talked to some and left around three. We got back home at three thirty. They weren't back yet. I decided to text Zayn and see how things were going. He said they would be home soon and he was excited to see me. Danielle said she'd stay until they got back. We sat on the couch and watched tv.

  16. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2012 8:50pm UTC
    Chapter 71
    Zayn's POV
    I sat in the living room and pretended to watch tv, while Taylor went to sleep. I had so many things to think about. Tomorrow I was going to pick out a ring. I didn't even know what I was looking for, but I guess that's why I was bringing her best friend and Liam and Louis who have good taste. I didn't even know when I was planning on proposing. I needed to at the perfect time, everything around us had to be perfect. I was determined to make this amazing. I decided to text Lou and see what his thoughts were on everything.
    "Hey louis"
    "Hey mate congrats! Liam told me!"
    "Thanks, so I have been thinking about it and I have no idea when to do it or how!"
    "Well, think about what she would want, and tomorrow talk to Nicole, she's a girl, they have probably talked about how they would want to be proposed to"
    "I will, you haven't told her yet right?"
    "Liam told me to keep it quiet."
    "Okay good, make sure when we tell her she can keep the secret"
    "I know she can, she wouldn't want to ruin this for her best friend."
    "I would hope not"
    "Well mate, I'm gonna go to bed now see you tomorrow!"
    "Bye Lou" I turned my phone off sat back and sighed. I have so much planning to do, and so little time before I went back to work. Taylor hadn't even met my family yet. I tried clearing my head with video games, that didn't work so I decided to try and go to bed. I laid there for what felt like hours with thoughts racing through my head. I finally fell asleep after what seemed like one of the longest nights of my life. I woke up the next morning feeling energized. Today was the day I would pick a ring for my love. She was still sleeping. I kissed her cheek and went and showered quick. It was around eight thirty. I got dressed quickly I didn't have time to contimplate what to wear. I trew on jeans and a plaid shirt. I did my hair quickly and ate a really quick breakfast. I left a note for Taylor that read: "Good morning beautiful! I got up early and left for the meeting. I will be back this afternoon some time. Danielle will come over whenever you call her. I love you, your my world. Love Zayn❤ " I left it laying next to her on the bed so she wouldn't miss it. I headed over to Liam's quickly and knocked on the door. We never talked about a time so I was hoping he would be ready to go.
    "You ready?"
    "Yeah let me put my shoes on"
    "Meet me at the car? I'll go get Louis and Nicole"
    "Alright be right there" hurried to Louis and knocked on the door. I was more worried they wouldn't be all ready.
    "Hey thank god you two are ready right?"
    "Wait..where's Taylor?" Nicole asked
    " I will explain on the way. OH! Leave your phone at home"
    "Again we will explain later"
    "Whatever you say"
    "Let's go! Liam's at the car waiting!"
    "I'm coming calm down!"
    " I CAN'T!"
    I hurried them out the door and we shuffled down to the car. We got going rather quickly and after about five minutes Nicole couldn't take it anymore.
    "OKAY! Seriously you three, what's going on here? Where's Taylor? and Why did I have to leave my phone at home?" I looked back at her and grinned.
    "Zayn seriously."
    "Zayn is doing something important that he needed us for" Liam added she looked from me to Liam then to Louis who was laughing.
    "Guys, you are killing me. TELL ME!"
    "Okay love, Zayn you want me to tell her or do you want to?"
    "You can"
    "Zayn is proposing to Taylor and he needed us to come with him to pick out a ring" Nicole cupped her hands over her mouth! OH MY GOD REALLY? SHE'S GONNA BE SO EXCITED OH MY GOD! I GET IT NOW!"
    "Yes love, now you have to swear you can keep quiet and you won't give it away"
    "I promise! AH! ZAYN! I NEED TO HUG YOU!"
    "Were driving calm down! You can hug me later! Right now you need to help me pick the ring! You're her best friend I need you're opinion. You two I am going to assume have talked about getting engaged and married?"
    "To you? Yeah she did ALL the time"
    "Why are you yelling love?"
    "Calm down and tell me what kind of a ring she wants, like what cut and all that?"
    "She really likes oval cut."
    "And okay did she ever say how she would want to be proposed to?"
    "We never talked about that"
    "That's no help. I don't know when or how to do it"
    "Don't make it to big, but don't make it normal, do something only you can do for her" We pulled up to the jewlers and went in. I was so so nervous, I had no idea what I was going to pick for her.

  17. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2012 12:07am UTC
    Chapter 70
    I went to our room and took out my new clothes. I took off my dress and tried on the top and shorts. I went out and found Zayn in the same place I left him in.
    "Like it?" I said smiling at him big
    "Love it, you're so perfect"
    "Thanks, you're not to bad yourself"
    "So you really like it?"
    "I really do"
    "Good, go try on your pants for me?"
    "Sure anything for you" He walked down the hall to our bedroom and came back wearing the pants two minutes later.
    "So do we approve?"
    "Yeah we do"
    "brilliant" He grabbed me and started dancing with me.
    "Why are we dancing" I said laughing
    "Because I love you" he twirled me around and hummed
    "You are such a romantic aren't you?"
    "I can be when I want to"
    "You must want to all the time the"
    "For you I like to" He twirled me around and pulled me back in closer than before. We slowed down after that now his arms were around my waist and mine were around his neck.
    "This feels like my one of my high school dances "
    "Really? How come?"
    "Because this is what I thought about when I was with my old boyfriend."
    "You thought about me?"
    "You five, but mostly you"
    "Why mostly me?"
    "I thought I was in love with you"
    "And what now you know you didn't"
    "I didn't know you, I was in love with the idea of you, now that I have you I can say I really love you"
    "I love you"
    "I love you too" I kissed him gently and hugged him. We stopped daning after a while and went and laid down on the couch. He had his arms tightly around my stomach and I was facing away from him holding his hands with my own.
    "So what's the plan for the rest of the day and tomorrow?"
    "The rest of the day is whatever you want"
    "and tomorrow"
    "Tomorrow Simon wants to have a meeting so I talked to Liam and Danielle is gonna come here and hang out with you."
    "What about Nicole?"
    "She is going to hang out with Louis sister's tomorrow"
    "and Jess?"
    "Simon just wants to meet with me Louis and Liam. I don't know why he doesn't want Harry or Niall."
    "That's strange"
    "I know, I guess he will explain when we get there"
    "What are me and Dani gonna do all day?"
    "I don't think it will be all day, it will just be for a little while. I'll get back as soon as possible"
    "Well I guess we will find something to do"
    "I know you will" We laid on the couch for the rest of the day flirting and talking about nothing. We forgot about eating. After a while I got up and started cooking dinner. I made home made mac and cheese I learned to make from my mom. I finished cooking and we ate dinner. I changed into pajamas and got comfortable in bed. I read for a while and then turned out the light. Zayn was up watching tv in the living room. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  18. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2012 10:58pm UTC
    Chapter 69
    We shopped around for a while and I got a yellow crop top and black shorts. Zayn bought some jeans and a pair of sneakers. People took pictures we ignored them. We left before twelve.
    "You want me to take the bags love?"
    "I can handle it" I said smiling
    "I know you can, I was just checking" he put his arm around me. He opened my door and let me get in and he shut it. He put the bags in back and he got in. We started to drive home.
    "How long until you have to go back to work?"
    "Three weeks. and were back in the studio"
    "That is barley any time off at all."
    "I know, it's busy but I knew what I was signing up for when I auditioned for the show"
    "I couldn't ever get use to it working all the time, and getting recognized everywhere I go"
    "Well, now you are going to start getting recognized by people"
    "I know, it doesn't bother me if I have you to come home to"
    "Promise me something?"
    "Promise me no matter how annoying it gets you'll always stay with me"
    "Always I promise"
    "I'll stay with you as long as you stay with me"
    "I guess were stuck together forever then"
    "Forever" He grabbed my hand and held it tight. We pulled up at home a few mintues later.
    "What do you wanna do now?"
    "I am going to go and talk to Jess and see why she's here"
    "Okay, I'm gonna go home and call Liam" I kissed him and ran off to Niall's. I knocked on the door
    "Hey, Jess! Taylor's here!" She came to the door and Niall walked off
    "Hey can we talk?"
    "Yeah come in so I can explain" We sat in the kitchen
    "So I talked to him right after you gave me his number and we really liked each other. He wanted me to fly out so we could be together and so I could surprise you"
    "I just wish you would have told me you were coming"
    "I'm sorry, forgive me?"
    "Yeah I do, listen I gotta go"
    "Okay see you soon then?"
    "Bye" I walked home and Zayn was on the phone. He noticed I was home and said by quickly
    "You didn't have to hang up just because I came home"
    "I was done talking to him"
    "Okay?" I'm gonna go try my clothes on.
    "Come and show me?"
    "I will"
    I got home and I had to call Liam while Taylor was gone. I needed to talk to him.
    "Hey Liam!"
    "Hey Zayn what's up?"
    "Okay I have to talk fast I don't know how long Taylor's gonna be gone"
    "Okay what's on your mind?"
    "I need you to come with me tomorrow, send Danielle over here and were bringing Nicole and Louis with us, can you call them after this?"
    "What's going on?"
    "I need you to help me pick out a ring"
    "Yeah as long as she can keep a secret"
    " She can, I'll tell Lou what's going on, I'll tell him not to tell Nicole until we go so she doesn't spoil it"
    " Why would she do that?"
    "They are best friends.. a secret like that will be hard for her to keep"
    "Good point" Taylor walked in right after I said this so I ended the conversation quick
    "Yeah Liam that sounds great bye"I hung up and turned to Taylor.

  19. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2012 8:50pm UTC
    Chapter 68
    I went back home and shut the door. I leaned put the pizza box down on the counter in the kitchen and I leaned up against the door frame. I didn't notice Zayn was standing behind me.
    "You alright love?"
    "Yeah, I went to get the pizza from Niall and Jess was there"
    "That's strange.."
    "I am just annoyed she didn't tell me"
    "Are you mad?"
    "No more irritated"
    "Well I don't think thats what she wanted"
    "I don't either."
    "So don't be annoyed, I know it's random and it's not like Niall, but at least they are happy"
    "Yeah I know" He came up and hugged me kissing me gently on the head. He started into my eyes and smiled twirling a piece of my hair around.
    "You are just so beautiful" I didn't answer him I just kissed him. As I pulled away he pulled me back in. He kissed me with more passion than he ever had. I had my arms wrapped around his waist my hands roamed around his muscley back. He kissed down my neck and back to my lips. I wrapped my legs around him and he carried me to our room. I ripped his shirt off and we continued kissing. We made love for the rest of the night. I woke up the next morning smiling to myself. I am so happy and so in love with him. I looked over at him, he was sleeping soundly he looked so cute. I didn't want to get up yet I watched him sleep for another half hour until his eyes fluttered open.
    "Goodmorning gorgeous"
    "Morning baby"
    " How are you today?" He said beaming at me
    "Wonderful, how are you?"
    "Brilliant" He pecked me on the lips and looked into my eyes intensly.
    "I just love you so much more than you could ever know"
    "I do know because I love you more"
    "Not possible." This went on for a few more minutes and was interupted by a knock on the door. I got up and threw on some sweatpants and a t shirt and ran to the door. It was Nicole.
    "We were-" She cut me off
    "What do you want?"
    "Oh you didn't answer your phone so Louis told me to just come over."
    "He'll pay for that one later.."
    "SO YOU WERE SORRY! I'LL LEAVE YOU NOW!" I shut the door and went back to our room Zayn got up and put on boxers. "What was that about?"
    "Nicole, Louis told her to just come over since I wasn't answering my phone"
    "Why was she yelling?"
    "She's annoying" I laughed "I'm gonna go take a shower"
    "I'll go eat." I went and showered and got dressed. I put on a white dress with a pink flower print. I went and ate breakfast while Zayn showered. I finished eating and put the dishes in the dishwasher. I went and did my hair and makeup. I blow dried my hair and put it up into a ponytail. Zayn was now trying to pick out clothes and having issues again.
    "Wear these jeans and that Mickey shirt."
    "Okay but what do you want to do today?"
    "I don't know"
    "I was thinking we could go to the mall and go shopping"
    "Sounds fun now go get dressed and do your hair!"
    "Yes love" He got dressed and did his hair which took fifteen minutes and we got going.

  20. onedirectionstory12 onedirectionstory12
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2012 1:33pm UTC
    Chapter 67
    We pulled up in the parking lot, it was now around four. I woke Zayn up, he slept all the way back.
    "Babe, wake up. Were home" I started shaking him a little.
    "Huh what" He opened his eyes " Vas Happning?" He said smiling at me
    " Were home" I said laughing. He got up and out of the car. Liam and Danielle locked up the car and went back to their flat.Nicole and Louis drove in a few minutes later.
    "Hey I'm gonna text you later. You better answer." Nicole said to me
    "I will try to keep my phone with me. I get distracted easily. You know that"
    "I know." Louis put his arm around her and they left.
    "So what do you want to do for dinner love?"
    "I'm not all that hungry lunch was filling, I might eat something later"
    "Well I'm gonna have a snack"
    "You want me to make you something?"
    "Nah I got it" He took my hand and we walked to our flat. I put my stuff down and went to change into sweats. He went into the kitchen and started trying to find food. I put on a black v neck and my dark blue American Eagle sweatpants and threw my hair up into a messy bun. I plugged my phone in and went to the living room and sat on the couch. I turned on the tv and flipped through the channels. It was all just news and talkshows. I went and got my ipod and plugged it into the dock. I decided putting One Direction one would be a little strange since Zayn was my boyfriend and he could sing to me anytime. I decided on Pandora radio. I played my 2000's summer hits station. Distaster by Jojo came on. I loved that song, I laid went to our room and got my phone. I had a couple messages. One from my old boyfriend we were still friends. For a long time I wanted him back, now that I had Zayn I didn't even need to think about him. I answered to be nice, since I mean we are friends.
    " Hey we haven't talked in forever" he answered immediatly
    "HEY! I miss you! We haven't seen each other since what? last year?
    "I know I have been so busy with Zayn and moving."
    "You moved?"
    "Yeah I moved in with him" He had always critiscized my love for the boys and it always irritated me.
    "That's great I'm happy for you" I didn't want to talk to him anymore I ended the conversation
    "Hey I have to go bye!"
    "bye talk to you soon?" I deleted the messages and turned my attention to my other text. It was from Nicole
    "Hey I am answering. You gotta give me a few minutes"
    "I'm impatitent you know that!"
    "Yeah I know! So what do you need?"
    "I wanna talk about what we were talking about earlier!"
    "I told you! CALM DOWN!"
    "I can't you guys still haven't since you have been home! It's not normal!"
    "I told you! We don't have to, we know how much we love each other!"
    "Alright whatever."
    "I don't understand why it matters to you so much?"
    "BECAUSE! You're my best friend and I want to help!"
    "Well, thanks for caring but were perfectly fine"
    "I have to go, Louis said dinners ready"
    "Bye" I put down my phone and walked out to the kitchen to see what Zayn was doing.
    "What are you making?"
    " Pizza"
    "Home made?"
    "Yupp, this is basically what I lived on before I met you"
    "It's like all I could make"
    "Your silly" I walked over and out my arms around his stomach
    "Well, I could make other things.. this was just so easy"
    "Uh huh" I said kissing him. He moved his arms down around my waist and pulled me closer to him.
    I started to pull away from the kiss but he pulled me back in. We kissed this time for longer. He pulled away and then hugged my tightly.
    "I love you so much"
    "I love you too baby is something burning?"
    "Oh, sh*t!THE PIZZA!" Zayn grabbed oven mitts and pulled the burnt pizza.
    "Well, that's not gonna taste too good.."
    "I guess I won't be eating pizza tonight."
    " Niall probably has some. He always has every kind of food I will go over and see okay? No worries babe"
    "Okay I will clean up this mess" I looked at the clock it was around 6:45 now. I walked over to Nialls and knocked on the door.
    "Hey, you have any pizza? Zayn burned ours"
    "Actually I do" I started to come in but he stopped me "Wait here"
    A little strange of him I thought. I swore I heard him talking to someone, a girl. He came back with the pizza.
    "Niall, do you have a girl in there?"
    " Harry..."
    "Seriosuly Niall."
    "Bye!" he tried shutting the door and I stopped him with my foot. I walked in.
    "What's going on? Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
    " I was going to...tomorrow."
    "Alright... I'll leave you two then? Bye.." I walked back home with the pizza. It explains why she was acting weird texting I guess...


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