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  1. nyanlover12 nyanlover12
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2012 6:53am UTC
    Mental Abuse To Humans

  2. nyanlover12 nyanlover12
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2012 6:48am UTC
    I hate it when I walk to the other end of my house and forget what I was there for.
    Then walk back to where I started and remember.

  3. nyanlover12 nyanlover12
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2012 4:38am UTC
    kissing test♥
    1.hold you breath
    2.click add a quote
    3.copy and past this quote
    4.good now if you did it without breathing you are a good kisser

  4. nyanlover12 nyanlover12
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2012 4:33am UTC
    hi everyone.
    I forgot to say that the diary entry of Adrianna is the first chapter of a story that will (hopefully) have more chapters coming soon.
    That's all for now. Love,

  5. nyanlover12 nyanlover12
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2012 4:19am UTC
    Name: Adrianna Kingston
    Dear Diary,
    My first reaction to playing guitar wasn't what I think now. At first, I hated it. It left blisters on my fingers, chords were too far apart for my hands to stretch and it was really hard. But after a while, it started to get easier and I was no longer straining and pausing between chord changes. I couldn't have done this though without a good teacher- which I had. Jack was the best teacher I could have asked for. He is so supportive, patient and he's generally a nice guy. He's my foster brother but he treats me like a real sister and I really appreciate that.
    After I learnt guitar, we started a band called Go! My two friends joined when I told them about it. Shelley as lead vocal and Veronica on back-up and keyboard. Our next-door neighbour Tyler also joined and he plays drums. Jack and Tyler are best friends, like, BFF's.
    Shelley, Veronica and I are all in 11th Grade. Jack and Tyler both are finishing this year.
    After joining, we've all become really good friends. And believe it or not, it's helped with getting over my parent's death four years back. Sometimes I write songs but playing is also a really good distraction. Mostly we do covers but every now and then we use my songs because not all of them are slow or sad.
    Shelley got a call from this guy, and we've got a gig at the local place for garage bands. We are all really excited and were giving hugs and everything. Then we found out the gig was in three days time. We still have to choose a song, outfits, and practise!!! Eek!
    But it's okay because I'm sure Jack will be able to think of something to play- he always does! And Veronica will be fine with costumes. Shelley's in charge of arranging dates and locations which leaves me and Tyler. We're always thinking of stuff together. Mostly, he helps me with song-writing or we just talk about school, the band, the weather. Okay, okay, boring I know but I actually really like these conversations and over the past months I've got to know Tyler a lot better. I've found out that he's got a little sister and a little brother who are twins, he's been playing drums since he was three and he can be really funny (but not in an awkward or on-the-spot way like some people are).Anyway, have to go practise now.
    Lots of Love,
    Adrianna xox


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