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  1. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2011 12:11am UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #320
    Justin's hair was sold eBay for $40,000.

  2. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2011 1:58pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #316
    When Justin visited his school he autographed
    his old locker. The janitor thought it was graffiti and
    washed it off.

  3. alexandraward alexandraward
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2011 8:28pm UTC
    don't fave this quote
    i'd like to thank you for all you rebels out there that juust faved this (; .

  4. trustnomanxo trustnomanxo
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2011 10:15am UTC
    Do not type to me in that tone of voice.

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. halz456 halz456
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2011 11:27am UTC
    One day.. Facebook, Youtube, Myspace and Friendster will come together as one. It will be called, FookYouMyFriend

  7. seemskindafitchy seemskindafitchy
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2011 6:51pm UTC
    1. after sitting down for a while, you stand up and suddenly it feels like freaking niagra falls.
    2. you want to hit everyone...in the face...with a shovel.
    3. you cry so much for random stupid reasons.
    4. you crave random crap, that you don't own.
    5. when someone corrects you, you feel like shoving a wii remote down there throats.
    6. when you lose at something, you scream "SCREW THIS" and walk away really angry.
    7. you fall asleep...when you're not even that TIRED.
    8. you feel like you want to just stab yourself 600 times in 'that' area.
    9. you want to just shove a freaking towel up 'that' area.
    10. NO white pants that week.
    11. remember that cute pair of undies you got? runied. for. life.
    12. everybody is annoying, not matter WHAT they do, or say.
    13. when you DON'T get to go to the bathroom, because your teacher says "no" you want to scream in their face, and say "I'M ON MY FREAKING PERIOD OKAY?".
    14. boys are 10x more annoying.
    15. those stupid- pad/tampon commercials that have all those girls who are 'HAPPY' when they get their periods, make you annoyed.
    16. chocolate and ice cream are your best friends.
    17. the cramps you get feel like your being punched in the stomach 8 times.
    18. when you think you're finally 'done' you take off the weapons of tampons/pads.....5 minutes later you check. not done, not done at all.
    19. you don't care about anything BUT food.
    20. you wish you weren't a girl.
    21. when you wake up in the morning, and go to the bathroom, and your toilet looks like a freaking bowl of Hawaiian Punch.

  8. mannddyyxoxo mannddyyxoxo
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2011 11:34am UTC
    Of all the quotes I favorite, I still have not seen 5 paragraphs written on my comments to make me smile.
    Favorite this quote and I promise, cross my heart and hope to die, who ever favorites this or comments I will post something on you wall that will make you smile(:

  9. idance idance
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2011 11:30am UTC
    psy chol ogic al fact #36
    the average person falls asleep within seven minutes.
    press the '♥' if it takes you longer than seven minutes to fall asleep.
    format credit; jayciecutie01

  10. dancerrem dancerrem
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2011 6:51am UTC
    ♥ if you thought of the phone, not the fruit.

  11. kellyy823 kellyy823
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2011 9:24pm UTC
    i survived
    the great witty crash
    june 2011

  12. TheBrokenSmile TheBrokenSmile
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2011 9:54am UTC
    Favorite this quote if..
    You're in the middle of heartbreak.
    You're battling cancer.
    You've lost a friend.
    You've changed this year.
    You think you're ugly, worthless, and imperfect.
    You've been bullied this year.
    You've been cheated on.
    Someone in your family has died.
    Something has happened this year that has changed things forever.
    You've gotten major surgery this year.
    You're depressed.
    Favorite this quote if..
    you're going through something that no one could
    ever understand and you feel so alone sometimes, and
    so worthless. Favorite this quote, and I'll be there for you.

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. peanut43998 peanut43998
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2011 7:43pm UTC
    Jessica's POV.
    ---8 YEARS LATER---
    "Linden, come on! We're leaving!"
    "Coming!" Linden trotted out to the car. Oh, I forgot to fill you in!
    Over the years, we had our third daughter, Linden Jayde. We're leaving to go to the twins' chorus concert at their school. There's going to be a couple camera men, filming it because the twins are each doing their own solo. Word got out, and there's going to be a ton of people there, just to watch Caitlyn and Aaron.
    More things happened over the years. Our friends got married, and we were in each wedding. We became godparents of more babies-our friends' babies. Justin and I were still the cutest couple; we were starting to think that it would always be that way. We became the hit adult singers and a couple teenagers took our place. We were doing tours and singing together, and a couple solos. We had a blast doing every bit of it. I even got into acting, in addition to singing. It was fun. I loved it. I also had the idea of writing an autobiography of my own about how Justin and I came to be. I never actually had the time to sit down and write. But I was going to soon. Someday. Maybe today, maybe next year. It was on my to-do list.
    I was snapped out of my memory when we pulled into the packed school. We luckily got seats- everyone was giving up their seats for us. We sat in the third row. Linden sat on Justin's lap while Justin held my hand. I was wearing waterproof mascara just so that I wouldn't get over emotional and have makeup running down my face. The lights dimmed and the teacher came out along with the chorus group. We gave a thumbs up to the twins.
    "Hello, everyone! Our group is going to sing a couple different songs. Our first one is Over The Rainbow."
    They sang the song nicely. Then, they sang a fun song called "Popular," from the play, Wicked. It was cute. The girls went on one side and the boys went on another side. And then, the last song was We Are The World, the Haiti version. Aaron had the first solo.
    "There comes a time when we hear the certain call. When the world must come together as one." Justin whistled. Aaron sang the same part that Justin did when he preformed in the big group. Another girl did the next part. Then, the spotlight was on Caitlyn.
    "We can't go on, pretending day by day. That someone some how will soon make a change." She smiled when Justin whistled. The song went on. The whole chorus group joined in singing the chorus. Everyone died in laughter when about 5 kids ran out on stage, singing the rap part. The song ended, as did the concert. The kids came down and we handed them each their flowers. I was crying and Justin was too.
    "We're so proud of you!" Justin and I said, giving them each a hug. It was so funny when Linden started crying and gave them both a hug saying, "I'm so proud of you!" We went out to get ice cream. It was funny watching the little kids give each other high-fives and congratulate each other. We got back in the car and drove home.
    "I think I'm going to write my book tonight." I told Justin.
    "You should." He agreed. I looked in the back and smiled at the sleeping kids.
    "Justin, look." I whispered at the stop light. He smiled when he looked back at them.
    "I'm so proud of them." I whispered.
    "Me too." He said when we started driving again. "Me too."
    We carried each one of the kids into their own rooms and went into our bedroom. I finally sat down at a desk and got a notebook out. I thought of the title. Something simple.
    "Our story."
    I tried to think of the first sentence. I thought of how it all started. I wanted it to be about Justin and I. We never really told the story about us. But everyone seemed to know it. I wanted to write it anyways. No one heard my whole side of the story.
    "It all started with one tweet..."
    *Farewell, Justica. You will never be forgotten. I want to take the time to write a little bit. If you don't have the time to read this, then goodbye. But if you do, keep reading. It's gonna be long.
    I'd like to thank all of you. I'm so grateful for each and every one of you. I know it may not seem like a big deal to you, but it's a huge one to me. I am so proud of the long way this story has come. It has come a long way. I'm so thankful for the timing and everything. I honestly don't know how it happened. I'm just a 12 year old, New Yorker. So the faves and comments mean a lot to me. I read EVERY SINGLE one of your comments on my chapters. They all make me smile...(except the hate.) I love that you guys take the time to favorite each one, and comment on most of them. I'm so happy that you guys stuck with me. I'm so grateful for all of you. Why? Because you all stayed with me even when I got annoying. I'd complain about all the hate I was getting. But you stayed here. And I know I was a brat sometimes, calling people out and everything. And I'm sorry if I did. But that's not what this note is about. I'm saying this to all of you. I'm so happy that you guys have been here for me, through thick and thin. You guys were always there for me. And when I say always, I mean always. I'm never going to forget Justica, as long as you don't. Justica will be in my heart forever and I hope it sticks around with you. It all started out as a fantasy. "Jessica" doesn't even exist. But this relationship seemed so... real to me. I sound like a freak right now, but some of us do a lot. I know it may be hard to let go for some of you. But don't worry. It's just a story. I'm going to be writing more. But here is my promise to never forget Justica. It was a start for me. And I feel like I can achieve other things. All I need is for you guys to stick with me. I love all of you.
    Keep smiling. Every single one of you are absolutely stunning.

  15. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2011 3:50pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #289
    Justin sometimes practices his punches on Kenny.

  16. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2011 10:15pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #290
    A hater once yelled at Justin on the street
    and he turned around and blew him a kiss.

  17. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2011 4:42pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #291
    Justin once said "I want people to remember me
    for being me, not for being someone else."

  18. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2011 12:12pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #292
    Justin and Pattie try to take at least 2 days
    out of the week to just "be normal."

  19. peanut43998 peanut43998
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2011 4:40pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  20. Alaina99 Alaina99
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2011 11:01pm UTC
    Report Cards... I really don't care how much I failed, thank you very much.
    no, this is not my format; random quote reader.


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