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Member Since: 28 Dec 2011 03:17pm

Last Seen: 2 May 2012 02:02am

user id: 256451

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Hey! This is my witty account strictly for my music and songs. I’m not giving out any information. I would just like to get my songs out there to see if they are any good to people.. comment on them, fave them, whatever you gotta do to let me know. If you have any questions or requests for songs or have any topics I could write about, ill give you a shout out on the quote and then comment on your page and tell you when its done.
Anyway, all you need to know;

I put a lot of time and effort into my songs. My heart & feelings get poured out into my music. I love you all<3

  1. music123 music123
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2012 10:50pm UTC
    should i keep this one going?
    bfdsla (dont have a title yet.)
    Once upon a time there was a girl
    To the silly little baby he meant the world
    He ran off with his chick that rocks his kicks
    And then the story starts a-a-and begins like this
    She said ‘ hey boy hey boy come over here
    I had a feelin that this night woud end like this
    Let’s run away from this small town’
    He said ‘okay, let’s go I don’t wanna stick around’

  2. music123 music123
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2011 5:36pm UTC
    This song goes out to all the girls out there who feel horrible about themselves or are upset about not being able to find the right guy. I love you all. Stay strong.. <3
    Let me know what you think.<3
    You’re wastin’ the day
    Blowin everything away
    Talking ‘bout how ugly and worthless you are
    Just wait for that day that you find a guy to show you how beautiful you are
    Girl you’re beautiful in everyway
    Keep your head up high tonight
    Stop wonderin’ what people think
    Live your life for you and the people that matter
    You are the reason behind a smile
    You are the one that keeps the light shinin’ through
    Girl you’re beautiful
    Don’t waste your time worrying about that guy
    That thinks nothing of you
    You can do better then that look for what you deserve not what’s been served
    You’re amazing and wonderful someone out there
    You’re loved by the one that you can’t see
    Look past them jerks deeper into the crowd
    You’ll find the one
    Girl you’re beautiful in everyway
    Keep your head up high tonight
    Stop wonderin’ what people think
    Live your life for you and the people that matter
    You are the reason behind a smile
    You are the one that keeps the light shinin’ through
    Girl you’re beautiful
    Its time to start thinkin right
    It’s time to live your life
    Stop dwelling on other people’s thoughts and views
    Yours are the only ones that should matter to you
    You’re still a kid maybe you haven’t found the one yet
    Give it time and say to yourself “one day you’ll be mine”
    Cause girl you’re incredible
    Girl you’re beautiful in everyway
    Keep your head up high tonight
    Stop wonderin’ what people think
    Live your life for you and the people that matter
    You are the reason behind a smile
    You are the one that keeps the light shinin’ through
    Girl you’re beautiful

  3. music123 music123
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2011 4:34pm UTC
    Every thing was wonderful magical perfect in my eyes
    Side my side hand in hand sayin I love you all the time
    I let it go and now I know I made the mistake of my life
    I was wrong baby worng (wrong baby wrong)
    Givin’ you up was dumb I’m sorry
    You won’t take me back could you hear my heart crack?
    (could you hear it could hear it)
    Come back
    Baby you’ve moved on to big and better things
    Left me here to wither away
    Seeing you everyday kills me in more then one way
    I miss you baby I miss you
    I would give anything away just to hear you say
    I love you baby you’re beautiful in every way
    One more time
    I was wrong baby worng (wrong baby wrong)
    Givin’ you up was dumb I’m sorry
    You won’t take me back could you hear my heart crack?
    (could you hear it could hear it)
    Come back
    When you said we’re just friends
    I couldn’t believe it
    That night that it happened you made it very clear
    We would never be (never be)
    I was so wrong to let you go
    Baby I’m sorry I love you
    I wish I had some way to show it to you but you said I must go
    I was wrong baby worng (wrong baby wrong)
    Givin’ you up was dumb I’m sorry
    You won’t take me back could you hear my heart crack?
    (could you hear it could hear it)
    Come back
    this song is for a really good friend of mine. she doesn't have a witty.. but i know some of you girls on here have been through something similar to this. i hate asking for faves, but im not sure how else to let her no she's not alone please. if you fave this ill follow you... she's really upset.

  4. music123 music123
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2011 4:04pm UTC
    Someone New
    Just a girl sittin’ in her queen sized bed
    A million thoughts flyin through her head
    Thinkin’ ‘bout the future what she’s gonna be
    To become somebody worth it in this big city
    And to have someone to share it with me
    Well I’ve had my fair shares of cries
    But that doesn’t ever leave me satisfied
    Are you gonna step up your game
    Or are you walk away with shame
    Yeah, well I don’t know if you knew
    I’m just a girl lookin’ for someone new
    All you are and all you do
    Is make people feel like the dirt on your show
    Well, reality check you’re not the best
    You’re a pig, puttin’ people down ain’t cool ya’ know
    So why don’t you run along and when you hear this song Just know I’m not your girl I found somebody new
    Well I’ve had my fair shares of cries
    But that doesn’t ever leave me satisfied
    Are you gonna step up your game
    Or are you walk away with shame
    Yeah, well I don’t know if you knew
    I’m just a girl lookin’ for someone new
    I hope you figure out that without a doubt you won’t get anyone you want with that ugly attitutude your stupid little moods can get out ‘cause
    I’ve had my fair shares of cries
    But that doesn’t ever leave me satisfied
    You aren’t steppin’ up your game
    So all I have left to say is bye

  5. music123 music123
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2011 3:24pm UTC
    He’s sweet fun and nice
    He ain’t just a roll of the dice
    Rapping is his passion
    He’s one of a kind
    Sitting here thinking about the last few years
    Wonderin were time went
    Thinkin back to all the times we’ve spent together
    Smiling laughin cryin he was a always there
    Nothin could ever tear a apart
    He was there through the good bad and the sad
    He’ll always have a place in my heart
    So tonight we stand up \
    Let all our feelings rush out
    Im gonna pour out my heart to you
    Cause baby you’re one of a kind
    And in my mind
    You’re more than just a guy
    They say we’re silly little kids
    That might be true, but you gotta live it up
    And if that not more then enough
    I get to do it with you too
    Runnin’ through this crazy mixed up world
    We’re shine on though
    Hand in hand forever
    Baby please don’t let go
    So tonight we stand up \
    Let all our feelings rush out
    Im gonna pour out my heart to you
    Cause baby you’re one of a kind
    And in my mind
    You’re more than just a guy
    Love doesn’t exsist without someone there to give it a meaning
    You proved it right
    And gave my life
    The best meaning ever
    So tonight we stand up \
    Let all our feelings rush out
    Im gonna pour out my heart to you
    Cause baby you’re one of a kind
    And in my mind
    You’re more than just a guy
    this song is deticated to my bestfriend, who i think im falling in love with. story of your life right? ha, comment/fave please! <3


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