Witty Profiles

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  1. LivMcSpazz LivMcSpazz
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2011 9:46pm UTC
    If a stripper is called an
    exotic dancer.. Is a drug dealer simply an exotic pharmacist?
    Consider you mind blown. ♥

  2. andiwillalwaysloveyou andiwillalwaysloveyou
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2011 9:25pm UTC
    Do you ever think, perhaps, there's more to life than eating?
    You mean, like, sleeping?

  3. MissAnna MissAnna
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2011 9:28pm UTC
    GUYS I HAVE A DATE TONIGHT. with my bed.

  4. bridgiexbabes bridgiexbabes
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2011 9:22pm UTC
    so, today during lunch, this girl found out
    her boyfriend had been cheating on her...
    she brought all his clothes
    & things that he left at her house
    & as soon as he sat down at his table,
    she stood behind him & gave him one kiss.
    she took his milk,
    & he thought nothing of it.
    then she poured it on his head
    & threw all his stuff at him.
    & THAT is how a real breakup is done.
    everyone was clapping for her

  5. maybaby12 maybaby12
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2011 5:49pm UTC
    I am so ready for;
    leaf piles
    carving pumpkins
    ripped jeans
    crisp air
    trick or treating
    haunted hay rides
    Autumn, here i come ♥

  6. ittybittyissy1 ittybittyissy1
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2011 6:19pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. kissmeintherain19 kissmeintherain19
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2011 7:44pm UTC
    hey i lost my phone, can you call it for me?
    *phone ringing*
    find it?
    hahahahaha, idiot(;
    fav if you get it!(:

    posted a quote
    October 9, 2011 9:20pm UTC
    we all have that one friend
    in our group of friends
    »»»that secretly
    none of us like ♥

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. SmileBitches SmileBitches
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2011 7:29pm UTC
    When your mom decides to be in the room while you're on the computer, so you just switch to Google and stare at it.

  12. Babcock20 Babcock20
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2011 9:08pm UTC
    Me: How many girlfriends do you hav
    My little brother: I don't know, 3 or 4

  13. Jubzy42 Jubzy42
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2011 5:13pm UTC
    that pedophile moment when you see a little kid and think
    that kids going to be really hot when he gets older.

  14. Althearose Althearose
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2011 9:23pm UTC
    That Awkward Moment
    When your friends are comparing bones they've broken
    And you're just sitting there like
    "I broke my pencil one time..."

  15. XxGoth_ValoriexX XxGoth_ValoriexX
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2011 12:17pm UTC
    Favorite this and I'll
    put a name that first comes to my mind when I see ur profile and I'll
    follow you♥

  16. imjustinsecure imjustinsecure
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2011 9:14pm UTC
    I really like this guy,
    Adam, and I want to ask him to the school Halloween
    30 faves I'll do it by email
    70 faves I'll do it by text
    100 faves I'll do it by calling
    300+faves I'll do it in person on Monday.

  17. shestooyoungforyoubro shestooyoungforyoubro
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2011 11:22pm UTC
    is it just me or :
    when ever you go over some one else's house-their house has their own.... scent?

  18. WishingLily WishingLily
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2011 8:11pm UTC
    Why aren't you answering?
    Sorry. I dropped my phone and I can't find it. I'll text you when I find it.
    You find it yet?
    Okay, let me know when you do.

  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. idance idance
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2011 2:38pm UTC
    just saw a facebook status;
    "who cares that steve jobs is dead?! what has he ever done for me?!"
    - Via FaceBook for iPhone


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