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  1. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2010 12:17am UTC
    Before we met,
    I thought girls on witty were being so dramatic about how heartbroken they were, but now?
    I'm going through it too.

  2. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2010 12:17am UTC
    Why do you think I'm joking
    when I tell you that I love you?
    I'm completely serious.

  3. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2010 7:33pm UTC
    So, here's how it works:
    1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, ETC.)
    2. Put it on shuffle
    3. Press play
    4. For every question, type the song that's playing
    5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
    6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool...
    Opening Credits: Damned if I do ya (Damned if I don't) - All Time Low
    Waking Up: Slide- Goo Goo Dolls
    First Day of School: Comin' Up- Sam Adams
    Falling in Love: Thunder - Boys Like Girls
    Fight Song: Somebody to Love- Justin Bieber
    Breaking Up: Santeria - Sublime
    Studying/Working: I Wanna Love You (cover)- The Maine
    Life: Photograph - Nickelback
    Mental Breakdown: Better Days - Goo Goo Dolls
    Sunny Day: Unwritten- Natasha Bedingfield
    Rainy day: Driving Me Crazy - Sam Adams
    Party/Dance Music: Woohoo - Christina Aguilera
    Driving: Closer- Neyo
    Sleeping/Dreaming: Summer Love - We the Kings
    Nightmare: I Write Sins, Not Tragedies- Panic! At the Disco
    Flashback: Check Yes Juliet - We the Kings
    Wedding: Because I Got High - Afroman (hahahahahaha!)
    Birth of a child: So Sick - Neyo
    Final Battle: Between You and I - Every Avenue
    Death Scene: Everything I ask For- The Maine
    Funeral Song: Dear Maria, Count Me In- All Time Low
    End credits: I Hate College - Sam Adams

  4. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2010 11:57am UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2010 6:43pm UTC
    Today was my first day of junior year. You left for college on Saturday, and I've been a wreck ever since. I knew today was gonna be hard for me because I'm so used to seeing you in all of my classes, causing chaos and making people's days, like you used to make mine.
    In assembly this morning, I swear I saw you. I saw you in your button up shirt and jeans, even though it's a bazillion degrees outside, waving at Mr. Smith, just being the awesome guy you are. But when I looked closer, it was only Jordan.
    In Publications, I was helping Mr. Shields with yearbook a little bit. I was going through last year's photos, and wanna know how many I found of you? Twelve. Well, my mister super Senior, looks like I'm not the only one who misses you.
    In English today, Gordon sat next to me. You know how awkward things are with the two of us, and it really upset me. Instead of texting one of my friends, all I really needed was one of your hugs. But when I realized I couldn't get it, I started crying. Scratch that, bawling like a baby.
    I also found out that homecoming is on my birthday this year. I never thought it'd be so late, but it just made me think of the plans we had to go together, and the plans to make my sweet sixteen so much sweeter, but now you're gone and it's not gonna happen.
    Moral of the story? I never thought I'd miss you this much. Why can't you just come home? You couldn't have gone closer to home? I miss you more than words can ever describe, and obviously that's not enough for you. I've had numerous boyfriends, but I've never once actually said what I was about to say to any of them. I realized today that I don't like you at all.
    I'm in love with you.

  6. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2010 12:47am UTC
    the third book to the Hunger Games trilogy is coming out today :)
    fave this if you're excited!

  7. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2010 3:31pm UTC
    if i had one wish;
    we would be best friends, our love would never end;
    it'd just begin.
    *fade isn't mine :)

  8. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2010 1:08pm UTC
    6 days.
    Six days til you leave. Six days until you're on your own. Six days until my world is completely shattered, because without you, I'm broken. Only six.

  9. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2010 11:57pm UTC
    I'm done.
    I'm done trying to be this great friend. I'm done trying so hard to please everybody. I'm done with working so hard, and getting nothing in return, and I'm done with feeling like shiiit. Overall, I'm all set with this crap.
    So say goodbye to your innocent best friend, because the biiiittchhh is back.

  10. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2010 4:32pm UTC
    Day 3- My parents.
    Dear mom and dad,
    I love you guys so much! You do so much for me that I could never repay you, but I can't help but try. You guys mean the world to me, and I don't know what I'd do without you guys. I know I'm a b*tch sometimes, but I can't help that I have a bad attitude. I just want you guys to know how much I love you. Thank you so much for doing everything that the two of you can to keep Michael and I in Gansett, it means so much that you care that much. I love you guys more than words can describe, thank you so much for everything.
    Love, Marissa<3333

  11. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2010 2:49pm UTC
    If you ask me;
    I'm ready.
    -Alicia Keys :)

  12. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2010 1:15am UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2010 11:01pm UTC
    Turn it inside out
    so I can see
    the part of you that's
    drifting over me.
    *color fade isn't mine.

  14. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2010 2:11am UTC
    Day 1- My best friend!
    Dear Sam,
    You're one of the only people I can trust anymore. You and I became friends during Leaders in 2008, which was your senior year, and my freshman year. Now you're going to be a sophomore in college, and I'm going to be a junior in high school. I can come to you about anything and everything, and I'm never afraid to be myself around you. We have so many inside jokes, I can't even begin to write them down. But I can sum most of them up in one word; penguin. You and Catie might be the only two to fully understand that concept. You're in Virginia on vacation right now, lucky! I wish I was there with my triplets! :) Alright Sammie, listen up. Are you listening? Good, you'd better be. You're going through a wicked hard time right now. And I'm so sorry for that. I'm the only person who knows the whole story, and I couldn't be happier. I just want you to know how much I love you, and that I'll always be there for you, no matter what. I love you so much!
    Love, Penguin<3333

  15. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2010 2:10am UTC
    30 Days, 30 Letters.
    Day 1 - Your Best friend.
    Day 2 - Your crush.
    Day 3 - Your parents.
    Day 4 - Your sibling or closest relative.
    Day 5 - Your dreams.
    Day 6 - A stranger.
    Day 7 - Your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
    Day 8 - A deceased relative you wish you could talk to.
    Day 9 - Someone you wish you could meet.
    Day 10 - Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to.
    Day 11 - A deceased person you wish you could talk to.
    Day 12 - The person you hate the most/caused you a lot of pain.
    Day 13 - Someone you wish could forgive you.
    Day 14 - Someone you've drifted away from.
    Day 15 - The person you miss the most.
    Day 16 - Someone that's not in your state/country.
    Day 17 - Someone from your childhood.
    Day 18 - The person that you wish you could be.
    Day 19 - Someone that pesters your mind. (Good or bad.)
    Day 20 - The one that broke your heart the hardest.
    Day 21 - Someone you judged by their first impression.
    Day 22 - Someone you want to give a second chance to.
    Day 23 - The last person you kissed.
    Day 24 - The person that gave you your favorite memory.
    Day 25 - The person you know that is going through the worst of times.
    Day 26 - The last person you made a pinky promise to.
    Day 27 - The friendliest person you knew for only one day.
    Day 28 - Someone that changed your life.
    Day 29 - The person that you want to tell everything to, but you're too afraid to.
    Day 30 - Your reflection in the mirror.

  16. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2010 12:50am UTC
    Since when is it okay for you to treat me like I'm a trophy? Last I checked, I was a girl... the girl who wasted a year of her life on the most amazing boy ever you.

  17. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2010 12:44am UTC
    They say what goes up must come down, but don't let me fall.

  18. marissaxoonicole marissaxoonicole
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2010 11:22pm UTC
    Tell me that you love me,
    and it'll be alright.
    Are you thinking of me?
    Just come with me tonight.
    You know I need you,
    just like you need me.
    Can't stop, won't stop,
    I must be dreaming*
    ***Blah, first quote. Any tips? :)


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