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  1. marisa08 marisa08
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2011 11:25am UTC
    A Loving Soccer Season
    Chapter 5
    Everyone got in their positions and the game started the girls had the ball first, we had a plan with a secret weapon which is me. Kelsey tapped the ball to Kennedy and she kicked it toward Andrea who dribbled it down the field. The girls were already on the boys side with the ball, none of us let the guys touch the ball and then Kelsey got the ball and scored. Yes! We scored. We congratulated Kelsey and went back to our positions to start again and the guys had the ball this time. The guys tried to get passed us but failed except for Mynor who got passed the forwards and midfielders and was dribbling down the field towards me. I didn't wait for him to come to me so I came to him, I charged toward him and he tried to get passed me but I didn't let him. I got the ball and kicked it to Jackie but Michael intercepted it and got the ball then sent it to Mynor who sent it to Nick. I was about to come between him to get the ball but it seemed he wanted to play rough and shoved me to the ground. I let out an "Umphh!" when I fell on the ground, I looked up and Nick still had the ball. If that's the way he wants to play then we'll play that way. I got up and ran towards him along with everyone else luckily Kaitlyn got the ball and sent it up but then Peter got it and kicked it to Michael who kicked it into the goal. Darn we were tied now. We decided to go with the plan to score again. The line up was the same except I moved up to center mid to help out the forwards and defenders. Kelsey, Kennedy, Andrea, and Hannah all moved up into the guys side along with midfielders Jackie and Josi, I stayed behind in the middle of the girls side. The plan was going well and then the guys started to get the ball so Hannah kicked the ball toward me and I got ready to kick it. When the ball came towards me I kicked it with full force and it flew in the air back to the guys side where Kelsey and Kennedy were and they scored. "Damn.." I heard some guy say. Then Jack said "Damn!" the girls high five each other and said good job. That was an awesome play. The coach even agreed and we played another game. This time the guys weren't going to be easy on us but that's ok it's not like we'll be easy on them either. Caleb got the ball and dribbled down the field towards me. Oh boy should I stop him or let him go pass me? I went for him to get the ball, but then we got stuck the ball was between our feet and we were fighting for it. I gave up and let him have it but once he was about to move I kicked the ball with the outside of my foot and he tripped forward falling on the ground. I felt really bad but then I just wanted to laugh at him, "You ok?" I asked trying to hold in my laugh I helped him up. "Yeah you know if you fell I wouldn't laugh." "Oh really?" "No I would laugh and help you up and then trip you again and I'll still be laughing." he smiled at me which told me that he wasn't mad, "Well your nice." "Oh well..." "Heads up!" and I shoved him and header the ball. "Didn't see that coming did ya?" I smirked and he gave me another smile. We continued playing, when Michael had the ball and he was by defense I ran to help them out I came to his side and we started to push each other then I turned in front of him to kick the ball away from him but he pushed me and he tripped and I fell backwards really hard on the ground along with him. I did a very ugly backward roll and plopped to the ground, I looked beside me and Michael was also laying on the ground. Sammii came up to me to help me up."Are you ok!?" she asked me. "Yeah I'm fine." I helped Michael up."Are you ok?" I asked him. "Yeah it's cool. Your not as quiet as you are in math are you?" he smiled at me, "Nope much more friendlier." "I wouldn't say that shove was 'friendly'." he said and I just laughed, he was in my math freshman year and I had a small crush on him but I still liked Caleb better. The ball went back and forth across the field and the sun was setting. "Pass it over here!" Jackie called out I kicked the ball toward her but Mynor cut in and kicked it to Caleb who was about to kick it to Nick but I cut in, which was not the smartest thing to do, I prepared for the worse and the next thing I know my nose is throbbing like crazy.

  2. marisa08 marisa08
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2011 8:50am UTC
    A Loving Soccer Season To Begin
    Chapter 4
    The girls had the ball first and we did tap touches on the ball while the guys did 15 crunches and then we switch. So far so great. That's attractive I was already sweating, it was 85 degrees today. At least it's better to be hot out than cold. Finally we did partner drills. We were going to do two touch passes. So I passed the ball to Caleb, he did his two touches and passed it to me, we kept doing this until the coach switched it to one touch. I tried to keep control of the ball for this drill because I had a very strong kick. Caleb was pretty good, he was both a lefty and righty, same with me. Everyone then backed far away from each other, we were getting ready to punt. We had to punt the ball to our partner and catch it. Caleb was first and I have to say it was a pretty good punt. As it went to me I let the ball bounce and I caught it. When I punted it the ball went right towards him. After punting we got back together to work on chest. "Hey your really good." Caleb complimented me."Thanks. Your not so bad yourself." I told him and he smiled which made me smile. The boys had the ball first this time, they were going to toss it to us, under hand style, so we can hit it with our chest. The coach blew his whistle to let us know we can start. "Ready?" Caleb asked me and I nodded. He tossed it to me and I missed."Sorry. That was my fault." I told him and I looked down. "No it was my fault I threw it too soft." Caleb assured me. We tried again and it was perfect and we kept it that way till it was the guys turn. The coach told us to take a couple steps back for they guys we were going to toss it to them and they were going to hit with their chest and then kick it back to the girls. I tossed it and he hit it with his chest and kicked it to me and I caught. We were doing great, then we took a water break. I was so tired and hot but yet still excited that my partner was Caleb, he was so sweet and supportive. We practiced headers, and then went back to passing again. The coach said that we were going to have a scrimmage boy against girls. Before the scrimmage we took another water break it was only 4 yes this was going to great. We played 11 vs 11 I was in the first line up along with Kelsey, Sammii, Jackie, Kennedy, Kaitlyn, Jessica, Rachael, Hannah, Andrea, and Josi. Kelsey is center forward with Kennedy and left forward Andrea and right forward Hannah. Midfielders were Josi and Jackie. Defenders were Sammii, Rachael and me. Kaitlyn was stopper and Jessica was goalie. For the guys it was Mynor, Michael, Nick, Austin, Jack, Peter, Matt, Collin, Brad, Zach, and Caleb. Zach was goalie the stopper was Matt and the defenders were Austin, Brad, and Collin. Midfielders were Jack and Peter and the forwards were Michael, Mynor, Caleb, and Nick. Let the game begin.

  3. marisa08 marisa08
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2011 8:22am UTC
    A Loving Soccer Season To Begin
    Chapter 3
    "Hi again." he said to me sweetly and smiled. "Hi again. I didn't think I would see you so soon." ugh I shouldn't have said that but I did, he chuckled and said "Yeah here I am. So is your head better?" he asked. "Yeah it's all good." I told him smiling. "Just making sure." Man his smile is amazing. Everyone did 50 jumping jacks and then we had 25 crunches, we got down to the ground and Caleb sat in front of me and put his feet in front of mine so when we crunched up we would face each other. The both of us were both really quiet and shy, something in common, until he broke the silence.
    "Having fun?" he asked when he crunched up. "Oh yeah totally." I told him sarcastically with a smile and he laughed. Oh my gosh he actually talked to me along with a smile and laugh. Once everyone finished we did 15 push ups, both Caleb and I did ours. Soon after that we started to stretch, straddle style. The coach told us to get in a straddle with our partner, oh god this is going to be far from awkward. We grabbed hands and Caleb pulled me first, My face almost touched the turf we had to hold it for 20 seconds. "Haha wow you're very flexible." he commented, sounding impressed. "Yeah I'm in-" he cut off my sentenced and finished it for me "Gymnastics." "Yeah..how did you know?" "I saw you after school practicing in the gymnastics room." I then pulled Caleb down and he almost touched the ground, I looked around to find Kelsey, when I did she gave me another look and I understood perfectly. She was making fun of my straddle and Caleb, I have a wide straddle and well who doesn't think dirty these days. Caleb pulled me down and tried to start a conversation again, weird because he's usually quiet."This is so awkward." he told me."Ha no kidding." I told him. "Haha well someone's feisty." he laughed, I looked up and pulled him down before my 20 seconds. "Oww!" "Yeah...am I still feisty to you?" I asked him, he smiled and said "Yes." I gave him a glare and then we burst out laughing. We stretched to one side and then the other, we stretched our arms and back, which we usually don't do, looks like we're going to be working hard today. After stretching we took a water break I walked over to water bottle where Kelsey was. "So are you getting it on with Caleb?" she asked me. I glared at her, we tease each other all the time. "No! Shut up!" I laughed "How 'bout you and Mynor?" "Eh nothing but he's funny and sweet." "I see, so you.." "No I don't like him." "Ok I understand." after the water break we got back with our partners. It was only 3:20, it seemed like forever. This time everyone got a ball, coach threw the ball to me and I caught it. Caleb and I were both at the end of the soccer field, I didn't like being in between everyone just the end Caleb didn't seem to mind.
    Hey readers I'm sorry I havent wrote in a while but don't worry now I finally got a computer so enjoy hope I didnt lose anyone!

  4. marisa08 marisa08
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2011 8:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. marisa08 marisa08
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2011 7:36pm UTC
    A Loving Soccer Season To Begin
    Chapter One
    *Beep Beep Beep* the bell rang and dismissed everyone to leave 4th block to go home, well except for me and the other kids that had a spring sport, I had soccer tryouts. I went to my locker and got my soccer bag and went to the locker room to change. I put on some short and a t-shirt and slipped on my soccer socks and shoved my shin guards in my socks. I locked my stuff in my gym locker and got out my water bottle and inhaler just in case. I had asthma, it comes and goes for me, but it's really serious with me. It first starts off with a regular cold then into asthma and soon enough I'm in the ER with phenomia. Anyways I waited outside of the girls locker room for my best friend Kelsey. We both cut through the gym to the other side where the boys locker was, we usually didn't go this way but the other hallway was blocked. I was walking close to the wall, when I got distracted and turned to look behind me. The next thing I know is that I'm on the dirty gym floor and my head throbbing.
    "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry I didn't see you there. I didn't mean to hit you." someone said, I didn't know who it was but it sounded like a guy, I looked up and froze. Crap...out of all the guys it had to be him,the guy I like since 8th grade, I tried to get over him but it never worked, theres was just something about him. I stared into his deep blue eyes and looked over to Kelsey, who was giving me her teasing smile and then mouthing me to say something. Right! I have to say something! I'm such an idiot just sitting on the floor starring at him. Finally I spoke up, thank god.
    "Uhm yeah! I'm fine." I told him, I saw him hesitate for a moment and then he knelt down in front of me and said "Let me see." and he leaned closer to me and removed my hands away from my aching forehead. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I didn't see a pretty girl like you." he told me and I felt myself blush, he got up and handed out his hand to me, I took it and he helped me up, he was so strong and muscular. His name is Caleb he's a head taller than me, I'm 5'1, he has brown short hair, and with a sweet smile. Like I said earlier he has amazing blue eyes which i fall for all the time and a really good looking body well that"s what Kelsey told me. He's very athletic and smart, he's plays soccer, cross country, track, and wrestling.
    "Are you sure you're ok?" he asked concerned, wow he really cared and he doesn't even know me. "Oh yeah I'm fine don't worry about me. Well I gotta go...see you around?" "Yeah ok I'll see you around then bye." he smiled at me and left. Oh my gosh I can't believe what just happened. "Come on! We're going to be late!" Kelsey said tugging on my arm, I woke up from my daze and followed her outside to the soccer field. I'm still in shock did that really just happened? So I asked Kelsey what happened, she let out a squeal and told me the whole thing.
    "Ok so I don't what happened but you turned around and then you looked forward and then Caleb opened the door and you slammed into it and fell backwards. And it was so cute how he was so worried about you!" she let another squeal and I rolled my eyes. "That's not true." I told her being in denial. "How can you accuse me!? I saw it with my own two eyes!" "What ever!" I tied my medium dark brown hair in a high ponytail and sat down on the turf, I got hot already doing nothing. The rest of the girls came and we waited for the coach to get here. "Oh my gosh! What are the guys doing here!?" I heard one of the girls call out. I whirled around and saw the freshman boys soccer team walking toward us acting like they were so cool, oh no this is not gonna be good...guess who's on the soccer team...Caleb.
    "Hello girls! This week will be a little different than you expected it to be. The boys will be here to train with us." My heart stopped, I know I always wanted to play with or against the guys because we don't ave co-ed soccer but I never believed it would happen. The coach continued, "The boys here have kindly pushed aside aside other things they had to do at home to help us out." Kelsey gave me a nudge and gave me a teasing smile and i gave her a 'please don't make me do this' look. This is going to be horrible.
    Hope you guys like it! I'll be writing more!

  6. marisa08 marisa08
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2011 5:20pm UTC
    There is a thin line
    Knowing when to give up
    & when to try harder.

  7. marisa08 marisa08
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2011 5:14pm UTC
    Sometimes you have to be apart from the people you love
    But that only makes you love them even more.
    The Last Song


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