Witty Profiles

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  1. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2012 10:47am UTC
    Dear best friend,
    okay this is going to be long. anyway i love you soo much. seriously you are so funny not to mention gorgous. we have been through soooo much together and i'm really glad we are still friends. i have no idea where i would be without you. i love our loner dates to the mooovies. and our stories we make up to scare the sh*t out of people. because yaknow YOLO♥. we have sooooo many inside jokes.. 'look i just want to watch my moovie..' 'ner ner ner' 'TONUNUNU'. hahaha people probably think we are retarded...♥ i cant wait until june 25th! i think thats when it is... haha anyway i'm going to see you in like an 2 hours at socccer! we have to win because you know who is gonna be thereeee♥. omg i cant wait until ariel comes back and we can play our joke in her. i get my phone back tomorrow so we can facetiiime! i would say we should wear our hot pink kitty makeup today but adryan would think i'm retarded... lol. okay well i love you boo PEACE OUT GURL SCOUT. DUCK FACE!
    Dear ex boyfriend
    Dear girl i hate
    Dear boy i love
    Dear best friend
    Dear ex best friend
    Dear current boyfriend
    Dear mom
    Dear dad
    Dear Future me
    Dear future boyfriend

  2. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2012 10:37am UTC
    Dear boy i love,
    OH HEEY NIALL♥(; well hopefully i will be seeing you may 24th and next year when you come to america again. well i am going to marry you one day. and we would make cute babies,, just saayin
    Dear ex boyfriend
    Dear girl i hate
    Dear boy i love
    Dear best friend
    Dear ex best friend
    Dear current boyfriend
    Dear mom
    Dear dad
    Dear Future me
    Dear future boyfriend

  3. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2012 4:40pm UTC
    Society Is horrible
    says society..

  4. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2012 8:36pm UTC
    Dear girl i hate,
    i really dont hate any girls...
    Dear ex boyfriend
    Dear girl i hate
    Dear boy i love
    Dear best friend
    Dear ex best friend
    Dear current boyfriend
    Dear mom
    Dear dad
    Dear Future me
    Dear future boyfriend

  5. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2012 8:35pm UTC
    Dear ex boyfriend,
    wow this is reaallly weird calling you my ex because we just broke up today... well i really like you a lot and i know i f*cked everything up and i'm really sorry. i miss you </3
    Dear ex boyfriend
    Dear girl i hate
    Dear boy i love
    Dear best friend
    Dear ex best friend
    Dear current boyfriend
    Dear mom
    Dear dad
    Dear Future me
    Dear future boyfriend

  6. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2012 7:08pm UTC
    Are you friends with this person? i guess
    Do you talk in this class? not really hahah
    Is this person your worst enemy? nah
    What is their name? i sit in the front haha
    Are they smart? ^^
    What is his/her name? shreyaaa
    Are they funny? yeah duh i love her
    Are they your best friend? one of them
    Do you play the same sport? nope
    What’s their name? ryan
    Are they funny? yes omg
    Annoying? ...sometimes
    What is their name? taylor♥♥
    Can you talk to them about just anything? yeah bro
    They your best friend? yesss
    In a relationship? yesss 4/13/12♥
    One thing you want most? to be happy and lose 10 pounds haha
    Your hair color? blondeee
    Favorite class? FACs and gym
    Favorite teacher? uhhh my gym teaacher.. eh idk
    Have a lot of people changed or do they act differently? yeaah..
    Was there a lot of drama this year? not really
    Make any friends? yeah
    Lose any friends? yeah

  7. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2012 6:40pm UTC
    i appologize to anyone following me but i cant help it i like these. okay.
    A - Available? noope 4/13/12♥
    B - Birthday? July 8, 1998
    C - Crushing on? edddie♥ and niall horan♥
    D - Drink you last had? orange juice
    E - Easiest person to talk to? taylorrr
    F - Favorite song? stole my heart -1D
    G - Gummy bears or gummy worms? gummy bears
    H - Hometown? chincateage, VA
    I - In love with? ONE DIRECTION♥
    J - Jealous of? everyone who has met 1D
    K - Killed someone? no...
    L - Longest car ride? to flordiaa
    M - Milkshake flavor? strawberry.. or mint
    N - Number of siblings? 1
    O - One wish? omg this reminded me of one thing and i wish... anyway i dont really know.. happiness i guess..?
    P - Person you texted last? my friend billy
    Q - Question you are always asked? are you naturally blonde
    R - Reason to smile? because my friends forgave me and i love them to bits. and also because i love niall horan and my boyfriend is amazing. hah.
    S - Song you last listened to? same mistakes -1D
    T - Time you woke up? 6:30 but i didnt get up until 7
    U - Underwear color? pinkkk
    V - Violent moment you had? uhh idk i tackled some chick at soccer on sunday
    W - Worst habit? getting mad a lot.. if thats a habit...
    X - X-rays you had? none
    Y - Yoyos are? lol idkkk..?
    Z - Zodiac sign? cancer ♥

  8. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2012 8:42pm UTC
    i really like doing these okay?
    anyway you know what to dooooo
    1. taylor
    2. ariel
    3. chris
    4. eddie
    5. ryan
    6. victor
    7. cem
    8. yara
    9. emory
    10. shreya
    11. allie
    12. billy
    13. sohail
    14. stephanie
    15. mushy
    16. miles
    17. sierra
    18. taylor o.
    19. zobee
    20. lauren
    Who is 8 going out with?:
    * #9
    Is 9 a boy or a girl?:
    * boy
    Would 11 and 2 make a cute couple?
    * daw if they were lesbian. hahh
    How about 18 and 4?:
    *hahah i'm dating #4
    What grade is 17 in?:
    * 8th
    When was the last time you talked to 12?:
    * friday
    What is 6's favorite band?:
    * not sure
    Does 1 have any siblings?:
    * yeah she has a sister
    Would you ever date 3?:
    * i have before.. but i wouldnt again
    Would you ever date 7?:
    *HAH no
    Is 16 single?:
    * idk i dont think soo
    What's 15's last name?:
    * uhh thats creepy
    What's 5's middle name?:
    * not suree
    What's 10's fantasy?:
    * WILLLL
    Would 14 and 19 make a good couple?:
    * omg yeah they woulddd
    What school does 20 go to?:
    * my school
    Tell me a random fact about 11:
    * she thinks jake is hawwt
    And 1:
    * i love her. shes mad at me. shes my best friend. i hope she forgives me. shes gorgeous. shes hilarious. shes craaaaay. and did i say i loved her...? thats more than one but yaknoow
    Have you ever had a crush on 16?:
    *i have actually
    Where does 9 live?:
    * not suure
    What's 4's favorite color?:
    * uhh idkk
    Would you makeout with 14?:
    * hahhahah i love stephanie! but nooooo
    Are 12 & 13 best friends?:
    * yeah they are! hahah
    Do you like 18?:
    * as a friend
    Does 8 like 19?:
    * maybe as a friend idk
    How did you meet 15?
    * socccer
    Does 10 have any pets?:
    * uhh i dont think so
    Is 12 older than you?
    * i think
    Is 2 the sexiest person?
    *oh yeaaah ;)
    Have you ever given 1 a hug?
    *all the time

  9. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2012 8:26pm UTC
    Can you name 13 people you can think of right off the top of your head? DO NOT read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 13 people. Copy this and paste it to your own post, then go below and fill in your answers, delete the persons responses who had answered before you, after that hit post, very easy! Don't hit respond to post, people have been doing that lately, that isn't how you post something! thanks and have fun! REMEMBER DON'T READ THE QUESTIONS UNTIL AFTER YOU PUT DOWN YOUR 13. Also go into depth with the questions if you feel the need, its all in good fun! =)
    1. taylor
    2. chris
    3. ariel
    4. ryan
    6. billy
    7. victor
    1.) How and when did you meet 10? school
    2.)What would you do if you had never met 1? idk. i love her to bits ♥
    3.)What would you do if 6 and 1 dated? hah. she liked him last year but idk i wouldnt really care. be happy for her i guess
    4.)Have you ever seen 4 cry? no
    5.)Would 11 and 2 make a good couple? noooooooooo
    6.)Is 13 cool? yeah i guess
    7.)Do you think 12 is cute? in a nonlesbo way
    8.)Tell me something about number 3: shes mad at me but i still love herrr
    9.)How do you know 8? schoool♥
    10.)What's 7's favorite color? uhh green i think
    11.)What would you do if 6 just confessed they liked u: idk
    12.)When was the last time you talked to number 2? today
    13) Last but not least, tell me about number 9, is this someone that you would date? awk 9s a girrl

  10. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2012 8:16pm UTC
    Can you name 13 people off the top of your head? (1-7) boys and (8-13) girls:
    1 chris
    4 ryan
    5 miles
    6 billy
    7 jake
    8 taylor
    9 ariel
    10 shreya
    11 yara
    12 allie
    13 mushy
    How did you meet number 10? schoool
    Have you seen number 4 cry? no
    Would 11 and 2 make a cute couple? they are like best friends and they went out like 3 times. hahah but i'm dating him now awwk
    Are you good friends with number 13? eh kinda
    Do you think 5 is cute? yeah i used to like him
    Something about 1? hes mad at me
    What's 7's fave color? idkk. he looks pretty hot in red though xD
    What would you do if 6 confessed that they like you? ..idrk
    1 fact about 9? shes mad at me also
    Would you ever live with number 4? hah noooooooooo
    Is 2 single? lol no hes my bf haha/
    Best memory with 8? like all of them ♥
    Would 3 and 12 make a good couple? noooo
    If you could date anyone out of 1-7 who would you pick? i'm dating 2. but other than that maybe 6
    If you were stuck on an island which two people would you take out of 8-13? 8&9 or maybe 8&10

  11. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2012 7:43pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2012 7:26pm UTC
    It's official, i have absolutely no friends

  13. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2012 7:00pm UTC
    Looking for Witty Bestfriend !
    I want a witty bestfriend!
    someone i could oovoo/facetime/text all the time
    someone to talk about boys/school with
    i'm 13 btw♥
    Hit me up !♥

  14. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2012 10:52pm UTC
    so i was using my best friends phone. and she got a text from our other friend that said:
    'if you dont want to hang out with her dont do it. This could be our first step in ditching her.'
    I knew they all hated me.

  15. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2012 8:08pm UTC
    So, yesterday the one direction US tour dates were released,
    I saw they were coming to my area,
    I cried for 2 hours
    Needless to say,
    May 24th will be the best day of my life.

  16. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2012 4:19pm UTC
    but he’s going out with her

  17. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    February 29, 2012 5:05pm UTC
    I'm going to the One Direction concert friday. I'm gonna die.

  18. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 6:30pm UTC
    I Like How,
    Witty changes the word 'B*tch' to 'Woman'

  19. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2012 5:47pm UTC
    I told everyone i was over you, now the only person i have to convince is me

  20. maragold230 maragold230
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 10:35am UTC
    fave if you can't wait for this 'detox weekend' to be over


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