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Member Since: 28 Oct 2010 01:52pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 130716

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Hey Everyone : so obviously this isn't a legit qoute but I just watched a movie called "to save a life" and it inspired me to make a difference, if you ever need ANYONE to talk to I am here for you. This profile is confidential, so you need ANYTHING I am here ! <3

  1. making_a_difference14 making_a_difference14
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2011 12:25am UTC
    Alright you guys, I've been reading yourlipsmybiggestweakness story and it's really good but she has stopped updating because no one has been reading it and she wanted favorites for encouragment, so if you have time at all go read the first two chapters of her story and if you agree with me on her story being good, FAVORITE!
    :) thanks

  2. making_a_difference14 making_a_difference14
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2010 1:49pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. making_a_difference14 making_a_difference14
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2010 10:54pm UTC
    All those fairytales tried preparing me for love, but truth is, in fariy tales: cinderella gets her glass slipper back,
    Sleeping Beauty gets to wake up,
    Ariel gets to walk on land,
    Snow white never ate the apple,
    Bell put everything aside, and loved the beast,
    and everyone lived happily ever after.
    Daddy tried tried preparing me for love, but truth is, daddy wanted:
    wanted me to tell that boy no.
    wanted me to tell the truth.
    wanted me to take chances.
    wanted me to listen.
    wanted me to believe.
    wanted me to be happy.
    But the actual, cold hard truth, is that
    I didn't tell that boy no, and never got my virgintiy back.
    I didn't tell the truth, and now my best friends never gonna wake up.
    I did take a chance, and I hurt everyone when it was all said and done.
    I didn't listen, and now I'm in way over my head with issues.
    I didn't believe, in love, friendship, god, happyiness.
    I'm not happy.
    I guess the lesson here, is that life throws you into situations you don't want to be in. All you have to do is think about everything before you do anything.
    think: Do you want my ending, or a fairytales?

  4. making_a_difference14 making_a_difference14
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2010 10:40pm UTC
    I never once thought that things were too good to me true, & i never thought it would be over between me and you. Now I hold myself together tight, using all my strength, all my might, to make it through one more night. Seeing your face shoots pain through my heart, but you act as if you don't care we're apart. Sometimes I wonder if you tell her you love her too, or if you're planning on splitting her heart in two. Maybe I should warn her about you, and maybe you deserve it too. My phone lights up with a text, and I know it's not you. I ask myself what's next? What the hell do I do without you? </3

  5. making_a_difference14 making_a_difference14
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2010 10:31pm UTC
    & I get that you want nothing to do with me anymore. & I get that you love her now.
    But just one more thing, one more question, one more answer.
    When you said you loved me,
    were you lying?

  6. making_a_difference14 making_a_difference14
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2010 11:09am UTC
    is sitting in her bedroom,
    in a corner, headphones blaring,
    make up smearing. She's really trying,
    but she can't stop crying.
    His hoodie is hiding her face, her hair,
    and she doesn't even care.
    Her head pounds, from her broken heart,
    she picks up the knife, splits her wrist apart.
    She wants to scream, feels it surfacing,
    but instead she whispers, "I gave him everything...."
    He is sitting at the courts, pretending not to care.
    Her best friend is sitting there, trying to avoid his stare
    People will talk, behind his back,
    saying "oh, my god did you here about that?"
    Yeah, he knows cheating is wrong,
    but something about her best friend turned him on.
    Looking back now, it wasn't worth it. All he can say is,
    "She didn't deserve this."

  7. making_a_difference14 making_a_difference14
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2010 1:56pm UTC
    GOD, I MISS . . .
    your smile
    your laugh
    your eyes
    your lips
    your everything....
    GOD I MISS . . . . YOU </3

  8. making_a_difference14 making_a_difference14
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2010 4:51pm UTC
    Telling someone, "Don't tell me what to do,"
    And not realizing you're a total hypocrite because,
    you just told them what to do <3

  9. making_a_difference14 making_a_difference14
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2010 4:45pm UTC
    Helloh world

  10. making_a_difference14 making_a_difference14
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2010 4:40pm UTC
    She's Beautiful, in her simple little way </3

  11. making_a_difference14 making_a_difference14
    posted a quote
    October 28, 2010 2:01pm UTC
    Hey Everyone! : so i just wanted to let you all know that im here for anyone because i just watched the move to save a life and it inspired me ! so feel free to talk to me whenever you need somone, im here ! :)


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