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Member Since: 31 May 2010 03:17pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 110572

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heey(: my names meghan,
and this is my witty thing.(: so yeah. im a brunetttte(: i fuccking loove music. like, a LOOT . like you  namee it, i most likely listen to itt. I AM NOT FAILING SPANISH. thats right, feel free to congratulate me..nbd. sidney crosby is sexy.. so are most hockey players though(; i love lacrosssee, one of my best friennds ditchedd recently.. nbddd . i dropped my phone on my face about 2 seconds ago, yeah. that pretty much describes me right there. im beggging my mom to let me gett my belly button piercedd next yeaar with little progresss. ever heard of justin bieber? yeah, i love him. speakinng of guuys, i like this kidd.. still. almosttt 9 monthhs:/ i just cant get over hiim for some reason, even though he treated me like shitt, i just cant let go:/ . but im in the process of getting over him.. buut i also like this otherr kiid who really means a lott to me, were starting to like talk again after a while, whichh is goood(: and theres one more kidd that i like, i know. i must sound crazy for liking 2 and a half guys at the saame time. im starting to find out who my real friends are. i am obsesssed with cofffe coolaatas. zebra print, i swear way too muchh, summer needs to hurry up, zebra print is illll, guys that have 6 packs are automaticially somewhat hott, the words "iloveyou" are passed around like they dont mean anything, my spanish teacher has a theory china is going to take over the world, yeah. this is what they teach us at my school, i thinkk that trying to be someone else is stupidd, im really crazy & abnoxiously loud once you get to know me, i love lying outside in the sun, i hate the asian people that talk about you when your getting your nails done,  young & divine is a realllly good band(: things in my life can get pretty tough, and not many people know that about me. my uncle passed away.. buut i wear the bracelet he gave me every single day no matter what. i text way too muchhh for my ownn goood. i hate my math teacher. alot.i love boys like girls twooo(:  i alsoo love cape codd. buut yeaah, get to knoww mee . i love talkingg to random people:)
  1. lovemeg77 lovemeg77
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2010 4:20pm UTC
    if you're a bird,
    im a bird.
    -the notebook

  2. lovemeg77 lovemeg77
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2010 2:07pm UTC
    sometimes i think people get confused...
    because heartbreak isnt liking a guy for two weeks, then having him already like somebody else.
    no. heartbreak is when you've liked the same guy for nine months straight, who leads you on, then ends up choosing AT LEAST three different other girls over you. and for some strange reason, you just can't give up on him. it's like every single time you try to pull away, theres something that just pulls you right back to where you were. but as time goes on, those feelings you had for him don't go away, they just end up getting {{stronger and stronger}}. and the worst part of it, is that you can't control it. it's like your mind tells you to move on, and you know that you should. but your --->heart just wont let go. but *getting over someone* doesnt just occur over time, and you cant just wake up one morning and decide thats what youre going to do. you have to take time, because if you do ||give up|| you could be missing out on a great oppertunity to have something special with someone.

  3. lovemeg77 lovemeg77
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2010 12:12pm UTC
    and 11:11 happens twice in a day,
    because everything deserves a second chance.
    *redo of my old quote
    maake it pretttty if ya wannt

  4. lovemeg77 lovemeg77
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2010 11:57am UTC
    & if you saw how much you hurt her,
    {[ you would never look her in the eyes again ]}

  5. lovemeg77 lovemeg77
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2010 9:49am UTC
    them all i know now,
    shout it from the roof top, write it on the sky love, all we had is gone now,
    tell them I was happy, & my heart is broken, all my scars are open, tell them
    what I hoped would be impossible, impossible.

  6. lovemeg77 lovemeg77
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2010 9:31am UTC
    relationships should not end
    with things left unsaid

  7. lovemeg77 lovemeg77
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2010 4:12pm UTC
    the hardest thing ever...
    isnt when someone important (ignores) you, but when you
    must *pretend* like you dont care.

  8. lovemeg77 lovemeg77
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2010 4:08pm UTC
    you know what really hurts?
    knowing that the happiest you've ever been, was when you were in love with him


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