Witty Profiles

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  1. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 4:46pm UTC
    Current Location:Hallway
    Current Mood:tiredd.
    Color: orangeee<3
    Restaurant: Chilis
    Store: depends
    Designer: ...
    Drink:diet cokee.
    This That or Both:
    Summer or Winter:summer
    Shoes or Purse:shoes!<3
    Jeans or Skirt:jeans<3
    Showers or Baths:shower
    Rich or Famous:rich
    Diamonds or Pearls:Pearls(:
    Nsync or Backstreet Boys:bothh.
    Yoga or Sports:sportsss.
    Ocean or Pool:oceaan!
    Pink or Blue:pinkkk(:
    White or Black:Blackk.
    Real tan or Tanning beds:Reaal
    Eyeliner or Mascara:Neithher, but mascara
    Lip gloss or Lipstick: Lipglosss.
    Taken or Single:Singlee.
    Relationships or Flings:Relationships
    What's more important looks or personality:personality<3
    Longest relationship:3months.
    Shortest relationship:1day
    Crush?: lets not say(:
    Does he know you like him: yeah.../:
    Do you believe in soul mates:Suree(:
    Do you like romantic guys: Of Courseee.
    Flowers or candy?Flowerss<3
    Have you been in love:idk
    Did it work out:no.
    Has any guy ever cheated on you:you could call it that.
    Have you ever cheated:no Never!
    Who are your best friends:katie & marina
    Do you tell them everything:Yeahhh
    would you do anything for them:of course.
    Can you be yourself in front of your girls:Oh Yes!!
    Do you spend lots of time shopping with them:Somee..

  2. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 4:41pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 4:33pm UTC
    How old were you when you had your first kiss?
    What color is your underwear?
    - black and red
    Do you like anyone right now?
    - yeep
    Miss anyone right now?
    - yupp
    Who was the last person you sent a text to?
    - Katie
    Last person to text you?
    - Katie
    Last person you saw?
    - my dad
    What was the last thing you said to someone?
    - "HE LIKE HATES ME </3"
    Who is top in your top friends?
    - katie
    - because she’s my bestest friend
    Who do you trust the most in your life?
    - katie
    Who do you love most?
    - Friends and Family
    Ever been in love?
    - possiblyy..
    Who has hurt you the most?
    - chris
    Has a tragedy ever happened in your life?
    - im excpecting one..
    Are you happy?
    - yep!
    How many good friends do you have?
    - uhmm.. idrk
    Are there some songs you cant listen to because they remind you of someone?
    - yeaah.. cause i have the urge to hurt someone
    Have you ever cheated on a partner?
    - no!
    Ever been cheated on?
    - no
    Ever been told someone loved you?
    - yes
    Ever told someone "i love you" ?
    - yessir
    Ever had your heart broken?
    - id say yeah, but idk.
    Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now?
    - not at all
    What is your idea of true love?
    - putting them before youre friends & being able to tell each other everything without it being awkard.
    do you think you can let the small stuff go?
    - yeaah
    Do you believe in love at first sight?
    - nah
    Why or why not?
    - cause i hate when people are like omg i like him cause hes hot.
    Do you believe that it is best to have a friendship first then love?
    - sure, whyynot
    Do you believe that love can be found in bars or is that too much of a risk?
    - love can happen anywhere(:
    Should people go to bars to find love?
    - i wouldnt recomend it.
    Should men and women be expecting the other to buy the other gifts?
    - depends
    Who should wear the pants in the relationship or should it be a mutual give and take?
    -Mutual, defff

  4. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 4:28pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 4:23pm UTC
    - Whats their name?-Mike
    - Are you friends with this person?- sortaa
    - Do you talk to them in this class ?- yeep :)
    - Is this person your worst enemy ?- nope
    - Whats their name? ALEX<333333
    - Are they smart ? - yeah (:
    - Whats his/her name ?- Reilllyyy
    - Are they funny ? yeep
    - Are they your best friend ? friend<3
    - Do you play the same sport ? nopeee
    - Whats their name?- Zach..
    - Are they funny ?- no..
    - Annoying to the teachers? yes.
    - Whats there name ? Marinaa<3
    - Can you talk to the about just nothing?yess:)
    - Are they your friend ? beesst<3
    - In a relationship ? naahh
    - Who are you best friends? Katiee<3, marinaa<3
    - One thing you want most ? happiness:)
    - Your hair color ? dirttty bloondee
    - Favorite class ? ehhh math cause i love my claass&teacher:)
    - Favorite teacher ? Mr.Walsh :)
    - Have a lot of people changed or do they act differently? YESS

  6. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 4:19pm UTC
    Ready for random questions?
    You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life, what is it?.
    water or gatorade.
    Who did you steal this from?
    marina rosee
    Is your birthday in less than 6 months?
    What's the nearest Purple object to you?
    my plast fun time thing i made when i was 4 (:
    Do you still go trick-​or-​treating?​
    never stopping :D
    What type of phone does your best friend have?
    cosmo touuuch!
    Is the room you are in right now upstairs or downstairs?
    Do you say thank you a lot?
    Last time you changed your pants?
    feww hours a gooo
    Do you wear contact lenses?
    What is something that really grosses you out?
    You break your phone, what do you say?
    im going to die.
    Complete the sentence: Tonight...
    im going to party all alone
    Someone coughs on you. Your reaction?
    dirty loook(:
    Do you have plans with someone that aren't going to happen for at least one week?
    Is Justin Bieber cute?
    You are?
    Least favorite class in your day?
    Do you use ped egg?
    Do you know what the difference between 'your' and 'you're' is?
    The best time to wear a striped sweater...
    uhh, never?
    The song your listening to is by what band?
    Nicki Minaj
    Do you speak a different language?
    does taking a class on french count....?
    Do you use hand sanitizer?
    Are your parents divorced?
    What is your moms middle name?
    Who was the last person to buy you food?
    hahah, i dont know.
    What city were you born in?
    not gonna share...
    Have you ever gotten in trouble for your clothes at school?
    What YouTube video makes you cry?
    just the way you are, with an autistic little girl(:
    Do you laugh weird?
    ive been told..
    Is your best friend single?
    Is there anything you have to do tonight?
    How many states have you lived in?

  7. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 4:14pm UTC
    When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought
    hello curls
    2. How much cash do you have on you?
    3. What's a word that rhymes with "DOOR?"
    4. Favorite planet?
    5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
    i dont have any missed calls
    6. What is your favorite ring on your phone?
    7. What shirt are you wearing?
    8. Do you "label" yourself?
    9. Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing?
    do socks count ?
    10. Bright or Dark Room?
    Bright; purple
    11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
    they are my best frieend.
    13. What were you doing at midnight last night?
    talking to katie
    14. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
    15. Where is your nearest 7-11?
    walking distance, if i wanted.
    16. What's a word that you say a lot?
    i laugh alot
    17.Who told you he/she loved you last
    18. Last furry thing you touched?
    my doggy<3
    19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?
    my asthma pills ; yep, thats right.
    21. Favorite age you have been so far?
    22. Your worst enemy?
    23. What is your current desktop picture?
    me & my couisn<3
    24. What was the last thing you said to someone
    25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be?
    i would fly !<3
    26.Do you like someone?
    27. The last song you listened to?
    the first time

  8. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 4:10pm UTC
    Name: Megan
    Age: 13
    Hair color: dirty blonde(:
    Eye color: green
    Single/Taken: single.
    sports: basketball& softball
    Where are you: uhh, hallway?
    What are you doing other than on Witty: texting
    What are you eating: nothing.
    What are you drinking: nothing.
    What other sites are you on: nothing.
    What are you wearing: une sweatshirt and shorts (:
    Movie: uhh, lovely bones!
    Book: 12 Finally
    T.V Show: Teen Mom
    Food: cakeeeeeee
    Drink: dieeett coookee
    Clothing: sweatshirt, jeans,&uggs

  9. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 4:25pm UTC
    &+ this is the story of a girl, who cried a river and drown the whole world. while, she looked so bad in photographs, i absolutely love her, when she s m i l e s . <3

  10. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 4:11pm UTC
    Day ten // 1 confession
    1. I'm in love with a boy

  11. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 4:10pm UTC
    Day nine // 2 smiley's that describe my life right now
    1. (:
    2. ")

  12. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 4:09pm UTC
    Day eight // 3 turn ons.
    1. Being themselves wherever they are
    2. Meaning what they say over text
    3. Introducing you to theyre family(:

  13. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 4:08pm UTC
    Day seven // 4 turn offs.
    1. Cocky
    2. not being themselves with their friends
    3. using girls
    4. player

  14. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 4:06pm UTC
    Day six // 5 people who mean alot to me ( no order)
    1. Family (mom, dad, sister, dog)
    2. Tiny, Mikaela, Rach
    3. Auntie Lynda
    4. My basketball team
    5. Grampy

  15. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 4:04pm UTC
    Day five // 6 things that i wish i have never done
    1. Gone out with 'him'
    2. Quit gymnastics
    3. Been regretfull
    4. Not appriciated what i have
    5. Loved someone that shouldnt have deserved my love
    6. Gone to the principals

  16. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 4:02pm UTC
    Day four // 7 things that cross my mind alot
    1. Mom
    2. How people interpet me
    3. Dad
    4. Sam
    5. Best friends
    6. What people think of me
    7. Cousins

  17. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 3:56pm UTC
    Day three // 8 ways to win my heart
    1. Tease me
    2. Text me
    3. Dont text me & then ignore me in public
    4. hug me
    5. let me know im important to you
    6. dont blow me off
    7. dont forget about me
    8. dont let me tell you im fine

  18. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 3:52pm UTC
    Day two //
    1. My names Megan
    2. I live in Mass
    3. I have a dog thats my best friend
    4. I have many best firends, but of course, one special one.
    5. My cousins, mean the world to me, we tell each other everything & are everything to each other
    6. I play basketball and softball
    7. My basketball team is my family
    8. Sometimes, i feel like running away.
    9. I believe i dont belong here, but im making the best of it.

  19. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 3:49pm UTC
    Day one ///
    To Mom: I'm 13 not 2(:
    To Dad: Calm down(:
    To Sam: I'd be dead without you(:
    To Coach: Its RVL not WNBA(:
    To Katie: I love you(:
    To Marina: Hang in there<3
    To Grampy: Stay Strong, its not your time yet<3
    To Tiny: Best Friend From Across The World, <3
    To Mikaela: You're the besst(:
    To Rach: Sisters at heart<3

  20. loove_ loove_
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 3:46pm UTC
    Day One: 10 things I want to say to 10 people.
    Day Two: 9 things about myself.
    Day Three: 8 ways to win my heart.
    Day Four: 7 things that cross my mind a lot.
    Day Five: 6 things I wish I've never done
    Day Six: 5 people who mean a lot to me(in no special order).
    Day Seven: 4 turn offs.
    Day Eight: 3 turn on's.
    Day Nine: 2 smiley's that describes my life right now.
    Day Ten: 1 confession


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