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Member Since: 1 Feb 2013 08:36am

Last Seen: 9 Feb 2013 07:40am

Gender: F

user id: 348647

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i post stories & poems.
  1. loljkxx loljkxx
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2013 6:47am UTC
    its unfortunate how
    one word of hate
    can make as much of an impact as
    a billion words of love

  2. loljkxx loljkxx
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2013 4:37am UTC
    i guess there's not much i can do
    but there is a lot i could say
    oh if only i was able
    to put what i could say
    into words
    because i spend so many nights
    thinking about you
    what to say
    what i should have said
    so i guess if i said i had no regrets
    i'd be lying
    because if i didn't have any regrets
    i wouldn't have you

  3. loljkxx loljkxx
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2013 4:32am UTC
    to people reading my last story: I didn't have many readers and i wasn't really liking where it was going, so I'm starting a new story, so enjoy this x
    chapter 1: Eden & Flora
    I did my red hair up in a pony tail, it was wavy and long. I had slight freckles and green eyes. Being a red head I was pale. I sat down on my bed and snuggled under the thick covers of my bed. I opened up to the first chapter of 'Wuthering Heights' and began to read but was interruped by my phone; I had a text from my bestfriend Flora. 'Eden!!!! Come to the oval now!!! Guess who's excercising ;)' I felt myself smile a little as I read it. Flora and I always went down to the oval to see the guys from the local rugby team train/excercise, they were all extremely gorgeous. I put on a different top since a baggy top with sweats and and uggs seemed a bit too underdressed; so instead I put on a navy tie-dyed hoodie. I picked up my denim backpack and left to the oval which was right at the end of my street.
    I saw Flora sitting on the oval's only bench. It was cold yet she was wearing a flowly maroon mini dress (although safely put with a chunky grey cardigan and navy converse), her blonde hair was going crazy in the wind. I ran over to her. "Here" I said as I passed her a hair tie, she laughed and side plaited her long hair.
    Flora was beautiful, naturally tanned with long wavy blonde/caramel colored hair and a bubbly personality. She wasn't like lots of the other girls at school; popularity driven, gossip craving, trend following. Except she was definitely without a doubt absolutely boy crazy
    "Look at them" she swooned. They were all training. "Why can't we get guys like that?" She continued to look. "Oh my god, they're talking to each other and looking at us, they must be talking about us, oh my god, oh my god, ohhhhh myyyyy"
    "Why are you always here?!" one of them shouted out. We immidietly ran off and hid behind the toilet block, we were in fits of laughter. We laughed for a solid five minutes but were interuppted by the sound of footsteps.
    "Shhhhh" I giggled. One of the rugby players appeared from around the corner.
    "Who are you?" he asked.
    "Flora and Eden" Flora said as she managed to calm down, she was all red from laughing.
    "How old are you?"
    "Fifteen" I replied. The guy laughed and left. Flora and I brushed ourselves off and stood up. "What's this?" I asked as I picked up a light green piece of paper off the ground. I turned it around and Flora read...
    "official invite to LAST FRIDAY... Oh my gosh Edy, this is the party that everyone in our grade and the grade above was talking about, do you think that guy dropped it on purpose?" Flora gushed.
    "Flora if he dropped it by mistake we should ask just incase"
    "Eden are you absolutely out of your mind? This is going to be a party full of the social elite and hot rugby players and you're just going to pass it up? Who cares if it was a mistake, we have it now" she said as she shoved it in the pocket of her cardigan.
    "I think you're the one that's out of your mind" I laughed.
    "You better figure out an outfit for tomorrow night, friday night!" she laughed as she ran off.
    "Wait!" I called out as I ran off after her. Flora was crazy but she was my bestfriend.

  4. loljkxx loljkxx
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 3:42am UTC
    chapter 1, 'welcome to my life'
    My alarm chimed and I woke up painfully; I didn't want to go to school... at all. My parents would've already left to work by now. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. First day back at school after Christmas. I slowly got up and walked to the shower. I quickly showered and tied my semi-curly brown hair up in a high ponytail after blow drying it. I applied foundation, mascara, minimal eyeliner, blush, and a neutral coloured lipgloss. I teased up my pony tail a bit with my hair brush then headed to my wardrobe. I looked outside; the sky was grey and I felt cold so I went with an oversized navy cardigan, grey t-shirt, black leggings and brown uggs. I grabbed my bag and checked if everything was in there and walked down stairs. There was a cold coffee made by my Dad on the coffee table waiting for me like usual. I took and sip of the coffee and left; I was already late, luckily school was right accross the road from me.
    I walked into my class and everbody stared at me. I rolled my eyes. "Eden, what a surprise you're late" Mr. Hurnel said sarcastially. "Mr. Hurnel! Oh how nice it is to see you again, and please call me Eddy!" I said sarcastically back. He gave me an angry look as I walked down to the back row of desks and sat in the corner. I put down my penci case and book. "Slxt" one of the guys said; everyone laughed. This was why I didn't like school; I'd made some mistakes last year and no one was going to let me forget them. I concentrated in class and finished all my work and recored many notes, anything to get my mind off everything.
    I walked out into the busy corridor at the end of class and people looked at me with expressionless faces; as if they didn't know who I was anymore... I didn't blame them though, I didn't even know who I was anymore. When I got to my locker I realized who was waiting for me; Chase. "Leave me alone" I hissed. Chase had brown hair and brown eyes and tanned skin, every girl wanted him and I guess that's why I got so tangled up with him.
    "Eden, how great it is to see you again" he said. I refused to look at him, I refused to let myself get lost in his stupid perfect eyes and seemingly charming personality once again.
    "Wish I could say the same for you" I said as I put all my books away and got out my bag.
    "It's only the end of first period" he said.
    "And I already need to leave, I hope you're happy Chase" I said as I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked away. I looked back and he was leaning against my locker looking at me. I began to jog. I don't know why; it was if someone was chasing me. I just had to leave this place.
    I stopped jogging once I got the park. I naturally went over to the swings and dropped my bag. I hopped on and swung slightly. My eyes welled up and I could feel myself beginning to cry, I looked up to try stop the tears. This wasn't fair; I hadn't ruined anyones lives or made anyone feel particularly horrible, why did everyone feel the need to make me feel that way? I'd made some mistakes, yes, but didn't hurt anyone in the process. My phone began to ring on privated number.
    "Hey Ed, it's Cass"
    "Cassie, leave me alone... please"
    "Eden wait!"
    "I'm sorry about saying the things I said and I'm sorry I told everyone about... I won't mention it but please forgive me? Chase told me you left school already so I ditched class, I feel super bad"
    "Of course Chase told you" I said before hanging up. I wasn't ready to forgive anyone; sure it'd be nice have someone but anyone but Cassie.
    I'd liked Chase for ages (the typical major crush on the hot and charming perfect boy) then Chase seemingly expressed interest in me then we were in a bit of a thing and blah blah blah... But Cass liked him too. Basically Chase cheated on me with Cass and Cass spread some really personal rumours about stuff that happened between Chase and I. Of course Chase didn't care; Chase is a guy, if anything he was proud and would happily brag about it to people once the word was out. But me? I'm a girl and it's not that easy. Everyone stopped talking to me, spread horrible rumours, called me names behind my back and to my face; all because of Cassie Turg and Chase Fisher. I hoped... prayed that it wouldn't get any worse then it already was.
    spoiler for chapter 2: "I've seen you around before, you and your popular friends" He said to me. He looked silent but loud; like on the outside he was the typical quiet guy but on the inside he had so much more to say.

  5. loljkxx loljkxx
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2013 10:25pm UTC
    omg cause afterwards all the chocolates gonna be
    o n s a l e

  6. loljkxx loljkxx
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2013 8:23pm UTC
    story, chapter 4
    'once again'
    "Tyson!" Cassie gushed as she ran up to him and lept into his arms. They both looked at eachother and he smirked and she looked lost in his eyes. I hoped that Tyson didn't feel what I felt looking at him as he looked at her. Cassie gave him a quick kiss and he put her down. She looked at me like I wasn't meant to be there then glanced back at Tyson with an innocent smile. I looked away and pretended to be looking through the small kitchen's cupboards. "I was thinking instead of going to the beach with the others we could go to the gazebo and have a picnik or something, I've got all the food and blanket and stuff in my bag" she said. I could basically hear her sweet smile.
    "I'd love to" I heard Tyson say, then they both walked out. I stood up and stopped pretending; well pretending that I wasn't still looking in the cupboard, not that Tyson had kissed me before. I didn't know what to do. I was so confused and my thoughts didn't make any sense, so I made the stupidest possible decision; I went to the beach where Tyson's stupid friends were. At least there nothing seemed to matter but what was going on then and there.
    I sat down on a Towel next to Kelly who was examinging her nails. "So I heard Cass and Tyson are going to the gazebo tonight, bets on how far they're gonna go?" one of the guys said.
    "It's not like Tyson to go far with people he hasn't been going out with for long, I don't reckon he'll let them go far" One of the guys who apparently plays rugby with Tyson out of camp.
    "But Cass is known for being pretty seductive, she used to get around with every single hot guy at school" Kelly said.
    "I reckon third base?" one of the guys said.
    "Either that or all the way" one of the girls giggled. I felt so incredibly awkward.
    "Mimi a bit suspiciously quiet" one the guys, Liam, said.
    "I just zoned out sorry" I lied. Liam came and sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder.
    "Liam, stop" I mumbled. Liam and I had gone behind 'the dune' and had been talking for a while. He kissed me and I kissed him back. He took of my top and I was luckily wearing a bikini top underneath and put his hand on my breast. "Liam" I said as I grabbed his hand and tried to force it away. He began to undo the button of my shorts. "Liam fxxk off!" I said as I finally managed to push him off me. I got up and ran off. I ran back to the cabin.
    I collapsed under the covers of my bed and cried. This was too much for one day. I drifed off to sleep in tears and awoke at 8am. Tyson was sitting at the end of my bed. I sat up and looked at him and he crawled in next to me and hugged me. "Why are guys such dixks?" I whispered as I snuggled into him and looked up at him.
    "I don't know" he said then kissed my forehead softly.
    "How'd it go with Cass?" I asked him.
    "I like her, Mim" he said. This time I didn't feel like I was being stabbed in the stomach, I didn't feel any negativity or hatred or anything. I just felt his chest below my head and my hair intwined with his fingers at he played around with it softly.
    "Does she make you feel lovely?"
    "Very" he said. "I heard what happened with you and Liam, don't feel bad that you didn't do what he wanted okay? He just got a bit carried away and you were both a bit drunk" Tyson said. I didn't want to remember last night, but I did... and it hurt.
    "I hate you Tyson" I whispered. I did hate him, I hated how he made me feel and I hated how the way he made me feel wasn't aloud and I hated that I didn't know his true thoughts and me but most of I hated how much I liked him within such a small space of time. All he did was chuckle. This time we weren't interrupted by Cassie or anything but this time we didn't kiss and what we were doing didn't feel so forbiden. I felt so comofortable and safe with him and honestly... It made me scared.
    Chapter 5 spoiler: "Cassie, you have to understand... You don't understand" Tyson said, he looked almost about to cry. I stood there awkwardly. She looked at me with so much hate in her eyes before running off. Then Tyson looked at me and ran off after Cassie. I felt horrible.

  7. loljkxx loljkxx
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2013 9:26am UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. loljkxx loljkxx
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2013 9:40am UTC
    story, chapter 2
    I woke up in the afternoon the next day. Tyson woke me up. "Morning cutie" he said.
    "Pardon?" I asked, confused.
    "All the others have gone down to the beach, can you please juse come down with me?" he asked. I rolled my eyes.
    "Let me shower first, please?" he shrugged and I went into the tiny bathroom and showered. I picked out strapless light purble bandeau type bikinis and put a great oversized top over them. I slipped on black flip flops and walked to the beach with Tyson. What was I doing? Obviously a bit too tired to make good decisions.
    Everyone said hello to me and I sat next to Tyson. I got passed a beer and forced it down. How was this some peoples idea of a good time? Tyson moved his hand up and down my back. The other girls were tanning. The guys were talking. I was sitting quietly. I tuned into the conversation when I was mentioned. "Yeah, she is pretty cute" Tyson said as he looked at me. I looked away quikcly and grabbed another drink.
    An hour later two of the girls had way too much to drink and were now running around topless, laughing and giggling and sharing tipsy kisses with the guys. I was the most sober one here. How did the instructors not notice their students running around the beach half naked hooking up with guys.
    Two hours passed and it was beginning to get a bit dark. I felt tipsy. Tyson came over to me and grabbed me by the waist. I turned around and he kissed me. He was fondling around my body and I felt like I shouldn't have been doing it. I'm only sixteen. I shouldn't be on the beach drinking and having a guy with his tongue down my throat while feeling my bum and breasts. The other guys wolf whistled and the girls laughed.
    "Cabin?" Tyson asked. I nodded not quite concentrating on anything at all. I stumbled back to the cabin and we fell onto his bed just like him and the other girl did last night. Nothing was properly in focus or something. It was all a blur. I was aware of what I was doing but at the same time so incredibly unsure about why.
    I woke up the next morning next to Tyson. "What the fxxk!" I said as I got out of his bed. He slowly opened his eyes.
    "Your tops on the floor" he laughed. I picked up my bikini top.
    "Please tell me we didn't"
    "We didn't" he said. I had a throbbing head ache. "Last night was crazy" he said. I nodded.
    "I would know" I said. I felt embarassed, "Don't let me do that again okay? I feel shxt enough about it as it is". He just chuckled.
    "And who knew, little inccoent Mimi could be like that" he said. At that moment I wanted to punch him. He was so self-centred. I wasn't sure who I was more angry at, him or myself.
    Then the door opened. "You didn't fxxcking lock it?" I hissed. Tyson just shrugged. It was one of the guys from last night. He winked at me then him and Tyson began whispering and laughing. I wanted to melt into a puddle then dissolve into nothing. I was definitely more angry at myself.
    I was hoping this wasn't the start of anything... Such a shame I was wrong.

  9. loljkxx loljkxx
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2013 9:14am UTC
    I sat on the bus to Summer camp and hoped it wouldn't be like every other year. I'd ditch the avtivites like a lot of the other people there but instead of hanging out with friends I'd sit reading a book. I love reading, but only so much I can are before wishing I had at least one friend at Summer camp. I was sitting by myself of course. I put on my headphones and played some Katy Perry song. "There's one spare seat left next to Mimi" I heard the teacher say. Yep, my parents had blessed me with a dogs name; Mimi. I noticed the teacher saying this to a guy who walked over and sat next to me. He looked at me and I quickly turned away. The person I'd least want to see here is the most popular guy in my grade Tyson. Tyson was sittin next to me.
    "Mia right?" He asked me. Oh what a surprise he didn't know my name... not.
    "It's Mimi" I said without even looking at him. This was the last thing we said for the entire bus ride there. I just wanted to be by the beach with a book right now that he was here. There was no way I could run away from social status and who I was friends with at school now.
    When we arrived the instructor assigned us to cabins. Of course they were mixed girl and boy and of course I ended up sharing a cabin with Tyson. This wasn't fair. I came to this camp to get away from people like him, now I'm stuck with him? Beach. Now.
    I packed my stuff into the small bed side table draws and picked out a book. "Aren't you going to go meet everyone? There's so many other people here" Tyson said.
    "I'd rather avoid that" I said as I closed my suit case.
    "Sorry" He said sarcastically. "You know, you're not even bad looking, if you actually put effort into being friends with people you might have a chance at being popular"
    "Oh, and be friends with people like you? I think I'll pass" I turned around and said this before I left to the beach. Who did he think he was? 'You know, you're not even bad looking'. Seriously? Oh wow, what a compliment! Bless him and his kind soul!
    Once I got to the beach I lay out my towel and took off my white dress (of course I was wearing bikinis underneath) then applied coconut tanning oil. I lay down and began to read. Now this was the true meaning of bliss. I could smell the salty air, feel the sand beneath my towel and hear the soft waves crashing. At that moment life was serene and uninterrupted, if only it had lasted. "Aye Mimi!" I heard Tyson call out. I sat up. It was him and the other popular guys and girls from camp. Great.
    The guys set up their towels and eskis and the girls set up their towels and Victoria Secret beach bags way too close for comfort. One of the guys got a few bottles of beer and passed them around to everyone. They were all sixteen I assumed, all underaged. They began to play their music and talk and laugh loudly. What happened to sernity, bliss, and me time? "Can you keep it down?" I shouted. They all laughed. "Urgh" I complained as I gathered all my things. I was going back to the cabin; this was ridiculous.
    I lay down on one of the cabin beds. It was extremely comfy so I eventually drifted off to sleep... for about an hour... untill of course I was awoken. It was Tyson and a girl. I sat up. "Seriously?" I hissed. They were both a little drunk. "Calm down" the girl stumbled, "Yeah, yolo" Tyson laughed. They both collapsed onto Tyson's bed and began making out. Well, this Summer camp will obviously not be like any other; possibly worse.


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