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Member Since: 6 Jun 2011 01:39pm

Last Seen: 28 Jun 2013 03:53pm

Birthday: December 19

Gender: F

user id: 180568

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  1. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2012 4:58pm UTC
    Aria's POV.
    Today was horrible, i've wanted to curl up in a ball & cry! I finally got home after a meeting with teachers with Dylan! Dylan said nothing to me, he didn't apologise or try to talk to me! He has already got the sl/tiest girl in school number, wouldnt of put it past him but all of those horrible memories came rushing back. *knock knock* I check the door & Alex is there holding Ben&jerrys & our favourite smoothie! 'A whats wrong?' He comes in & sets everything on the table & just drags me on the sofa into a hug! 'You've been crying A, talk to me?' I hate seeing him upset & we've been so close for ages that just knowing i could upset him brings me to tears! 'Its Dylan, that new kid. I know him from my other school.' I cried to him, i've never told anyone the evil things Dylan & his friends did to me! 'Whys that a problem? What did he do to you?' I can feel him start shaking. I don't want him to know i just need a nice night in & forget it all. 'Just stay here the night? I need a friend right now.' & with that he dropped it & we watched my favourite programme Pretty Little Liars & stayed on the sofa the whole time.
    Will get better soon, a little more drama tomorrow.
    Please start reading, follow me & i'll follow back.
    Aria's outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/again/set?id=62759181
    Aria: http://weheartit.com/entry/42097486
    Alex's outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/again/set?id=62757859#stream_box
    Alex: http://weheartit.com/entry/31356291

  2. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2012 2:29pm UTC
    Aria's POV.
    Early morning today because the schools prep team wants me to welcome the new kid to school & guide them around school. I dont mind this, i've done it before & really helped a lot of people. I tie my hair in a messy bun & slip into my outift i picked out last night. I quickly do my make-up, leave it natural for today. I grab my keys off the side & leave the house for my sister to lock up. Mums always working abroad so we've got use to being alone by now, i get in my little mini & drive to school. Parking in my normal place, im not as early as i thought id be. The footballers have already finshed there morning session, so i wait around for Alex. He's a typical footballer, popular, gorgeous. We've been so close & everyone says we should date, but i can't see him like that. 'Someone looks good today' Alex's voice brings me back from my thoughts. He does look really good in his training kit, I let out a laugh 'Im picking up the new kid & showing them around, heard any news what there like?' I ask 'Yeah babe, he played with us this morning. He's a pretty decent lad' With that i give him a hug & go to the reception. The principal is yelling at someone? I sit & wait trying not to listen. The principal comes out looking cross & just gives me the details of my job today & tells me Dylan should be here in a minute. Dylan? It can't be him, there must be so many Dylan's, no need to panic. i sit there impatiently, fiddling with my hair & checking my chipped nails. 'Uh are you my guide for the day?' His voice brings shivers up my spine, i can't move. 'Excuse me?' I guess i have to answer soon enough i cant sit here all day. I look up & by the reaction of his face he is as suprised as i am. 'So what finally got you kicked out of Westly' I asked him, he went to my old school & i moved just to get away from him & he popular crowd. 'I... uh. Well i um, just stuff you know' His face has gone bright red now. 'What do you keep staring at pig? I'll take you to my next lesson but dont expect me to be all friendly with you!' I hissed at him & walked out. He doesnt deserve any kindness or forgiveness. Everyones giving me smiles down the corridor, i am nothing like what i was back when he ruled my life.
    pretty bad right now; get better in next chapters
    Aria's outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/again/set?id=62443750#fans
    Aria: http://weheartit.com/entry/42097486
    Alex's outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/again/set?id=62446040
    Alex: http://weheartit.com/entry/31356291
    Dylans outfit:
    Dylan: http://weheartit.com/entry/28554474

  3. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2012 5:03pm UTC
    casually crying to your pillow...
    because you want to feel his touch one last time.

  4. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2012 4:59pm UTC
    pretending your okay is so easy,
    trust me.
    i do it every day.

  5. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2012 2:11pm UTC
    my boyfriend knows my witty name...
    so henry smith.
    i love you more than words can describe
    & im not telling you its going to be easy, im telling you its going to be worth it
    i cant stop thinking about your smile
    shut up & kiss me
    i wouldnt leave you for the world
    when it comes to me+you theres no end in love
    no matter what i say you will always be in my heart
    i lived fine before you but now i cant imagine living life without you
    no one can make me smile quite like you do
    i know this is sad but i see these quotes & i think of you baby.
    im in love with you.

  6. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2012 4:09pm UTC
    'Because of you i find it hard to trust not only me but everyone around me'
    -Because Of You!

  7. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2012 3:46pm UTC
    'Like your pouring salt in my cuts'
    -fix a heart!

  8. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    January 1, 2012 3:29pm UTC
    Be Truthful.
    A - Available? no!<33333
    B - Birthday? 19th Decemeber!:D
    C - Crushing on? Henry Smith!:')
    D - Drink you last had? orange jucie!:D
    E - Easiest person to talk to? Henry Smith!
    F - Favorite song? We cry by the scripy!:')
    G - Gummy bears or gummy worms? Gummy bears!;)
    H - Hometown? Cardiff!:D
    I - In love with? Henry Smith!<3333333
    J - Jealous of? Every girl, because i ALWAY think there prettier than me!:L
    K - Killed someone? killed an ant?!:S
    L - Longest car ride? 6hours?:L
    M - Milkshake flavor? Chocolate!:D
    N - Number of siblings? 1 brother... could have others i dont know about!:S
    O - One wish? Ic ould spend every morning&night with my boyfriend!:'L
    P - Person you texted last? Henry Smith!<33333333
    Q - Question you are always asked? Are you okay?:'L
    S - Song you last listened to? We cry by the script!;)
    U - Underwear color? White!;)
    V - Violent moment you had? Mum strangling me on the floor!-.-
    W - Worst habit? Brushing my hair?:L
    X - X-rays you had? Wrist!-.-
    Y - Yoyos are? annoying!-.-
    Z - Zodiac sign? saggitarius!:L:L

  9. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2011 5:39pm UTC
    I'm selfish, impatient & insecure. I make mistakes. I am out of control & at times, hard to handle. But if you hard to handle. But if you can't andle me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best.
    -marilyn monroe

  10. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2011 5:34pm UTC
    I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they're right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself. And sometimes good things fall apart so btter things can fall together.
    -marilyn monroe

  11. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2011 5:09pm UTC
    No one ever told me I was pretty when I was a little girl.
    All little girls should be told they're pretty,
    even if they aren't.
    - marilyn monroe.

  12. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2011 5:06pm UTC
    Might start writing some Marilyn Monroe quotes;
    just because im cool;
    & pretty much love her

  13. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2011 10:56am UTC
    Everyone says there happy for new year & things will be different?
    Same friends,
    Same family,
    Most probably same house+school,
    So here's to another year of the same.

  14. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2011 12:11pm UTC
    Girl: *insults from far away*
    Other Girl: Say it to my face.
    Girl: *comes over & insults*
    Other Girl: okaaay then.

  15. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2011 5:13pm UTC
    Jenny was poor girl,
    living in a rich world.
    Named her baby hope,
    when she was just 14.
    She was hoping for a better world,
    for this little girl.

  16. loganelizabeth loganelizabeth
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2011 2:39pm UTC
    I'm sorry if i'm not cool enough to look like my skir t is abelt;)


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