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  1. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2010 2:18am UTC
    +& tonight is just an ice cream eating, messy bun wearing, taylor swift playing kinda night.
    and it's alright.

  2. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2010 1:06am UTC

  3. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2010 11:17pm UTC
    and it's one of those days...
    where nothing seems to go right. where all i can do is squeeze my pillow to try and hold myself together. for reasons i dont even know why. laying on my bed with the usual songs playing thinking about the past.
    one of the worst mistakes i can make, i know.
    my phone is somewhere in my room, but i don't even feel like looking for it. i know i can talk to my bestfriend, but i really don't feel like moving.
    all i feel right now is that i'm fat. i feel like crap. the most exhausting part of all of this is concentrating on hating "him".
    please tell me why i'm like this?

  4. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2010 12:59am UTC
    Letting go is much easier said than done.
    You grow to love someone and letting them
    go is like losing a part of you. Whenever
    you know you must let go because it's
    what is best for you, you keep thinking
    of reasons to stick around. I know what
    I must do. It's not going to be easy and
    it will take time for me to completely let go,
    but it's what I need to do.

  5. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2010 11:21am UTC
    And I'm done.
    I'm done getting upset over you. I can't stand being depressed over
    you all the time. I'm living my life the way I want to. //////////////////
    ♥ with no regrets or problems ♥
    But the truth is, I'm not done. I can't deal with being upset over you
    anymore. . And I can live
    without you, and yet I will always have problems and regrets -------
    { loving x you }
    I can't give up that easily, can you?

  6. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2010 11:01am UTC
    isn't it sad when the guy you just can't seem to let go of tells you himself that you're strong enough to let go of him?
    i think so. </3

  7. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 8:47pm UTC
    How come he can forget about me so fast?
    How can he forget all the memories we had?
    How could he hurt me like he did?
    How can he act like nothing ever happened? like there was never an "US".
    HOW COME?</3

  8. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 8:20pm UTC
    I realized that it's not him that I miss. No. It's the FEELING I miss. The feeling that somebody loved me for me and that all they wanted to do was be with me.
    [or so they said.]

  9. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 6:57pm UTC
    jUsT sMiLe! (:

  10. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 6:52pm UTC
    hey girls.(:
    i just want to say that if you are heartbroken over a guy, don't be. he isn't worth it. it's his loss, not yours. he's the one that is going to be missing out on a beyond amazing girl. so smile and show him that he didn't do any damage to you. don't show him that you miss him. trust me. it isn't worth it. mr. right is out there. this last guy just wasn't him.
    iT's GoNnA bE aLrIgHt.

  11. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 6:48pm UTC
    hey to whoever(:
    i just wanted to let you know,
    that whatever you're going through
    everything will soon be better.
    it can't rain forever////

  12. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 6:35pm UTC
    ///i just want someone to ask me if i'm alrighttt.
    and tell them i'm fine. [when i'm really not]
    and for them to say- don't lie to me.\\\

  13. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 6:10pm UTC
    I wish I could go back
    to when I first met you,
    and just walk away. /////////////////

  14. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 5:58pm UTC
    aS wE gO oN,
    we *REMEMBER*
    @ll the times we
    hAd ToGeThEr\\\\
    | <3 |

  15. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2010 5:47pm UTC
    i never realized how good it would feel to realize that---
    I'm OvEr HiM ♥

  16. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2010 4:46pm UTC
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥hi. i'm a teenage girl. i believe almost everything that people say. like- i love you. - you're the only girl for me.- you are the only one that can truly make me smile.- ...you never asked me out. but you still treated me like your girlfriend. you told me that we were meant for eachother an no one else. you even told me that we were going to get married when we got older. so basically we were engaged. (bahha) when i had a terrible day i told you that i was going to go crawl into a hole and that i wouldn't come out for a long time. you told me that you were going to come with me because you couldn't be away from me. baby, did you ever mean anything? or did you just play me because you knew i was nieve? i guess it doesn't matter anymore. i think this is the first time that i can actually say that i'm over you and i mean it. ♥♥♥♥♥♥ thanks for reading ♥

  17. llovexmexnott llovexmexnott
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2010 4:20pm UTC
    sometimes i wonder if you ever feel bad for hurting me.
    but then i say- "why should i care if you feels bad or not?"
    i'm my own person.
    i deserve a guy who will treat me right and who will love me for who i am.
    ♥i'M oVeR yOu♥
    &+ you're crap. [:


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