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Member Since: 24 Jun 2012 10:43pm

Last Seen: 15 Aug 2012 11:40am

user id: 311712

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Hello(: . Im writing the story Seven Days, it's my first one so no i'm not the best but i just wanted to try one. Share it, give me feedback, and follow(: 
  1. livingafairytalexx livingafairytalexx
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2012 11:48am UTC
    Seven Days
    Chapter 2
    I started gasping for air but my lungs hurt, and my throat was sore.The boy picked me up and ran me to the back of the ambulence. I lost my view of the boy as medics put a breathing mask on my face taking deep breaths in and out. Katie was talking to the chief firefighter explaning what happened. I could barely hear what they were saying over the air tank, but I made out that she was making breakfast. Sounds like typical Katie, NOT a cook. The doctors cleared and I didn't see the boy anymore. I saw his 6'1" musclar figure walking down the street his dirty blonde hair reflecting the sun. And I didn't even get to say thank you.
    The fire was gone and I was free off of the machine. Katie and I went to our own homes and decided to rest after what just happened. My black dress was getting uncomfortable and my hair and make-up was a mess. I never even had time to take it off. I got home and showered washing the smell of smoke and alcohol off of my body. I threw sweatpants on and put my hair up. I curled up on the couch with a carton of ice-cream and turned on the TV. I tried focusing on the TV but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get the boy eyed boy out of my head.

  2. livingafairytalexx livingafairytalexx
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2012 10:36pm UTC
    Seven Days
    Chapter 1
    I wake up a few hours later to Katie shaking me. She had been my best friend since middle school.
    "Carly, Carly, wake up!" My eyes fluttered open and she let out a sigh of relief.
    "W-what happened?" I asked holding my forehead. I had a killer headache and could barely keep my eyes open.
    "You passed out last night, ever since Mark your drinking has been an issue. Do you know how many times I've brought you up here scared you won't wake up?!"
    "Okay mom chill, I can handle myself, plus I gotta do what makes him happy." With that I passed out onto Katie's bed.
    I jolted awake and grunbly twisted the doorknob. My head no longer pounded and I didn't feel dizzy. The beeping became louder as I carried myself to the kitchen. It was filled with smoke. I saw the faint outline of Katie waving smoke away from the fire detector. I ran into the smoke and grabbed her arm pulling her out of the house. We layed in the grass coughing from the smoke. The sirens in the distance got louder as the seconds felt like hours. My asmtha was acting up and I didn't have an inhaler. Katie caught her breath and tried to keep me calm. The neighbors were already gathering on the street, some were yelling and other stood emotionless.
    "Carly get up we have to get to the ambulence." Her voice was shaking with fear, I tried getting to my feet but was knocked down by another coughing attack and fell.
    "Someone help!" She begged as tears streamed down her face. Someone came running over, I didn't reconize him, but as he kneeled next to me. I got lost in the most amazing set of eyes I've ever seen.

  3. livingafairytalexx livingafairytalexx
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2012 5:20pm UTC
    Seven Days
    The music blasted through the speakers and kids rushed onto the dance floor. The flashing lights were blinding and the floor was dreanched with alcohol. The beginning of the "Summer Blow Out" had just started and I was already on drink two. I didn't drink often, but that was until I met Mark. I was an accessory on his hip, look good and act bad, that's all he really wanted. I know I was being used, but I just couldn't let go, I didn't even want to imagine what would happen. The floor was full of teens makeing out and grinding. I checked myself in my phone. My blonde hair was pin straight and my makeup was done to perfection. Drink three came around and things started getting woosie. Someone moved their hands around my waist and they spun me around. Sticking his tounge in my mouth we were making out, Mark. He told me to drink one more cup to impress his friends. I chugged and once they were satisifed they left. Things went black and I passed out. For the rest of the night I saw nothing but black.
    I just started this story and I would apperciate your feedback! Thanks so much(: ♥


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