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Member Since: 11 Jan 2009 10:05am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 63410

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Maria Jeannette's Profile <3

Heyyy peoplee
My name is Maria
Im 16yrs old
I love Summer && Fall
Im new to this site. Give me time plz.
I love school
Friends & Family are my everything
I pinky promise i wont steal peoples quotes.
I dont break pinky promises, btw
I lovee music, hip hop, rap, r&b, alternative, metal, screamo, pop. I dont like country except for Taylor Swift
I love watching movies. My favorites are Wall-e, P.S. I Love You && Marley && Me.
I amm single, & its very tough.
I want my ex back :( 




After awhile you learn the difference between holding a hand && falling in love. 


<3 Thinking of you is what brings a smile to my face; dreaming of you is what makes my heart race; looking into your eyes makes me fall even more; but simply being with you is what i live for. <3



 <3 Someday someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else. <3

The Ah-Mazingg

Hip Hop, Rap, R&B, Metal, Screamo, Alternative, Ro

Likes :]
Ossipee Lake Camping Area is my life, Friends, Family, Txting, Phone Calls, Hanging out with friends, Movies, Romance, Horse Back Riding, Laughing, Smiling, Being wild and crazy, AIM, Monster, Candy, Junk food, Healthy Food, Lime Green, Orange, Stars, Hearts, Being Different, Outrageous Colors, Tubing, Camping, Sims, Decorating, Coloring, Music, Brokencyde, Dirty Songs, German Shepards, Huskies, Animal Crossing, Wii, Guitar Hero, Sleepovers, Taking Pictures, Being myself, Going to Shaws and Wal-Mart to mess around, Screaming dirty things in public, Running, Playing Baseball Soccer Wiffle Ball Kick Ball and Basketball at camp, Bonfires, Smore's, Sparkerlers, Waterfalls, Canada, Florida, The ocean, Maine, York Beach, Going down slides, Talking, Peanut Butter, Pop Rocks, Rock Candy, Snow Cones and Lollipops =]

Hates :[
Hates: Liars, Backstabbers, Drama, Cheating, Sluts, People being mean to other people, Spitballs, Unsanitary things, Germs, Being Sick, Clingy friends, Friends who wont let me hangout with other friends, Being cooped up in the house with the family all day, Getting hurt, Seeing sumone hurt, Rain, Jealousy and Winter.



  1. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 4:14pm UTC
    I miss my ex boyfriend, anyone else? /:

  2. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2010 9:14pm UTC
    My ex & I broke up almost 6 months ago.
    He said he hated me. & didnt care abt me.
    After a few months of trying to get him to be my friend again, we started hanging out.
    I couldn't help myself.
    We have been hanging out at least once a week for about 3 months.
    Yeah you dated another girl for at least 2 or 3 weeks, but you guys broke up.
    Yeah you said you don't want to be in a relationship with anyone, but we act like were together anyways..
    We hold hands, kiss, hug eachother, talk like theres no tomorrow, home base, ya know.
    I've gotten into a car accident with you right next to me. You've helped me get through my hardships with my family & friends, & idk what I would do without you right now.
    But the thing is...were notttt dating.
    We see eachother after period A in school, you walk me to the third floor, give me a hug & grab my hand.
    But other then that i'm a no body to you.
    We pass in the halls, you look away, I tagged you in a post on facebook, you un-tag it.
    People know we hangout again, so what?
    We act like were dating, but were not, cause around people, i'm nothing to you.
    I don't know what to do. /:
    I want him to be mine...but i don't know what to do.
    Do I ignore him for a bit to see if he cares enough to talk to me?
    Please help me.
    I'm begging you.I'm SO tiered of crying over you.
    Because...I love you.
    The girl who has been yours since 10*27*2008 =:(

  3. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2010 10:42am UTC
    && it's been exactly one month today that you walked out of my life.
    I thought you loved me.
    I thought you meant always & forever
    I guess not..
    I miss you so much
    && I want you back
    But your too busy with your friends
    You don't want me
    But I didn't do anything wrong this time.
    I wake up in the morning realizing that I can't call you
    I go to bed at night realizing that I won't get a call from you
    I go to school thinking you will come in and hug me and kiss me;
    But instead you walk right past me
    You say you hate me
    You say you don't care
    You said you just lost love for me
    && yet I was still madly in love with you
    We almost made it to 18 months of being together
    But that all changed.
    How do I get you back?
    ( Venting; true story )

  4. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2010 10:37am UTC
    After all the lies; I still love you

  5. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2009 8:12am UTC
    Wow, you don't even know what i'm feeling right now...I feel so lost and helpless. I feel worthless and used. Do you even know why? Probably not since you don't even care. How do I know this? Because you don't act like my bf anymore...I wanna go back to what we used to be. I need a guy who can treat me like his princess, who always wants to be with me, who will do anything for me. I need a guy who's there for me. Who will write me sweet little notes so i can keep them forever. Are you that guy? No, your not, and you never were before. You act like a dick to me when were not alone. But when were alone, it's a whole different story. When were alone, all you wanna do is touch me, kiss me, hold me. Something is not right there. When i'm with you all alone, i feel safe, and like im the only girl on the planet. But when were not alone, I will try to hold hands with u, and u will for maybe 30 seconds then let go. You ignore me when you feel like it, you do all the stuff your not suppose to. I want a guy who treats me right, but I can never break up with you, because I love you so much. But right now, that's the only reason why I wanna stay with you. If i wasn't so in love, you'd be gone.
    (just venting)

  6. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2009 8:00am UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2009 4:29pm UTC
    Kerim && Maria
    Always && Forever
    I ♥ You Baby Boy

  8. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2009 7:12pm UTC
    I wish I culd go back in time & fix my decision that changed my whole life as i know it. But i cant, && thats why a little piece of my heart is still missing. && thats why im falling apart...I cant take this anymore. You obv. don't care...Im hurt..& you don't care. My ( friends ) told me this wuld happen, but did i listen, no. Now look at me...a mess. a wreck. a horrible *disaster* I just gotta remember, that EVERY choice i make, there's a consequence. Who will i hurt nxt, you, or myself?

  9. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2009 5:55pm UTC
    I can't take it any longer thought that we were stronger, all we do is linger, slipping through my fingers, i dont wanna try now, all that's left is goodbye...to find a way that i can tell you...( I hate this part right here, I hate this part right here, I just can't take your tears, i hate this part right here. )

  10. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2009 5:36pm UTC
    People always say to listen to your heart...well, i'm listening, && I guess, that means...im done playing games.

  11. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2009 5:32pm UTC
    My heart is breaking...I can't take this anymore.

  12. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2009 5:29pm UTC
    A little piece of my heart is still missing

  13. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2009 5:26pm UTC
    I wish I could go back in time &+ fix my decision that changed my life;;;emotionally.

  14. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2009 5:22pm UTC
    How could I be so heartless?

  15. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2009 7:55pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2009 8:51am UTC
    My stomach is twisting and turning
    My head is thinking, about ready to explode.
    She might actually do it again
    But this time, get her way.
    ( Im scared )

  17. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2009 8:49am UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2009 4:16pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2009 5:10pm UTC
    Dare to be Different

  20. liveLaughLOVE_2569 liveLaughLOVE_2569
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2009 5:05pm UTC
    Jealousy; Kills


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