Witty Profiles

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  1. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2011 1:14am UTC
    And I said
    whoa dere
    whoa dere baby
    you just needa stop

  2. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2011 9:21pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2011 4:42pm UTC
    Sucker for Love
    •Chapter 2•
    "Are u excited?!" The text message from my best friend Jenni read. "Hell ya!" I replied.
    "Avia! I made you lunch!" My mom called from downstairs. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.
    "Are you excited for the concert tonight?" My mom asked. That's really a stupid question. I've only been talking about the Justin Bieber concert for, like, 2 weeks! You see, I tried to get the tickets six months ago when they went on sale, but they sold out in an hour. An hour... to sell out the Medowlands. So I was really disappointed for a while, but then I got over it. Until about 2 weeks ago. I was listening to 92.3 NOW on the radio and they had a contest to win the tickets! I won 6 tickets for all of my friends and I. I gobbled up my sandwich and munched on a few chips. I went back up to my room and logged onto Skype and did a video conference with Jenni, Brittany, Jaqueline, Gia, and Arianna. "So, whats the plan for tonight?" Brittany asked. "We're all going to Avia's house at 5." Jenni said. "The concert starts at 7:30, so we have to leave by 7." Arianna informed. "What about dinner?" Gia asked. "My mom said she would order a pizza." I said. All of the girl's faces split into smiles. "Oh my gosh! I almost forgot to tell you guys! JUSTIN RETWEETED ME ON TWITTER!" Jaqueline screeched. We all started fan girling! That reminded me to check my twitter. I logged on and saw I had one new follower and direct message. I looked at my followers list. @justinbieber was right on the top of the list. What?! Are you serious!? I looked at my DMs. "Hey it's justin. Want backstage passes for tonight?" OH MY GOSH OH GOSH.
    "What?!?!" I heard come out of the speakers. I forgot I was still on chat with the girls.
    "That would be amazing Justin! Thanks sooo much! Its me and 5 of my friends. Youre the best!" I typed.
    "Ok(: Go to door 6. Ryan should be out there and your name will be on the list. But first i need to know your name." A new chat bubble for Justin popped up on my screen.
    "Oh right. Sorry. It's Avia." I typed and hit the X on the top right corner.
    "I'll see you guys at 5 at my house. I have to get ready!" I logged out of oovoo. This will deffinatley be the best night of my life.
    It's a little sloww... It will get better though, I hope(: COMMENT IF YOU WANT MORE.

  4. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2011 3:16pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2011 3:21pm UTC
    Someday♥ + Our Someday♥
    I want to thank all of my fantastic readers for all of the love on Someday and Our Someday! I really appreciate it so much. You don't even know how much I love going on witty and knowing that people actually appreciate my work. In case you didn't know, Our Someday was my last Jemily story. I will be writing another one that will have Justin, but no Emily. Thank you guys so much again! I love you all so much! Make sure to check back later or tomorrow for the first chapter of...
    Sucker for Love

  6. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2011 2:15pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2011 10:00pm UTC
    Our Someday♥
    Chapter 11
    I was feeling a little better in the next couple weeks. After seeing all of my friends at the funeral, it helped me a lot. It was about a month until I was fully recovered. Justin never mentioned that incident in the bathroom. I'm sure it was killing him inside, though. I was in G by Guess looking for some new clothes for school, which started in a week, when I got a text from Justin. "Hey babe. Meet me for dinner at the new Italian restaurant down the street. 7 o'clock reservations. (: " I looked at the clock, 5:00. I quickly checked out my new clothes and walked out of the mall before I got pulled into more stores. I unlocked my convertible and drove home. I pulled into the driveway, which was empty. I ran into my room and changed into an outfit I had just gotten from the mall: http://www.polyvore.com/emilys_date_outfit/set?id=34934519 By the time I curled my hair and applied my make up, it was 6:30. I grabbed the remote to turn off the TV in the living room. I hit the channel button by mistake and TMZ popped up on the screen. "Is Emily Disiterato's brother's unfortunate death tearing Jemily apart? Will Justin and Emily's relationship survive these hard times?" I hit the power button. They were absolutley ridiculous. "This is not the end of 'Jemily.' I assure you." I whispered to no one. The restaurant was close to my house, maybe a mile or two down the street. The little Italian restaurant was small and cozy, with dimmed lights and a Frank Sinatra album played quietly. I searched the room, which only had about four of five tables. I saw Justin in the corner table for two with a dozen roses in his hands and the biggest smile on his face.
    I'm baaack! Soory I havent been writing. Comment, k? (: Love you guyss! Thanks for reading.
    Btw... This story is coming to an end soon and I think I'm going to start a completely different story. It will still have Justin Bieber in it, but no Emily. What do you guys think? How many of you would read it?

  8. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2011 4:18pm UTC
    Our Someday
    Do you guys think I should make a polyvore to show you guys Emily's outfits?
    Favorite if you think I should!
    xoxo- Lindsey

  9. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2011 3:31pm UTC
    Our Someday
    Chapter 10
    I ran upstairs to my room as soon we got home. I didn't know what I was going to do. I quickly ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. "Babe! Come on. It's okay. Open up." Justin said knocking on the door. "Go away!" I screamed. I opened my medicine cabinet and took out a huge bottle of pain killers. I didn't even see the point of living anymore. "Em! Let me in please." "Justin, go away!" I struggled opening the cap to the bottle. "Come on damn it! Open!" I screamed. "Emily?" Suddenly the cap came off and the pills spilled all over the floor. I screamed in frustration. "EMILY! DAMN IT WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" The bathroom door flung open and I fell to my knees, shaking. Justin came over and held me. "What the hell are you doing baby. Oh my gosh. Are you okay? Emily." I cried into his chest. "Justin- I-I-I don't even want to live anymore. I-I-I-cant." He shushed me, "It's going to be okay, baby."

  10. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2011 11:10am UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2011 10:39am UTC
    Our Someday
    Chapter 8
    The jet back to New Jersey was only about 4 hours long. Scooter's girlfriend, Carin, brought me into the bathroom on the plane and gave me some of her make up powder, which covered the hickey up like magic. "I take it you have experience." I joked to Carin. "Yep!" She replied. There were a few paparazzi at the airport, but me and Justin flew past them. Scooter stopped for TMZ and told them simple things about Justin, like how he's taking a break. Kenny dropped us off at my house and said "Bye, kiddos! Call me if you ever need me. Now I'm off to Hot-Lanta!" Justin helped me carry one of my bags because he only brought one and I brought three. "Mom, we're home!" Justin called into the big house when he opened the door. No reply. "Mom? Greg?" I shouted. Still no answer. I walked into the kitchen and Justin brought our bags upstairs. There was a note on the fridge. "Hi honey. Pattie and I had to go to the ER. Greg was in a little car accident. Nothing to worry about. Call me when you get home. I love you. XOXO -Mom" Greg was in a car accident? I quickly picked up my iPhone and dialed my moms number. "Mom, what happened?" "Honey, you better get down here. They moved him to the hospital and had to go into emergency surgery."
    This is short, but I needed to make this a seperate chapter. I'll write the next one like... now.

  12. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 11:00pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 10:31pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 10:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 9:43pm UTC
    Our Someday
    Umm... I feel like a bigger idiot because I though Ellen was in California. But she's actually in Chicago... I'm just a super duper idiot. It's okay, I'll admit it(: Whatever. It really doesn't matter what state they are in, it has nothing to do with the story. LOL! Myyy Baddd

  16. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 9:37pm UTC
    Our Someday
    Chapter 6
    Before I knew it, we were ready to go to Ellen. We took a jet early this morning to California. Justin, Scooter, Kenny, and I were the only ones who went. Justin and I told our moms to stay home, since we were only staying for a day. They didn't seem to care because Kenny was coming with us. A big, white, Hummer stretch limo pulled up to the front of the hotel. We all climbed in and were heading to Warner Brother's studio. I tightened my grip on Justin's hand as we got closer. "You nervous babe?" He asked. I swallowed and shook my head no, which was a lie. I was actually scared shitless. The only time I'd been on TV was when Pattie and Justin were on a local Canadian talk show in Ontario. They panned the camera to the audience and little 13 year old me was in the front row, cheering on my best friend. This was before Justin was famous. During his busking- Kid Rauhl stage. The limo pulled into a parking lot and the four of us got out and walked into the studio. "Mr. Braun, they go on in five." The producer said to Scooter. Soon enough, Ellen called us out to the stage. "Just follow me and let me answer most of the question. Your going to do great, I love you." Justin said and pulled me through the curtains. Justin and Ellen greeted each other like they were best friends. Ellen gave me a hug and introduced me to the audience. I was actually pretty comfortable once I was out there. "So Justin, all of the beliebers are going crazy. Saying your lying to them. They're pretty mad that you two haven't gone public with your relationship. So just tell us the thing everyone wants to know, you guys are dating, right?" Ellen asked. "Yes. This is my girlfriend Emily and shes really an amazing girl with a kind heart. All of you guys should just give her a chance, and I promise you'll love her as much as I do." Justin answered. The audience "awhed." "Now Emily, there have been reports of a belieber actually harming you. Is that true." I looked over to Justin and he shrugged. "Um, there was an incident back in Canada. A fan of Justin's thought we were dating. I wasn't hurt, but a lot of my stuff was damaged." I answered, trying not to give to many details. "Well, I think you guys are adorable together! How long have y'all actually been dating?" "We've been dating for about two months now, actually tomorrow will be two months." Justin said, "I actually wanted to give Em something." Justin reached in his pocket and pulled out a black velvet box. He opened it up and revealed a diamond heart necklace. "Oh my gosh, Justin. I love it! Thank you!" I said loudly, forgetting I was wearing a microphone. "Well, I actually got you something too." I said. I pointed to two teenaged boys sitting in the back row on the studio. "Ryan! Chaz! Oh my gosh! Thanks Em! I love you!" The audience let out another "awh" and Justin and I kissed right on national TV.
    Yaay they're public! Next chapter's going to be EXCITINGG! Woot woot! Leave a comment guess what you thinks gunna happen! If you guess correctly, I'll give you a shout out!

  17. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 9:12pm UTC
    Our Someday
    OK, you guys are going to think I'm the biggest idiot in the world. You see, Justin and Emily are in New Jersey. And Ellen's in California. And I TOTALLY forgot that they would have to take a plane. So just pretend like they took a reaaaallly super fast jet to California. LOL! I'm such an IDIOT!
    MY BAD!...
    I'll post chapter 6 right now(:

  18. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 5:12pm UTC
    Our Someday
    Chapter 5
    The next morning I woke up and got in the shower almost instantly. I had to get ready for Ellen. I was quite nervous about the questions she was going to ask. While I was conditioning my hair, I heard a knock on my bathroom door. "I have to pee!" I was Justin. I giggled. "Okay! One minute!" I rinsed my hair and slipped into a towel and he hopped into the bathroom as soon as I opened the door. I walked over to my dress and heard Justin's "sigh of relief." I put on my bra and shorts, but I couldn't find my shirt I picked out last night. Justin came out of the bathroom wearing shorts and not shirt. He came over to me and threw me over his shoulder. "Justin! Put me down, I have to find my shirt!" I laughed. "Nevaaaar!!" Justin said and did an evil laugh. I gasped, "Justin Bieber, did you just say never?!" He threw me on the bed and grinned. Justin collapsed onto the bed himself, and he pulled my body on top of his. We started kissing, well, um, making out. It was pretty intense, but this is what teenagers in love do, isn't it? After about ten minutes I heard a voice coming from the hallway. I wasn't to concerned so I kept on kissing. "Emily have you seen my-" I heard from the hallway before the door to my bedroom was flung open by Greg. "WOAH! OH GOSH. GET IT IN!!!!" He screamed, jokingly. "Greg!" I said weakly, trying to catch my breath. He threw his hands up as if he was innocent and ran away from the door. Justin was still on the bed, motioning me to come back. I went over and sat on his lap. "We have to get ready." I said. "Aw, babe! Come on! One more kiss, and I'll show you were I hid your shirt." Justin said and winked. This kid, what was I going to do with him.
    I'm sooo sorry I havent been writing! I've been really stressed! Comment so I know you guys are still reading and want more?

  19. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2011 11:46pm UTC
    Our Someday
    Chapter 4
    "It's okay, baby. Just let it out, I'm right here." Justin said, cradling me in his arms. It was about 10 minutes before me and Justin went downstairs to eat dinner. "Greg's not back yet?" I asked my mom while twirling my spaghetti with my fork. She shook her head and took a sip out of her water bottle. After dinner was over, Justin and I sat on the couch and I turned on E! News. "Breaking news about Bieber and his new beach babe, Emily! Justin's new girlfriend, who was also voted Hottest Girl- according to J-14 Magazine," The reporter said. I looked over to Justin. "You are pretty hot." He said with a grin on his face. I playfully smacked his arm. The reported continued, "was hospitalize over the weekend. The cause of her broken wrist and bruised beach bod are still unknown. Was it a jealous belieber encounter? Miss. Emily's dealt with that type of torment from Justin's devoted fans before, when her Canadian home went up in flames!" I looked over to Justin with an amazed and hurt look on my face, "How could they know all this stuff?" "Em, it's their job! They pry into people personal lives and make mad money off of it." Suddenly, Justin's iPhone vibrated. "It's Scooter." Justin said, confused. The two haven't talked since Justin told him he wanted a break, and Scooter wasn't to happy with that decision. "Justin, listen man, you know I care about you," I heard Scooter say over Justin's speaker phone .He continued, "I just want the best for you. And there's been so many rumors lately. You just need to clear them up. How about Ellen? You and Emily can go on and straighten everything out." Justin agreed and hiit end conversation. "Justin, how does Scooter know about me?" I asked. "I told him about you. There was this time during tour, I think we were in Australia, I was seriously home sick. I told him all about you."
    Sorry for night writing! I've been really stressed out! More tomorrow, I promise(: Ellen here we goooo

  20. linseybieber23 linseybieber23
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2011 12:53am UTC
    Our Someday
    Chapter 3
    "Yeah! Of course I remember Justin. How you doin' bud?" Greg said. Him and Justin shook each other hands and Greg gave Justin a pat on the shoulder. "What, are you two, like, dating?" Greg asked, sarcastically. "Ummm..." I said. Greg just bursted out into laughter. He obviously didn't care and thought it was quite funny, considering last month when he visited I wasn't to happy with Justin. "Hey mom, what's for dinner?" I asked. I was really hungry because I haven't eaten in almost 24 hours. "I'm making spaghetti. Pattie, want to help me get dinner ready?" Pattie and my mom shuffled into the kitchen to prepare the meal. Greg decided to take a walk over to Lucky Leo's Arcade and meet up with some friends. The paparazzi that lurked outside of my house took pictures of him; Greg shot each one of them a wink and walked to the boardwalk. I went up to my room to change into comfy PJ's. Justin followed me up the stairs. "I'm gonna change." I said when he followed me into my room. "And...?" He replied sarcastically, knowing that I wanted him to get out. Screw it. I took off my shirt and shorts. I walked over to my dresser in my bra and panties and looked over my shoulder to see Justin staring at me with a grin on his face. He didn't even mind the bruising on my back. I grabbed a tank top and cotton shorts and threw them on. I walked over to Justin, who was still smiling at me, and sat on his lap. I laid my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me gently so he wouldn't hurt my bruises. I bursted out into tears, I've been strong for too long. Justin just held me in his arms and rubbed my back.
    It's starting to pick up(: You'll know when it really starts to get good, though! I like the good stuff to be a surprise. Comment if you like Part 2 and you want MOOORE!!! Thanks for readinng `


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