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  1. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2009 6:20pm UTC
    Oh, you see that skin?
    It's the same she's been standing in
    Since the day she saw him walking away
    Now she's left
    Cleaning up the mess he made
    So fathers, be good to your daughters
    Daughters (will love) like you do
    Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
    So mothers, be good to your daughters too
    -Daughters_John Mayer

  2. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2009 6:16pm UTC
    "Let your heart guide you.
    It whispers so listen carefully."
    -The Land Before Time.
    does anybody remember these movies?
    i doo. i used to love them.!

  3. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2009 6:11pm UTC
    It's there; i know it is,
    because when i look at you, i can
    feel it. And i look at you, and I'm home.
    Please...I don't want that to
    g o a w a y .

  4. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2009 6:07pm UTC
    remember my sentimental friend,
    you will be judged not by how much you love,
    but by how much you are loved.
    -The Wizard of Oz.

  5. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2009 4:23pm UTC
    & i dont get
    why people say 'pinky swear'.
    cause i mean, seriously;
    pinkies don't swear,
    middle fingers do.

  6. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2009 4:16pm UTC
    its amazing
    how different
    your world could be if you
    never met the person who
    changed it in the first place
    really think about this.
    think about one person you are close to;
    and think about how different your life
    would be if you never met them.,
    wow, i know.

  7. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2009 4:14pm UTC
    Been there and rocked that.
    just crank up the volume &&
    we can sing like superstars &&
    dance like we`re famous with ripped jeans
    && popped collars && HUGE glasses..
    Cuz thats how we roll

  8. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2009 4:14pm UTC
    I Have Laughed
    A Little Harder,
    Cried a little less,
    And Smiled a lot
    for no special reason
    Because of you
    I've Felt the warmth
    of a special relationship,
    And the gift of your love
    Because of you
    My world is A Happier Place

  9. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2009 4:13pm UTC
    &&+ i dont regret things i've done.
    i regret things i didn't do, what i had
    the chance. <3

  10. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2009 4:11pm UTC
    There's no past tense in loving someone.
    Either you still do or you never really did.
    this is so true.

  11. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2009 4:09pm UTC
    those nights when you just can't seem to fall asleep ;
    it's because you're awake in someone else's dreams.

  12. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2009 4:08pm UTC
    If you looked inside a girl,
    you would see how
    much she really cries,
    you would find so many
    -->secrets and lots of lies.
    But what you'll see the most
    is how [hard] it is to stay
    strong when
    nothing is right
    and everything is wrong.

  13. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2009 4:08pm UTC
    everything has beauty,
    but not everyone sees it.

  14. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2009 4:04pm UTC
    I feel [[so]] untouched
    ------>And I want you so much
    That I just can't resist 'you
    It's *not enough to say that I miss you;
    I feel so (untouched) right now*
    Need you so much' somehow && <3
    I ___can'tforget -you-
    I've gone crazy from the moment I (met you)
    untouched_the veronicas.

  15. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2009 2:06pm UTC

  16. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2009 2:05pm UTC
    the past. its done,
    its unchangeable.
    move on.

  17. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2009 2:03pm UTC
    i think there is
    a chance that,
    i kinda-sort of...
    quite possibly-
    might be in
    love with you.

  18. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2009 2:00pm UTC
    you have the right to
    your opinion.
    &+i have the right
    to think your stupid.

  19. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2009 5:09pm UTC
    Doesn't show you what's [inside]
    And it, it can tell you your
    f u l l o f l i f e
    It's amazing what you can hide
    Just by putting on a smile
    belive in me_demi lovato

  20. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2009 4:35pm UTC
    a thousand miles seems pretty far;
    but they've got planes and trains and cars.
    i'd walk to you if i'd had no other way.
    plain white t's_hey there delilah


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