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Member Since: 8 Nov 2011 01:09pm

Last Seen: 16 Dec 2020 06:55pm

Location: Long Island

Gender: F

user id: 235754

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Well hello there ;) I'm Lauren, on January 26th I turn another year younger if you ask me, forever young at heart and an immature little brat, and this is my Witty... If you didn't already know. Like every other teenage girl in the world, my life is a bit of a roller coaster, but in the end I'm beyond thankful for my crazy beautiful life ;) My friends are always here for me and I'm so thankful for every single one of you. Especially Tadpole, Steph, Lexi, Rebecca, Natalie, Brooke, Samara, Emma, Muldowney, Haley, Maryssa, Ciara, Tina and Farrell ♥ Yeah, those girls have kind of been there for me through everything;* Yes, I can say "Lucky I Fell In Love With My Best Friend..." But then again, I'm over him now... I just really love that quote! ;D Now there's my new best guy friend... I love that boy ♥ I'm a STRONG ISLAND girl at heart forever & always, and I'm beyond proud of it. You can take the girl out of Strong Island, but you can't take the Strong Island out of the girl. Once a Warrior, Always a Warrior. I live my life through dance, writing, and music. If it weren't for those three things and my amazing friends, I might not be alive right now. My life is literally full of comedy... My family is average yet amazing at the same time... My mom's my best friend, but I barely ever talk to my dad, even though we live under the same roof... My big bro's off at college up in UB, miss him like crazy but it's nice not having drunk teenagers vomiting in the bathroom every weekend ;) Oh not to mention my mom sings her own little song, "Moles Like Jagger" every time she's drunk... Ask Steph about her sense of humor, she was driving us to our friends bat mitzvah, I had to take my PCOS pills, and Steph had to take her diabetes pills, and after we all did she said "Okay is everyone drugged up enough to party at Maryssa's bat mitzvah?!" I love my mommy, I'm such a mama's girl♥ I'm just living Young, Wild & Free... with no alcohol or drugs in my system ;) I love you, Witty Sisters ♥

  1. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2012 7:26pm UTC
    Signs You're In Love:
    1) All those love songs finally start making sense.
    2) He's the first thing on your mind when you wake up, and the last when you go to sleep.
    3) Seeing him for five seconds brightens up your day.
    4) You only want what's best for him.
    5) You don't say "omg i love him" from the day you start having feelings for him. You wait until you know it's true.
    6) As long as you know he's ok, you're good.
    7) And, most importantly, you had your first puppy love and feel different.
    Your heart raced for your first puppy love, and you just wanted to be with him. When you're in love, rather than a racing heart, you can't stop a smile, and yes, you want to be with him, but his happiness is all that matters.

  2. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2012 11:30pm UTC
    Today I was talking to this REALLY cute guy on kik.
    Things were going pretty well, he wasn't a perv, we were hitting it off quite well.
    He asked for a picture of me; my face of course.
    That's where the conversation ended, guess what his reply was.
    "Uh sorry you're eyebrows are really bushy... Ew bye."
    Lol, that's a first. And then douche's wonder why they're single...
    No girl, no matter what her looks or personality, deserves a guy that low.

  3. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2012 5:53pm UTC
    Do I miss our goodnight texts being "ttytm love you <3" & "nighty nightt love you tooo:*" ?
    Do I miss saying "you're so weird... i love you :'D" instead of just "you're a nut:P"?
    Do I miss us having those late night vent sessions?
    Do I miss us planning my sweet 16, prom, and our weddings together?
    Do I miss the "b*tch you f*cking love me shut up ;)" texts?
    But after thinking we'd never be friends again, starting off the way we are is still good enough.
    I'm still one of those 5 people you tell things to first.
    We're still texting each other all the time.
    We can still trust eachother.
    We practically picked up from where we left off, and if anything I think this time we'll be even closer.
    Honestly, I'm just thankful we're starting again. And whether or not you'll still say it back, you're my best friend, and I love you.

  4. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2012 11:52pm UTC
    Day 15- The person you miss the most.
    Oh god. I can't name certain names. So lets name her... A... PLL referance ;) & Emma
    A- She was like, my other half. We spent practically everyday together Summer 2010, we always had the best times, the memories will never fade. I have no idea what she thinks of me anymore... I know she's not ready to be friends again, but we act friendly towards eachother, I don't think she hates me. I've broke down a lot of times, just cried cause ya know girls have many firsts. Her first love, her first time, her first boyfriend, her first best friends, and her first other half. Then there's the most important first: The first best friend you 'fell in love' with. Not actually fall in love, but when you lose them it hurts just as bad, if not worse, than losing a lover. And she was my first.
    Emma- My wifey. I don't miss her as a friend thing, cause she's still my best friend, we talk all the time, we're just like... incomplete with out eachother;) I mean distance wise, I miss her. I've only seen her, physically, gotten to hug her and hit her and hold her hand, 20 times in the 13 months. One time in September, three in October, I didn't see her at all in November. I saw her 7 times over Christmas break, out of a possible 14. Once in January. Not at all in February or March. Once in April. None in May or June. And this month, July. I saw her 8 times out of a possible 13. Add all that up, and you'll get 20. That doesn't even make a full month.

  5. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2012 11:28pm UTC
    It's definitey gonna take me forever to do these. I'm doing it at random. :D
    Day 13- The person you wish could forgive you.
    Hmm... Steph?
    I mean, I don't really get what there is for her to forgive me for, but I kinda miss her. I'll never trust her again, but besides her telling all my secrets we had a very amazing friendship. I kinda love her and hate her right now...

  6. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2012 8:10am UTC
    Day 11- A deceased person you'd love to speak to.
    So he wasn't a person, but still. My puppy ♥ Died at 11, 7.10.99- 3.7.11 ♥ I miss my baby so much, you know how dogs supposedly have a 6th sense? They do, trust me, he always knew when I was upset♥

  7. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2012 7:38am UTC
    Day 9- Someone you wish you could meet.
    Demi Lovato & Austin Mahone.
    Demi is my inspiration, her music is what get's me through the toughtest times.
    Austin is fricken perfect and meeting him would be the beginning to the best love story ever ;)

  8. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2012 7:29am UTC
    Day 8- Your favorite internet friend.
    Brendon, Luke, Dylan and Austin.
    I actually love skyping with Brendon, he's the average funny guy, yet a perv, perfect ;D
    Luke is gorgeous. And he's sweet. And he's perfect.
    Dylan is just Dylan fu*king love him.
    And Austin is like my long distace sister ♥

  9. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2012 7:20am UTC
    Day 6- A Stranger.
    Oh haaaai! I'm Lauren, nice to meet you (: I have 3 scars from burning myself with hair straightners and curling irons. Uh... I'm Italian. I like giving people surprises, but not getting surprises. LET'S TEXT. (:

  10. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 8:08am UTC
    Day 4- Siblings
    Well, I was just talking to my mom about my sweet 16... literally 2 minutes ago...
    Chris:"Shut up you won't even be 16 for another 2 years."
    Me:"Actually it's a year and a half."
    Chris:"I don't give a fu*k as long as I get a candle."
    Me:"Well if you keep up the attitude I can take away your candle just like that!"
    Chris:"Whatever." *leaves for work*
    Yes, this is mine and my brothers relationship. But of course the song for his candle is "If I Didn't Have You", cause it's true, I wouldn't be nothing if I didn't have him! Best big bro everrrr ♥

  11. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 7:38am UTC
    Day 3- Your Parents.
    Mom & Dad ♥ Denise Catherine, where I got my middle name... Lauren Catherine, get it? ;) My mamas my best friend, I'm literally a mama's girl. Or maybe my mom loves spoiling me, either works here :D
    Joseph Christopher, daddy, where my brother got his name, Christopher Joseph. My family's SO original, eh? Teehee literally though, best dad ever. I mean will any of your dads willingly drive one of your best friends to Dunkin Donuts at 11PM to smoke and drink then pick her up an hour later so she won't get in trouble?
    Love mehh parentallsss♥

  12. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2012 5:59pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2012 4:05am UTC
    Day 1- your best friend.
    I have a few(;
    Emma- my wifey, my other half, the girl I tell EVERYTHING to... the only one my bf trusts enough ;) OH and my maid of honor, since Steph hates me now... ♥
    Tadpole- June 14th. I was told my first love had a gf and I kinda broke down... I mean, we're talking about my first love. We were out and started walking home when I found out, and the entire time she kept saying, "I feel so bad, I don't know what to do when people are crying but I wanna comfort you!" Don't feel bad, you're one of the first people who admit to wanting to comfort me. Thank you ♥
    Natalie- June 22nd. Steph ended our friendship and I was left in an empty house BAWLING. It took you less than 5 minutes to be by my side, making me forget about her. You've been there for me for 9 years... and you will be forever. ♥
    Samara- I know I can be completely honest with you about everything and anything. We have literally spent days in a row together, and we never get bored. I'm so thankful to have you ♥
    Brooke- We fight. A lot. Bad fights. But, what do sisters do? Fight. A lot. Bad fights. And that's why we're sisters. ♥
    Rebecca- What has it been now, 8 years? 1 fight. Always best friends... If that doesn't say something, I don't know what does.
    Lexi- My BUBBLIE♥ We have the best times with our Iguanas, Unicorns, Corn on the Cob, Barracudas & Pirrhannas in Spanish, just one of the ways you always make me forget about the rumors going around. Not to mention the best night with you at the Hunger Games premiere... Bubbles + Bubblie foreverrr ♥
    Muldowney- I can literally trust you with my life. We're best friends and we've been through everything, and even though your problems are 50000x worse than mine you still let me vent, cause you know different problems affect different people on many different levels. ♥
    Haley- For being a year younger than me, you're one of the BEST friends I've had. I can tell you anything and you've put up with a lot of "stare at him!" "is he looking at me?" "you missed it we just made eye contact!" "is he walking behind us?!" "did you hear him saying that?" from me ♥
    Maryssa- My therapist. All I need to say ♥
    Ciara- We've been through so much together, and I will never forget the night you texted me and said "I'm sorry I'm such a bittch, I'm just jealous that you have a bf. I'm sorry but you're not a friend worth losing because of that." Best friends since 3rd grade ♥
    Tina- May 18th. I BROKE DOWN in gym, and you took me to the bathroom, skipping gym with me, and let me cry, telling me everything would be ok. Later, you texted me making sure I was still fine. You've just always been here for me and I can't describe how thankful I am for you, and I'll always be there for you, I'm always just a text away. ♥
    Farrell- You're like my ideal best friend. Whenever we're together there's never a boring moment, and whenever I make one of those "depressing" statuses, you're the first one to comment, text, and chat me making sure I'm thinking straight. Thank you babes ♥
    Nicole- You're just... perfect. We got EXTREMELY close from 3 months of sitting together in Home Ec., and I tell you absolutely EVERYTHING... You're a gossiper, and my gossip never leaves your lips. I love you so much ♥
    Vincent- You're actually always here for me, even when I just need someone to listen. We agree on everything, and you're like the brother I always wished for ♥
    Chris- 2ND GENERATIONNN! Ahaha, my brother and your sister were best friends, and now we are (we're probably closer though.) I'm actually comfortable wearing only a sports bra and sweats on video chat with you, and I know I can come to you with anything, whether it be for advice, comfort, or just a shoulder to cry on... 16th candle, you're welcome. ♥
    There we go, my best friends :*

  14. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2012 2:53pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 12:49am UTC
    & Do You Know What The Worst Part Of Losing Your Best Friend Is?
    Everytime You Hear Your Phone Going Off , You Hope And Pray That It's Them , Saying ,
    " I Miss You , I'm Sorry, I Love You."
    But It Never Is . . .
    And Eventually You Give Up And Convince Yourself That It Never Will Be .
    And You Wanna Make The First Move , Send The First Text , The One That Says ,
    " I Miss You , I'm Sorry, I Love You."
    But You Know They've Made Up Their Mind.
    And As Their True Friend , Deep In Your Heart You Know That You Have To Respect Their Wishes In Ending Your Friendship, And If They One Day Want It Back , They'll Come Running To You.
    I'm Waiting Here, Forever.
    Whenever You Need Our Friendship Back;
    Don't Hesitate To Text Me.

  16. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2012 9:52pm UTC
    Why Is She My Best Friend?
    Glad you asked.
    She knows everything about me, and vise versa.
    We're texting each other all the time.
    She agreed to throwing herself into my casket screaming,
    At my funeral.
    She randomly texts me saying,
    "I love you<3 Will you marry me?"
    She's my 5th wifey.
    She's my 11th marraige.
    She's my favorite.
    Shh, don't tell anyone.
    She keeps my secrets to the grave.
    Our song is "I'm Only My When I'm With You."
    I offered to pay for her Sweet 16, cause she can't afford it.
    She refused.
    I'm going to surprise her at my Sweet 16, and it'll be OUR Sweet 16.
    She deserves it, even if I'm January and she's September.
    We can fight like the U.S.S.R. and U.S.A. during WWII.
    But we both cry ourselves to sleep during those fights.
    She said she'll write my last name on the next test she takes.
    We can pass as twins, and have the same personality.
    We're planning on going to a crowded resturaunt, saying we're twins and it's our birthday.
    She's saved my life... MANY times.
    She actually cares about me.
    She loves me more than she love Bruno Mars.
    And yes, I love her more than I love Bruno Mars, too.
    Every night when she goes to sleep she texts me,
    "I tired! gtg I'll ttytm love you <33 :*"
    And I always reply,
    "Nighty night, love you tooo;*"
    She was 1st to know the REAL, COMPLETE story about the texts.
    We're probably going to grow up to be forever alone, end up in the nursing home together, pretending to be unicorns at 69.
    Yes, unicorns at age 69.
    When we hang out, there's never a dull moment.
    My mom is a mother figure to her.
    I love that.
    I was the 1st to know the exact way her mom died.
    I'm the only person to see her break down.
    Our phones are dating.
    We get into legit fights about if I'm skinny or fat.
    She's my maide of honor.
    I'm hers.
    We're basically everything to eachother...
    And we'll admit it, too.
    When we fight, it's really bad.
    But we love eachother regardless.
    I'm just beyond thankful for her.
    She's texting me right now.
    We tell eachother we're gorgeous and single cause guys are afraid we'll say no when they ask us out.
    We're two halfs that make up a whole together.
    I love you, Stephanie Marie Beuttenmuller- Passarelli ;)
    My Best Friend Forever & Always ♥

  17. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2012 2:47pm UTC
    I'm sorry to anyone who hates seeing these on Witty, but I just need to get this out.
    No one's texting me back or chatting me back and I'm honestly trying so hard to not kill myself right now. I trusted a stupid boy when he said he wanted to do 'it' with me. I made a lot of mistakes, I told the wrong people and I sent him pictures. I'm sure you can figure out what kind. No one realizes how bad this is either, my friends are saying I think more people know than really do, but when you're walking in the halls and all you hear is "Look it's that sl*t!" and then a finger pointing at you, you think the whole world knows. My parents got a call from guidence, and honeslty I don't even know who it was that told guidence about the pictures! And the best part is it was all a joke! He was bored and thought it'd be funny to play with the already broken girls already broken heart. No, he didn't tell his friends. No, he didn't tell anyone. He didn't have to cause I tell one person and somehow the whole school, schools staff and everyone else knows too. I want to start over, from 6th grade. Become best friends with my girls again, fall in love with his eyes again, have my first kiss, my first boyfriend, my firstheart break... Everything again. And make the choice to NOT send him pictures. To not BELIEVE him. I'm begging for someone to realize I'm breaking right now, I've made all my statuses about being "done", I've texted or chatted my closest friends telling them I really just need someone right now, and quite frankly no one gives a f*ck. If they did, someone would be commenting on my status, mentioning me on twitter, chatting me on facebook, calling me on oovoo, texting me back... Someone would be doing SOMETHING. I just need to talk to someone right now.

  18. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2012 11:07pm UTC
    I need to talk to someone.
    I'm basically known as the school sl*t right now.
    I have no one to talk to and guess what?
    I made a big mistake, I trusted him with pictures, I trusted that this whole "let's do it" thing was real.
    But no, it was a joke.
    And I actually got over my four year crush for this disgusting creature.
    Yeah, he stares at me in class.
    Yeah, when we make eye contact he does that adorable half smile and blushes a little.
    Yeah, he said he cares about me and he likes me.
    But I don't even know if I can trust his word.
    I need a friend.
    The best part is: NO ONE CARES.
    I have no one to talk to, no one to cry to, my best friend is making excuses

  19. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2012 2:03pm UTC
    Now this is freaky...DO NOT CHEAT!! (You'll will kick yourself later) I was a little skeptical trying this, but if you follow the instructions to the end you'll be surprised!!!!
    All of my answers were accurate. Take 1 minute and try this...it will freak you out! BUT NO CHEATING! This game has a funny/spooky outcome.
    Don't read ahead...just do it in order! It takes about 1 minute...it's worth a try
    First..get a pen and paper. When you actually choose names, make sure it's people you actually know and go with your first instinct.
    Scroll down one line at a time...and don't read ahead or you'll ruin it!
    1. First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a column.
    2. Then, beside numbers 1 and 2, write down any two numbers you want.
    3. Beside the 3 and 7, write down the names of boys if your a girl and the opposite if your a boy.
    4. Write anyone's name (like friends or family....) in the 4th, 5th and 6th spots.
    5. Write down four song titles in 8,9,10, and 11.
    6. Finally, make a wish.
    And now the key for the game.....
    1. You must tell (the number in space 2) people about this game.
    2. The person in space 3 is the one that you love.
    3. The person in 7 is one you like but can't work out.
    4. You care most about the person you put in 4
    5. The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you very well.
    6. The person you name in 6 is your lucky star.
    7. The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in number 3.
    8. The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7.
    9. The tenth space is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind.
    10. and 11 is the song telling you how you feel about life
    NOW...put this on your site within the hour you read this...IF you do..your wish will:come true. If you don't it will become the opposite!!
    even if it doesn't work this is really fun(:

  20. laurensomersx22 laurensomersx22
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2012 10:18pm UTC
    Guys, trust me when I say this.
    DO NOT take any friendships for granted.
    No matter how solid those friendships may be, even if you think you'll never lose them...
    It can happen.
    Trust me.
    I Miss You Steph </3 You mean more to me than he ever could or ever will.


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