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  1. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2012 9:52am UTC
    ‼ ‼ ‼ ‼ ‼ ‼
    Fave This,
    & I'll write song lyrics,
    and a line from a movie on your profile,
    and follow you. ;D
    Format credit - RunawayRachel

  2. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2012 9:27am UTC
    sometimes i fave things
    just because i like the format, & i want to use it for one of my quotes.


  3. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2012 9:24am UTC
    • pending moderation •
    I just realized this is put up when a quote gets reported or something.. I always thought people just made quotes that say pending moderation, and got faves for that. lol.

  4. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2012 8:02pm UTC
    I wear many faces,
    sime way too old
    to fit the girl glued
    to the back of them.
    keep my faces in a box,
    stashed inside of me.
    It's murky in there,
    overcast with feelings I
    allow anyone to see.
    Not that anyone cares
    enough to go looking.
    No one wants to
    what bothers me. Too
    hung up on their own
    problems. Sometimes
    I think I have to see
    the real
    me, so I open the
    box, search inside.
    But no matter how hard
    I look, I can't find
    from tricks by ellen hopkins
    Credit: liketoysoldiers

  5. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2012 7:17pm UTC
    Some People
    Never find the right kind of love.
    You know, the kind that steals
    your breath away, like diving into snowmelt.
    The kind that jolts your heart,
    sets it beating apace, an anxious
    hiccuping of hummingbird wings.
    The kind that makes every terrible
    minute apart feel like hours. Days.
    Some people flit from one possibility
    to the next, never experiencing the incredible
    connection of two people, rocked by destiny.
    Never knowing what it means to love
    someone else more than themselves.
    More than life itself, or the promise
    of something better, beyond this world.
    More, even (forgive me!) than God.
    Lucky me. I found the right kind of love.
    Yes, he is pretty much
    perfect. Not gorgeous, not in a male
    model kind of way, but he is really cute,
    with crazy hair that sometimes hides
    his dark chocolate eyes that hold
    laughter, even when he's deadly serious.
    He's not a hunk, but toned, and tall enough
    to effortlessly tuck me under his arms,
    arms that make me feel
    safe when they gather me in. Its the only
    time I really feel wanted, and the absolute
    best part of any day is when I manage
    to steal cherished time with him
    No, he's not even a little wrong for me.

  6. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2012 12:33pm UTC
    I'd follow you across the universe.
    I look up at the sky, brimming stars and the rise
    of a waning moon.
    "The universe is a big place. If I was lost
    up there, how would you ever find me?"
    He gathers me in, kisses me gently.
    Don't you know? We're connected by an
    invisible chain. It's very long, very light. But
    also very strong. It can't rust. Can't break.
    And the only thing that can sever it is if you
    ever stop loving me.
    -tricks/ellen hopkins
    Credit: FaveFormats

  7. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2012 8:33am UTC
    One Direction things
    are really getting annoying,


  8. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 8:46am UTC
    Drunk Words
    sober thoughts♥
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  9. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2012 3:13pm UTC
    and it would be the perfect crime;; if...
    ( hold your cursor over this quote)
    h a a z a a h h h ' s f o r m a t

  10. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2012 5:04pm UTC
    i don't know how or why or when i ended up in this position i'm in;
    i'm starting to feel distant again.

  11. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 3:18pm UTC
    So don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine &Life makes love look hard♥
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  12. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 7:59pm UTC
    If you dont have anything nice to say,
    at least be vague

  13. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 7:55pm UTC
    The past cannot be changed, forgotten, editted, or erased;
    it can only be accepted.
    -Wiz Khalifa

  14. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2012 12:51pm UTC
    • • • • • •
    Dear Past me;
    Dear Past Me;
    You've changed more than you can possibly imagine. I know you have your mindset, but nothing is as it seems. I would tell you this: you need to rethink your best friends and the people you trust; dont believe everything your mom and dad tell you; stay bestfriends with your brother, you need him; dont say yes to that older boy, it doesnt make you mature; be more considerate, your not the only one who has feelings; dont let your anger or depression get the best of you, its not worth it; stay strong; treat every day like its your last; spend more quality time with your mom, youll learn more about yourself than you realize; dont expect too much of yourself; stay true to the things you love, and more importantly to yourself; play more video games; do what makes YOU happy; realize and take on your responsibilities; and ignore the drama, but also stand up for yourself. But, if I told you all that, you wouldnt be where you are now, and you wouldnt have learned so much from all of your mistakes. So here is what I'm actually going to tell you: let fate have its way.

  15. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2012 11:09pm UTC
    • • • • • •
    Dear Haterr;
    Dear Guy I Hate;
    Same as last, I dont really "hate" anyone. But here is my problem with you: you hurt my bestfriend. Thats all there is to it. You took advantage of her, and you took her for granted. She trusted you, and you went behind her back. She smiled even though you never gave her a reason to. Seriously, you went the lowest you could. She believed you, and she still loves you, even after everything you did to her. Your a pathetic excuse for a boyfriend. The fact that you could hold her heart in your hands, knowing you have the power to crush it, and then you go ahead and do it with no hard feelings at all, shows your true colors. So have fun with all your cheating and lying and depression. You had a girl who was there for you wrapped around your finger, but you f*cked it all up didnt you? The answer is yes. Sooo, you always want advice on how to make things better? GO JUMP OFFA CLIFF. kthanksbye.

  16. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2012 10:14pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2012 9:14pm UTC
    • • • • • •
    Dear Daddy;
    Dear Dad;
    Ohhhh, Daddy. Well. I dont see myself going much into detail with this, but our father-daughter relationship is like no other. We fight a lot, because we are both reallyy stubborn. So obviously, we have our problems. But your my dad, and iloveyou anyways. You may not be the perfect father, but i wouldnt want you any other way.

  18. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2012 8:57pm UTC
    • • • • • •
    Dear Mommy;
    Dear Mom;
    Well. I've known you my whole life! I dunno about you, but I think thats kinda a long time. We have always been pretty close, cuz yano, we live together and all. But these past few months, we've been like, bestfriends. I know I can count on you to be there for me, and you always have my best interest in mind. Sometimes you make mistakes, and I hafta sorta take care of you, but thats okay. I hate to see you upset, so when I do, I sorta flip sh*t on whoever upset you, that is, unless it was me. We do have our moments where we go at it like there's no tomorrow, but thats just because we have the same personality. iloveyou to death, keep your head up, & stay strong.

  19. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2012 8:24pm UTC
    • • • • • •
    Dear Crush;
    Dear Crush;
    Wellll, your my boyfriendd! I hafta say, this whole thing is working out pretty good. Actually, in all honesty, you make me feel like a princess. Which is perfect, cuz I absolutely adore fairytales. You treat me better than any other guy has, && I'm really lucky to be with you. The only reason we met was because of Kir, so obviously I've got her to thank for all this, even though she's dead set it wont work cuz your a few months younger than I am(; Anyways, iloveyouu, a whole bunch & imissyou really bad. Anddd, your really dum. ;p

  20. laceyy96 laceyy96
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2012 6:53pm UTC
    • • • • • •
    Dear Exx;
    Dear Ex;
    First off, you hafta be the most immature person I know. I honestly think I must have been drugged up the whole time we dated, I dont understand how I didnt realize I was making a mistake? But its all said and done, and the most important thing is that I learn from my mistakes, and lemme tell ya, I learned a lot from that one! As much as you annoy the heck outta me, I really dont hate you. I dont miss you, or like you, or love you, or anything like that. But I dont hate you, and just because I dont want you remotely close to me, doesnt mean I dont care. Honestly, we probably couldve stayed friends if you wouldve handled all this like a grown up. I'd like to say Im proud of you for taking your stalker focus offa me. But I'm no where near close to talking to you again, that'll never happen. You have alla my stuff! Like, you wont give me my clothes. I mean seriously? Your real cool. That's okay though, if you wanna sport my shirt around, have at it. But waya think people will say about you for wearing your EX girlfriend's shirt around about 5 months after she dumped you? Obviously, I've moved on, and you haven't. Sooo, f*ck you, & have a nice day.(:


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