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Member Since: 15 Oct 2011 05:11pm

Last Seen: 26 Jan 2012 11:24pm

user id: 227534

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Freshman;;14 & living it up
 I was given life on April 10th 1997
Read my story! :)

My best friends in the world;


They are just amazing &
I love
them to death<3
(c) SimpleLayouts
Rock On
  1. kphdarling kphdarling
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 5:41pm UTC
    Chapter 5
    Johnny pulled in to a huge driveway, leading to a grand mansion. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a remote. He clicked it, and the garage doors opened. He pulled inside the garage, closing the door behind us. He looked at me and smiled, flashing his perfect teeth.
    I hopped out of the truck, and followed Johnny inside his house.
    “Woah,” I said, stepping inside. “Your house, is huge.”
    There was a stair case in front of me. I looked up and saw the second floor, and a big, crystal chandelier hanging from the high ceiling.
    Johnny chuckled next to me, “I know. Follow me?”
    “Just lead the way,” I said, gracefully fluttering my hand.
    Johnny grinned, as he started to walk up the stairs. He stopped at the door I had seen from downstairs.
    “Sorry, if I had known you were going to come over I would have cleaned,”
    Johnny sheepishly said, looking at his feet.
    He opened the door, revealing a huge room. His bedroom was the size of the whole second floor of my house! He had this big, king sized bed in the corner,
    with the blankets balled up on top. Across from his bed is two black,
    leather couches. A coffee table with piles of plates and cups sat in front of the couches. A
    huge, flat screen television hung from the wall.
    I looked to my left and saw another door, leading to a closet, I would assume.
    “Kara,” Johnny called.
    I looked to my right and saw him standing there next to an
    open door that led to a bathroom.
    I said as I walked past him into the bathroom. I began to unroll some toilet paper when Johnny stopped me.
    “What, are you crazy?” He asked, opening a cabinet door.
    “Here, use this.”
    He handed me a towel that looked brand new.
    “Oh, no, I don’t want to get my blood on it. It’s fine, really,”
    I said, as I ripped off the chunk of toilet paper.
    Johnny reached over, grabbing the toilet paper from my hands and throwing it in the trash.
    “Go sit on the couch, I’ll be right over to take care of you,” Johnny winked.
    I rolled my eyes at him and reluctantly plopped down on his couch. I kicked off my
    shoes so I could sit criss-crossed, like I do everywhere. Johnny walked
    over to me, with the damp towel. He pushed the coffee table out of the way
    so he could kneel down. He pushed the towel against my forehead, causing me to flinch.
    “Sorry,” Johnny mumbled as he continued to pat down my cut.
    “There,” he said, standing up. “Now, you’re even more beautiful.”
    I could feel my cheeks turning red, and I shyly looked at the floor. Johnny chuckled
    as he put the now red stained towel in his hamper.
    “C-Can you take me home now?” I asked, seeing all the angry texts from Darrel.
    “S-Sure,” Johnny said, frowning.

  2. kphdarling kphdarling
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2012 7:59pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. kphdarling kphdarling
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2012 6:15pm UTC
    Chapter 3
    I walked out the front doors of the school and I saw a familiar figure sitting on the steps.
    He turned around, revealing his identity.
    “Karalynn?” Johnny asked, looking at me.
    “Hi,” I said, as I walked past him.
    “Where are you going? Come here,” he said, following me.
    “I’m going home, I need to clean myself up before my brother sees me,” I mumbled, as I picked up my pace.
    “Here, let me drive you home”
    I didn’t answer.
    “Please, I need to make sure you’re home safely”
    I looked at him and shyly smiled.
    “Okay,” I huffed.
    Johnny grinned, leading me to his car. He opened the door of his black truck for me,
    and closed it once I was seated.
    We started to pull out of the school parking lot when Johnny
    started to ask me about what happened
    “Can you please just tell me?” He asked, giving me
    his best puppy dog eyes.
    “It’s really not a big deal. Just these kids, ever since my parents passed, these kids have been giving me a hard time. Usually it doesn’t get that out of hand, though.
    They normally jump knock over my books or push me,
    but today, I don’t know..” I said, staring out the window of his car, looking at
    all the buildings we were passing.
    “What are their names..” Johnny asked, gripping the steering wheel hard.
    I looked at him and saw his jaw was clenched.
    “I don’t know,” I answered truthfully.
    I really had no idea who they were! All I know is I spend every day trying to avoid them. Growing the courage to speak up to Johnny, I began to interrogate him.
    “Why do you care so much, huh?”
    I asked, sounding a little more harshly then I wanted to.

  4. kphdarling kphdarling
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 6:33pm UTC
    Chapter 2
    The bell rang, and I walked out of my eighth period class.
    I headed to my locker to receive my jacket, when I was abruptly stopped by a gang of people. They all glared at me mischievously, knocking my books to the floor. When I bent over to pick them up,
    I was pushed over, slamming my head on the floor.
    The kids laughed as they kicked my back and stomach. I winced in pain, begging them to stop.
    I placed my hand on my hairline, feeling a wet substance.
    I looked at my fingers, revealing what it was;
    When the kids that surrounded me saw the blood, they all broke apart, leaving me
    alone on the floor. I sat up, trying to hold back tears. Giving up, I let the hot tears
    roll down my face. I just wish my parents were here, I thought to myself.
    “Kara?!” I heard someone shout from down the hall.
    I flinched, hearing the nick name my parents used to call me. More tears poured out,
    as I tried to pick up all my books.
    A hand grabbed my shoulder, turning me around. I saw Johnny as
    he looked me up and down. His eyes landed on my forehead.
    “Oh my god, you’re bleeding. You’re bleeding, a lot. You need to get that looked at, Kara. Should I call your parents for you?”
    I looked down and started crying even more, burying my face in my hands. Johnny sat down next to me, pulling me in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me, trying to comfort me.
    When I finally pulled myself together, I lifted my head from my hands. I looked at
    Johnny and gave him a small smile.
    I put my hand on my cut, trying to get the blood out of my hair.
    “S-Sorry,” my voice cracked, as I began to stand up.
    “Why are you apologizing? Are you okay? What happened,” Johnny asked, staring past me.
    I looked down at my hands.
    “It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” I said.
    I watched Johnny as he stood up next to me. I started to bend over to get my books, when Johnny put his hand out to stop me. He picked up my books and held them in one hand,
    grabbing my hand with the open hand. I pulled my hand out of his grip, and
    grabbed my books from him. He furrowed his eyebrows at me. He reached
    out and wiped a tear from my face, staring into my eyes.
    I flinched and took a step back.
    “Don’t call me that, please,” I said, letting another tear roll down my face.
    “Karalynn, what happened?” Johnny asked sternly.
    I looked at him, trying to meet his gaze. I gave up, and looked back down at the floor. I turned away from him and began to run down the hall. I went to my locker, needing to be alone.
    I looked back and didn’t see Johnny.
    I took a deep breath. I touched my forehead, groaning in pain as I tried to feel
    how severe the cut was. Unable to withstand the pain anymore,
    I pulled out my coat and put it on.

  5. kphdarling kphdarling
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 5:35pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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