Witty Profiles

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  1. alyson545 alyson545
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2013 7:01pm UTC
    Ten Reasons Why
    Chapter Six
    "This is where you live..?" I breathed, my mouth agape at the house before me.
    It was huge, a mansion even. He nodded, looking asmused by my facial expression.
    I let out a low whistle. "D_mn, didn't know you were rich."
    He shrugged. "I don't really tell anyone. I prefer not to be known as
    some rich guy at school and have fake friends that only hang out with me
    for my money, you know?"
    I smiled, showing him I did. He lead me inside his large home, and upstairs.
    "So, tell me why I'm at your house again?"
    "Actually I never told you at all."
    I nodded. "Hm, exactly. Now would be a good time to do so,
    'cause i'm beyond confused. "
    He didn't say anything still.
    We soon entered a room, where there sat a girl who looked like Noah,
    only younger. "Raina, meet my sister Delilah. She's annoying, but she's
    the only person I've got to give you a good makeover."
    I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.
    "A makeover? I never agreed to this. Why would I need a makeover?"
    He rolled his eyes. "Rain, I know I don't know you all that well, but I could tell that you seriously want to show those girls who make fun of you who's boss, especially Megan. And I know that you're actually really scary when you want to be, and confident. Why you keep it boxed in, I don't know yet. But I do know that you wear alot of big clothing like you are now because you're hoping it'll help you blend in, but that only makes it worse for you," He paused when he noticed my huge smile.
    He stared at me, confused.
    "Sorry, it's just..thank you."
    He shrugged, and half smiled.
    For a second there, we stared at each other intently.
    "Girl, you better sit down right now. I may be a year younger than you guys, but I know that that is not in style in your grade, or in any grade for that matter." His sister, Delilah, rambled as she stood up and dragged me over to a makeup table.
    Well that moment has been ruined.
    I don't notify anymore, it takes a while with so many people needing to be notified. Plus I feel so down cause I lost all my favorites for this story..
    So yeah. Sorry I suck apparently. :P

  2. alyson545 alyson545
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2013 6:36pm UTC
    Ten Reasons Why
    Chapter Five
    "Hey Montes!" one of his friends suddenly called.
    "Why do they call you by your last name?" I asked.
    He smirked. "Noah's too innocent." He winked at me before raising a finger
    to signal he'd be back, then jogged off to his group of friends.
    I sighed as i got closer and closer towards the cheerleaders,
    realizing I would soon be passing them.
    Megan spotted me and smirked.
    "Hey Raina!" she called out.
    Well, that's not normal. I nodded at her,
    wanting to swear at her but holding myself back as i usually do.
    "Ow!" I fell to the ground suddenly, scraping my arm.
    Confused, I looked back to find that the h/e had her foot stuck out in front of her.
    My eyes narrowed to slits. I was so sick of this, some days I
    wished I wasn't so afraid of getting in trouble and would do something to defend myself.
    She and her friends burst out laughing. I felt a hand all of a sudden
    grab mine and pull me up in one swift move. Noah stood there glaring at
    Megan, her smirk fading. "Noah babe, hey!" She smiled seductively at
    him, strutting up to him and draping her arm around his shoulders.
    "Don't worry about this loser, she's just a stupid klutz." He rolled his eyes as he untangled her arms around him, and dropped them to her sides.
    "F//k off Melissa," He spat.
    Walking away from her, he motioned with his head for me to follow,
    leaving her standing there fuming and shocked.
    I walked with him, all the while dying of laughter.
    He grinned a little. "I got her name wrong, didn't I?" I nodded, not able to speak. He chuckled, before suddenly turning serious.
    "But honestly, you're not going to go through your last of high school like this."
    I rose an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
    He smirked.
    "We're going to show everyone in this school who you really are."
    \ the reasons will start soon young ones.

  3. alyson545 alyson545
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2013 9:24pm UTC
    Ten Reasons Why
    Chapter Three|Part Two
    Huh, I guess he does know a bit about me.
    Like my name.
    That was a big shocker considering first of all- I'm at the bottom of the food chain, no one takes the time to remember my name.
    Especially Noah Montes; the big bad scary hot guy who doesn't care about anyone.
    Or so I thought.
    Looking up at him, I internally complimented those stunning forest green eyes all of the girls at school gushed about. Not to mention that drop-dead gorgeous smi-
    Snap out of it, Raina.
    I slapped myself on the forehead.
    Noah seemed to ignore my weird behavior, continuing to talking.
    "And if you'll give me the chance, I want you to give me some time- nothing over a month- to make up some reasons on why life is worth living for you," He said determinately.
    My eyes widened a fraction at that. Had he seriously just said that?
    I shook my head in disbelief slowly, my eyes tearing. Okay, i'll admit it.
    I'm weak.
    "I still don't get why you even care, I'm sure you have better things to do than help some socially awkward nerd who you barely know..."
    He shrugged,
    "Not really."
    He thankfully didn't notice, or just hadn't mentioned my teary eyes.
    I looked at him in disbelief.
    "So that's it? That's your explanation? Not really?" I imitated his voice, making mine sound ridiculously low.
    I watched him chuckle a bit, and couldn't help but noticed how cute he looked.
    Oh my god. I sound like those stupid girls at school.
    I mean, I couldn't help but noticed how stupid he looked, duh.
    I sighed and wondered if this was some kind of dumb practical joke that his friends and him had set up.
    But then again, he looked so serious.
    Which is why I couldn't help but give in.
    "Fine. No more than three weeks," I said with a nod.
    Besides, what do I have to lose?
    awh, i lost faves :'(
    that really sucks.

  4. *Death* *Death*
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2013 8:24pm UTC
    Sad Story:
    10th grade
    As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called "best friend". I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before and handed them to her. She said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
    11th grade
    The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone, so I did. As I sat next to her on the sofa, I stared at her soft eyes, wishing she was mine. After 2 hours, one Drew Barrymore movie, and three bags of chips, she decided to go to sleep. She looked at me, said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
    Senior year
    The day before prom she walked to my locker. My date is sick" she said; he's not going to go well, I didn't have a date, and in 7th grade, we made a promise that if neither of us had dates, we would go together just as "best friends". So we did. Prom night, after everything was over, I was standing at her front door step. I stared at her as she smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes. I want her to be mine, but she isn't think of me like that, and I know it. Then she said "I had the best time, thanks!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
    Graduation Day
    A day passed, then a week, then a month. Before I could blink, it was graduation day. I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. Before everyone went home, she came to me in her smock and hat, and cried as I hugged her. Then she lifted her head from my shoulder and said, "you're my best friend, thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
    A Few Years Later
    Now I sit in the pews of the church. That girl is getting married now. I watched her say "I do" and drive off to her new life, married to another man. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't see me like that, and I knew it. But before she drove away, she came to me and said "you came!". She said "thanks" and kissed me on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
    Years passed, I looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my "best friend". At the service, they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years. This is what it read: I stare at him wishing he was mine, but he doesn't notice me like that, and I know it. I want to tell him, I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why. I wish he would tell me he loved me! `I wish I did too...` I thought to my self, and I cried.

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. kristabff kristabff
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2013 6:47pm UTC
    ~At school~
    Teacher: and now you will be doing a 4 page essay, make sure to put 3 details per fact and also it has to be 1,000,000 words. If you have any questions just ask me at my desk
    Kid: *goes up to teachers desk*
    escuse me but i have a ques-
    Teacher: STFU AND GTFO

  7. Steve Steve
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2013 11:50pm UTC
    Don't stretch your arms more than your sleeves can reach.

  8. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2013 7:29pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 33
    5. Go canoeing
    13. Have a bonfire on the beach.
    18. Visit Cape Cod.
    I looked over my bridesmaid dress once again, laid out on my bed.
    Morgan and Aidan were getting married in just a few days, and the more I looked at my dress, the more I loved it.
    They decided to rent out a ballroom in a hotel in New York City. The theme they wanted for their wedding was going to be elegant, and they wanted purple decorations everywhere.
    The dresses of the bridesmaids would be purple. I could’ve taken any purple dress of my choice, as long as it was a royal plum color. But I went with a simple, strapless dress that was tight around my chest, and then flowed out and went to about my mid-thighs. It was simple, no design on the front, but a wavy bout of silk fabric hung from the back. I was hoping that because it wasn’t tight, it would make me look heavier than I was.
    I loved the simplicity of it. I felt like it would match me. I didn’t want to stand out. I was bald and ugly; I didn’t want to be noticed. I didn’t deserve to stand out.
    I chose a necklace with a few diamonds hanging off of it and earrings to match to wear the day of, and silver heels.
    I smiled looking everything over. It drew my mind back to Number 18 on my bucket list; get married. I knew it would never happen, but if it should, I hoped it would be to Anthony.
    As Anthony entered my thoughts, I realized I had yet to invite him to the wedding.
    There was a gentle tap on my door, shattering my thoughts. “Come in.”
    It was Morgan, and Anthony by her side. She grinned at me. “You have a visitor.”
    I smiled up to him, but he failed to smile back. He only slid inside my room and shut the door behind him. His eyes were frantic and wide.
    He had Swimming to Chicago in his hands. We both managed to fall head over heels in love with it while on our vacation, and were about halfway done. “Oh,” I offered with a smile, “the book.”
    He glanced down on it. “Yeah, but that’s not why I’m here.”
    I was slightly surprised. “Oh. Well, what’s up?”
    “I’ve been keeping something from you.”
    He had my full attention. “What?”
    “There’s no easy way to say this,” he hummed, pacing. I swear I could hear his heartbeat from across the room. He rubbed the back of his neck with his palm. “I’ve rehearsed this in my head about fifty times; I don’t know how to tell you.”
    “What is it?” I demanded.
    He froze and his whole body stiffened as our eyes met. He finally relaxed and uttered so low it was barely audible, “My body isn’t responding to the chemo. The cancer’s taking over, and my only option is brain surgery.”
    You guys, this story's half over. ):
    I can't believe I'm already posting this chapter. Time goes by so fast.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  9. xForeverLovedx xForeverLovedx
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2013 4:44pm UTC
    More Than Friends
    c h a p t e r / / t w e l v e
    Carson's POV
    I was currently walking over to Mtch and Amy's.
    I decided that I wouldn't go on a date with Sammi because it's not fair to her if I love someone else.
    I know me and Amy will never be together, but I know when another girl will be the right one to date.
    As soon as I arrive at Mitch's, I walk right up to Amy's room and open the door.
    Guess what I see? Amy and Cole kissing.
    "Sorry, my bad." I close the door quickly.
    I quickly walked into the bathroom and let a couple tears fall.
    I hate seeing her with Cole. I can't believe she got back together with him.
    It's official, I'm done talking to Amy.
    I can't do it anymore.
    How can I keep talking to her, acting like everything is fine, when I love her? How can I keep smiling, when Cole is the one that gets to hug her and kiss her? I really don't get how sometimes, she makes me think she likes me when I know she doesn't.
    "Carson, you in there?" Mitch's voice says.
    I wipe my tears. "Yeah, bro." I open the door.
    "I take it you found out?" Mitch questions.
    "Yeah, I'm done talking to her, Mitch. Sorry."
    "I understand, but she won't. Just ignore her and hopefully she gets the idea."
    "Bye, Cole!" I hear Amy's cheerful voice fill the living room.
    Instead of being in the basment, Mitch and I were playing COD in the living room.
    "Ignore her. Remember." Mitch whispers.
    As soon as he says that, Amy comes over.
    "Hi Carson!"
    I keep playing COD and don't say a word, but my face basically says it all.
    I look mad. I've looked mad ever since earlier.
    "Carson what's wrong?" Amy questions.
    I continue to ignore her.
    "Answer me now!"
    "Holy Amy, leave him alone!" Mitch yells.
    "I'll handle it quickly." I whisper to Mitch.
    I grab Amy's arm and drag her out to the kitchen.
    "What's wrong?"
    "I'm done with you. That's it. Don't talk to me anymore, kay Amy?" I tell her and then go to walk away.
    "Wait, Carson, is it because..?"
    I turn around again. "Because of what?"
    "Because you love me?" Amy asks sadly.
    NOTE: Alright whose POV next? Pick anyone. And please comment ONE name.

  10. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2013 12:27am UTC
    Using Mr Parker
    ♥ Logan ♥
    C h a p t e r 34
    I had never experienced anything like this, I was in pain but my body wasn't hurt. I was in pain, emotion wise. I had been in my bedroom since I left school early. I hadn't wanted to go back to classes after the episode with Zach, all I wanted to do was curl up in my bed at home. No one was there when I got to the house so I curled up on the couch and watched whatever movies I could find.
    My mum came home and when she saw me, she frowned deeply. “Logan, baby, whats wrong?” she asked.
    “I'm just tired,” I lied.
    “You don't look just tired,” she told me as she sat down next to me. “Are you going to tell me?”
    “I did something really horrible, mum,” I cried, softly.
    “Hunny, I'm sure whatever it is, it isn't that bad. Someday you'll probably look back at it and laugh.” I just shook my head as my mum wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. “Its okay, everything will be alright,” she soothed.
    I wish she was right.
    “Justin's coming over for dinner tonight, c'mon, lets go and we can make our pizza,” she winked and I nodded. My mum and I made pizza together as we laughed about silly nothings. It was just like old times, before dad left and everything screwed up. Justin and Aunt Cassidy joint us for dinner and in one word, it was enjoyable. The dinner kept my mind off Zach but Justin kept giving me looks through it so I knew he must of heard something.
    Justin and I headed up to my room and when we had closed the door, he said, “I know you and Zach broke up. I called him but he didn't tell me why. Are you going to?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.
    “I was avbitch.”
    “Don't call yourself that, Logan, just tell me what happened.”
    “You know how we need money – my mum and I – well, my friends and I had this 'game', whoever dated Zach for a week would get five thousand dollars. I won.”
    “W-what?” Justin stuttered.
    “I know,” I sighed, shame clear in my voice.
    “Do you like him, at least? Did you ever have any feelings for him?”
    “Yes, yes I did.”
    “What's going on?!” Grace exclaimed when she came into my room.
    “Nothing,” I muttered.
    “Why'd you leave school? Did something happen with Mr Parker?” Tears silently fell as I explained what had happened with Zach. “Who do you think sent the message?”
    “Courtney, I'm sure of it. She used my phone earlier and she didn't look too happy about giving me the money.”
    “Why don't you just give back the money? You love him!”
    “I don't love him, its just a silly school girl crush,” I told her. “I was only with him for a week, its not possible.”
    “A weeks all you needed and I know I wasn't the happiest about your relationship to begin with but you both love each other. I know you guys do and you need to win Mr Parker back.”
    “I think it'd be easier to go to the north pole,” I muttered. “He hates me.”
    Want a reminder? Comment.
    Teaser: "A picture was sent to the whole school or you and Mr Parker kissing."
    {A/N Feedback? (: }

  11. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2013 7:29pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 32
    I awoke on the hardwood floor, alone and covered only by a white shirt. Anthony must’ve placed it on me when he woke up.
    I clothed myself with the garments that had been scattered around the area before I exited the room. Anthony sat on the porch, wearing a blue hoodie. “Hey,” I hummed, taking the seat beside him.
    “How’d you sleep?”
    His eyes twinkled briefly. “Perfect.”
    I felt my cheeks blush as I said, “Me too.”
    I contemplated what I would say next, but decided on, “What were you and Alex talking about yesterday morning, on the couch? You both were crying.”
    I saw his facial features tighten. “Nothing.”
    “That’s a lie.”
    “None of your business.”
    “Well, I’m sorry?” I breathed. “It’s just, you’re my boyfriend, and I’m kind of offended you won’t cry in front of me.”
    “I don’t want to upset you.”
    “It wouldn’t upset me. It’d prove to me you trust me.”
    His piercing blue eyes glared at me. “I trust you.”
    “What were you talking about?”
    “You wouldn’t get it, okay?” he sighed. “Alex has been my best friend forever. You haven’t had someone like that. Someone with a million memories. So, for him to see me like this, it was upsetting.”
    “Is that why you were crying? Because you’re sick?”
    He sighed. “I mean, me being sick does upset me, yeah. But I wouldn’t cry over it.”
    “Then why were you crying?”
    His eyes found mine. “We were talking about you too.”
    I felt hollowness in my chest and I averted his eyes. I couldn’t look at him. For what felt like forever, we looked out to the misty ocean as the sun rose behind us. No one said anything. Sometimes it was so quiet, apart from the waves and birds, that I questioned if we were even breathing anymore.
    Eventually, I noticed something sitting beside him. “What is that?” I murmured.
    He glanced to the book. “Oh, it’s another book. I don’t know, I just picked it up off the shelf.” He flashed a smile at me. “You inspired the reader in me.”
    “What book is it?”
    “Uh, Swimming to Chicago, by David-Matthew Barnes.” The cover depicted a male with a swimming cap over his head and goggles over his eyes as he splashed above the water.
    “I’ve never read anything by him.” Our eyes met. “This could by 99.”
    “Nah,” he said, placing it down. “We’ll choose something you like.”
    “Read the first page,” I encouraged. He glanced at me warily before picking up the book.
    “Chapter One,” he recited. “Summer started like seduction. They saw glimpses of it in late May, peeking through windows and dancing across every lawn in Harmonville. It snuck into their lives, flirting and tempting them with freedom from school, boredom, and homework. It was thick with promises of excitement, and hot possibilities of romance and s.x.”
    Please please please leave me feedback! (:
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  12. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2013 1:09am UTC
    Using Mr Parker
    ♥ Zach Parker ♥
    C h a p t e r 33
    Heart break.
    Not once in my 23 years had I ever experienced something like this. Not when my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me, not when I was 15 and saw my girlfriend cheating on me.
    When Logan and I had been talking, I hadn't had time to comprehend anything. I spoke with impulse and everything she said didn't sink in.
    “Why'd you date me if you weren't interested? For money? So you could go tell your friends? Why, Logan?”
    “Money,” she said, looking down at her hands.
    I was just a game, someone she used to get some extra cash. I sat down on my desk and closed my eyes, sighing heavily. Somebody knocked on the door and Kelly came in. I internally groaned as she walked towards me.
    “Zach,” she said as she bit her lip seductively. “I was wondering about tonight? You never texted me back.” Kelly had texted me last period asking if I had wanted to go out for dinner tonight and I had just ignored her.
    “Look, Kelly, I just got out of a pretty serious relationship.” I scoffed silently, at least I had thought it was a serious relationship.
    “Oh, I didn't know you were dating anyone.” I didn't reply but got up from my desk.
    “I need to go make a important phone call,” I lied.
    “I'll see you later, Zach,” Kelly battered her eyelashes.
    “Yeah,” I smiled weakly. Before my next class, I needed to get some air. I stayed outside until my next period. I would be teaching a group of year 8s and after lunch, I would be teaching Logans class.
    That I was dreading.
    Soon enough, I had to return to class and I was in a horrible mood. At least teaching would get my mind off this whole situation, my thoughts werevkilling me.
    “Okay, guys,” I began. “I'm going to give you some questions and put on The Princess Bride, I want you to answer the questions which have something to do with the movie.” The class groaned as I put the movie on and sat on my desk a pile of papers which needed grading in front of me.
    I stayed in my classroom all lunch, my phone kept going off but I ignored it and continued grading papers. Soon, it was time for Logans class. I kept grading papers as the class entered the room but every so often I'd look up to see if Logan had came in.
    She never did.
    As Courtney entered the room, she came up to my desk and asked, “Did you hear about the rumour?” I shook my head. “They say one of the teachers here are dating a student. Oh, I love scandal,” she winked before sitting in her seat. I frowned... she knew, she must of but she had said that, I had no idea.
    When the class so settled and quietly talking to each other, I asked, “Where's Logan? I saw her this morning.”
    “What a rebel!” One of the boys in the back, joked.
    “Grace?” I asked after I had finished glaring at the jock.
    “I don't know, I haven't seen her since History.”
    “Okay,” I sighed not wanting to show how concerned I was. Where had she gone after she left my classroom? I shouldn't be concerned because she never really cared about me but I couldn't help the fact that no matter what,
    I'd care about her.
    Want a reminder? Comment.
    Teaser: "A weeks all you needed and I know, I wasn't the happiest about your relationship to begin with but you both love each other. I know you guys do and you need to win Mr Parker back."
    {A/N I'm so proud of myself, I managed to write 2 chapters last night so I could quickly upload today (: This wasn't supposed to be in Zachs P.O.V but after I wrote it in Logans, I changed it because I liked it better. Of course, I'm not a guy so I have no idea what they think. Who ever hasn't commented on this quote: wittyprofiles.com/q/6608403 }

  13. swimmergirl3796 swimmergirl3796
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2013 6:20pm UTC
    hit me with your best shot
    Chapter 16
    Avery's POV
    I still couldn't believe I was graduating today. I never have to come back to this place again.
    I placed my hands in my lap and allowed myself to listen to the valedictorian speech.
    "We're all like a family here, and I think we've realized that over the past year here. Cliques kind of just crashed together, whether it be the smart kid and the musical kid, the head cheerleader and the captain of the chess club, or the notorious rebel and star of the football team." she said, and I glanced at Troy, smiling.
    Troy and I are still together. We've been 'official' since November 10th, so it's been over 5 months.
    I looked around at everyone in the chairs surrounding me, and I suddenly realized I was going to miss everybody.
    "There's been too many good times in this school and this grade, whether it be the amazing time we had at our senior prom, or the incredible pep rally we had freshmen year. Now this is the part of my speech where you parents and grandparents will probably get confused. You see, there's been a competition going on ever since the third grade, if I'm correct, between two students sitting right behind me. Troy Stevens and Avery Carter have taken this school by storm, pranking each other whenever they can, getting the other in trouble, or just having some plain old-fashioned fun. And even our principal got involved in this game. So whoever has the most points total over the years is the ultimate champion, so I would like to let all of you know who won. Congratulations Avery. You're the winner." the valedictorian read, and I threw my fist in the air like Judd Nelson did after he got the girl.
    "To end my speech, I would just like to say as we go on, we remember, all the times we spent together. And as out lives change, we remember, we will still be, friends forever. Congratulations class of 2013, we did it!"
    We all stood up and threw our caps after getting our diplomas.
    "Avery, Troy, come over here for me!" Troy's mother said, and she snapped pictures of us.
    I took a few pictures with Ethan and with Roxy, and then one with my mother and Jack.
    I can't believe I'm finally out of high school.
    This past year has been crazy. Troy and I had a lot of fun. We pranked each other even after we became a couple, and on April Fool's Day, we joined forces and pulled a hilarious prank on the principal, who found it to be pretty funny. As I stood there taking pictures, all my high school memories flashed through my mind.
    Prom. Homecoming. Pranks. Friends. Everything, that would soon just be a memory.
    "Av, I need to talk to you." Troy said, grabbing my arm and pulling me away from the other people.
    "What's up?" I asked, curious as to what he had to tell me.
    "I liked you in kindergarten. I liked you in first grade. I liked you in second grade. Freshmen year, I realized I was in love with you. And the only reason I continued to tease you and fight with you is because I thought it was the only way to get you to love me back. I know we're young, and I know this is going to sound completely crazy, but I just need to ask you something." he said, getting down on one knee. I gasped.
    "Avery Carter, will you go see Aerosmith in concert with me?" he asked, opening a ring container that had two Aerosmith tickets. I started cracking up, before shaking my head yes.
    "I actually thought you were going to propose!" I said, and he just laughed with me.
    I love Troy. And I guess I always have. I just never let myself know that.
    And now that I do, I couldn't be happier.
    This was the last chapter! But I'm going to start a 1d fanfic, let me know if you're interested in reading it!(:

  14. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 4:00pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 29
    I awoke later than I would’ve expected; the sun was already high in the sky. I was placed in my bed, which was strange. I didn’t even remember being moved. I still had on the same clothes from the night before, and the smell of the bonfire dripped off of them. I loved it; I smelled of summer.
    I changed out of my clothes and carefully opened the door. I wasn’t sure of the time, and I didn’t want to wake anyone. I knew Alex kept his girlfriend over, too.
    I was cautious as I entered the kitchen because I heard voices. I didn’t want to eavesdrop. The only bit of anything I heard was Anthony’s voice muttering, “The whole thing is really screwed up.”
    I pulled out a barstool from the counter, and both heads jerked up to me from the couch. It was surprising to find tears in not only Anthony’s eyes, but Alex’s too.
    “Good morning!” Alex’s girlfriend piped as she made her way down the staircase from Alex’s bedroom, smiling widely. She was a gorgeous girl with pin straight chocolate hair and big blue eyes. “How did everyone sleep?”
    Alex and Anthony averted her eyes while trying to wipe theirs, and just seeing the two of them so upset made me want to crawl back into a ball and sob. I regretted not snooping.
    Alex’s girlfriend sat in a barstool across from me, grinning at me. “I slept good, thanks,” I told her when I realized Anthony and Alex would not answer. I was sure I’d heard her name last night, but at this point, it, along with everything else, had slipped my mind.
    “Babe?” she called to Alex, leaning in the chair to see him, “How did you sleep?”
    “Good,” he told her, then coughed. “Good,” he repeated.
    She smiled, looking back to me. I felt Anthony beside me as he pulled out the stool next to mine and put his hand on my thigh.
    “How did I get to bed last night?” I asked.
    “I carried you,” Alex told me, standing beside me now, his eyes slightly bloodshot. I glanced to Anthony, but he was avoiding my eyes. “Anthony was too tired to even walk last night,” Alex said in his defense. “I had to help him to his bed too.”
    Anthony shot Alex deadly glare, like he said something he shouldn’t have. My eyes widened as my heart dropped. “Wait, what?”
    “Nothing,” he uttered, not looking to me. “Nothing, I’m fine.”
    Alex’s girlfriend, who had an apple in her hand, smiled brightly. “Last night was fun though,” she offered in an attempt to lighten the mood. “But God, when you both fell to sleep, we thought you were dead.”
    “What?” Anthony breathed.
    “Everyone had to stop talking to make sure you were breathing,” she laughed, and I knew she meant it as a joke. I also knew Anthony would take it much harder than a joke.
    He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, and I tried to comfort him by placing an understanding, living hand over his.
    I watched as the sadness in his eyes melted away from my touch. He looked back up to me with love-filled eyes and did something I don’t think anyone expected.
    He smiled.
    Um so I was considering posting two chapters today because this chapter and the next are really short and boring,
    but I haven't been recieving much feedback, so I don't think you guys really deserve it. js.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  15. crazybananas crazybananas
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 4:07pm UTC
    words do hurt
    Chapter 12
    "What happened yesterday?" Maria asked softly as we were behind the school buildings, since it was free period, and class wouldn't start for another 15 minutes.
    "Well, the principal didn't suspend me, because there wasn't proof that I was doing any of that stuff that Tiffany was lying about, but she told me to go home to just.. relax." I explained.
    "Oh." she commented simply.
    There was a question occuring in my mind during our conversation.
    "Why are we hiding? Don't you want to actually be around people so people won't think we're doing... things?" I asked curiously.
    "No." she blurted out. "I mean, it's just really crowded, I like the peace and quiet out here."
    "Oh come on, tell me the truth." I said, rolling my eyes at her.
    "What are you talking about?" she questioned, trying to play it all innocent.
    I twisted my hair into a curly strand, as I eyed her down.
    "I've known you too long to know that you're lying. Now why don't you tell me the real answer?" I said, pursing my lips, expecting an clear answer.
    "Nothing, really." she muttered.
    I sighed deeply; I knew what she was thinking.
    I ran my clear, bare fingernails through glossy hair that was shimmering in the illumination that was the lights on this usual cloudy day.
    "You're embarrased to be seen around with me, aren't you?"
    "What? Psh, no!" she laughed uncertainly.
    "You're afraid that I'm going to damage your reputation, so you won't be an outcast in this school like me." I said, and by the look on her face, I could tell that I just read her mind.
    "I'm sorry Christina, I really am." she replied, with an apologetic look on her face.
    "I'm not strong like you." she continued, "If I was unliked in this school, I would just fall apart, I can't handle all that pressure like that."
    "So what are you saying, we still can't be friends because popularity matters so much to you?" I murmured, as I could feel the boiling tension in my veins.
    "We can, but just not at school or in public." she said, shrugging.
    I can't believe this; she regained her memory of having me as a best friend again, but she still doesn't want to be seen with me?
    She didn't care about these things before; she was practically unfearful when it came to society's problems and all that junk that we deal with in school.
    "Tiffany really brainwashed you, didn't she?" I joked, trying to cut off the awkwardness.
    As much as I wanted to tell her off, it's a miracle that she remembered me and actually wants to be my friend, and that's all I've wanted since the accident.
    "So is it a deal? Can we still be friends secretly?" she asked, with a hint of hope in her eyes.
    I bit my lower lip, as I leaned against the wall, staring off into the sky.
    "Yeah, I guess so."
    Favorite if you liked/read it & Comment what you think!

  16. _superwhitegirlproblems _superwhitegirlproblems
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 5:37pm UTC
    Super White Girl Problems #1695
    When you're walking
    down the street and a 40
    year old man yells out "hey
    beautiful" and you have to
    start jogging because
    you're scared for your life.

  17. xForeverLovedx xForeverLovedx
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2013 6:13pm UTC
    More Than Friends
    c h a p t e r / / eleven
    Cole's POV
    "Did he give it to you?" Mike, one of the seniors, ask.
    "No, he said he didn't have any." I grunt.
    I was acting like I cared, I was actually happy we weren't getting any.
    I didn't like smoking because when my older brother used to do it, he went insane, and always abused me.
    I only do it because the guys probably wouldn't like me.
    "Don't worry my friends, I've got some." My friend Ricky says, waving a bag full of pot in front of our faces.
    "Yes, thank god!" Another senior named, Darin, yells.
    My phone vibrates and I thank my mom for saying I needed to come home.
    "Crap, I've got to go home, my mom text me." I show them the message.
    They all sigh but then walk off to go get high like they do every day.
    When I enter my house my mom is nowhere to be seen.
    "Mom?" I call out.
    "Cole!" My mom says, walking downstairs. "Good you're home."
    "What did you need?" I ask.
    "I'm flying to Colorado to see your grandmother, she's very ill. Will you be okay here alone for a few days?"
    "Yeah, tell grandma I love her."
    My mom nods her head, grabs her bags, and then walks out the door.
    I can't believe my grandmother is ill, she never gets sick.
    I decide to text Amy and this is how our conversation went:
    Me: Amy, please text me back.
    Amy: What do you want, Cole?
    Me: I'm sorry, I need to understand that Carson is just your best friend.
    Amy: Obviously, Cole. And Kenny already told me you asked for pot, so don't text me.
    Me: I didn't do any. It was for the guys and I'm at home anyway. I promise.
    Amy: You break promises.
    Me: I'll treat you better this time Amy, I need you in my life. Please, be my girlfriend again?
    Amy: You'll just keep lying to me.
    Me: Amy, I won't. I need you and I realize this now.
    Crap, I realize this now. Why did I say that?
    Amy: Should've realized it awhile ago
    Me: What I meant was I realize that you'll actually leave me and well, I can't deal with that.
    10 minutes later, Amy finally replies.
    Amy: This is your last chance, boyfriend.
    NOTE: Alright whose POV next? Pick anyone. And please comment ONE name.

  18. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2013 8:53pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 28
    “Are you guys alright?” Alex asked from the beach as Anthony carried me to shore.
    Anthony beamed down on me as he set me to my feet. “We’re just fine.”
    “Uh, there’s a spare bedroom right off the den, across from the bathroom if you guys need to get changed,” Alex offered. Anthony took our luggage from his car and brought them up to the bedroom I would be staying in that night; Anthony offered to take the couch in the other room. I wanted to spend the night with him, I wanted to wake up to his face, but I wasn’t going to force him into doing anything he didn’t want to do.
    As he put our stuff down, I immediately began stripping out of my wet clothes, and he followed me. After I was in my bra and underwear, I saw him sneaking glances at my half-naked body. I only smiled at him and rolled my eyes. He was a boy, after all.
    I changed into the pajamas I would be wearing that night—a loose tank and gym shorts. I made my way to the porch where I found Alex and Anthony sitting on the beach together. The water would lap their feet every time a gentle swell pushed water to their level. I couldn’t hear them from my position on the porch, but I didn’t want to. They deserved to be alone.
    I took a seat on a chair that overlooked the water, and suddenly, I felt so incredibly pitiful for Anthony. He had a life, and I didn’t. He had friends and a mom who cared and girls to be meeting and a young life to live that I just didn’t have. I wondered how greatly this change really affected him, and how well he kept himself together.
    They sat in the sand together, just talking. Anthony kept his hood over his head, and I assumed it was to protect him from the sun. It seemed strange to me because it was so warm outside.
    I didn’t want to be caught staring at them, so I went back inside. I was feeling tired, anyways, so I grabbed a blanket and curled up on the couch until Anthony woke me up to get ready for the party.
    * * *
    I knew the party was going to be formal, so I dressed nicely. A tight, white dress with horizontal red stripes to make me look curvier than I was. At this point, I was just skin and bones.
    All of Alex’s friends were at the party by 7:30. Alex promised Anthony and I ahead of time that there would be no alcohol or dr ugs, which were our big concerns. Anthony had already assured me that the kids they used to hang out with weren’t those kinds of kids.
    Everyone who came to the party new Anthony in some respect, and they hugged him or kissed him and they talked to him for a long while. No one knew who I was.
    The night was still young when Alex, Anthony, and a few other fit guys hit the beach and began digging a massive hole. Anthony couldn’t finish it, though; he grew too fatigued. It broke my heart to see him like that. It actually petrified me.
    The bonfire they created was huge. I kept myself on Anthony’s lap, absorbing the heat from the inferno just feet from my body.
    I listened as he laughed and told stories, reminisced and participated in the conversation. And then, randomly, he went quiet. I glanced up to him and found his head fallen back against the chair, his eyes closed. His breathing was gentle as he slept beneath me.
    I grinned and snuggled my head into his chest, feeling myself falling asleep on top of him. And honestly, there was nothing I would’ve preferred over that moment.
    Not even the cure to my cancer would’ve made me happier than I was in that moment.
    Thank the Lord it's finally the weekend. This week seemed so long.
    2 weeks to February vacay. Booyahh.
    Oh and I'm like halfway done with my book. About. I'm so excited to get it done (:
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  19. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2013 9:02pm UTC
    Using Mr Parker
    ♥ Logan ♥
    C h a p t e r 31
    On Monday, I didn't want to go to school. There were a million and one things that would be better then going to school today.
    Like going for a swim with some sharks or fleeing to Sweden and changing my name.
    Today, I knew what I had to do. I had to break up with Zach.
    This whole relationship was dangerous and even though, in the future I could see myself falling in love with him I knew it would never work. It wasn't meant to work, if it was everything would just fall into place.
    Yesterday, Grace and I had gone and sold my car and went looking for a new one. One in particular caught my eye and I bought it and had a lot of money left over. After I got the money from Courtney I'd send it all to my mum from my dad. When I got to school, Courtney grabbed my arm and dragged me to a spot under the trees. We were away from everyone so nobody could see what we were doing.
    “W-what-” Courtney cut me off.
    “Here's your money,” Courtney spat. She handed me a bundle of money. “You're lucky I'm a girl who keeps her end of the deal.”
    I felt so guilty at that moment that I thought of giving the money back.
    “Thank you.”
    “Are you going to break up with him?” she asked, her voice was as cold as ice.
    “Yes,” I replied but didn't look her in the eye.
    “You know, Logan, if you lie I will find out.”
    “Good thing I'm not lying,” I muttered. “I need to go to class,” I said as I stuffed the money into my bag.
    “Can I just text my mum? I forgot my phone at home.”
    “Sure,” I shrugged as I handed her my phone. After she had texted her mum, she handed me my phone and walked off. I was about to walk inside the school but saw Courtney typing away on her phone... didn't she just say she left it at home?
    I didn't think to much of it as I walked to Zachs room. The nerves were eating me alive as I knocked on his door, the door opened but Zach didn't open it, Miss Lake did. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. Could they still be dating? Zach and I hadn't spoken much about Miss Lake but he had promised me that they have never dated nor would he ever date her.
    “Logan, right?”
    “Yeah... I just wanted to ask Mr Parker something about the assignment he gave us but I'll come back later,” I said, swiftly.
    “Oh, that's okay. I was just leaving, I'll speak to you later Zach.” Zach didn't reply but when she left, closed and locked the classroom door. He walked up to me and kissed me. All thoughts of breaking up with him vanished as his lips moved in sync with mine but I pushed him away, I needed to do this. “Zach... I-I... I need to go bathroom!” With that, I hurried out of the room and as soon as I was out, I covered my face with my hands, breathing heavily.
    I was in History when Zach walked into the classroom and whispered something to our teacher. She nodded her head and Zach said, “Miss Hant, may I speak to you?” I nodded my head and smiled weakly but he didn't return the smile.
    “Y-yeah,” I stuttered. I walked behind Zach until we reached his room. He obviously had a free period now as his classroom was empty. He shoved his phone in my hands and I read the message.
    How does it feel to know she was only with you for money - unknown
    With the message there was the picture I had shown the girls of Zach and I.
    “Logan, I saw Courtney giving you that money before school. What's going on?”
    Want a reminder? Comment.
    Teaser: "What do you want me to tell you, Zach?! You don't wany the truth but you don't want me to lie!"
    {A/N So, what do you guys think? Should Logan have said 'no' to the money? If you haven't seen my 'Which one do you like?' quote, its on my profile so go check it out}

  20. crazybananas crazybananas
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2013 9:51pm UTC
    words do hurt
    Chapter 11
    I burst out into laughter as she said those words.
    "You care? If you cared then you wouldn't call me a freak on Facebook." I hissed, preparing to storm off.
    "Wait Christina, please." she said softly, and I could tell her voice was cracking.
    "Why should I?" I muttered lowly.
    "I'm sorry that I've been so rude to you lately! I just went to the doctor this morning, and he said that I got some of my memory back. Plus, he told me that you were by my side while I was in the hospital."
    "All true things." I commented, still grumpy.
    "Can we just start over and be friends now?" she asked, giving me the puppy-eyed look.
    I looked at her longingly, pursing my lips as if I had just licked a sour lemon.
    Just as I was about to answer, Tiffany just had to walk out of the classroom and interrupt us.
    "What are you doing here?" Tiffany asked, glaring at Maria.
    "Umm, my teacher told me to come here, because we heard a lot of yelling." she lied, standing there, with nervousness across her face.
    "Oh, I have to go to the stupid office because of Christina here." Tiffany growled, turning to me.
    "You're the one saying I smoked in the bathroom." I spat.
    She rolled her eyes while she examined her nails. "It's not like anybody was going to believe you."
    I heard a small laugh from Maria, and I couldn't tell if she was laughing at me, or with me.
    "Let's get to the office, shall we?" I grumbled, walking away.
    {X} {x} {X}
    "I can't believe I had to leave work for this." my mother spatted, on the ride home.
    "It wasn't my fault." I complained.
    "Oh, it wasn't?" she started off. "If it wasn't your fault, then why did your principal request to have a little chat with me that lasted more than an hour long?"
    "I don't know." I mumbled.
    "Ugh, you're grounded for a month. No T.V, no hanging out with friends, no cell phone, and I'm taking your MacBook away." she scolded, turning into our driveway.
    "What?!" I exclaimed. "You can take away my television and social life, but not my laptop!"
    "You should have thought about that before you got sent to the principal's office." she muttered, pushing me into the house.
    "I don't believe this. I'm being punished for something I didn't even do!" I snarled.
    "You gotta deal with it then, because you don't always get everything you want in life."
    Favorite if you liked/read it & Comment what you think!


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