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Member Since: 1 Mar 2009 10:09pm

Last Seen: 10 Apr 2013 09:53am

user id: 69114

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                         my name is kelsey....
i love shopping... go hot topic and A&F etc. 
           ive met alot of people off of witty... its kinda [funniee]
              all my friends love this website.. its soo.. idkay us?
                i love witty profiles because i get to express myself
                   i liek all the poems about love comment but if u copy
give me credit (:

Amazing Quotes!!



ily Nialynn16

  1. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2012 9:34am UTC
    David Hudgik is a student from Keene High School in Keene New Hampshire.
    He was an amazing skier and loved to do a lot of daring things. But after a failed attempt at a double front flip on his trampoline, he is now paralyzed. He cannot walk or do any of the things he used to love doing. And on top of all of it, I am falling head over heels for this kid. He is sweet and charming and makes everyone smile to the best of his ability. David has a website that you can vote for him to help the chances of him winning a wheelchair accessible van. It is called www.davidsjourneytorecovery.com. you can vote once a day every day if you want to. Please take the time to at least go to the website and read up on him. Votes would be much appreciated! <3
    Thanks wittians!<3 help a brothaa out

  2. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2012 12:37pm UTC
    love her or hate her,
    but you'll never make
    or break her <3
    Kelseyboo15 <3

  3. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 11:13am UTC
    Wake Up At 6am, Get Ready and Catch The Bus
    Meet Up With Old Friends, and Run Into New Ones.
    Hold Your Breath && Walk Through The Door.
    The First Day Of Your Freshman Year.
    And Altho There Should Be A Sign Saying,
    "Wild Animals At Play"
    Your Prepared For Anything
    Life Could Throw your way.
    no jocking. credit to moi:)

  4. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2010 4:55pm UTC
    I Love Everything
    that you do <3

  5. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2010 12:12pm UTC
    My Heart Says Forever
    But My Head Says Never Again
    click the heart if you agree </3

  6. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2010 3:46pm UTC
    The sun, is supposed to light up the sky.
    but right now its a dull shade of grayy,
    the green leaves on the trees start to fall down,
    with nothing to catch them, and i, take a step outside,
    into the cold misty air, then i think back to when you
    were right there. next to me, and suddenly i cant breathe
    When I Look At You;;
    You pull me out of the darkness i've been through,
    You make every sky the right shade of blue,
    You opened my eyes like never before, and
    Showed me the world, that was right outside
    my door, and i will never forget the way i feel
    When I Look At You <3
    My heart, has been torn and broken before,
    everybody you need leaves at some point,
    and its all about learning to mend fences,
    time seems to heal all kinds of pain, but
    it can never take back, all the tears you
    have cried, and all the lonely nights, and
    so my heart cries,
    When I Look At You;;
    You pull me out of the darkness i've been through,
    You make every sky the right shade of blue,
    You opened my eyes like never before, and
    Showed me the world, that was right outside
    my door, and i will never forget the way i feel
    When I Look At You <3
    Suddenly i turn around, and you pull me in so slowly.
    then you press your soft lips agents mine,
    and for a moment everything is fine,
    When I Look At You;;
    My dreams have all became true,
    my heart only wants more of you,
    and my lips only want to touch yours,
    ive never fallen like this before,
    so catch me before i hit the ground,
    i dont wanna miss out noww <3
    (i wrote this song for a guy ive liked
    since i was 9, i am now 14
    and i havent kissed him
    ever up until friday, february 12th 2010)

  7. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2010 8:46pm UTC
    i've waited 4 long years for
    This moment right here.
    You pull me in, my breathing
    Slows to almost nothing.
    Then we kiss, for the first
    Time. It feels real. and i
    Feel, Fearless.

  8. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2009 5:27pm UTC
    Not Many Things Hurt Me:
    But seeing my best friend cry,
    that just tears me a p a r t

  9. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2009 5:41pm UTC
    because i don't expect you to be.
    The only thing you have to do is hold me tight.

  10. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2009 5:22pm UTC
    Blue: The door is everything:
    Pink: all that once was, and all that will be!
    Blue: The door controls time and space,
    Pink: love and death!
    Blue: The door can see into your mind
    Pink: the door can see into your soul!
    C h a r l i e : R e a l l y , t h e, t h e d o o r c a n d o a l l t h a t ?
    » » Ha, no. « «
    Charlie the Unicorn 3

  11. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2009 7:22pm UTC
    I Believed In You When
    the world told me not to
    then you showed me why
    the world told me no.
    now baby i understand
    why i have to go.

  12. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2009 12:08pm UTC
    Half The Reason Your Having Fun
    is because your drunk.
    && the other half?
    well thats cuz your with us.

  13. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    October 28, 2009 7:17pm UTC
    you find a way to keep it in your life
    no matter how difficult things get

  14. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2009 3:57pm UTC
    Stop selling yourself short.
    You are an amazing person.You just don't no what to think.
    You're gotta keep your chin up butYou're not. And no ;; you
    don't have a stupid laugh either it's actually wicked cute love.
    And your voice? It's so awsome. It is absolutely amazing.
    I mean it!! You're just to paranoid. You just dont no when to give in.
    you let people control you. which upsets me alot.. And I'm
    n e v e r going to let you fall. ever. and even five...ten
    f i f t y years from now. I still wont let. Why?Because
    I ♥ l ♥ o ♥ v ♥ e ♥ y ♥ o ♥ u

  15. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2009 5:24pm UTC
    && Yes. i do want you.
    i want every part of you
    i want you to be mine
    so i can hold you and
    simply say: iloveyou

  16. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2009 4:19pm UTC
    && Don't You Love How:
    he wont date you;; but he will date her.
    or even worse is the fact that you told
    yourself you'd love him forever. but
    then fall in love with someone else
    because you dont want to get hurt.

  17. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2009 8:35pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2009 5:53pm UTC
    Have You Ever Known What It Feels Like;;
    to love someone who doesnt love you.
    to have so much pain that your numb.
    to be so low down that you cant get any lower?
    or even better yet:
    to no what it feels like to never get to
    be in his arms because he would
    rather be with no one then you?

  19. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2009 4:25pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  20. kelseyboo15 kelseyboo15
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2009 9:08pm UTC
    && It's Alright
    you want me to call you
    then you dont pick up
    you call back --4-- hours later
    and only talk for 5 minutes
    you want to take a walk with me
    and you bring ur bike along instead
    ya, its alright. i understand.
    your the same as before.


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