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Member Since: 2 May 2011 03:23pm

Last Seen: 10 May 2012 10:10am

user id: 170996

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Im kaylan ellsworth, i live in canada:) I love sports, esepcially softball volleyball and hockey. I have alot of drama in my life and I love to take it out on witty:)  I love God, my friends, and my familyy and now my new interest is witttyy:D .. and loves Kendra Rayner and Madison Smallman :) follow her madisonVB09

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  1. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2011 6:49pm UTC
    FAV: for this guy: The boy I've been in love with for a year and a half, and is finally over her and telling me I may have a choice, but no promises. i'm thinking he's not completely over her, and I'm not feeling the long term vibe from him. The way he looked into my eyes today made me tear up, but knowing that he will never love me as much as I love him... ?
    COMMENT: For the new guy in my life, quiet, very religious, (I am too) nice, inexperienced, long term vibe is definately there, see him everyday, a little too on the shy side, inmature in some ways that bother me, hot,
    please girlies<3

  2. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2011 8:18pm UTC
    Dont give up hope witty girls!
    I found the perfect boy who is worth every heartbreak, every sleepless night, everything.
    So keep looking, you will find him. and you will feel happier than ever.

  3. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2011 9:25pm UTC
    In 2009, I picked the song 'crazier' as our song. Then, a couple of weeks later, I went to amherst for a basketball tournament. The girls asked me to give details about how 'the locker room' went. So I did, smiling every second remembering how you kissed me and how much I wanted to go back there. That night, I couldn't sleep. So I stayed up all night replaying crazier and thinking of you. Over the last two years, you and one of those girls have been 'in love' and I've waited patiently, trying to get over you. I'm done trying. I'm just waiting for my chance. I listen to that song all the time, even though it's old. The little things are what matter most to me. I love you more than anything in this world, and I don't think its going to change any time soon. So whenever it's my time, you let me know. Forever and a day brandon. <3

  4. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2011 6:25pm UTC
    I want him to be
    That guy so bad..

  5. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2011 8:41pm UTC
    So guys, jw here..
    What do you think is bad for age difference? comment please!

  6. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2011 5:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2011 12:10pm UTC
    - But he makes me smile... like nobody else does.
    -That's all the matters*

  8. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2011 11:12am UTC
    Letter 15- The person you miss the most.
    MORGO! Hey buddy!
    I miss you like crazy! Breeanna and I walk to homeroom alone every morning :( . It's very sad. I only see you once in a blue moon and that's for about 2 minutes. I can't wait for two years and I'll see you everyday! Mom thinks we're gonna date, but were pretty good friends for that... never know I guess! Well shoot me a text whenever you feel like it! Miss you lots!

  9. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2011 8:01pm UTC
    Letter 14- someone you've drifted away from.
    Well, I could write about Brandon again, but that would just make me depressed. lol. I guess I've drifted away from Torri a lot, and I really miss her :( We used to be together every day of the summer, and now that I've moved, i only go about once. It sucks. We've had so many good times, almost getting hit by cars and what not, but hopefully this summer I can be with you more and we can chill:)
    pcee: kay

  10. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2011 11:28am UTC
    Hi sami.
    Its Karissa and Kaylan here...
    We like ya most days.
    Fav this would ya.

  11. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2011 4:58pm UTC
    Letter 12ish- someone you wish you could forgive.
    Well, I don't hate anyone, so I really have no one to forgive. Maybe her... for stealing the love of my life. But I guess that's never going to change so yea.
    pcee- Kay

  12. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2011 4:23pm UTC
    Letter 12- person you hate most.
    Well, hating's against my religion, and I'm very religious, so I can't hate anybody and I don't. If I could, there may be a couple of people.. but nothing too serious!
    pceee :kay

  13. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2011 3:15pm UTC
    Letter 11- A diseased person you'd like to talk to.
    Dear Lucina,
    Well, you're my great grandmother whom I've never met. I do have your last name though and I think that's pretty cool. My Grammy says I'm a lot like you and that's why I can't wait to meet you. I look at pictures of you all the time and I just wish I could get to know you. Someday, I just want to take a whole day and you can tell me everything about my Grammy, and my Dad, before I knew them. Of course yourself as well. I'll tell you about me too and I know we'd get along great because I know we have a lot in common. Well, I guess I'll see you someday!
    pccee :Kay

  14. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2011 4:06pm UTC
    Secret number 3
    I'm still jealous of you, even though I act as I'm not. You have everything I want. Him, You're beautiful without even trying, and just seeing the way he looks at you... I wish I was you.

  15. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2011 11:30am UTC
    Letter 10- someone you don't talk talk to as much as you'd like to.
    Dear Brandon.
    Hi! nice tlakin to ya for once. Since you got 'Married' I haven't talked to ya much... I do really miss talking to you. We're still best friends I don't care what you say. We will be until the very end I can just tell. Anyways I don't really have much to say.. just that I love and miss you and wish we talked as much as we used to. We may only stay friends but if we could get back to the way we were, it would be the best thing ever for me.
    ppccee love kay

  16. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2011 7:09pm UTC
    Secret number two
    I'm slutty because it's the only way I've dealt with the pain I get every time I realize I don't have you and possibly never will.

  17. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2011 6:58pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2011 4:40pm UTC
    Letter 9- Someone you'd like to meet.
    Well, I'd like to meet a few people, but my top 2 are my idols and the only reason I stay alive through the cold winter- Marc-André Fleury and the Sidney Crosby. These two men are more than my idols.
    Dear boys,
    Hi, I'm Kaylan, and no matter what other people say, I AM your biggest fan! :) Check out my room and you'd believe me. I love you guys so much and I don't care what other people think of you. You wouldn't be in the NHL if you weren't great. Marc- I've loved you since I saw those speedy yellow pads fly from one side of the crease to the other in 04' and I haven't stopped. Everytime you make a save, my heart beats faster and I just wish I could be there to sense the momentum even more. You're truly amazing. I love your goaltending skills as well as your great personality. You're the reason I've become a goalie and I look up to you in so many ways. Thanks for being you and I hope so someday meet you! Sid- To be honest, I used to dislike you strongly. But that changed in an instant when I watched you a little closer and I fell in love instantly. Every move you make is more than amazing. No one can describe how talented you are. You're also such a great person. I respect and look up to you as well and can't wait until you're back on your feet and dominating the league again. I love you and always will and hopefully someday I'll meet you as well!
    both- I love you both and thank you for being who you are. Keep doing that you're doing I'll be your biggest fan for life:)
    pccee- love kay

  19. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2011 11:19am UTC
    Dear sami and breeanna.
    If i was in a room with Justin Beiber I'd...
    a- Kill him for laughs.
    b- ask him why his voice didn't crack til he was halfway through his career.
    d- maybe tell him about my best friends and tell him he better write a song about the only girl who despises him=ME.

  20. kaylanlucina29 kaylanlucina29
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2011 11:13am UTC
    Secret number 1
    I'm going to miss my brother more than anything next year, but I fight with him just to see if he Cares.


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