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Member Since: 12 Jan 2011 03:56pm

Last Seen: 10 Jun 2013 12:33am

user id: 145997

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Heyy guys it's Katherine! I love doing gymnastics, hanging out with friends , andd  lots of stufff.! :))

  1. katherinelovespugsandgymnastics katherinelovespugsandgymnastics
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 3:54pm UTC
    It breaks my heart when I see the text messages, rember the nights we stayed up on oovoo until 7 in the morning, and rereading the facebook messages. You called me beautiful, funny, and babe. I don't understand what happened. you just stopped texting me. no more messages or anything. I'm heartbroken by a guy I didn't even date. When I see your profile on facebook or your contact on my phone I get a lump in my throat and I feel like crying. :/ why?

  2. katherinelovespugsandgymnastics katherinelovespugsandgymnastics
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2011 4:37pm UTC
    Witty Girls!
    I'm going into high school on Wednesday! Leave me a comment with tips or anything I should know! Thanks!

  3. katherinelovespugsandgymnastics katherinelovespugsandgymnastics
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 3:28pm UTC
    Who were you with yesterday? Everyone from school & family.
    What woke you up this morning?me
    Where are you?my basement
    Is tomorrow going to be a good day? yeaaaah buddy
    Do you like anybody? nahh
    Ever thrown up in public? indeed
    Passed out because of alcohol? noo
    What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW? high school
    What kind of home would you like? biggishh, nice.
    What do you want to be when you grow up? economist or something to do with economicss
    Where do you see yourself in 5 years? college(Uconn hopefully)
    Do you like candy necklaces? nahh
    Do you listen to music every day? yess
    Do you still go trick or treating? yeaaahh!
    What was the last thing you ate? oreo ice cream bahaha
    Are you a fast typer? suree
    Whats your favorite type of soda? hmm..dont really like soda,
    Have you ever moved? yess
    Have you ever won an award? manyy for gymnasticss. and in school
    Are you listening to music right now? yeaaah
    How long ’till your birthday? 5 months and one dayy
    when were you the saddest in your whole life? when my grandpa died
    What time is it? 3:25
    Do you use ebay to buy or sell? nopee
    Who makes you mad?. parents, drama, guys etc etc
    Have you ever heard a song written about you? nope thats corny.
    What do you do when you’re mad? yell, listen to music, cry, swear lmfaoo
    What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? umm, break a plate.
    Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? yess indeedy
    Do you swear when you’re mad? yepp
    When was the last time you actually cried? umm..a couple days ago?
    Ever cried yourself to sleep? mhm.
    Do certain songs make you cry? mhm.
    What usually makes you cry? sad things?
    Are you usually a happy person?yeah haha
    What makes you the happiest? gymnastics, friends, exercise
    Do you believe in yourself? eh i guess so

  4. katherinelovespugsandgymnastics katherinelovespugsandgymnastics
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 3:11pm UTC
    Those days all you want to do
    is sit in your pajamas,
    listen to music and write quotes on witty.
    Summer can't end yet.,

  5. katherinelovespugsandgymnastics katherinelovespugsandgymnastics
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 3:04pm UTC
    A sky full of lighters.<3

  6. katherinelovespugsandgymnastics katherinelovespugsandgymnastics
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 2:36pm UTC
    I steal quotes from witty and set them as my status. Fave if you do this too. I know I'm baaaad.(:

  7. katherinelovespugsandgymnastics katherinelovespugsandgymnastics
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 12:15pm UTC
    I love messing with telemarketers when they call.<3

  8. katherinelovespugsandgymnastics katherinelovespugsandgymnastics
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 12:08pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. katherinelovespugsandgymnastics katherinelovespugsandgymnastics
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 12:02pm UTC
    That moment in class when you and your friend look at each other and start laughing.
    fave if this ever hapened to you.

  10. katherinelovespugsandgymnastics katherinelovespugsandgymnastics
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2011 8:21am UTC
    There's fun, music, routine
    I've got it made
    My life is gymnastics
    Some days I fall off beam
    or get rips on the palms
    of my once soft hands.
    My life is gymnastics.
    You keep trucking along
    or let yourself heal
    My life is gymnastics
    There are ribbons and trophies
    from all competitions
    My life is gymnastics
    There is disappointment
    but I love this crazy sport
    My life is gymnastics
    Fave or comment if you agree.!
    I wrote this for English and I am a gymnast :)

  11. katherinelovespugsandgymnastics katherinelovespugsandgymnastics
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2011 4:18pm UTC
    I'm sure all of us have heard from our elementary teachers say nothing is impossible.. but they're right. Nothing is impossible.. just because it didn't happened yet doesn't mean it can't. [[:


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