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Member Since: 10 Oct 2009 12:09pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 90885

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hey, im katherine call me what ever
i go by katie to:)
i love my bf lukey
and my bestfreidns are everything to me.
i love to write and draw.
not that intresting lol.
  1. katherineXpromised katherineXpromised
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2009 7:56pm UTC
    something about your hair, your eyes, your cute nose
    those lips and that smile, your voice and the way you smell
    and the way you look at me like nothing could ever go wrong
    *all mine*
    credit to me

  2. katherineXpromised katherineXpromised
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2009 7:46pm UTC
    I Love How
    Our Song, you know the one that you told me
    reminds you of me
    the only song i listen to now
    its the first song on my
    and the song thats
    [most played]
    damn the song is stuck in my head
    /each and everyday/
    *all mine:)*
    *katherine<3 credit to me*
    *kinda venting lol*

  3. katherineXpromised katherineXpromised
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2009 7:38pm UTC
    "Im So Cold"
    Dont you just hate it
    when you say those
    3 damn words that
    are ooohh so obvious
    you want him to put
    his arms around you
    and make you warmer?
    but he doesnt and he just says
    //me to//
    *all mine:)*
    *credit to me*

  4. katherineXpromised katherineXpromised
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2009 7:31pm UTC
    my heart
    was only for you, and i told you.
    but you decided to break it, tear it into
    thousands of pieces, and the funny thing
    is that now my heart belongs to someone
    better,someone that actually cares about

  5. katherineXpromised katherineXpromised
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2009 7:24pm UTC
    how many girls
    spend hours doing their hair
    and make-up extra well just
    to look good for this one guy
    who happened to promise
    you that he would hangout
    with you? and then well
    the obvious... he doesnt.
    cause your just not good enough.

  6. katherineXpromised katherineXpromised
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 6:55pm UTC
    allways seem to get broken
    or end up breaking some ones

  7. katherineXpromised katherineXpromised
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 4:07pm UTC
    Why is that people say words wont hurt me?
    when really deep down they do hurt.
    < or >
    when they say im stronger then you but
    really you arent till the point when you let
    things get to you.
    < or >
    i always listen but really you have too much
    on your own damn mind that every word their
    saying you dont hear cause your to busy listening
    to your own thoughts.
    < or >
    when people say "ill always be here"
    well what happens when you arent?
    < or how about my favorite >
    THAT 3 letter word everyone seems to say
    "i Love you"
    when you say that do you mean it? are you gona show
    it? loves a pretty big word.
    <or this>
    ill never leave you, but when it gets to the point
    they will leave, walked in your life and right back
    out in a blink of an eye.
    <and lastly>
    FOREVER, to me i think thats a pretty long time, but
    there comes a time when forever ends and everything
    they said you once belived comes crashing down.
    <so when you say theses things
    arent you kinda telling a lie>
    at least when you say them can you mean them?
    < baby please >

  8. katherineXpromised katherineXpromised
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2009 2:42pm UTC
    Love is,
    the way you put your arms around me
    the way your lips feel against mine
    and the way you whisper in my ear
    "i love you"
    at the most perfect times
    when im not expecting to hear it,
    its what makes my heart beat even faster.


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