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  1. StillFlyy StillFlyy
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2011 4:56pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. brilovesrondo9 brilovesrondo9
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2011 4:46pm UTC
    Witty girls please help ♥
    A couple of my months ago I found out that my cat died. I had him since I was in first grade.. I know no other cat will be able to replace him, but I just really want a kitten.
    My mom who didn't want me to get a cat made a promise to me..
    If I get 50 faves she'll think about it but if I get 100 faves she'll let me go to the animal shelter and adopt an abused kitten <3
    Thanks witty sisters! ♥

  3. sk8rgrl18 sk8rgrl18
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2011 4:10pm UTC
    I want to be a site model :)

  4. OhSnapItsNikki OhSnapItsNikki
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2011 4:10pm UTC
    *Harry Potter Quote #4
    Ron: sunshine, daisies, butter mellow.
    Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow.
    favorite if you know which year they were in :)

  5. im_forever_alone im_forever_alone
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2011 1:01pm UTC
    Its ben 29 days and she still hasn't noticed... the funny part is she said that i couldn't like her for more then a week..... look who is wrong </3

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  8. archuleta4ever_storygurl archuleta4ever_storygurl
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2011 8:55pm UTC
    Our Summer
    Chapter 2
    Carson's POV;
    "Ummm where are we going again?", Kelsey asked from the back.
    "Tom's lake house," Derek said. Derek. The guy I fell in love with. The guy who was the best boyfriend in the world. The guy who dumped me for my cousin about three weeks ago. The guy who broke my heart. And here I was, sitting on his lap, feeling his warm touch yet again, and wanting to stab water bottles. This was not okay. I'm not fully over Derek yet, and it sucks.
    "Who else is there?", Kate asked.
    "Just the guys in FSU," Derek answered yet again. I really wish he'd stop talking, it's like daggers through my stomach. Derek, James, and about six other guys are in this group called FSU, and they pretty much party all summer and always hang out and stuff. They're all like best friends and yeah I don't know, it's hard to describe sorta. They're all Juniors, well now Seniors I guess and me and my girls are now Juniors. My girls and I really only know Derek out of FSU, I had only met James a few days ago actually. Here's a little recap;
    Derek and I dated for like four months, and a couple guys in FSU busted on me and my girls ...I don't know why, they just did. Tom and James are like mad good friends, and they started poking me and my girls on Facebook, and liking all our pictures and statuses and stuff like that. They started doing that during the last month of our relationship. And during that month I got my Facebook taken away (not sure why). Anyways, when I finally got it back, I had all these notifications from Tom & James and I found it really funny. So me and my girls started busting on them all over Facebook, and even in school sometimes. About three weeks before school ended, Derek broke up with me. I was a mess, and we all stopped busting on each other. A couple days ago I got a bunch of notifications from James though. He liked a lot of my pictures so I messaged him being funny about him stalking me and we just sorta started talking and he asked for my number. Ever since then we've been texting like non-stop. He's really funny and nice, and earlier today my girls and I were getting our nails done & he was with Tom and said that he wanted to hang out with me. I told him I was with Kelsey, Kate and Jenna, and he said that all the guys from FSU (F*ck Sh*t Up), were gonna be at Tom's lake house tonight for a banger-type party. He invited us and we were all for it. What I didn't know was that Derek was going to be there as well. Which would explain why I'm freaking out right about now, especially since he just started holding my hand. Yeah, tonight was gonna be great.

  9. wriiteoutloud_x wriiteoutloud_x
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2011 9:03pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. figureskater6 figureskater6
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2011 6:52pm UTC
    Uh Uh!
    fave this if you've seen the move "Chicago."

  12. that_gurl3 that_gurl3
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2011 8:44pm UTC
    Hey fellow Witty girls!
    So, most of you have probably heard of peanut43998. She writes amazing stories. :) Anyway, I just went on her page and saw some AWFUL comments from a girl about how her story is stupid and that peanut43998 should go kill herself. This really hurt me that there are terrible haters like this just commenting so they can put other people down.
    (P.S. peanut43998 , this is for you. Don't let those haters get you down, over 500 people LOVE your story, including myself!)

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. ALittleThingCalledLove ALittleThingCalledLove
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2011 12:05am UTC
    What I Know About Love
    Chapter 1
    First things first, this is my awesome blog! Its more of a diary, that acounts for the big moments in my life. Anyways, I'm Peyton and this is what I know about love.
    *On Facebook*
    Austin Couture: Peyton, take me back. Stop being so dramatic about it. It was a simple, innocent kiss.
    Peyton Tompson: No. I don't feel like having this conversation with you.
    Austin Couture: Please?
    I looked up over the computer screen and caught a glance of the clock. It was 12:48.
    Peyton Tompson: It's 12:48 and I have to go to work in the morning. I'm not having this conversation with you. Not now.
    I opened up the other tab on my computer that led me to Meebo instead of Facebook. Max was on, and I wanted to start a conversation with him, but I didn't. He was a senior for crying out loud! I couldn't go after a senior! Even if he was extremely sweet and attractive. Instead of typing the simple two letter phrase to start a conversation, I stared at my computer screen waiting for him to start one with me.
    Max Green: Hey there beautiful.
    I looked at his words and felt a smile appear on my face.
    Peyton Tompson: Well, hello there mister. Whats up!
    Max Green: Not too much. Dealing with my bratty sister.
    Peyton Tompson: Awe, how old is your sister?
    Max Green: She's gunna be 6 in July.
    Peyton Tompson: Oh, trust me, girls get better with time.
    The conversation ended there and I suddenly regretted the words I had said. That was the only thing lacking in Max and I's relationship. We didn't flirt. We were attracted to one another, or I was attracted to him, but we never seemed to have long conversations. It was like I'd get the odinary "Hello Beautiful" but then the conversation became boring.
    Cameron Jay: Hey
    I sat there in my bedroom, and stared at his message. Cameron and I had been best friends since second grade, and I usually told him about all of my boy problems. He was the type of guy to always listen, no matter whether he was playing COD or not.
    Peyton Tompson: Hey! I need your adivce?
    Cameron Jay: Sure :P
    Peyton Tompson: Austin wants to get back together, but I like someone else.. what do I do?
    Cameron's messages usually helped me out, but this one was less then helpful.
    Cameron Jay: idk.
    Peyton Tompson: You don't know?!
    Cameron Jay: Nope. I gtg. Bye
    I looked back at the clock and it read 12:56. I logged off Meebo and Facebook, and shut the computer screen.
    As I sat in my bed, looking up at the ceiling, the light from the stars coming in through the windows, I felt confused. I knew how I felt about letting Austin back into my life, and it shouldn't have been a hard decision. I couldn't let him back in. He had hurt me too many times before, and I didn't want to go back again. But I loved him.
    Then there was Max. Max the senior. Me, the freshman. Max was popular and had girls practically drooling over him. I should have been lucky that he even wanted to talk to me. There was something about Max that I liked. He was sweet. And he seemed genuine and sincere when he spoke his feelings. The only problem was.. he NEVER spoke his feelings to me. We'd make small talk, and that was it.
    Things I Know About Love:
    #1. Its very confusing. You want to get rid of the people who hurt you, but for some reason, you always let them in again. Even when you know you shouldn't. Even when theres someone better.

    posted a quote
    April 20, 2011 1:25pm UTC
    If you don't want Peanut43998 to stop writing, you should fave/comment this.
    We have to show her how many people read her stories & how important her stories are to us.
    We just need to give her a little confidence boost & maybe she will keep writing.
    Just because she has a couple haters here on witty she shouldn't stop writing
    If you've never heard of Peanut43998's stories go read them.
    Yes, the involve Justin Bieber, but they are AMAZING.
    She's on her second story already.
    Please show your support to her.
    If we get a lot of Faves/Comments on this,
    i'm hoping she'll see how many people support her & want her to keep writing.
    So who's with me!?
    Comment/Fave to show your support.

  16. Alliebabiiee Alliebabiiee
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2011 6:01pm UTC
    Does EVERY Disney star
    have to become a singer?!?!

  17. Yoursforever7 Yoursforever7
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 10:29pm UTC
    Don't you just hate it when ;
    People call everyone their bestfriend?

  18. morganashley morganashley
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2009 2:08am UTC
    hey guys.
    my best friend was
    just diagnosed with lukemia... ):
    so, for every heart/favorite i get,
    i'm going to donate a dollar to
    any cancer foundation that i can.
    this is not a joke you guys...
    i wouldn't joke about this...
    i'm sort of trying to
    raise awareness as well.
    so please!
    favorite this quote?

  19. ohxhelloxthere ohxhelloxthere
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2011 3:51pm UTC
    The star of the football team
    h a s a b l i n d d a d
    who always comes to his games,
    even though he can't see him play.
    One day, the dad gets sick and dies
    before the night of his son's big game.
    The team is expecting him to slack off,
    mourning the death of his father.
    But he played the best game he EVER had,
    making the winning touchdown
    &+ many amazing plays.
    The couch is amazed, so he asked,
    "How did you play so well even after your father has passed?
    The boy stares right at him, and says
    "This is the first time he has ever seen me play."

    Not mine. I just love it

  20. Goldielocks11 Goldielocks11
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2010 1:35pm UTC
    I swear he's cute, hold on . . .


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