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Member Since: 2 Feb 2010 09:50am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 100167

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i love love love love  my friends! and i love spending as much time with them :)

i looooove the color purple (as you will see in my quotes)

music is my passion. even though i cant sing or play anything worth a damn...i can still have it as my second home :D

what i do is dance dance all day long

my bf is THE best in the world. there would be nothing left of me is it werent for him....miss him every second of everyday :" )
love him forever



       breaking benjamin      taylor swift
        three days grace       evenesence
           we the kings       the veronicas
elbow         coldplay
                           disturbed    seether     tenth avenue north
                      paramore       daughtry     kelly clarkson
demi lovato      chris brown
ke$ha     christina aguilera
                          vnv nation     cake      red jumpsuit apparatus
           avril lavigne     jesse mccartney   
breaking benjamin
three days grace
jonas brothers
taylor swift
  1. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2010 12:58pm UTC
    Justin Beiber=overly obsessed teenagers

  2. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2010 2:57pm UTC
    Don't waste your heart on a wild thing
    She's got a soul that won't settle on one thing
    Whoa this bird can't sing when you've tied its wings
    Don't waste your heart on me
    ~Dixie Chicks~

  3. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2010 11:31am UTC
    Don't know how you feel...
    You seem to keep it to yourself...
    Would you climb mountians
    To show me this is something real?
    ~Aly & Aj-In A Second~

  4. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2010 11:49am UTC
    middle name
    is "randomness"
    oh yeah...you know ittt!!!!
    bahahaha mineee <3

  5. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2010 11:38am UTC
    all HIS exes live in TEXAS
    loveee <3

  6. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2010 3:18pm UTC
    Dear Agony
    Just let go of me
    Suffer slowly
    Is this the way it's gotta be?
    Don't bury me, face this enemy.
    I'm so sorry.
    Is this the way it's gotta be?
    Dear Agony...I feel nothing anymore
    not mine
    Breaking Benjamin-Dear Agony

  7. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2010 3:08pm UTC
    why did you have to do it
    and break my heart
    how does this not HURT
    how come you aren't suffering like
    so go
    go on and try to forget about
    cuz now i can start to forget about

  8. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2010 1:33pm UTC
    I realized that I can't live without Him anymore...
    He's all that ive ever wanted
    and i wish that i could find words to tell Him when He asks ... but i never can and its sad.
    so im gonna say it now while its fresh in my head.
    i love Him more than life itself.
    i feel empty without Him in my life.
    its this void that only He can fill,
    and i realize that now.
    Im sorry, God, that i have avoided you for so long.
    but now i want you to be every aspect of my life.
    I love you forever and ever!
    thank you <3
    coloring and font not mine
    fave xD

  9. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2010 8:28pm UTC
    "make your planet bigger and expand your horizon"
    ~jon shudra~

  10. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2010 12:01pm UTC
    You asked me to give you my heart because you said you would take care of it
    so i did....
    even though its in pieces...
    can i have it back?
    mine dont take

  11. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2010 12:02pm UTC
    R.I.P Coach Cindy Ward
    You are in a better place and are loved and missed everyday by all and very dearly.
    You are in the arms of angels and the hands of God.
    You were amazing and one of the most inspirational people ever.
    Even though i was only a little kid when i knew you, i always looked up to you.
    Good-bye, free-spirit.
    May you truely be freee at last.
    Annabeth Webb <3

  12. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2010 12:02pm UTC
    dont you hate it when you make mistakes?
    especially when it envolves the one you love?
    yeah....ive been there, too...
    mineeeeeeeee dont take

  13. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2010 12:01pm UTC
    A-A new student at ECHS

  14. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2010 6:56pm UTC
    he must not love me anymore...
    mine...dont take

  15. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2010 3:27pm UTC
    hahahahahahha.....looks like Carrie Underwood got to the SuperBowl BEFORE Tony Romo did ; )P
    ~Jeff-Youth Pastor~
    P.S: they're MARRIED
    don't steal it
    •its mine
    •and its not nice

  16. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2010 3:24pm UTC
    then the saddness takes over you and then there's no turning back
    this is mine
    dont take...
    its not nice

  17. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2010 3:17pm UTC
    and a perfect rainbow
    never seemed so dull.
    jonas brothers' "black keys"

  18. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2010 2:51pm UTC
    I make mistaeks...
    I'm olny human......

  19. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2010 12:32pm UTC
    "I will never let you fall
    i'll stand up with you forever.
    Ill be there for you
    through it all.
    Even if saving you
    sends me to heaven.
    Cause you're my,
    you're my-y-y-y
    my true love,
    my whole heart.
    Please don't throw that away.
    Cause i'm here for you
    please don't walk away
    please tell me you'll stay,"
    "Your Guardian Angel"~Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

  20. jons_baby_girl jons_baby_girl
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2010 12:01pm UTC
    why did i have to move?
    why was i made to leave all the love and support that i had?
    why do you think that my heart is here?
    why is it not evident that im slowly suffering here?
    why cant i see the great friends i have here as a blessing?
    why do i long to be in his arms again?
    why was i forced to leave the person i love the most?


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