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  1. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2013 6:20pm UTC
    clockticking time going
    tears falling blood flowing
    pain love hate tears
    disgust blood fate fears
    bleeding hurting smiling crying
    starving burning laughing dieing

  2. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2013 10:59pm UTC
    eff you see kay
    why oh you

  3. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2013 12:15pm UTC
    hiding behind smiles and lies
    is a girl who always cries
    she is told she is rotten by parents and "friends"
    that is why she wont wait for the end
    she will cause it so she wont have to wait
    wont have to be filled with pain and hate
    and this girl who always cries
    wont have to hide behind smiles and lies

  4. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2013 12:07pm UTC
    do you see her smile as glass
    something so harmful you cant let it last
    do you see her cut wrists as flowers
    something so beautiful you stare for hours
    do you believe her laugh is intoxicated
    is that the reason that you hate it
    do you honestly think she wants to smoke
    its what you pushed her to do as "a joke"
    do you know shell comit suicide
    because you filled her with painstricken lies
    so laugh while you can because it wont last
    someday she will die with her hand clutching glass

  5. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2013 11:58am UTC
    inside shes dieing but you dont notice
    everything she sees is ouy of focus
    the cuts run messy up her wrist
    cuts on scars like they dont exist
    begging for help searching for an ending
    screaming from wounds her razor keeps venting
    this beautiful girl sees truth in horrid lies
    and yet noone hears her cries

  6. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2013 11:50am UTC
    speak your mind cuz you dont care
    tell your teacher shes to fat for her chair
    because nothing matters anymore
    because your blood will cover the floor
    hoping and praying you wont get caught
    this ones for all the battles youve faught
    this one on your legs for mom
    she shudnt have always told you your wrong
    another on your wrist for your brother
    then on your shoulder to honor your lover
    writing a story right here on your wrist
    this wound cant be healed with a kiss
    theres a broken soul inside your chest
    thats something noone wouldve guessed
    but this sad girl decided to give up
    she layed on the bathroom floor covered in cuts

  7. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2013 11:42am UTC
    back from school but noones there
    stop in the mirror to check your hair
    fix all the make up theres alot to do
    if you try what you intend to do
    pick out an outfit a skirt or a dress
    it doesnt matter if your comfortable you have to look your best
    a very tight short sleeved shirt
    so people see your ribs and wrists let them know how bad your hurt
    put on some shorts for the thigh gap youve had for a wile
    let them know yoouve been faking that smile
    sit down real quick and write a note
    let mom and dad know your all out of hope
    you hear something oh no its the door
    quick pull the trigger and fall to the floor

  8. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2013 11:37am UTC
    tie me up and beat me down
    flip my smile to a frown
    its not worth trying its permenantly glued
    only worth dieing rid me of food
    beat me betray me burn me and scar
    battle me lie to me tear me apart
    your lies and taunts ruined this girl
    your so called humor burnt her whole world
    push her down kill herlaugh til she cries
    smack her kick her bruise til she dies

  9. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2013 7:22pm UTC
    bright red bloody wrists
    theyll be the only thing youll miss
    but you believe this has to be done
    so you drop yor razor and pick up a gun
    clutching the trigger you have your last thoughts
    all the friends that you have fought
    bang goes the gun strai through your head
    your mother hears it and falls on her bed
    but something went wrong you didnt die
    the pain makes you scream and once again you try
    bang goes the bullet into your tummy
    your innocent brother starts crying to mommy
    loss of blood your body had enough
    so your heart decides it has to give up
    a few hours later the words gotten around school
    all those people who were once cruel
    they go home with tear stained eyes
    what youve been doing so long they give a try
    they soon come addicted to cutting coc and meth
    they turn to your clones and as for the rest
    your boyfriend isnt doing to well
    hes drinking again cause hes going through hell
    your best friend that moved away hears the news
    even across the country she comes down with the blues
    your brothers the one taking it hardest
    8 years old hes marking his wrists
    your mom needs help shes now a pacient
    begging to get out but she has to stay in
    even dads getting high
    but he still falls after the fly
    the body placed in the coffin isnt as it once was
    the five year old girl who was full of love
    your aunt finds your real tumblr online
    not the pretty one the one youve been hiding
    the girls at school follow your footsteps
    one by one they become dead
    it soon turns into a mass suicide
    and everyone is going to try
    because all those girls were just like you
    the people everyone thinks they are isnt true
    just like you there all depressed
    they just hid their scars by the way they dressed
    but they feel just like you did those popular girls do
    so they decided to end their world to
    theyve wanted to but had so many fears
    they all finally did after many painful years

  10. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2013 7:05pm UTC
    hold her tight
    dont let her go
    hold her hand and let her know
    her eyes are beautiful
    you love her smile
    repeat it again
    it willgo into the file
    of compliments she got
    but never believed
    the pain shes given for you
    but never recieved
    with a twisted smile lie through your teeth
    but dont be surprised while she bleeds in the street

  11. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2013 7:02pm UTC
    tie me up and beat me down
    flip my smile to a frown
    its not worth trying its permenantly glued
    only worth dieing rid me of food
    beat me betray me burn me and scar
    battle me lie to me tear me apart
    your lies and rumors ruined this girl
    your so called humor burnt her whole world
    push her down kill her laugh til she cries
    smack her kick her bruise til she dies

  12. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2013 6:52pm UTC
    jump out the window do it its fun
    go into the bathroom and load your gun
    take your neck and wrap it with rope
    better yet slice it cut open your throat
    overdose on bottles and bottles of pills
    starve yourself until your ill
    go and drown in your neighbors pool
    hit your head with a hammer like a fool
    get drunk or drive into a tree
    rip open your wrists and bleed
    there are so many ways to die
    so why dont i go give it a try

  13. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2013 6:47pm UTC
    do you see her smile as glass
    something so harmful you cant let it last
    do you see her cut wrists as flowers
    something so beautiful you stare for hours
    do you believe her laugh is intoxicated
    is that the reason that you hate it
    do you honestly think she wants to smoke
    its what you pushed her to do as "a joke"
    do you know shell commit suicide
    because you filled her with pain stricken lies
    so laugh while you can because it wont last
    someday she will die with her hand clutching glass

  14. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2013 6:38pm UTC
    you made me hate my own reflection
    question every choice i make
    so i could try to be perfect
    but i will try to be fake
    who are you now?

  15. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2013 6:36pm UTC
    inside shes dieing but you dont notice
    everything she sees is out of focus
    the cuts run messy up her wrist
    cuts on scars like they dont exist
    begging for help searching for an ending
    screaming from wounds her razor keeps venting
    this beautiful girl sees truth in horrid lies
    and yet no one hears her cries

  16. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2013 1:47pm UTC
    and i love you more then youll ever know

  17. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2013 7:32pm UTC
    why do you cry when you falling asleep? and girl how can you love when everywere your loosing it all?

  18. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2013 10:06am UTC
    happy birthday emilyyyy
    wish her a birthday message _Asmile_

  19. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2013 2:20pm UTC
    she lay there stiff
    her eyes like glass
    this beautiful girl
    could not last
    her smile plastered
    on her face
    inside crying
    like sprayed with mace
    her wrists are wounded
    cut and scared
    times when happy
    the pains not far
    so now she lays
    on the street
    for she had been easy
    to defeat
    she lay there stiff
    with her eyes like glass
    this beautiful girl
    that could not last

  20. jjflan jjflan
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2013 2:11pm UTC
    the world around you starts to melt
    you try and try yo cry for help
    but you remain unheard
    so you state your final words
    the world around you starts to burn
    more and more your heart will yearn
    for something it will never see
    the beautiful love that will never be
    the world around you starts to freeze
    have mercy, i beg you please
    the mumbling voices they never stop
    they talk as they choke and make you drop
    the world around you starts to die
    you continue to question again, "why
    the cuts are deep but cant be felt?"
    as the world around you starts to melt


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