Witty Profiles

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  1. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2012 10:33pm UTC
    Chapter 2
    *Sequel to Missing.*
    When we got back I went to my room and frantically searched through my closet.
    "Joanna? Are you okay?" Andrew asked, leaning on the door frame.
    "Yeah I'm fine." I lied.
    I didnt want to set my mind to thinking about George, It would just remind me about what happened.
    Andrew came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.
    "Liar." He said.
    "Guilty is charged. Now go get ready." I said pulling away.
    I didnt know why I was acting so nervous.
    I searched through my closet about ten times and still didnt find anything good enough.
    I took a deep breath and walked down the hall to my mothers old room.
    I put on a short dark blue dress that went to the sholder, regular black heels, braclets,
    and earings that she bought me for 14th birthday.
    I decided to just straighten my hair, and put on some simple eyeliner and eyeshadow.
    I sat on her bed when I was finished, and put on some of her perfume.
    It was around 7pm by the time I was finished getting ready.
    "Joanna? You almost ready?" Andrew called from downstairs.
    I took a final self check in the mirror then went to Andrew.
    "Wow. You look beautiful." He said mesmarized.
    He was wearing a nice tux that suited him.
    "Thank you. You're not to bad yourself." I blushed.
    He put his hand around my waised.
    "Shall we?" He smiled.
    I let out a giggle.
    This was the first time I was able to act like myself, like everything was actually okay.
    "We shall." I laughed.
    When we got there, I suprisingly didnt feel over dressed.
    There were tons of girls wearing designer dresses you would only see on the red carpet.
    The house looked like the kind of miami beach houses you seen on tv.
    The place smelled of beer, and some kind of drug.
    I could feel myself feeling sick already.
    "You sure you want to do this?" Andrew asked.
    I nodded my head.
    I wanted to see him.
    "Excuse me." A security guard said, comming up towards us.
    "Yes?" I asked, holding Andrews hand.
    "You're Joanna right? Mr.Clark would like to see you," He took a look at Andrew.
    "Alone." He finished.
    "Sorry but he comes with me." I said.
    The security grumbled somthing I couldnt hear, then began to lead us to where my dad was.
    Andrew and I didnt speak, although I wanted to.
    I cant believe he is still using moms last name.
    "Andrew." I finally choked out.
    "Yeah." He asked.
    "Dont let go of my hand okay?" I begged.
    "Never." He smiled.
    I didnt like the feeling of this place, just the smell alone gave me a headach.
    When we finally got inside, we were infront of two large doors.
    "Go on in." He said.
    I causiously walked into the office, There was a tall man staring outside the window.
    But the smell of this oom was different from the rest of the house.
    This one was familear.
    I walked closer to the window.
    "Beautiful night isnt it?" He said.
    That voice, it was him.
    I sucked in a breath, the feeling of sickness comming back.
    "Dad?" I asked.
    He turned around.
    He looked alot like Adrian, but had my hair colour and eyes.
    "Yeah. Im here now. I know I havent been there for you, but its going to be okay." He smiled.
    He held out his arms, welcoming me in for a hug.
    I looked back at Andrew.
    He nodded his head telling me to go.
    I dropped Andrews hand And jumped into my dads arms.
    I began to cry, this was what I have been waiting for.
    Hey guys I posted this chapter eairly because I cant tmmrw.
    Hope you like it :) And I still need pictures for characters. If you want
    you can be a character, or you can send me a link and hopefully I can pick someone to be a character :).
    Love you guys!

  2. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2012 4:59pm UTC
    Chapter 15
    I stared at Valaries body. My eyes wide.
    I tried to talk, but I realised there was nothing really to say.
    I could call her name as much as I wanted, but shes not comming back.
    Mask let me fall to my knees.
    "Come on, lets go find a good place to put the body." Mask said.
    "What a shame, I still wanted to play with her." George said.
    A little bit of anger shot through me, but I didnt have the energy to do anything.
    They didnt even bother putting me in a chair before they left.
    I moved her onto her back and wiped the dirt off of her face, then sat agenst the wall.
    Tears rolled up behind my eyes, but I refused to cry.
    I sucked in a hallow breath.
    "I've been crying all this time Val, meanwhile you have been going through all this and you didnt cry." I said to her.
    You idiot. Andrews voice said in the back of my head.
    "You have been so strong Valarie, I dont know what to do."
    I could hear cars pass by outside. People honking.
    I'm so close to everyone, but they cant hear me.
    "Valarie, I decided that I'm just going to give up. I'm so sorry."
    I stood up and looked around the room. I found a knife in the tool box that was left behind.
    I held my breath as I sliced my right arm. I went in as deep as I could.
    After one cut, I did it four more times.
    I dropped the knife and stared at the blood pouring out of my veins.
    "I'm sorry everyone. I love you all but I just cant do this anymore. I'm too tired to keep fighting.
    I'm not as strong as you thought I was. I love you all." I said.
    I didnt cry. Not at all, Thats how broken I was now.
    I couldnt feel the pain of the cuts, or my legs. Or Valaries death.
    I shut my eyes.
    I began to think about Andrew, about how much I betrayed him.
    About how much I loved him as my friend, who knows maybe more.
    I also thought about Adrian, Avery, and my mom.
    I wonder if they are worried. Haha, they probally arnt.
    Then I thought about Valarie.
    How I'll never be able to see her again, or talk to her.
    It was all so stupid. Death, I didnt get it.
    Valarie would never be able to brush her hair again. She would never be able
    to drink from a juice box, smile, feel happy, It was stupid.
    She had her life taken away. And for what? Fighting to live.
    Why couldnt it be me? I thought.
    Why couldnt she be the one to live?
    I fell to the floor, dizzy from losing all that blood.
    Why? I kept repeting in my head.
    This was it.
    I was going to see Val again.
    This is my last moment alive.
    "JOANNA? VALARIE?" A voice called from what sounded like upstairs.
    I tried to open my eyes, but they were too heavy.
    "A-A-Andrew?" I managed to whisper.

  3. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2012 2:48pm UTC
    Chapter 16
    I could still feel the blood rushing out to the surface.
    This wasnt going by fast enough.
    "Joanna?" I heard Andrew call.
    It sounded as if he was at the top of the stairs.
    Dont come. I dont want you to see me like this. I thought.
    "Oh god. Valarie." He cried.
    I heard him run to Valaries body.
    I heard a kiss sound.
    "I'm sorry Valarie." He said.
    I then heard him gasp, running towards my direction.
    He checked my puls, then cradled me in his arms.
    "Joanna, open you're eyes." He said.
    I felt a tear drop hit my cheek.
    Once again I tried opening my mouth. But it would only twitch.
    "Adrain! Get the paramedics down here! Joanna is alive!" He called.
    I heard more people stomping and running to me.
    After about 20 min of them working on me, I could open my eyes and speak again.
    They told me that I would have permanant scars on my face and my wrist.
    I also have very bad brusing on my ancles, wrists, thighs, and upper arms.
    They brought me outside for some fresh air and let me sit on the ambulence car with a blanked around me.
    I looked in one of the cop cars and seen George.
    He smiled at me and waved in his hand cuffs.
    It made me shiver.
    "Wheres the other one?" I asked the officer by me.
    "What other one?" He asked looking at me.
    I started to panic. They didnt catch him?
    "Hes out there. You have to do something!" I said putting my hand on his shoulder.
    "Hey hey, calm down Joanna." Avery said, holding me in her arms.
    My whole body began to shake.
    "No. He's still out there." I cried.
    I placed my hands on top of my head and fell to the ground.
    "No." I kept saying.
    "Calm down." Andrew said reaching a hand out.
    I smacked his hand away.
    I dont want to be touched by him. Or any guy anymore.
    Im scared.
    "Come on. Lets get you to the hospital."
    Adrian said, lifting me out of Avery's arms.
    I must have been light, I havent eaten since the night Andrew attacked me.
    He layed me down in the ambulence car.
    "Its okay to sleep. We will be here when you wake up." Adrian said.
    I immediatly let my eyes close.
    "We'll get out of here Joanna. I promise." Valarie smiled.
    I let a tear fall from my dry eyes.
    Then finally fell asleep.

  4. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2012 4:09pm UTC
    Chapter 17
    I opened my eyes to find myself in a white tiled room, laying on a hospital bed.
    I slowly sat up, looking around for everyone.
    No one.
    "Adrian? Avery? Are you there?" I called.
    There was no answer.
    I wasnt hooked to any chords so I got up and walked into the hallway.
    The hallway was so long. It looked like it went on forever.
    I began to wallk down the hallway there were no windows, no doors.
    Just more hallway.
    Until finally the hallway ended at an old looking rusty door that was a little bit open.
    I reached my hand out and pushed the door open.
    My eyes widened, There was about 5 bodies in a giant pool of blood.
    One of them was Valarie.
    Suddenly a hand went over my mouth.
    "I found you." Mask whispered in my ear.
    I ripped my eyes open, then placed my clammy hand on my forhead.
    "Just a dream." I said quietly.
    I looked over and saw Adrian and Avery sleeping on the chairs by my bed.
    I sucked in a breath, and as the oxygen left my lips, I could feel my tense body become relaxed.
    For the first time in days I felt safe.
    "Knock knock."
    I looked over to find my mom standing in the middle of the door frame.
    "Mom? What are you doing here?" I asked.
    She walked over to me and gave me the biggest hug she could.
    "I wanted to know that you were safe." She said, releasing me.
    "Didnt Adrian tell you?" I looked at him.
    "Yes but I wanted to see it myself." She smiled.
    "I'm okay. I promise." I lied.
    "Okay. I see that they have it covered here," She looked at Adrian and Avery.
    "So I'll be going. I'll see you when you come home." She gave me a final hug then left.
    I layed back down and closed my eyes. Awaiting another violent dream.
    I was drifting in thick red liquid. Not drowning, nor sinking.
    I couldnt help but to wonder if this liquid was the blood from my scars.
    I was near the surface of the liquid. When a hand reached out from above the water.
    I blinked then slowly reached up to grab the hand.
    But just as I lightly touched the hand, I sucked in a large breath and choked.
    Then began to sink.
    I tried to reach the hand again but it dissapeared.
    "Joanna. It's time to wake up." Avery called.
    I looked at her, She was wearing a black shirt with a grey sweater over it, white skinnies, black high heels and some bracelets.
    Her hair was don e up in thousands of curls.
    "Whats going on?" I mummbled. Still feeling like I was sinking.
    "Here. Change in this. We are going somewhere." She handed me a bag full of clothing.
    "Why?" I asked sitting up.
    "Because today we are going to help Valaries mom choose the casket."

  5. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2012 2:03pm UTC
    Chapter 18
    I put on the kind of flowery dress Valarie would wear,
    some braclets, a tan jacket, and my convers.
    Then did my hair in a long messy braid to the side.
    "Do you want me to go too?" I heard Adrian say on the other side of the door.
    "No, I think she might need some girl time right now." Avery said.
    "Ok. Well I'll go out for a while." He said.
    I walked out the door showing Avery my finished look.
    "Oh wow. You look beautiful." She said spinning her first finger, telling me to twirl.
    "Can we just go?" I asked. I didnt want to act like this was a good day.
    "I'm sorry. Stay strong for just a little bit longer okay."
    "I'll try."
    When we got to the funeral home, we waited in the parking lot silently for about 10 min.
    "You ready?" She asked me.
    No. Dont make me go.
    "Yeah, lets do this." I lied.
    As we walked up to the funeral home, I saw Andrew leaning agenst the wall.
    "I'll wait for you inside." Avery said.
    I stopped dead in my tracks when Andrew began to walk to me.
    "Hey. Do you still think I did it?" He said, Placing his hand gently on my brusis on my wrists
    I pulled away.
    "I dont know anymore. I want to believe that you didnt do it, but I still dont know why
    her phone was in your attic." I explained.
    "Jo, if I did it, why would I be here with you, instead of running from the cops?" He said, grabbing my hand from me.
    Thats when he wrapped his one hand around my waist and the other hand cupping my neck,
    then pulled me into a long kiss.
    My knees began to buckle.
    I wasnt ready to be kissed by a man yet.
    But at the same time I felt safe.
    When he finally pulled away he looked into my eyes with the most honest eyes.
    "Joanna I love you. I always have, and I always will. I'm not leaving no matter what you say agenst it." He said, His emotion so rough and demanding but his words were so gentil.
    "I dont want to be alone. Never again." I cried.
    He wiped away my tears, gave me a kiss on the cheek,
    then held my hand into the funeral home.
    From that moment, I knew he wouldnt leave my side

  6. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 3:59pm UTC
    Chapter 14
    I shut my eyes, I could feel what he was doing.
    It hurt.
    I wanted this to be over, I'd rather be dead.
    I let out loud cries. But it wouldnt help.
    No one was comming. No one can hear.
    Mask had his grip on my wrists to keep me in place.
    At first I tried to fight, But after a while I gave up. It was no use.
    "Stop..please." I quietly cried.
    He never stopped. He just went faster.
    When he finally finished, he dragged me back to the chair and re-tied the ropes.
    Then they both went upstairs.
    "Joanna? We will be okay, remember? Everything will be okay." She tried to reassure me.
    But it wasnt true. It wont be okay.
    We are bound to end up like the others.
    I just looked away. I was done trying to convince myself, and her.
    "Hey, Joanna. I know it feels bad. And its scary but what you've just been through,
    that's nothing. Nothing compared to what I've been through so far." She said.
    I wonder how long I have been missing.
    Adrian should have noticed by now.
    "I thought it was Andrew at first." I admitted. I quietly laughed.
    "I'm so stupid. Why would he even do that?" I continued to laugh.
    "Hey. You're not stupid. You did what you had to do. He'll get over it." She smiled.
    How could she still smile like that? Through all the things shes been through.
    "Did you love him?" I asked without thinking.
    We sat in silence for a while, then she smiled.
    "Yeah, with all my heart. What about you?" She looked back at me.
    "What do you mean?"
    "Do you love him?"
    I never thought about it. Maybe when he told me that he might have been in love with me.
    I never gave him an answer.
    I really should have. He deserves one.
    Suddenely I heard somthing flop to the floor.
    I looked over to find Valarie standing up, hands untied.
    "W-what are you doing?!" I yelled.
    "Shhh." She hissed.
    She started to untie my ropes.
    This was it. We were going to get out of here!
    I heard footsteps start walking to the door.
    I got to my feet.
    "Theres no where to go." I said. Eyes widened.
    Both of the men got to the bottom of the stairs and stared at us.
    "GET THEM." George screamed.
    Mask got a hold on me instantly. I stood still, obaying him.
    But Valarie faught back with George.
    She screamed as loud as she could.
    But then George pulled out a knife and dug it into where her lung was.
    "Val..." I choked.
    She looked at me with teary eyes.
    Then her lifless body fell to the floor.

  7. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 4:32pm UTC
    Chapter 8
    All I remember is that last year there was this geeky looking girl,
    and one day Randy started to make fun of her.
    Long story short, I stood up for her.
    "She doesn't have much friends." The woman cried.
    "Well she has Andrew and I." I said, my thoughts moving to Andrew.
    "That boy, hes trouble. You better be careful around that one." She said.
    I left her house before I could ask what she meant.
    Andrew wasnt a bad guy.
    I walked to Andrews house to apoligize.
    "Andrew?" I called.
    I heard a noise from upstairs, so I invited myself in.
    "Hey are you here?" I called louder.
    When I got upstairs I noticed the stairs to the attick were down.
    I began to climb them but when I got up them I didnt see anything but a cell phone.
    That looked like Val's.
    I picked up her phone and looked through it.
    The last call was made to me.
    A single tear slipped from my eye.
    "Valarie where are you?" I whispered.
    "Jo? What are you doing here?" Andrew asked.
    I turned around.
    "Andrew, I-I'm sorry I- uh - I didnt mean to come in." I stuttered.
    He walked closer to me and I begun to shake.
    I stood up, I had to get out of this house. Away from Andrew.
    "Jo, what is that?" He looked at the cell phone in my hand.
    "Um, Its nothing. I gotta go!" I said racing for the door, but his hand caught my sholder.
    "DONT TOUCH ME!" I screamed.
    "Hey, hey calm down!" He yelled back.
    I struggld to get away from his grasp but it was too strong.
    "Joanna everything is going to be okay!" He tried to calm me.
    "I SAID DONT TOUCH ME!" I repeated.
    Finally his grip loosened enough for me to move.
    I arched my back forward enough to gain some strength, then I swung my head back to hit his.
    His arms dropped and he fell to the floor.
    I hesitated for a second.
    "Jackass." I said under my breath.
    Then bolted for the door.

  8. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2012 3:22pm UTC
    Chapter 9
    When I got home, I locked the door and sat down in the hallway.
    I let out more and more tears.
    How could Andrew do this? I thought.
    I pulled my knees to my stomach and layed my head in between.
    I remembered the way he looked at me when he was trying to say he didnt do it.
    I didnt like the way he looked at me, not one bit.
    It wasnt like Andrew. Not like my Andrew
    "Joanna? Open the door!" Andrew called knocking on the door.
    I clamped one of my hands over my mouth, to stop from screaming. More tears flowed.
    I quietly slid my phone out of my pocket and dialed 911.
    "Hello ma'm. Whats you're emergency?" A calm voice answered.
    "Theres a guy at my house, and he wont leave." I cried.
    "Calm down Ma'm, whats you're adress?"
    "2384 Medow lane." I whispered.
    "Joanna, I know you are in there!" He yelled knocked louder.
    The loud noise scared me and I droped my cell phone.
    The banging instantly stopped.
    I sat there for a long while in silence, then picked up my phone.
    "Ma'm, is he still there?" The officer asked.
    "I think he le-"
    I heard a creek from the back room.
    Oh crap, the back door. I thought. I didnt lock it.
    "We are sending a car over there right away." The officer finally said.
    Andrew finally came into sight, There was blood on his head.
    Must have happened when he fell.
    I got to my feet, Debating on running away.
    Part of me didnt think he would hurt me, but the rest of me didnt know what to think.
    He came up to me and pinned my hands to the wall.
    "I didnt do it. I swear." He said.
    I looked away, I wouldnt let him have the satisfaction.
    Suddenly the front door swung open and 3 police officers tackled Andrew to the ground.
    Once my hands were free, my knees gave in and I slid to the ground.
    "Are you okay?" An officer asked me.
    I'm fine. I opened my mouth to say, but the words wouldnt come out.

  9. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2012 4:05pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2012 4:10pm UTC
    Chapter 11
    I slept with Avery that night. I didn't want to be alone.
    I still had to go to school, so I pulled myself out of bed and looked in Avery's closet.
    There was so much designer clothing, so pretty. I ended up just putting on a dark red tank,
    black leather jacket, some black skinnies, and some nice heels.
    When I looked in the mirror, you could see the redness in my eyes from all the crying.
    The swelling in my eyes also wasnt going away anytime soon, but I dont care.
    When I got to school, Adrain explained to the principal why I was so late.
    "You sure you'll be okay?" He asked, stepping out into the foyer.
    "Yeah. Thanks. I-uh, I should get to class." I fake smiled then ran upstairs to my class room.
    Once I got to the door, I took in a deep breath. Everyone looked at me.
    Not the usuall types of looks you get when you're late. These ones were more like :
    'She actually showed up today?'
    I walked to my seat and sat down without a word.
    All I could do was stare at the empty desk beside me, Valarie's desk.
    I jumped at first. But then looked to find my teacher in front of me.
    "Yeah? What is it?" I asked, starting to get nervous.
    "They called you down to the office." he said, walking away from my desk and returning to his lesson.
    I picked up all my stuff and walked back to the office. I was just there, what the fudge do they want now?
    "Miss Clark. We were thinking you should take the day off. Would you like us to call someone?"
    The office girl asked. She smelled of lotion, and purfume.
    "No, I'll walk." I said leaving again.
    It was wierd walking. I was almost scared. Although the person who took Valarie already had a toy.
    I clenched my fists. The fact that she was a toy to him, It made me sick.
    To think, there are people like that in this world.
    I began to walk faster, until I seen this person staring at me.
    I had never seen him before, But the way he was staring at me. It was like he was observating me,
    every move I made, every step, breath, blink, every single one was being watched.
    He was planting flowers and seemed to be around 45 years old.
    I stopped walking and stared at him.
    His house was blue, a little scrached up, but still in good condition.
    I pulled my eyes from the house, then looked at the man again.
    Something was telling me to run away, and maybe I should. But there was somthing stopping me.
    I began to walk to the man, He got up and smiled.
    "Why hello there." He said. His voice was dry. And he smelled of somthing sweet.
    "Um, this might be a wierd question.. but have you seen a girl around here?" I asked.
    "Im looking at one right now." He gave a sly smile.
    I went into my bag and gave him a picture of Valarie. He looked at it but then tossed it in my hands.
    "I have never seen her sorry." He shrugged.
    It didnt take a genious to know he was lying. The second he seen that picture, he looked like a ghost. Not to mention hes not even looking at me anymore.
    "Its getting pretty hot out here." He put his arm over his head then looked up to the sun.
    I looked away for a second. Knowing that this man, he was probally the kidnapper.
    I cant call the cops, because I have no physical evidence that he is the kidnpper,
    and because the cops arnt doing anything. I was in this alone.
    "Would you like to come inside for something to drink?" He asked.
    I looked back to his house.
    Sorry Adrain. I thought to myself.
    "Sure, I would love too." I smiled back.
    He put his hand on my back, which gave me shivers, and led me inside the house.
    When we got inside I sat on the couch and he gave me ice tea.
    "Its my special ice tea. You wont tast anything like it." He said.
    I took a sip, It tasted just like the sweet smell.
    I kept the glass of ice tea in my hand.
    "Im George by the way." He said.
    He stared at me like he was waiting for somthing. I sat there and wondered what it was.
    Until it hit me. My head started to become very heavy. And my eyes became blury.
    "Drugged..." I whispered, looking at the drink.
    I dropped the drink to the floor. I tried to move my body, but I could only get to the back of the couch. I felt something hard hit the back of my head.
    Then everything went black.

  11. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2012 4:38pm UTC
    Chapter 12
    I walked down the halls with Andrew at lunch until we reached this geeky looking girl.
    She was on the floor crying and people were around her.
    "Come on, lets get out of here." Andrew said awkwardly.
    I continued to stare at the girl. Then began to walk towards her.
    "Hey. Do you need help?" I smiled, picking up some of her books.
    "Thank you." She whispered.
    Andrew sighed then came over to help us.
    Then everything began to get blury.
    "Jo? Please wake up."
    I peeled my eyes open, I couldnt see much.
    I was sitting in a chair, my hands and feed tied.
    I looked around, I was in a dark room that looked like a cellar.
    The room smelled of dirt and gasoline.
    "Joanna?" Valaries voice called.
    I was startled at first, but then looked over to find Valarie hooked the same way to the chair.
    There were cuts and brusis all over her. Not to mention she had sweat and dirt on her, I could feel some one me too.
    "Valarie?! Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?" I asked, my voice dry.
    She looked away, eyes teary.
    "Oh my god." I whispered.
    "Why did you come here?" She asked, changing the subject.
    "I dont know. The police wont do anything, Andrew is in jail. And when I came to this house I was acting on adrenaline rush." I explained.
    Oh god, Andrew. He was telling the truth. I thought.
    Suddenly I heard heavy footsteps walk across the floor above us.
    I looked over at valarie, she was shaking.
    "Hes comming. Just stay quiet alright?" She instucted.
    The footsteps began to walk closer and closer until the man was standing in front of Valarie and I.
    He was holding a dirty box filled with tools, and other things I couldnt see.
    He sat the box down and walked towards me.
    "Hmm, I'll play with you later." He had a sly smile on his face.
    He put his hand on my cheek and rubbed my face.
    His hand felt like paper.
    He went over to his box and pulled out plyers.
    He staggered over to Valarie and started to caress her hand.
    She began to shake, but didnt cry.
    "Aw you're no fun anymore." He frowned.
    Then he took the plyers, fixed them in between one of her fingernails.
    Then pulled it straight off.
    He sat there waiting for her to cry, or scream.
    But the one who cried, was me.
    He began to laugh like a crazy man. Then untied Valaries ropes.
    Why isnt she running? Or fighting back? I thought.
    He grabbed a handful of her hair and began to drag her into another room.
    "What?! No. Please no. I beg you!" She finally screamed.
    Then the door to the other room slammed shut.
    The only sound comming from there, were Valaries screams.

  12. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2012 6:04pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2012 5:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2012 6:55pm UTC
    Chapter 6
    She wasn't found? I thought to myself.
    Andrew's eyes began to glow as the pancakes were placed on our table.
    Andrew ate like there was no problem but I had lost my appitite.
    If all the students were found dead doesn't that mean eventually Val would end up there too.
    "Andrew, did you ever see Val around school?" I asked poking my pancake with a fork.
    He looked up.
    "Yeah, I have known her for a while now." He said awkwardly.
    "I've never seen you talking to her." I began to think back. Andrew was always with me.
    "You remember that one summer?" He shoveled another mouthfull into his mouth.
    "The one where you went to the cabin?" I asked finally starting to eat.
    "Yeah, um. Val's cabin was across the river, and we kind of, Dated." He looked away.
    "Oh. Why did you break up?" I added more syrup onto the pancakes.
    "Because I realised that I-" He started but was intrupted by my cell phone ringing.
    I pulled it out of my pocket and answered without looking at the screen.
    "Hello?" I answered.
    "Jo- It's me." A weak voice said.
    "Valarie? Are you okay?" I paniced, Andrew looked at me.
    "He told me to call you, I'm so sorry." She cried.
    "Who told you?" I asked almost screaming now.
    "I dont- Hes comming back-" She stayed quiet for a while, then I heard a large door open.
    "Valarie, I will find you." I said before she hung up.
    "Are you okay?" Andrew asked me with worry in his voice.
    "I'm fine," I began to smile.
    "But?" He motioned.
    "No buts. I'm fine. So tell me why you and Val broke up." I asked trying to forget.
    "Because I realised I liked another girl." He looked at me and smiled.
    "Really? Who." I wondered.
    "You." He said without hesitation.
    My head began to start spinning. And my ears started to block out everything.
    I didnt know how to accept this. He was my best friend.
    I have never thought about him as anything else.
    "You dont still think that do you?" I finally asked.
    It took him a second to think but then looked at me with strength in his eyes.
    The same pale green eyes I looked at differently just a few min ago. But now they are
    like the most beautiful things I have ever seen.
    "No. I dont think I like you," He started.
    "I think I may be in love with you."

  15. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    January 2, 2012 6:41pm UTC
    Chapter 5
    Andrew turned around eyes widened at the growing fire.
    He started to panic and threw a towel that was close by.
    "There." He smiled, starting to relax.
    I began to laugh.
    "What?" He asked turning around to see that the pancakes are finally out, but the newly lit towel was
    burning on the floor.
    He began to stomp on the towel but it slid over and he fell down, his back putting out the fire.
    "Andrew?" I asked still laughing.
    He got up and acted like nothing happened.
    "Well, since pancakes are out of the picture. What do you want for breakfast?" He pulled his black t-shirt in place.
    "I have an idea. Go get dressed." He said pushing me up the stairs.
    I put on my black skinnies and light blue hoodie with my converse, straightened my long brown hair,
    then put on a little bit of mascara to make my blue eyes look brighter then headed downstairs.
    I was suprised to see his hair in a nice messy due, and pale green eyes shining than ever before.
    "You ready?" He asked getting the keys.
    "Yeah. So where are we going?" I replied walking out to my drive way.
    "Ihop. I want pancakes." He laughed.
    "Well atleast they know how to make some." I joked.
    He gave me an evil stare then playfully pushed me.
    When we got there we sat in the booth closest to the exit.
    After we order I remember my mother and drop my head on the table.
    "What? Still have a headach?" He asked poking the top of my head.
    "Yes but that's not the problem." I sighed.
    "And whats the problem?"
    "My mom. Did she see me last night?" I asked lifting my head. This wasnt the first time I have been drunk. But whenever I have to much alchahol I become to clingy.
    "Oh dont worry. She didnt come home." He said brushing the hair out of my face.
    "What? Why?" I started to worry.
    "There was some major story in some other country so she had to take a flight." He said.
    "Oh. Okay." I took a breath. My mom was a writer. Well more like a reporter.
    "They found some of the kids that went missing." Andrew spit out.
    I looked up immediatly.
    "Were they?" I asked. I couldnt finish the sentance. Dead. I thought over
    "Yeah they were found in a ditch. But Val wasnt found." He finished

  16. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2011 2:36pm UTC
    Chapter 3
    I walk for hours, not even knowing what I'm searching for.
    I know Val is missing but I didn't really think of where to look.
    Rain begins to fall.
    "Now that's just perfect." I mumbled.
    I should have listened to Andrew.
    If he even knew I did this he would be calling me an idiot for hours. I laugh at the thought.
    Suddenely I hear someone walking behind me.
    I slightly turn my head to see if it was just someone passing by.
    It looked like a man figure, he was all in black.
    Thats when I started to run.
    Thoughts wen't through my head.
    Was this what Val wen't through?
    "STOP." The man yelled in a familear voice.
    Every muscle in my body froze.
    "Andrew?" I asked.
    "Well yeah, you never listen Jo. I knew you would go looking." He replied crossing his arms.
    My heart was still beating loud and clear.
    "I'm sorry." I apoligised.
    "You wern't even thinking that this might have been a trap."
    I spun around to look at him.
    "What?" My eyes widened.
    "Think about it Jo. Why would she call you instead of the cops when she had her phone on her?" He walked closer to me with a worried face.
    "Oh my god." I whispered.
    "Thats probably how they got all the students. From their cell phones." He explained.
    My kneed began to shake. Val seemed nice. Why would she do that?
    "Maybe it wasnt her choice." He said quietly.
    I didnt even realise I said that outloud.
    "Come on Jo. Lets bring you home." He said with a friendly face.
    He grabbed my hand and held it until we were at my house.
    Its strange how safe I felt with him.
    "Hey Joanna." He started.
    Hes never really called me that before which makes me panic a little.
    "Y-yeah?" I stutter.
    "I'm glad it wasnt you." He finished.
    "You're happy Val got taken?" I asked with a little bit of anger inside me.
    "No. I'm just saying, I dont know what I would do if it was you." He looked at me with thoes eyes.
    "Andrew." I whispered.

  17. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2011 2:07pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. AlexisCoral AlexisCoral
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2011 5:25pm UTC
    Chapter 1
    "Alright everyone. It's you're last class and it's friday so we are just going to watch a movie and do a worksheet." Mr. P mumbled as he tossed the papers onto our desks.
    "Hey. My name is Valarie." The girl next to me said cheerfully.
    "Joanna. You can call me Jo." I smiled
    "Call me Val." She smiled back.
    "I havent seen you around here before. You new?" I asked.
    "Nah. I just swiched from all my applied classes to academic." She said fumbling her pencil in her hands.
    "Oh I see."
    I'm suprised that I haven't seen her around before. If I did I know I would have remembered her. But it doesnt matter. We will probally become good friends soon.
    Suddenly the movie paused. We all looked up to see the principal in the room.
    "Good afternoon everyone. I'm just here to tell you to be carful on you're way home. There has been students going missing for the last few weeks and the police just wanted me to remind you" he smiled then walked off.
    I thought nothing of it. They always give these kind of warnings.
    "Nothing will happen." Val mumbled. I looked at her.
    "Yeah probably not but it's good to warn us." I explained.
    "Yeah." She agreed and fixed her short red hair that was in a pixie due.
    I closed my locker to find Val leaning agenst the wall.
    "Give me you're phone." She sang.
    "What? Why?" I laughed pulling my eyebrows together.
    "Just give it to me." She frowned. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and handed it to her.
    "Here." I said. She began typing.
    "I forgot to give you my number before. So here." She smiled handing my phone back to me.
    She gave me one more smile then danced down the halls.
    I began walking to the bus when Andrew stoped me.
    "Hey Joe." He smiled as he resed his arm on my sholder.
    "What do you want Andrew?" I laughed. His pale green eyes shining.
    "Ouch. Hurtful." He acted out being shot in the chest.
    "Stop that." I laughed and pulled him off the ground.
    "Okay okay. So anyway I'm comming over tommorrow." He smiled then walked away.
    "Um okay?" I laughed.
    When I got home I threw my long brown hair in a messy bun, put on jogging pants and my light blue aropostal pullover.
    "Witty here I come." I said to myself.
    After a few hours of looking through quotes and adding some I got a phone call.
    I looked at the screen and it read Val's number.
    "Hey Val." I said still looking through quotes. All I heard through the backround was heavy breathing.
    "Jo. Something happened." Val cried. I started to panic.
    "Val what's wrong? Where are you?"
    "I dont know. I was walking and somone came up to me. And-" she screamed then the phone hung up.
    "Val? VALARIE?!" I yelled into my phone but there was no answer.

  19. Coconut_Lipgloss Coconut_Lipgloss
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2011 1:07pm UTC
    In Humpty dumpty;
    It doesn't say he's an egg, we've just assumed.

  20. iyiyimissinu iyiyimissinu
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 10:47pm UTC
    format by; idance
    && We both know;
    I looked great in your hat.


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