Witty Profiles

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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  3. allieandkenzie allieandkenzie
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2011 3:40pm UTC
    i l i k e you so much
    you have no clue,
    format credit;; likewhoa721

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. fxck_love101 fxck_love101
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2011 3:43pm UTC
    Last Night
    His Number Appeared On My Caller ID
    I quickly answered hoping he would want me back,
    But All He Wanted Was My Friends
    Number. Way to break my heart
    again ♥
    Not My Format

  6. lymies4evs lymies4evs
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2011 3:47pm UTC
    Baby, me and you
    we're the
    perfect two

  7. liveyourdreamstories liveyourdreamstories
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2011 1:25pm UTC
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
    Chapter 1
    It's the first week of summer, but my mom is making me go to work with her for some reason. So I woke up at about 8:00 took a quick shower, did my hair and make up and got dressed. Then at 9:00 me and my mom headed for the car. We got to the studio, and just before we stepped into the elevator, my mom said "Oh Shoot! I forgot my blackberry in the car, but I really have to go to the studio to get ready for the first client. Tori, would you mind running to the car to get it for me?" I replied, "Sure mom..." She tossed me the car keys, and I ran outside to the new Honda we got 2 weeks ago. I dug through the pockets of the car and finally found the blackberry. I ran back inside and got in the elevator and then right before the door's closed, someone caught it and jumped in with me. I didn't notice at first but then I realized it was THE Justin Bieber. All I could say was "uhhhh what floor?"When he caught his breath from running, he said, "can you hit 5 for me?" After the shock I finally responded saying "Uh sure, so um what are you doing here?" He replied, "I'm recording some songs today with someone named...Trish Galleti?" "That's my mom's name!" Then he said, "Great! Walk with me?" "Sure!"
    When we got to the 5th floor, Justin grabbed my hand, and we walked through the studio door, and my mom said "Oh My Gosh! Hi, how are you today?" Justin answered, "Great, so are we recording today?" "Yea let's get started." So he stepped into the studio and got ready to record. I sat down in a chair and watched him start singing his hit song Baby. All I could do was smile the whole time, then he looked over at me, smiled, and winked. I immediately smiled. When the song was over, my mom stepped out to talk to her manager, and me and Justin were left alone.
    Justin sat down next to me, grabbed my hand and said, "I'm free tonight, and I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight?" All that was going through my head was "Oh my god did he just ask me out? Am I dreaming?" I calmy answered "No, do you have something in mind?" "Yea i was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner and go see a movie?" he said smoothly. "Yea that sounds great!"
    Then my mom stepped back in, and Justin had to record more, but before he did he gave me a big bear hug, and whispered, "I'll see you at 8." The he smiled and winked.

  8. liveyourdreamstories liveyourdreamstories
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2011 2:00pm UTC
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
    Chapter 2
    I got home from the studio with my mom and immediately started to get ready. I dug through my drawers and my closet to find something to wear. Since it's summer I ended up choosing a jean skirt, a pink tank top, and a grey sleeveless cotton jacket. I straightened my hair and clipped a section of my light brown hair back. Then I did my make up, all i did was brown eyeliner on the top and black mascara and some lip gloss. I put the Bath and Body Works 'Forever Sunshine' lotion on my legs, and sprayed the matching perfume. Then I slipped my white flip flops on and was ready for my date with Justin.
    About 15 minutes later, I heard a knock on my front door. I answered it, and Justin was standing there with a bouquet of flowers. I took the flowers set them on the table, grabbed my purse, and walked out the door. "Hi." then Justin pulled me into a bear hug and kissed my cheek. "You look great," said Justin. "Thank you. So do you!" "You ready to go?" asked Justin. "Yea let's go!" Then we walked over to his black honda pilot. He opened and closed my door for me, then we pulled out of my driveway and drove to dinner.
    We got to Rizzuto's, which is one of my favorite resteraunts, then we got our table and looked at the menu. People were staring but I didn't care. The waiter came over and said, "Hi I'm Matt and I'll be serving you tonight, can I get your drink orders? "I'll just have water" I said. Justin ordered a root beer. When our drinks came he also brought warm, fluffy bread. "Are you ready to order?" said the waiter. We ordered a medium cheese pizza. After we finished dinner we went to the movies.
    We decided to see I Am Number 4. We went to the concessions and split a popcorn. When we got into the theater I saw some of my friends from school. They started to shout my name and making kissy faces at me. Then Justin put his arm around me in a protective way. We sat down in the theater and had about 20 minutes until the movie started. "Sorry about...them." I said. "Nah don't worry about." said Justin then we were talking about his tour and new songs. Then the movie started, the beginning was scary, and without noticing I was grabbing onto Justin. He kissed my forehead a couple of times, which I thought was sweet.
    The movie ended and Justin looked at me and said "I have one more surprise for you, come with me." Then he grabbed my hand and we ran outside to the car.
    *give me suggestions!*

  9. liveyourdreamstories liveyourdreamstories
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 5:45pm UTC
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
    Chapter 3
    When we got to the car Justin opened and closed my door for me again. Then he got in and turned the car on. "My surprise for you is a secret so you have to wear this." he gave me a white sleeping mask. I looked at it for a second and then asked, "Seriously? alright." I strapped it over my head trying not to mess up my hair and place it over my eyes gently so my make up wouldn't smudge. When he saw me with the mask on he laughed. "It's not funny!" I said trying not to laugh. "Don't worry, don't worry, it will all be worth it in the long run."
    The car slowly came to a stop. "Stay there." said Justin. Then a couple minutes later he came around to my door, opened it then grabbed my hand and lead me into a building. We started walking straight then I heard Justin hit a button then a BING from an elevator. Justin lead me in. The elevator came to a stop. There were a lot of people talking in the background. I had absolutely no idea where we were. "Hold on tight." said Justin. Then he started running, I was confused at first but then I heard girls screaming "OH MY GOD ITS JUSTIN BIEBER!" He stopped very briefly, put a key in the door and pushed me inside and slammed the door shut.
    He said "Okay you can take your blind fold off now." We were in what looked like a hotel, but the room wasn't a bedroom, it was more like a family room and kitchen together. "Oh my gosh Justin this is so sweet." I said. "Put the blind fold back on for one minute." he said excitedly. I quickly put it on wondering what could be better than just chilling with most amazing guy in the world. He took my hand and then I heard him push curtains away and open a sliding door. "Take off your blind fold." he said. I took off my blind fold, and he had a mic in his hand and there was a bunch of people looking up at us. "Now Tori," he started, "I've had an amazing time tonight and I don't want you to think I'm rushing but, will you be my baby?" Everyone screamed, I was surprised because no one was saying say no, they were all screaming 'say yes' or 'aw that's so sweet' I was 100% speechless. "Yes!" Then he pulled me into a hug and kissed me.
    We walked into the room again and he pulled me onto the couch with him. We talked for hours. I was getting sleepy, but I didn't want this to end. "You look really tired, maybe I should get you back," said Justin. "No, no it's fine. I'm not that tired." I said 1/2 asleep. Then i put my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.
    I woke up about an hour later. Justin was up watching the baseball game. He had his arm around me and his head on mine. "Hey your awake! I thought you were tired." he said with the biggest smile on his face. "I guess I was a little tired." I said laughing. "I better get you home. It's getting late." he said. "but I'm having so much fun!" I said. "Your parent's have to like me for us to date, remember?" he said smiling. He grabbed my hand and we made our way for the door.
    When we pulled into my driveway, we both got out, and we walked up to the front door holding hands. When we got to the door, I saw my brother and his 2 friends peeping through the windows. "I had a great time tonight, thank you." I said. "No problem, do you want to grab breakfast tomorrow?" asked Justin. "Sure, that be a good way to start out my day!" I said excitedly. " Okay great so I'll see you tomorrow." said Justin. "Ok sounds great. Bye Justin." I said grabbing the door handle, but before I knew it he pulled me towards him then kissed me and hugged me. "Bye Tori." he said smiling.
    When I walked inside my phone buzzed. It was a text from Justin.
    "I miss you already :)-justin"
    *give me suggestions, this one is sort of long. i tried to go through it but I couldn't really take anything out! sorry guys!*

  10. liveyourdreamstories liveyourdreamstories
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 9:04pm UTC
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
    Chapter 5
    I'm going to the mall with a group of people from school, but really all I want to do is go see Justin. I took a shower, blow-dried my hair, did my hair and make up, and got dressed. I grabbed my bigger purse, and headed out the door. I got in my silver convertible and drove out. I decided to just get some Starbucks on the way. I pulled up to the drive-thru and ordered a cappuccino and marble pound cake. I ate on the way. I pulled into the mall parking lot and saw the group I was with. "Hey guys!" I said. "Tell us all about your weekend!" said this girl I don't like. "Ha what?" I said a little confused. She pulled something out of her purse then showed it to me. It was a magazine with a picture of me and Justin, one of us holding hands, one with his arm around me, one of us hugging, and one of us kissing in his car. Crap. "Where did you get this???" I said panicked. "Picked it up off the stands today, so how was your weekend?" she said. I threw the magazine in the car, "Uh it was good, ready to go in?" I asked. "Yeah!" everyone shouted. I hope no one recognizes me.
    I was in the Abercrombie and Fitch and I saw some girl's staring at me. I tried to push my 2 of my friends in front of me so they would stop staring at me. I heard some whisper's throughout the day like "Oh my god it's that girl who was kissing Justin Bieber!" and "She kissed him! I heard he asked her to be his girlfriend." I left Abercrombie and Fitch, and went to 4 other stores then left the mall. I got into my car threw my bags in the back seat, and drove out.
    I got to Justin's hotel, grabbed the magazine, and went inside. Justin said he was staying in room 510. I knocked on the door and Justin answered. "Hey Tor!" said Justin. That's the first anyone called me Tor, I liked it. "Hey Justin!" I said. He gave me a big hug, and closed the door. "Where's your friend's?" I asked. "They aren't gonna be back for 20 minutes. What's that in your hand?" he asked. I held it up for him to take it. "Oh sh●t...well some people know we are together, so maybe it won't be that bad!" he said hopefully. "Justin, I just went to the mall and people were whispering about me and you." I said. "Tori, don't worry,"he paused, to hug me and kiss my forehead, he continued still hugging me, "We're together, it's okay for people to see this." "I guess your right." I said smiling. His friend's and family walked in loudly. "Hey guys, this is Tori, my girlfriend." said Justin.
    give me suggestions! what do you guys think so far??

  11. liveyourdreamstories liveyourdreamstories
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 3:13pm UTC
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
    Chapter 4
    I woke up around 9:00 this morning. Justin was taking me at 10:00. After I got out of bed, I took a 20 minute shower and blow-dried my hair. I couldn't decide what to wear, so I ended up choosing jean shorts, and my new forever 21 shirt. I clipped a braid to the side of my head, and put the rest of my hair in a ponytail. I did my make up the same way I did it last night. i put on my white strappy sandals, and in no time Justin was at my door.
    "Hey!" I said happily. "Hey Tori!" He said. "Come inside, I want you to meet my family." I said. He seemed a little nervous but he was ok with this. First we went into the family room. "Justin, this is my mom, my dad, and my older brother Alex." I said "Hi Justin, so nice to meet you!" My mom said. My dad shook his hand. I was so afraid he would do something embarrassing. Then we went to the kitchen. "And this is my younger brother Dominic, and his 2 friends Brian and Anthony." I said. "Hey guys." Justin said. "So Tori you ready to go for breakfast?" asked Justin. "Yea let's go!" He held his arm out for me to link mine through, and I did.
    We pulled up to the diner about 20 minutes later. "What do you want to eat?" asked Justin. "I was thinking a waffle, what about you?" I asked. "Me too." We sat down and a waitress came over. "Can I take your order?" asked the waitress. "We need 2 ice waters, and 2 waffles with butter and syrup." said Justin. Aww that's sweet he ordered for me. We talked until the food came. Everything was so good.
    We finished and got ready to drive home. He opened my door for me as always. Before we left he leaned over and kissed me for a couple seconds. Then he drove out of the parking lot, and drove me back home. When we got back he walked me up to my driveway and gave me a huge hug. "See you soon?" I asked. "Yea, I want you to meet my friends." he said happily. "Okay, when?" I asked. "How about tomorrow?" he asked. "Yea tomorrow I'm going to this thing with my friend's and some other people from my class, so maybe i could stop by after?" I replied. "Yea, that works, come to my hotel, I'll text you." he asked. "Looking forward to it!" I said enthusiastically. We gave each other hugs and kissed each other goodbye, then I went inside.
    give me suggestions! what do you guys think so far??

  12. jbismyluver jbismyluver
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 9:29pm UTC
    love is like heaven
    <but can hurt like hell.>

  13. livelaughdream5 livelaughdream5
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 9:30pm UTC
    What were you doing with that cow?

  14. fatassmuffin fatassmuffin
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 7:37am UTC
    Don't you hate it...
    when you are sleeping over at someone's house
    but you wake up first?
    not my format.

  15. soccerloverx03x soccerloverx03x
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 12:01pm UTC
    I L Y
    really? you love me?
    because if your not going to
    take the, what, 5 seconds,
    to actually type i love you
    then you apparently dont
    love me all that much. i
    mean, there is a difference
    between ily and i love you,
    dontcha think?

  16. gracee_x gracee_x
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 1:25am UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. NeverSayNeverX17 NeverSayNeverX17
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 9:45pm UTC
    child 1: daddy, why did you name me rose?
    dad: when you were a baby, a rose fell on your head
    child 2: daddy, why did you name me daisy?
    dad: when you were a baby, a daisy fell on your head
    child 3: ahhhragadur
    *fav if you get it [;

  18. alwaysforeverme alwaysforeverme
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 9:11pm UTC
    My hair isn't straight or curly...
    It's just (a w k w a r d l y w a v y)
    poke the -->♥<-- if yours is too ;)

  19. TheNewGirl1 TheNewGirl1
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 11:13am UTC
    I hate when my parents wake me up and lie about what time it is
    not my format

  20. Abbey_Hilton Abbey_Hilton
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 11:16am UTC
    If witty had relationship statuses,
    95% of ours would say
    "it's complicated"


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