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Member Since: 27 Apr 2010 04:45pm

Last Seen: 23 Oct 2011 09:23pm

user id: 107357

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Heyy it wud be jay,,,(kinda obvious}


I love to play basketball and I love sneakers!!!!!

So I have a couple best friends, and my family is crazy, wierd and ah-may-zing
I always follow my heart, and mind maybe sometimes to much
I speak what I feel, and I think that the quote "You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have" is so true!!!!!

I am funny, crazy, smart, creative, loving(at times}, trustworthy, honest[even if u dont want to know}

Ok my friends say Im loud, a P.I.A, and the best person ever!!!! Sike, Sike Sike, any who????

Well that is some of who I am, and if you want to know more hit me up!!!!!!!

Oh P.S-

if you hate me idk why you are reading this, and if you love me, thnx!!!!!!!

Kk bye.
<33 Jay

  1. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2011 8:26am UTC
    i can live without you
    my heartbeat proves that

  2. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2011 7:54am UTC
    Walk Along-
    your footsteps leaves marks on my unsure surface
    i cry but don't see my tears
    in the summer my temperature is above the influence
    when its cold my temperature is below zero
    if gravity didn't exist i would have no friends
    I've experienced water, fire, snow, and
    everything known to the human race
    go ahead, just walk on me like I'm
    live your happy lives and forget that
    my permanent scars exist
    in the end only the dead ever goes
    below me
    i am the floor you rest your
    temporary legs on
    - Patrick Richards

  3. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2011 8:38am UTC
    What I Am
    Feeling pain
    As the innocent child weeps
    I am the falling tears
    Feeling pain
    While the love is drawn from my body
    I am the open wound
    Happiness is the long distance
    Cousin of my emotions
    Feeling pain
    As the single mother struggles
    I am her strength in the darkness
    Feeling pain
    As I walk in the pitch black world
    I am the fear and defeat
    I cause
    Feeling pain
    I am the outspoken youth
    That chooses to continue
    And the individuals
    Who stop for good
    - Jayan

  4. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 6:01pm UTC
    I remember the day that the razor hit my skin. How it dropped from your hand and your blood smeared on my forearm. How i just walked memories and pain seeped through deep cut like a lion attacking its prey. It was hard to let you do it but I understand why. I mean I want all the violence to leak out of me. And i don't need to cry in silence anymore. How you threated grandma to be like him. And i felt jealousy because you had the courage to hurt yourself; like so many others did to you before. It took my all not to help you along the way and picture my arm or leg be the easel and the shiny object in your hand the paint brush. How the greatest piece of work is my heart. Many artists contributed but only a few left a mark. I am mad that there is a grey piece of something in the left corner of my chest and what people do indent it and ruin it but it never lays to rest. The fact that I am still breathing and walking is beyond belief and all I want is GOD to release. The fact of the matter is I don't know what to do. I am open to suggestions; to take are pain away you can carve on me instead of you.

  5. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 5:52pm UTC
    the first dha of schooll was the hardest for me
    i mean seeing the pain you caused me in my past
    the fact that i went through sleepless nights trying to rid you from my memory
    and you are
    how hard it is to know that you have something of mine and my heart is gravitating to you
    the fact that i want what you have
    but at the same time i just want one thing back
    i want me
    i want what I used to be before you did this to me
    and the only time i cry is when i look in the mirror
    when the only hate and pain in the world is behind my eyes
    and your heart is colder then the ice you left me standing on
    when i was crying and you still walkked away
    and you dont even care were the only words i heard you say
    so next time don't try to please
    me because when you smile with her it don't tease me
    i understand you need to find strength because you yourself are appalled at what you did
    and the feelings i cant feel inside cannot be hid

  6. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2010 1:25pm UTC
    A• Q • U • A • R • I • U • S : The Strongest
    Trustworthy, Sexy, professional kissers, One of a kind, Loves being in long-term relationships, Extremely energetic and funny, Unpredictable, Will exceed your expectations, Loves music, Not a Fighter, But will Knock the **** out of u, The BEST and BIGGEST FREAK in bed, Strong, Considered to be a "Spartan" The most intelligent Doesn't show it but is easy to hurt, Perfect! && 2 years of bad luck if you do not repost!

  7. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2010 1:23pm UTC
    she is amazing my best friend the scars on her wrist i cant mend
    so i stay strong so she cant see
    that all my scars are inside of

  8. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2010 1:15pm UTC
    so i cry in the mirror that hanqs on my wall
    and the qirl i see in the mirror qets no help at all
    and no matter how many times i fall
    i qet up and cry in the mirror
    that hanqs on my wall

  9. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2010 3:54pm UTC
    my four year old brother: sissy;; just dont aqqravate me...
    me: like brother like sister
    my mom: whos the four year old
    my brother: my am mommy
    me: yeah and im the one who qot a confused mom
    my mom: no one said im confused
    me: your face did
    my brother: mommy your face can talk
    my mom: yes my face can show feelins too
    me: really?
    my brother: mommy does your ugly cover up your feelings?
    me: hahahaha
    my brother: mommy answer me
    my mom: baby thats not nice
    my brother: you say it all the time
    me: awwww,, hes right
    my mom: ugly
    my brother: mommy dont aggravate me;; your ugly does that

  10. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2010 3:54pm UTC
    my four year old brother: sissy;; just dont aqqravate me...
    me: like brother like sister
    my mom: whos the four year old
    my brother: my am mommy
    me: yeah and im the one who qot a confused mom
    my mom: no one said im confused
    me: your face did
    my brother: mommy your face can talk
    my mom: yes my face can show feelins too
    me: really?
    my brother: mommy does your ugly cover up your feelings?
    me: hahahaha
    my brother: mommy answer me
    my mom: baby thats not nice
    my brother: you say it all the time
    me: awwww,, hes right
    my mom: ugly
    my brother: mommy dont aggravate me;; your ugly does that

  11. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2010 3:36pm UTC
    i kept a straight face when i said i was fine
    but that mask crumbled when i told them what happened

  12. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2010 3:27pm UTC
    im sorry......
    i laugh to loud
    my hair is curly
    im tall
    im not skinny
    i have my own style
    i dont like you
    you dont like me
    im loved
    im hated
    im not perfect
    im here
    imSorry: IM ME

  13. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2010 1:11pm UTC
    There is a reason why Im like this
    I just dont know what it is

  14. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2010 12:58pm UTC
    I can only hold back these tears for so long!

  15. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2010 12:51pm UTC
    Love is a strong word
    Make sure you say it
    to a strong person
    &hearts; &hearts; &hearts;

  16. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2010 9:44am UTC
    U said I broke ur trust and I have to earn it back right?
    Well, how am I supposed to earn it if u dont give me the chance to!?!?!
    Was in wierd symbols(I translated)
    Not mine!!

  17. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2010 9:42am UTC
    I will forget you like a third world
    While you remember me as a girl you never had
    I always wanted you
    But I'll be d***** if I need you
    So try as hard as you possibly can
    But now I don't want you to be my man
    So, third world you are forgotten
    Highlightt for more :)
    Bye:) thanx for reading!!!!

  18. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2010 9:18am UTC
    Trust is something you gain back
    Not something I give back

  19. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2010 5:48pm UTC

  20. jay2312 jay2312
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2010 5:42pm UTC
    Boy: Yo
    Girl: Wats up
    Boy: Can I get some?
    Girl: I just met you
    Boy: So tell me something about yourself
    Girl: Ok, my name is...
    Boy: Thats enough
    Girl: WTF... OMG
    Boy: Dang , girl you are sexy
    Girl: I like beautiful a lot better
    Boy: My bad you kinda fiesty
    Girl: Fiesty enough
    Boy: Ohh you tryna play hard to get?
    Girl: No im playing never gonna get
    Boy: Forget you to then
    Girl: Who are you, anyway?
    Boy: Oh, thats messed up
    Girl: Just like the you
    Boy: Forget you
    Girl: You said that already
    Boy: Well this time I meant it
    Girl: Meant what?
    Boy: Whatever
    Girl: B


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