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Member Since: 3 Jan 2010 09:04pm

Last Seen: 19 Nov 2011 08:06pm

user id: 97807

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    I love you.

They call me Jessie

status: OFFLINE =[

My layout making is currently under construction. So sorry, that means I will not take any requests for making a layout! :(. But hopefully I will be up and running shortly! If you're looking for fanart, or anything like that my other account, sweetart33 can help you with that!

About Me- See Sweetart33
This is my other account. This account is mostly for venting quotes, quizzes, surveys, and stuff like that. I'm doing the 30 days 30 letter challenge on this account. My serious quotes are on Sweetart33. So check that out if you want to!

  1. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 2:29pm UTC
    Check out mine and I'll check out yours :)

  2. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 5:57pm UTC
    hi there wittier!
    Would you like me to leave a quesiton in your ask box on tumblr or on formspring? Just leave your tumblr or formsping in the comments! I will ask you a question or make a comment :)
    Please ask me one too! :)

  3. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2011 4:00pm UTC
    Follow me on tumblr????
    And I'll check out your blog and probably follow back! :)

  4. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2011 5:38pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2011 5:20pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2011 12:57pm UTC
    1. Name: Jessie
    2. Age: 15
    3. Height: 4'11
    4. Date of Birth: September 16th!
    5. Color: Purple!
    6. Religion: Judaism
    7. Sexuality: straight
    8. Hair Color: light brown/dark blonde
    9. Eye Color: Brown
    10. Weight: 115ish
    11. Skin Tone: light tan
    12. Piercings/Tattoos: Ears
    13. Jewelry: Earings
    14. Build: curvy but athletic
    15. Funny or Serious? depends on situation but usually funny
    16. Hard working or lazy? usually hard working
    17. Flirty or reserved? a little bit of both
    18. What is the first thing people notice about your personality? friendly!
    19. Are you more caring or sympathetic? caring
    20. Are you sporty, artistic, bookworm or sciency? Sportyish and bookwormy!
    21. Slapped someone in the face? Yep
    22. Lost touch with a good friend? yep :(
    23. Kissed someone for a dare? nope
    24. Drank alcohol? yep
    25. Broke a bone? Not yet
    26. Got chickenpox? nope
    27. Ate a whole pizza to yourself? Nope
    28. Stepped on a bug? Yeah
    29. Rode a horse? Yes
    30. Been seen naked by someone not your doctor or family member? kinda?
    How Many
    31. TVs are in your house? 9
    32. People have you kissed? nada
    33. Chairs are in the room you are in now? 2
    34. Best friends do you have? 3 true best friends
    35. PCs or laptops are in your house? 7
    This or That?
    36. Summer or Winter? Summer.
    37. Strawberry or Banana? Strawberry.
    38. Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift? Taylor Swift<3333
    39. Eminem or Kanye West? Eminem.
    40. Vegetables or Fruits? Fruit.
    41. Books or Movies? hard to choose! probs books!
    42. Hugs or Kisses? kisses!
    43. Rock or Pop? Pop
    Name The Last Person That...
    44. Hugged you? mom probably
    45. Kissed you? nada
    47. Flirted with you? Jake..kinda
    48. Insulted you? Kaitlin
    49. Made you laugh? Shannon
    50. Made you cry? myself
    51. Ate? apples with oats!
    52. Drank? milk
    53. Talked to? Mom
    54. Word Spoke? okay
    55. Time cried? Last night.
    56. Time laughed? yesterday
    57. Best friend? Haley
    58. Crush? Kevin
    59. Boyfriend? Josh
    60. Pet? Max
    61. Kiss? nadie
    62. Took steps? umm
    63. Do you own any brand shirts? All of my clothes
    64. What languages do you know? English & Espanol
    65. Do you like to sing? Yes
    66. Are you competitive? Sometimes
    67. What are you afraid of? losing people i love
    68. Who do you miss? Julia, Uncle Dave
    69. Are you a virgin? Yep
    70. Do you like photography?yeah

  7. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2010 10:42am UTC
    30 DAYS 30 LETTERS

  8. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2010 10:41am UTC
    30 DAYS 30 LETTERS
    DAY 11
    Dear Someone Deceased I Wish I Could Talk to,
    Julia. I miss you. I know we were never really close cousins but my whole entire life I looked up to you and Anna. I would tell everyone about my twin cousins and how cool they were and that they lived in New York. I also really loved spending time with you at family parties, at your apartment in NYC, or your beach house. I always thought you were really cool and wanted to be like you some day. I will always remember those fun times we had. Visiting your family and you not being there...it feels so wrong. Knowing that your beautiful soul isn't in the world anymore...it feels different. I think about you and your family all the time and miss you. I will never understand why you hated yourself so much. I always thought you were one of the coolest people. I remember about half a year before you passed away, I was thinking to myself that the next time I saw you I would try to become really good friends and be close. I never had that next time. I miss you and love you and hope you are happier in heaven and watching your family.
    Love You Always,

  9. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2010 10:35am UTC
    30 DAYS 30 LETTERS
    DAY 10
    Dear someone I don't Talk to As Much As I'd Like to,
    Kiann. I really wish I got to see you more and I hate that you live thirty minutes away. It would be so nice if you were my next door neighbor or something (: . I love hanging out with you and I have so much fun with you when we hang out. It's a different kind of fun then I have with my other friends and I love that. You have always been a good friend to me over the years and I think it's amazing how we've stayed friends after we met when we were 4 years old at Sweet Art! That camp was so much fun! Do you remember it? I wish I could see you more often and I feel bad a lot of the time when I don't text you but I want you to always know that I think about you ALL the time! I wonder what you're up to or how you are. It's nice that yon your old house now! I bet you're really happy about that! I really want to come over soon! You're a great friend to me and I hope I'm at least half as good to you! And never, ever change for anyone cause you are one of the bravest, smartest, and coolest people I know. I can't wait to see you and I should talk to you more and I'm sorry for that. I love you!
    Love Always,

  10. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2010 10:29am UTC
    30 DAYS 30 LETTERS
    DAY 09
    ---->I haven't posted any letters since
    July 9th, so I'm posting all of them today.
    Dear someone I wish I could meet,
    Robert Pattinson. Okay, I already met you once so maybe I'm being greedy but I would really like to meet you again. I love your acting and the emotion you bring to your movies. I also love watching your interviews because your so funny but you also have really honest answers. The day I met you was one of the best, I can't believe I made you laugh and your autograph is hanging in my room now. I still hope to meet you again one day.
    All the Best,

  11. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2010 3:45pm UTC
    (hey guys! I'm so sorry I had to post this! It got to me!)
    dontSCREAM34: hey!
    LAXlover1994: who's this?
    dontSCREAM34: your best friend!!!!
    LAXlover1994: no its not! don't lie! who is this really?
    dontSCREAM34: Don't worry, we can be friends.
    dontSCREAM34: I met you once and now I think about you all the time.
    LAXlover1994: ? I don't remember meeting you...
    dontSCREAM34: well that's okay, you'll be reminded tonight
    dontSCREAM34: when i see you.
    dontSCREAM34 signed off.
    The girl was very frightened of the secret messenger so she went around her whole house making sure she could stay protected.
    She locked all the the doors in her house and then all of the windows upstairs and down.
    She wasn't really sure if the person was just trying to scare her or if she could possibly be in real trouble.
    That night she slept in her parents room because she was too scared to be by herself.
    In the middle night she heard a loud thump. It was someone..or something pounding against the front door of her house.
    She was too scared to go down to the front door and check so she just stood at the top of the stairs.
    After a minute the thumps stopped and she went back to bed.
    That night she was taken from her parents bed and found in her own...dead surrounded by her own blood covering all of the sheets.
    This is a death chain letter! If you do not repost this in the next 15 minutes the little girl will kill you tonight in your bed for the revenge of not passing her story on!

  12. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2010 9:26pm UTC
    30 Days 30 Letters
    Day 8
    Dear Fav Internet Friend,
    I don't have you but I would love to have an internet friend! They seem like a lot of fun! So if anyone is reading this and wants an internet friend too let me know and we can be best friends! (:
    Hope to find you one day.

  13. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2010 9:24pm UTC
    30 Days 30 Letters
    Day 7
    Dear ex,
    I'm not mad at you now, though at first I was. It truly wasnt a big deal what happened but I overreacted...like usual. So I'm sorry for that but I have no regrets and I think our break up was necessary. We had a lot of really great times together and sometimes I look back and miss it but I know we aren't good for each other. I will always have strong feelings for you and care about you.
    Love Always,

  14. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2010 4:23pm UTC
    So, here's how it works:
    1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, ETC.)
    2. Put it on shuffle
    3. Press play
    4. For every question, type the song that's playing
    5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
    6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool...
    Opening Credits: Flashing Lights By Kayne West
    Waking Up: Clair De Lune By The APM Orchestra
    First Day of School: I'm Yours- Jason Mraz
    Falling in Love: Cool- Gwen Stefani
    Fight Song: Our Song- Taylor Swift (that should be an interesting fight!)
    Breaking Up: I Hope You Dance By Lee Ann Womack
    Studying/Workin: Love Song By Sara Bareilles
    Life: Replay- Iyaz
    Mental Breakdown: You Belong With Me -Taylor Swift
    Sunny Day: I'm with You - Avril Lavigne
    Rainy day: Stickwitu By The Pussycat Dolls
    Party/Dance Music: Love Game by Lady GaGa
    Driving: Tear Drops on My Guitar by Taylor Swift
    Sleeping/Dreaming: Clumsy - Fergie
    Nightmare: If I Die Young- The Band Perry
    Flashback: I Miss You- Blink 182
    Wedding: Check Yes Juliet- We The Kings
    Birth of a child: You Know I'm No Good- Amy Whinehouse (haha this is not a good song for a kid!)
    Final Battle: I Love LA- Young Dre The Truth
    Death Scene: A Little Less Sixteen Candles, a Little More Touch Me
    Funeral Song: no love - eminem
    End credits: No Air by Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown
    wow. that sucked. lol. i didn't cheat tho! (: ♥

  15. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2010 11:23am UTC
    30 Days 30 Letters
    Day 6
    Dear Stranger,
    I hope that your day has been going good! And hopefully you are happy with how life has been going. I know everyone has problems though, so just stay strong. Always have faith and don't be afraid to hope for great things. Good luck with everything you do.
    All The Best,

  16. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2010 12:23pm UTC
    30 Days 30 Letters
    Day 5
    Dear Dreams,
    I'm not sure which kind of dreams this challenge is talking about but I will write to both. Dear Dreams when I'm Sleeping, I really don't understand you most of the time. Most don't make much sense and I am in very odd situations. But I wouldn't change anything because I have no nightmares (thanks!) and I remember my dreams almost every night. Thank you for all that you do, if I could ask for anything though, it would be for more coherent dreams. Thanks. Dear Dreams that I wish for in the future, I hope that you come true. I would have the happiest life. Well thats part of what I wish for- being happy. It doesn't really matter what I do for a living, or where I live, all I wish is to be happy with that one special person. (I think you know who I want it to be). Thank you for giving me hope.
    Much Love,

  17. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2010 12:12pm UTC
    Cross out the things you've done.
    Graduated high school.
    Kissed someone.
    Smoked a cigarette.
    Got so drunk you passed out.
    Rode every ride at an amusement park.
    Collected something really stupid.
    Gone to a rock concert.
    Help someone.
    Gone fishing.
    Watched four movies in one night.
    Gone long periods of time without sleep.
    Lied to someone.
    Snorted cocaine.
    Failed a class.
    Smoked weed.
    Dealt drugs.
    Been in a car accident.
    Been in a tornado.
    Done hard drugs (i.e. ecstasy, heroin, crack, meth, acid).
    Watched someone die.
    Been to a funeral.
    Burned yourself.
    Ran a marathon
    Cried yourself to sleep.
    Spent over $200 in one day.
    Flown on a plane.
    Cheated on someone.
    Been cheated on.
    Written a 10 page letter
    Gone skiing.
    Been sailing.
    Cut yourself on accident.
    ...on purpose
    Had a best friend.
    Lost someone you loved.
    Shoplifted something
    Been to jail.
    Dangerously close to being in jail.
    Skipped school
    Had detention.
    Got in trouble for something you didn’t do.
    Stolen books from the library.
    Gone to a different country.
    Dropped out of school.
    Been in a mental hospital.
    Watched the “Harry Potter” movies.
    Had an online diary.
    Fired a gun.
    Had a yard sale.
    Had a lemonade stand.
    Actually made money at the lemonade stand.
    Been in a school play.
    Been fired from a job.
    Taken a lie detector test.
    Swam with dolphins.
    Gone to sea world.
    Voted for someone on a reality TV show.
    Written poetry.
    Read more than 20 books a year.
    Gone to Europe.
    Loved someone you shouldn’t have.
    Used a coloring book over age 12.
    Had surgery.
    Had stiches
    Taken a taxi.
    Seen the Washington Monument.
    Had more than 5 IM’s/online conversations going at onc
    Had a drug or alcohol problem.
    Been in a fist fight.
    Suffered any form of abuse.
    Gone surfing in California
    .Had a hamster.
    Pet a wild animal.
    Used a credit card.
    Did “spirit day” at school.
    Dyed your hair.
    Got a tattoo.
    Had something pierced.
    Got straight A’s.
    Been on the Honor Roll.
    Known someone with HIV or AIDS.

  18. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2010 11:39pm UTC
    30 Days 30 Letters
    Day 4
    Dear Siblings, (Jeff, Gregg, and Michael)
    I want to keep this short because I know you boys are not very fond of mushy-gushy stuff. I love you guys, though we may say rude comments and do mean things I love you all so much. Maybe you guys don't know it, but I have so much fun hanging out with you guys! You all are SO funny and make me laugh, whether it's you guys being stupid or an actual joke! (: I care about each of you deeply and think all of you are great brothers. Jeff-this is your part of the letter. You are more deep and sensitive than Gregg and Michael, I can see it. You think a lot about life itself and what its meaning is. You think about other peoples problems a lot and bug yourself about it. You also really are affected by the horrible things that have happened in our lives. Of course people are affected, but sometimes I worry that it badly affects you and puts bad thoughts in your mind. I have faith in you though and I know you will be strong about the stuff that has happened. You love nature and I love that you love it! I love that you see the beauty in the earth. I also think your photography is very cool and if you pursued it, you could become successful..or at least interest some people! You are also very generous when driving me to Kevins or other places, so thank you for that. I love you. Gregg-this will be your part of the letter. I have so much fun with you when we have those short times of hanging out. Over the years we have had our fighting stage and lately I think we have been in a very good stage, making jokes together. You seriously crack me up! I think riding in the car with you to school and from is a lot of fun. Thank you by the way for driving me! I know I am a pain some of the time and take too long in the morning or don't make it on time in the afternoon. You are really patient with me when it comes to those type of things. I also think you love for soccer is really cool and it's impressive how dedicated you are to the sport, you are also very good! Congrats on your team going to nationals! Good Luck! Though we may have our bad times, you are nice to me. Thank you for being a really fun brother and doing so many nice things for me. We share many fun jokes. I love you. Michael-this will be your part of the letter. Let me start out by saying you might be the strongest brother! Not in the physical sense exactly but in the mental. Your recovery from the car accident was simply a miracle and I thank God that you are alive and with us today. You are always crackin jokes and probably the cutest one in the family. You are very, very smart and extremely creative! You inspire me, simply by being you-the amazing kid that you are. You are a superhero. We used to play a lot together and I always hung out with you. That has changed some.. I think it is because the ages we are at right now. Soon I think it will change back to us talking and spending a lot of time together. You are the youngest and I know you will go great places in life, no matter what you end up doing. You are a brilliant kid. I love you.
    Jeff, Gregg, and Michael, I couldn't ask for a set of better brothers. I love all of you more than the air we breathe.
    Your Sister,

  19. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2010 11:23pm UTC
    30 Days 30 Letters
    Day 3
    Dear Mom and Dad,
    I could write a thousand page letter to you guys but I will try my best to keep this short. The love I feel for you is stronger than anything else, the bond between child and parent is a bond I love being a part of. You guys not only gave birth to me you gave me love, taught me lessons, showed me kindness, and much more. I will never ever be able to repay you in anyway for all that you both have given me. Mom- this part of the letter will be for you. I love having you as a mom, though everyone has their problems and get in the way of things, I still would NEVER trade you for anyone else. You are so fun and I love your young spirit. I hope I will always act like you do- forever young. You don't care what others thing of you and shake off any rude people. You are TRULY SELFLESS. You are always trying to help others in any way and give them all you can offer. It's a beautiful thing. Sometimes I overhear your conversations with Aunt Kathy and Diana and you listen, support, and care about them both. You are one of the greatest people I know. We do fight sometimes but I never hate you though I may say it. I could NEVER hate you, no matter what you do I know it would only be for my best interest. And when we do fight, I know it is mostly my fault-I have a bad temper and you are much nicer to me than I deserve. I don't deserve a mom like you but I'm so glad I have you. I love you mom. Dad- this will be your part of the letter. Dad I love you. I wish we said that to eachother more and I know you didn't come from a family that says it a lot but I always want you to know how much I TRULY DO LOVE YOU. I love all the stuff with do together-when we ski, play tennis, even the car rides we have together...I love! The time we have is the best and I love feeling close to you. When we talk deeply you always have good advice and wise things to tell me. I know you wish the best for me and I love you. You are SO reasonable with me and do not keep me restrained like many other parents do. You have A LOT of trust in me and I love that. I don't have curfews or rules about going out with friends, bedtimes or anything like that and yet somehow it works...I am a high honor roll student and I do not get in much trouble! I would never want to rebel against you because you are always so reasonable with me. You are a very nice person and try to see the best in people. I like to talk to you about your work and why you were interested in it. I find it very interesting! I love hanging out with you and we should do it more often. I love when we have our own time together. You spoil me crazy and I know I don't really deserve it, but thank you. Thank you for everything you have given me because you have gave so much. Not only in the material sense but the sense of love and the many lessons you have taught me.
    Thank you for everything mom and dad. I love you more than life itself.
    Love Your Daughter,

  20. insane_layouts insane_layouts
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 9:27am UTC
    30 Days 30 Letters
    Day 2
    Dear Crush,
    I don't really have one of you right now. I wish I did have right now though because it's weird not liking anybody. I hope to find you this summer and have alot of fun. (: I hope I find you soon.


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