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Member Since: 25 Nov 2011 10:54pm

Last Seen: 28 Jan 2012 09:56pm

user id: 243095

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Hi im imaginitive and i like to express my feelings on a poem<3

  1. imaginationrox imaginationrox
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 7:54pm UTC
    I went to buy make up, and i saw a couple looking at foundation, and the boy said" baby, no make up is beautiful so why are you trying to hide it?"......he looked at me, and i just kindof walked away awkwardly....<3

  2. imaginationrox imaginationrox
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2012 8:21pm UTC
    Please read!!!!:)I want to write a love story here on witty, but first I'm going to write a summary and i really want your opinion if i should actually write the story. Please please pretty please put your honest opinion, you can even say i don't like but i just want your honest opinion:D. The genre is romance, tragedy, battle (military). So lets goo:D any ways just don't read this its just a something i dunno lol but i hope you like it. Claire has a picky taste in guys, her friends keep telling her just get a boyfriend but Claire wants a boyfriend that is going to treat her good (suuuuuure). Jake is a military guy who doesn't want to find true love, because of what he does. He's stationed in Florida for eight months, but when he goes to a late night bar to relax from his job he finds a little girl that seems to change his life persecutive. Claire finds an attractive guy but seems too old for her. Jake thinks she's beautiful, and he just found out what he just felt in his life. <3 so that it for now and please please please comment and put your opinion:D.

  3. imaginationrox imaginationrox
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2012 5:38pm UTC
    Its fine with me not to blend in with the crouds.....You know? so its easier forHIM To find ME................
    The more heartbreaks you get the closer to find your him<3333
    Highlight abouve

  4. imaginationrox imaginationrox
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2011 6:53am UTC
    How can you do anything, like being creative, with out people critizing or judging of who you are, i like being different because i want to be a leader not a fallower <3

  5. imaginationrox imaginationrox
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2011 11:51pm UTC
    I think my heart is broken,
    when you left and started fallen.
    Pages of our story seems so endless,
    until to you it becomes less bright.
    The dreams of impossible,
    i became less alright.
    First chapter of your lie,
    i lost my wings and could not fly.
    The fear of impossibility,
    just seems so true.
    Through many days in hell,
    i had free'd myself from your shell.
    Sick of your bullcrap, i
    have erased you from my mind.
    I'm no more going to be blind.

  6. imaginationrox imaginationrox
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2011 11:15pm UTC
    Life does not define the perfectness it counts of whats inside, life is the courage you put in it. There might be obsticles that you have to face through but once you put the effort, you make the biggest changes. The fear is what you dream the impossible, the darkness you summon. The thoughts of changing the world, the thoughts of your future. There's many pages of our life but its how you want to end it.<3

  7. imaginationrox imaginationrox
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2011 7:42am UTC
    You Don't Know What Love Really
    Is Till You Find The Right One<333
    And I PRomise YOu will Find One :)


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