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Member Since: 18 Feb 2012 12:00pm

Last Seen: 4 Jul 2012 01:58am

user id: 275335

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hi my name is Sage and i know what it feel like to be in love and to have my heart broken and  luckly i have the guts to share my storys with  witty!   =D

I'm writing a love story called 
May I Have This Dance? 

I also write alot of poetry and little sort storys. OH and and l LOVE 
One Direction!!  <33
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  1. iluvchu iluvchu
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2012 4:24pm UTC
    My Little Bundle Of Joy
    i come to you when I'm sad
    i come to you when I'm in need of a hug
    i go to you crying
    i go to you smiling
    although your just a stuffed animal i hold you close to my heart
    i bring you every where i go
    now that I'm all grown up people say i need to let go
    that i need to forget this little furry paw that keeped me safe those years
    but how?
    how can you just let go of that one thing that's been there for you all these
    years ?
    how can you just forget this little bundle of joy that helped you stop crying and made you smile?
    it may have been easy for YOU but for ME its like taking away my family
    i can't just forget or even let go of all i have left
    all i can do is hold on as tight as i can and hope my little bundle of joy never slips out of my hands

  2. iluvchu iluvchu
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2012 5:07am UTC
    Love Me For Me Not For Who You Want Me To Be!

  3. iluvchu iluvchu
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2012 5:03am UTC
    I'm just a Derp in a Derp world

  4. iluvchu iluvchu
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2012 4:58am UTC
    I'm just a Derp in a Derp world

  5. iluvchu iluvchu
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2012 4:51am UTC
    Your Mine!
    (In English)
    (Len) hey Akira-Chan how are you?
    (Akira) huh?
    oh, hey Len I'm good and yourself?
    (Len) who? me? I'm just dandy
    (Akira) well that's good
    (Len) yeah i guess
    so, how's your day going so far?
    (Akira) pretty good
    how bout yours, Len?
    (Len) it sucks!
    (Akira) how come?
    (Len) cause it does...
    (Akira) oh come on you can tell me ~smiles~ =)
    to be continued !

  6. iluvchu iluvchu
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2012 9:13pm UTC
    lost love
    love is like glass...
    ...sometimes you can put it back together...
    ...other times it's better to just leave the shattered glass as is, rather that hurt yourself trying to put is back together...

  7. iluvchu iluvchu
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2012 9:04pm UTC
    love </3
    love can make people happy...
    ...sometimes it can hurt so bad...
    ...the thing is...
    ...love is only speciel when it is given to someone worth...

  8. iluvchu iluvchu
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2012 8:56pm UTC
    The Same
    i thought you'd be the first guy to prove to me thatnot ALL guys are the same...
    ...all you've proven me is that ALL guys are the same...

  9. iluvchu iluvchu
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2012 7:17pm UTC
    May I Have This Dance?
    Cat's Bio
    cat is a very sweet girl but she has a very, very hard time trusting people. it's sad but that's just the way she is. she like a lot of thing but only loves a few things. she likes the color green, pink, orange, and teal. she likes the bands asking Alexandria, falling in reverse, blood on the dance floor and many others. she HATES people who brag! she has a little sister named Nikki and an older brother named Ryan. her dad is a hopeless drunk and her mom sleeps with men for money. some times she wonders what life would be like if she was a different person or if she was never born. her mom calls her a brat and her dad doesn't even know shes alive. she like to make people think that shes the happiest girl alive and when people see through her mask she covers it up with I'm fine or it's nothing. shes 14 years old she was born on April 16TH,1997. she met Jake when she was 3 years old. back then she never smiled and wouldn't talk to any one she didn't know. she never really left her house either. cat met him when she was walking down the street, he was skateboarding with his older brother. as soon as he saw her looking at the ground with her sad little face and all alone on top of that, he stopped dead in his tracks.

  10. iluvchu iluvchu
    posted a quote
    March 5, 2012 6:25am UTC
    May I Have This Dance?
    Hi the names Cat. The school dance is coming up soon and 15 guys asked me to go with them but i want to go with this one guy. He hasn't asked me yet but im hoping he will. Him's name is Jake. we've been friends sence we were little kids,but lately i feel like he's pulling away. like the bonds we spentyears making are slowly ripping. he doesn't talk to me in school to much any more.i've loved him for years but he's always treated me like a little sister.i know all about him, yet it seems that he doesn't even know that i'm alive!what do you dowhen the person you love thinks of you as a little sister?i'm losing the one person i trust with my life! the person i'd die for is sowly fading!Will Cat go to the dance with Jake or will every thing fall apart???fave, comment, share, and don't forget to follow me =^.^=chapter 1 will be up soon thanx for reading <3<3


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