Witty Profiles

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  1. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2010 5:52pm UTC
    Time for practice, Wait, when's the test? Science, math, english, history, fcs homework, chores, chores, chores, When's the poster due? ugh headache, who slapped who? i can't keep up with the drama, drama, drama, eat, breath, sleep, no time for sleep, get back up, forgot to brush, oops didn't know there was a quiz, more homework, speech, sweating: so nervous, not good at speaking, so many responsibilities, high expectations, plaster on a smile, are you okay? ya i'm fine, oh just wondering haha, so much stress, hey we haven't talked in a while what's up, no time still have chores to do, more homework, practice, wait i had guitar today? no violin, oh what a difference, too tired can't function, would you like to join county orchestra? oh hold that thought, chores, dishes, clothes, honey where are my socks oops redo clothes, you're such a loner what's wrong with you? uhh i like being unique, have you checked facebook lately? uhh no no time sorry, why are you on the computer you have chores! please just give me a sec, make the world stop moving take all the stress away, please lord make it stop let me- girl did you forget about science homework again? oh shoot, life is getting so hard, do you want to go to my party tomorrow? i don't know let me ask, no sorry too busy, president of tsa we need to talk to you, where have you been? uh sorry really busy, wait forensics is today? oh crud i didn't practice, can't i just rest a moment? no of course not, honey practice guitar you have to go to your teacher tomorrow, really get your act together, you're so lazy, you're stupid you blonde, absolutely no common sense, uhh sorry can't think right now too much giong on, homework, ugh i feel like crap oh i forgot to eat, hydrate myself, so tired, can't sleep science project due tomorrow, oh no! history too, hey have you asked about the county orchestra thing yet? no sorry hold on a moment, world stop spinning just a moment i'm barely hanging on somebody help please stop i can't deal with this anymore i can't hang on the thread's breaking make it STOP

  2. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2010 9:18pm UTC
    You've got my back?
    \\Sorry, but I'd rather you not.
    The wound is still fresh from where you Stabbed me last time,
    //and it still needs room to breath.

  3. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2010 1:10pm UTC

  4. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2010 9:39pm UTC
    She think my tractor sexy
    It really turns her on
    Shes always lookin' at me
    As im chuggin' along

  5. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2010 10:08pm UTC
    In the end,
    //everything will be okay,
    if its -not- okay,
    its -not- the end//

  6. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2010 2:09pm UTC
    Me: sooo... do u really like me?
    Him: ya
    Me: annddd u know i like u?
    Him: sure
    Me: and we r friends..?
    Him: ya
    Me: alright, jw (:
    are you really that blind?? ✯

  7. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2010 3:19pm UTC
    One afternoon, my science teacher was having a really bad day...
    then we all heard a 'bing!'
    when an email popped up and he read it....
    ❝oh look! 'Mr.S, you are the best teacher on the planet!

  8. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2010 3:14pm UTC
    we're best friends...

  9. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2010 1:54pm UTC
    I wish there was
    3three-way texting

  10. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2010 1:50pm UTC
    Here's to all the...
    blondies who are smart,
    black haired ones who aren't emo
    brunettes who are fun,
    redheads who aren't Irish
    Here's to all the misjudged girls

  11. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2010 1:42pm UTC
    What's up?
    the sky ;)

  12. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2010 9:11pm UTC
    WHEN I TALK??"
    uhhhh... no

  13. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2010 2:36pm UTC
    When the going gets tough,
    you better stand your ground and deal with it.

  14. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2010 8:17pm UTC
    don't really want to do anything...
    "alright im leaving so dont you dare turn on the tv!"
    -sudden urge to watch television-

  15. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2010 7:25pm UTC
    Today, I was lip singing with Eminem on a popular radio station...
    Then I looked in the car next to me and realized that an old lady was singing along as well.
    "Hmmm," I thought, "that'll probably be me one day."

  16. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2010 7:18pm UTC
    Favorite this if...
    You know you're awesome ;)

  17. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2010 6:56pm UTC
    Do you have the time
    to listen to me whine?

  18. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2010 1:41pm UTC
    Eminem... is white?
    Why that doesn't make any sense!
    M and M's are chocolate,
    maybe he should find a new name...
    like Butterfingers!

  19. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2010 12:53am UTC
    sparks flew the first time i saw you.
    then you broke my heart.
    sparks still fly against my wishes.
    so i aim them at you, try to burn yours.
    for as long as they torture mine.

  20. ilikakada ilikakada
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2010 11:48am UTC
    "Butterflies in your stomach. That was such a crappy metaphor. More like killer bees."
    -Beautiful Creatures


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