Witty Profiles

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  1. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2012 5:52pm UTC
    or cry because i know that's
    all we'll ever be ?

    I wasn't mad
    then you asked me 7 times if i was mad
    now, i'm mad.
    format credit to: wittygirl2010.

  2. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2012 11:41am UTC
    ew, school tomorrow..

  3. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2012 12:58pm UTC
    hey i just met you; and this is crazy but; heres my witty; follow me maybe?

  4. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2012 12:49pm UTC
    KONY 2012
    what if Joseph Kony was actually on witty..?

  5. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    March 5, 2012 7:31pm UTC
    Time started: 7:21 PM
    Gender: Female
    Birthday: August 9
    Siblings: 2 little sis and bro
    Eye color: blue
    Shoe size: 71/2
    Height: 5'5
    What are you wearing: pjs
    Where do you live: East coast
    Righty or lefty: lefty
    Can you make a dollar in change right now: Nope.
    Who are your closest friends: Kelly, Samantha, Miriam
    Best place for a date? idk i would never go on one..
    Where is your fav place to shop: areopostal
    Favorite kind of plant? lol idk
    Fave Color?: purple:p
    Fave Number: 9
    Fave Boys Name:Brodie
    Fave Girls Name: Lilly
    Fave Animal: Sloth :D
    Fave instrument to play: piano
    Fave Subject: Lunch :D
    Fave book: idk i like alot
    Fave Sport: CHEERLEADING
    Fave Month: November
    Movies: Breaking dawn
    Juice: Kool-Aid..?
    Finger: What kind of a question is this?
    Breakfast food: Pancakes all the way
    Favorite cartoon character: Patrick Star!
    Given anyone a bath: no..
    Smoked: EW.
    Made yourself throw-up: no
    Gone skinny dipping: ha! yes..
    Eaten a dog: WTF!? noo.
    put your tongue on a frozen pole?: tried to...it didn't stick:/ lol
    Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes.
    Broken a bone?:Nope(:
    Played truth or dare: Yes.
    Been in a physical fight: does with my sister count..? lol
    Been in more then one car accident? Nope.
    Been in a police car: No!
    Been on a plane: Yes!
    Come close to dying: not that I know of..?
    Been in a sauna: no but i want to
    Been in a hot tub: yep!
    Cried when someone died: yeah.
    Cried in school: yes
    Fell off your chair: yes. so.many.times.
    Wait for someone's phone call all night: dont 5think so
    Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: nope.
    Saved e-mails: yes.
    Fallen for one of your best guy friends: Yeahhh.
    Made out with JUST a friend? Nope!
    Used someone: idk..
    What is...
    Whats your good luck charm?: praying
    Best song you ever heard: to many
    What's your bedroom like: too much to describe
    Last thing you said: mom make me a sandwich
    What is beside you? my puppy
    Last thing you ate: soupa
    What kind of shampoo do you use?: Pantene
    Best thing that has happened to you this year: idkk...
    Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Idkkk..?
    Have you had...
    Chicken pox: nope.
    Sore Throat: who hasn't?
    Stitches: nope.
    Broken nose: nope.
    Do You..
    Believe in love at first sight? yes.
    Like school: somewhat.
    Want to get married? yes!
    Have kids? Yes
    What schools have you gone to: Ezstern, John cotton tayloe, john smalll, st peters, ps jones
    Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: EWWW NO!
    If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: My family, close friends, and someone that'll know how to survive on the island lol
    Who was the last person that called you:mommy<33
    Who was the last person you slow danced with: no one...
    What makes you laugh the most? i actually don't know lol
    What makes you smile?: A lot of things.
    Last Person..
    You yelled at: sister.
    Who broke your heart: ...
    Told you that they love you: my paretns..
    Is your loudest friend: Kelsi
    Do you/Are You..
    Do you like filling these out?: no
    Do you wear contacts or glasses:
    Do you like yourself: yes i dont care what popel say
    Do you get along with your family: ehh..
    Stolen anything over $50: nope!
    Obsessive Compulsive? No!
    Anorexic? Nope
    Suicidal? no.
    Final questions
    What are you listening to right now?: --
    What did you do yesterday: ate, went on tumblr, yeah..
    Got any awards? yeah
    What car do you wish to have: idk
    Where do you want to get married: paris, inside a castle (that'd be soo cool!)
    If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: a lot of things.
    Good driver: I don't drive.
    Good Singer: HA! NO.
    Have a lava lamp: sadly no:/
    How many remote controls are in your house: 5?
    double jointed: No
    Flexible? sorta?
    What do you dream about: randomness.
    Last time you showered: last night
    Last time you took a bath: idk
    Scary or happy movies: happy
    Chocolate or white chocolate: chocolate
    Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: dr pep
    Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O lol
    Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate
    Summer or winter: Summer
    Silver or Gold: gold
    Diamond or pearlpearl
    Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
    Sprite or 7up: sprite
    Cats or dogs: dogs..i hate cats
    Coffee or tea: COFFEE.
    Phone or in person: depends
    Indoor or outdoor: Outdoor in summer
    Facebook or Twitter: none lol
    Peanut butter or Jelly: neither
    Hockey or Football: football
    Hot or Nice: Nice
    Rich or Poor: Idc
    3 kids or none? 3 kids
    Nike or Adidas: nike
    Lions or Tigers? tigerss..:)
    End Time: 7:30 PM

  6. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    March 5, 2012 4:38pm UTC
    Im tired of people saying "society kills and look what society does" we are society. okay? you make your own descions those other comments are just peoples opinons..who cares what other people say? im not trying to be mean or anything im just making a point. We are society.
    Format by twilightgirl995

  7. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2012 8:25pm UTC
    are you insecure about something?
    us witty girls, we've got your back.
    you are beautiful, no matter what!
    if you are reading this right now: you are beautiful.
    us girls think that, too! if you want to stop
    cutting, hatred, or just make girls happy:
    jock this quote, then add your name to the list .
    Every single name that is added will be in my next YouTube video,
    saying how wonderful & sweet you all are . ♥
    So, add your name & pass it on. You could save a life. ♥
    1. maybaby12 :)
    2. Jane8D
    3. xolivix16 (:
    4. thisazmazingurl
    5. RawrLexixD
    6. SorceressSecret
    8. Caseyrobbie
    9. Skinnyminikitty! (kat)
    10. Whatawittyfeeling (Kaly)
    11. meganak♥ (Megan)
    13. iheartglitter (Lauren)
    14. RiseAboveItAll ( Lexii)
    15. MaddiWuvsYew ( Stay strong your beautiful! )
    16. Icykatherinel (katherine!!) if you need anything email me kittykit57@hotmail.com!

  8. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2012 8:18pm UTC
    Hey babygirl. Sorry I didnt txt you. I've been so busy.
    Theres 10,080 minutes in a week & you couldnt use one to text me?
    I havent had my phone love.
    Your fb status was updated from mobile.

  9. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2012 6:42pm UTC
    When we had detox weekend somebody put not my format LOL (ijustnowthoughtofitlol).


  10. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2012 7:44pm UTC
    hey i like this format LOL ;)

  11. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    February 29, 2012 4:48pm UTC
    Fave for SUMMER
    Comment for WINTER
    just wonderinnnnn' lolzzz

  12. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2012 8:40pm UTC
    try this it really works!
    1. take a deep breath
    2. hold your breath
    3. die
    please do not do this

  13. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2012 8:37pm UTC
    Press any key to continue. "wheres the any key?" -Homer-

  14. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2012 4:48pm UTC
    &Who else loves that M&M superbowl commercial?
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  15. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2012 5:12pm UTC
    © format by: h0peful

  16. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2012 1:14pm UTC
    am i the only one
    who didn't know Adele was British?

  17. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 5:35pm UTC
    there's always that one song on your iPod
    that is on you playlist but you still skip over it.

  18. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 5:32pm UTC

    music on...world off

  19. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2012 3:11pm UTC
    That awkward moment
    when you walk thru a metal dector at an
    airport and your abs of steel set them off.

  20. icykatherinel icykatherinel
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2012 1:42pm UTC
    When it snows..
    5% go play in it
    95% make a facebook status about it.
    I would be part of the 5% lol


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