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  1. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2012 4:23pm UTC
    He sent me the 3rd letter last night...
    Dear Meggi,
    I'm sorry this letter is taking forever to get to you. I LOVE YOU KID! Not as much like "that" but it doesn't matter. I am who I am right now because of you. I try to be smart, kind, funny, and I even try to keep up my appearance up just to impress you. I do it so you don't look at me as inferior to you. It's hard trying to keep up with you. You're beautiful, kind, funny, and wicked smart! Can I just ask one question though? At the end of the year formal, could I have one dance, so this way I can make a memory together before you start your fun life at a different high school without me?

  2. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2012 4:17pm UTC
    I read the third letter last night. I couldn't stop crying happy tears.... ❤

  3. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2012 5:09pm UTC
    Okay, so I just wanted to keep you guys updated on the letters (ps-it's really long). So I did him a really big favor Sunday night, and in return he wrote me 3 letters. He only gave me 2, and will give me the other one tomorrow. So here they are and you can give any type of feedback
    Letter #1:
    Dear Meg, I'm going to try really hard not to keep repeating myself in these letters. I just have a quick question for you, why do you like me? I mean what sets me apart from any other boy in our class? Sometimes I think you're crazy because you do so much for me, but I still pick on you and you're still so kind and sweet to me. (Not that I tease you to feel bad, I'm only joking around) Well that's it for this letter. ~Him
    Letter #2:
    Dear Meggi ;) , (Ha I like to change it up sometimes) I'm just letting you know that I'm writing this in total darkness. But anyway, you probably already know this but I kinda like you too. I mean at times I do but then I have to keep reminding myself that it will never work out between us, I mean with you going to a different high school and all. I hope you know this but if you need anything at all, I am here for you, for anything, at all, you name it! And what do you want for Christmas? I'll see if I can get it for you! ~ Him

  4. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2012 8:53pm UTC
    I am truly forever alone
    So I was sitting at my desk, and my feet were warm, so I though my cat was by my feet. But no, it was my laptop charger that was nice and warm from keeping my laptop running for so long....

  5. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2012 4:20pm UTC
    Okay, so I don't know if you care, but I'm going to vent anyways. One of my "best-friends" and I got into a HUGE fight last night. She told me she didn't care anymore, about me anyway. Then she said she only had 2 REAL bestfriends out of the 3 of us, and we all know I'm not one of them. Any feedback/advice?

  6. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2012 9:16pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2012 4:23pm UTC
    My laptop was broken, (not turning on or charging), so I brought it to Best Buy to see if they can fix it. The geek squad guy fixed it without having to ship it out and I didn't have to pay the guy. When my laptop turning on, I literally told him "I love you"

  8. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2012 5:10pm UTC
    I just wanted to keep you guys updated if you are even paying attention Well we text every night, literally. I call him Devie and he calls me Meg, ❤ He told me that I have the best as.s in the class and he won't stop talking about it with me. It's actually quite funny. So we are still continuing our letters. In the latest one, he says "But this is late for thanksgiving, but I'm very thankful for you!!! I know you may not always tell you or show you, but you're one of my best (girl) friends!" and "text me and keep in touch because I'll miss you! A LOT!!!" I think he is so cute❤

  9. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2012 9:23pm UTC
    I would go for it, but would it just ruin our friendship?

  10. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 6:57pm UTC
    There are days where you mean the world to me, but others make me think that I'm just part of your games

  11. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 5:41pm UTC
    Is it worth giving up? Will he love me in the end? I just don't know anymore...

  12. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 1:40pm UTC
    I told him last night. He told me that he kind of actually likes me back, but the only thing holding him back is that we are really good friends, and that if something bad ever did happen, he doesn't want our frienship to get screwed up. I'm relieved that I told him, but I am also worried for tomorrow. Where I'll actually have to see him and talk to him rather than just text him. I don't know if I'll have enough courage.... Any feedback.advice?

  13. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 2:31am UTC
    I confessed tonight...

  14. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2012 1:44pm UTC
    In the matter of 2 hours, I got married, had 1 boy, 1 female dog,1 granddaughter, and lived in a double wide+rv working as a lawyer, computer designer, and an accountant. This is why I love texting him♥

  15. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2012 1:43am UTC
    So now one of my bestest friends decides she might like the one I like. She knows I like him -.-

  16. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2012 10:34pm UTC
    I was never more disappointed...
    I had to go to the second page of google

  17. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2012 10:27pm UTC
    I made him another letter and than we started texting later on.
    Him: I loved your letter! (:
    Me: Aww thanks. Am I going to get mine tomorrow or Monday?
    Him: Monday or maybe tomorrow (:
    Me: Than I will have to text you all weekend if it's Monday
    Him: I can live with that (:
    Me: Good. Can't wait! c:
    Him: Okay well goodnight I'm getting tired! :)
    Me: Party pooper ): I'm starting to think that you really don't like texting me!
    Him: I love texting you! I just get tired early :(
    Me: Kidding! Take a joke sleepyhead! Good night :)
    Well, what do you think is gunna happen? Any advice?

  18. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2012 6:08am UTC
    Okay wittians! I need some advice here!
    Okay so if you have read my profile page, you would know that I have a crush on this guy. He was taken but over this past weekend he is now single. He has been more flirty and open with me. So my friend had me write a letter to him, (she knows i like him), just talking. So I put stuff like 'Hey' and 'you are like an older brother to me, an annoying one ;D'. So than he wrote a letter back. This is what the letter said:
    Dear Foot-Fairy, (my nickname from him)
    You have got to be the nicest person I know!
    I know I can always count on you!
    That is why I always come to you for HW!
    I know you already know this but you're booty is niiiiiicceee!! (;
    But seriously Meg I wouldn't know where I'd be without you!
    You really are the perfect friend!
    The only flaw I have with you is your soccer/foot-fair abilities!
    Well I don't know what else to say but... Bye!!!
    Disney On Ice (my nickname for him)
    (PS. You're really nice and pretty!)
    HELP PLEASE! any advice?

  19. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2012 10:37pm UTC
    He is now

  20. himquotes himquotes
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2012 12:20pm UTC
    Am I The Only One
    Who doesn't like Nutella?
    Sorry if I am offending anyone by this quote


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