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Member Since: 17 Feb 2011 01:16pm

Last Seen: 10 Dec 2012 03:30pm

user id: 153495

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  1. heynowiloveyou heynowiloveyou
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2012 6:22pm UTC
    I just need someones advice..
    So there is this guy that ive been practically in love with since thrid grade, and we dated in 6th grade, and ive just liked him ever since. Were friends right now and were in high school. We have every class together and this year weve kinda started to have a thing. We cuddle when were together and we text all the time. But when I asked him if we were ever going to be anything more he said he just doesnt want a girlfriend right now and that we should just be friends. Then after a few days we went right back to texting all the time and flirting in class. Then i confronted him again and said this isnt what friends do and he said he just doesnt want a girlfriend and I told him im not having a thing with him anymore. But that lasted only a few days and we were right back to texting and flirting again. Then the third time, all his friends have been pressuring him to date me and a lot of people are always calling us out on being a couple. He then told me again that he doesnt want a girlfriend and that he doesnt want to lead me on and he thought we should both just move on. I was okay with it that time but now were right back to texting and acting more like a couple then ever. I want him to commit to me but im not sure if he can ever do that. He told his best friend that he might ask me out soon but i dont know weather to believe him this time. I feel like i should be done waiting around for him to make uo his mind cuz if he hasnt asked me out yet then hes not going to right? Hes told me he liked me but im not sure if he still does. He makes me feel like Im letting him use me. I dont want to confront him for a 4th time because i know what will happen. I think that I love him but Im starting to think that maybe I just need to let go and move on. Can anyone give me advice?

  2. heynowiloveyou heynowiloveyou
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2012 1:33pm UTC
    I just need someones advice..
    So there is this guy that ive been practically in love with since thrid grade, and we dated in 6th grade, and ive just liked him ever since. Were friends right now and were in high school. We have every class together and this year weve kinda started to have a thing. We cuddle when were together and we text all the time. But when I asked him if we were ever going to be anything more he said he just doesnt want a girlfriend right now and that we should just be friends. Then after a few days we went right back to texting all the time and flirting in class. Then i confronted him again and said this isnt what friends do and he said he just doesnt want a girlfriend and I told him im not having a thing with him anymore. But that lasted only a few days and we were right back to texting and flirting again. Then the third time, all his friends have been pressuring him to date me and a lot of people are always calling us out on being a couple. He then told me again that he doesnt want a girlfriend and that he doesnt want to lead me on and he thought we should both just move on. I was okay with it that time but now were right back to texting and acting more like a couple then ever. I want him to commit to me but im not sure if he can ever do that. He told his best friend that he might ask me out soon but i dont know weather to believe him this time. I feel like i should be done waiting around for him to make uo his mind cuz if he hasnt asked me out yet then hes not going to right? He makes me feel like Im letting him use me. I dont want to confront him for a 4th time because i know what will happen. I think that I love him but Im starting to think that maybe I just need to let go and move on. Can anyone give me advice?

  3. heynowiloveyou heynowiloveyou
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2012 4:02pm UTC
    Advice?! I need to vent!
    I've known him since 3rd grade. All middle school I told myself that I was in love with him. I spent so many nights dreaming about what it would be like if he loved me back and we were together. I was positive that I was in love, even when he was dating my best friend. Now were in high school, and we like each other. And right now were just friends with benefits I guess. We cuddle when we have the chance and hold hands, and everyone thinks were gonna date, but he hasn't asked me out. At first I was telling myself that I didn't want to date him because I was scared of how it would end. But then I realized that I don't want him to be with anyone else. He flirts with a lot of girls. I know he likes me because we text and he tells people he does and he made is profile picture a picture of me and him.. But last night at our dance he totally went and grinded with a bunch of other girls, and watching him it made me so jelous and mad, and that was what made me reaize that I want him to be my boyfriend and commit to me. During a slow song, I danced with this other kid and he danced with one of my friends and we kept like looking at each other. I just need someone to give me advice on how to tell him that I'm not gonna just have a "thing" with him anymore and that I'm not waiting for him to make up his mind. I want a relatioship. Any advice?!

  4. heynowiloveyou heynowiloveyou
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2012 12:50pm UTC
    Advice?! I need to vent!
    I've known him since 3rd grade. All middle school I told myself that I was in love with him. I spent so many nights dreaming about what it would be like if he loved me back and we were together. I was positive that I was in love, even when he was dating my best friend. Now were in high school, and we like each other. And right now were just friends with benefits I guess. We cuddle when we have the chance and hold hands, and everyone thinks were gonna date, but he hasn't asked me out. But honestly.. I keep feeling like I don't want him to be my boyfriend. How come I spent soo long wishing for this, and now that I have it I don't want it. I feel like I have to date him because it's what I've wanted but I keep feeling like its not. I thought I loved him.. its like when I didn't have him, I wanted him so badly, and now that I've got him, I don't want him. Except I don't want him out of my life. I like where we are.. and I think I'm scared to date him because I don't want it to end badly, but I like that he finally likes me. And my best friend, who has a new boyfriend, keeps saying she doesn't want me to date him because I could do way better, and he wouldnt treat me right: And she's right, me and him fight, and if someone better came along we would both leave each other. But I still feel like I love him, but he drives me nuts. And now that were half "together" I start seeing every bad thing about him. And so much stuff he does makes me annoyed with him. Shouldn't it be the other way around?! but I don't want to commit to him and I dont know why. I need him in my life, and I like acting like a couple with him, but I dont want him to be my boyfriend I guess? What is wrong with me?! Someone tell me Im not the only one!

  5. heynowiloveyou heynowiloveyou
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2012 8:51pm UTC
    Someone Please Give Me Advice;
    So there's this guy who I have been on and off liking since third grade. I was his first crush in third grade, and I liked him too. In 6th grade, we dated for 4 months. It was a little 6th grade relationship that didn't really do anything. But when we broke up I was still totally into him, and I kept liking him all of 6th grade, and then decided that I loved him. Then in 7th grade we kissed and I loved him even more. Then later that year, he started dating my best friend. She didn't know how I felt about him. But I still totally loved him. Her and him dated until the beginning of 8th grade, and then broke up. They dated for 9 months and she still admits for about 7 of those months that she didn't like him and that she was just scared to break up with him, and she was really into this other guy. I tried my best to get over him but I just like couldn't.. And then at the end of 8th grade me and him went to the moves and held hands, and my best friend was so mad.. and I understand why cuz I would be mad too. But after that me and him just kinda stopped whatever was going on. her and the guy have been broken up for like 8 months now, and she is dating a new guy who she has been with for 4 months and she is like in love with him. But me and the guy have every class together this year and we are both totally into each other. We text all the time and he likes me and I never really stopped liking him. And my best friends knows he likes me but she doesn't know that I like him. And then someone told her that me and him should date and she was like "oh that would be so awkward for me." I really want to, but I'm scared to go for him cuz I don't wanna lose her cuz we are really close. But do you think that she would have a reason to be mad or upset at me if I went for him?
    Someone please give me any advice!!!!

  6. heynowiloveyou heynowiloveyou
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2012 11:17pm UTC
    It Was The First Day Of Third Grade;
    I remember sitting and looking around the class and wondering what boy would be a good choice to have a crush on this year. I looked around at every boy and saw none. Then I got to the last boy. He had brown hair, and wasn't paying attention. That day I decided that he was the cutest boy in the class, and that he would be acceptable to have a crush on. Later in the year I found out from his friends that he had a huge crush on me. It was thrid grade so I mean we didn't really do anything about it. When fourth grade came we were in different classes. I heard about the new girl he now had a crush on. I didn't think much of it but I had new crushes to. By fith grade we had forgotten about each other, and we were in different classes again. But when I started becoming best friends with his neighbor, I started seeing him a lot more when I would go to her house, and we wouldhang out. I started to like him again, but he didn't think anything of me. Then I went into middle school. 6th grade everyone started having boyfriends. We went to one of our school dances and I slow dances with a friend. That night, I found out that the boy that I had liked so much in elementary school wanted to ask me to dance. That night he asked me out, and we started dating. We dated for a few months. Then I figured out he kissed my friend (who was his nieghbor) and another girl. I was crushed and broke up with him. The next day when he apologized I couldn't help but take him back. I'm not even sure why. We dated for a couple more months when he broke up with me. I was hurt, I pushed him towards other girls, and started dating other guys hoping it would make him jealous. In 7th grade all the boys were different. Towards the middle of the year, me and him hadn't talked a lot at all. Then he started dating my best friend. I wasn't mad because I wasn't sure even how I felt about him by then. There was just left over feelings. She didn't even know how I felt. They dated for around 9 months, all the way into 8th grade. Me and him had a few classes together and I found myself falling for him again more and more each day. Him and my best friend broke up. It was kinda of a mutual thing. And I really hated to say I was a little happy. Me and him became pretty good friends and then towards the end of the year we all went to the movies, and he held my hand. He was open to people that he liked me, but he didn't do anything about it. I was mad and didn't want to be a bad friend by liking my friends ex, so I just let it go. Then this summer, we were at a friends house with people, and me and him cought fireflies, and talked and I just felt so close to him. After that we started texting a lot. Then one day he just stopped texting me. I haven't talked to him all summer. and just now I'm realizing that I still love him. But the truth is.. I don't think I ever stopped.
    Just had to get that out somewhere..

  7. heynowiloveyou heynowiloveyou
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2012 7:17pm UTC
    Why are you playing hard to get?
    Because you're hard to want...
    Not my format or quote!

  8. heynowiloveyou heynowiloveyou
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2012 4:34pm UTC
    I'm Done Lying To Myself.
    I love you.

  9. heynowiloveyou heynowiloveyou
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 8:23pm UTC
    And For Some Reason
    I would only be satisfied if you were the one to break up with her.
    \\\\\\\\\\ Because if you didn't //////////
    I would always feel like
    You'd still or always will
    ---------- Have feelings for her. ----------

  10. heynowiloveyou heynowiloveyou
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2011 2:57pm UTC
    Please read this! they're really inspiring song lyrics.
    i really hope that it helps anyone this aplies too.
    It was just another story printed on the second page
    Underneath the Tiger's football score
    It said he was only eighteen, a boy about my age
    They found him face down on his bedroom floor
    There'll be services on Friday at the Lawrence Funeral Home
    Then out on Mooresville highway, they'll lay him 'neath a stone...
    How do you get that lonely, how do you hurt that bad
    To make you make the call, that havin' no life at all
    Is better than the life that you had
    How do you feel so empty, you want to let it all go
    How do you get that lonely... and nobody know
    Did his girlfriend break up with him, did he buy or steal that gun?
    Did he lose a fight with drugs or alcohol?
    Did his Mom and Daddy forget to say I love you son?
    Did no one see the writing on the wall?
    I'm not blamin' anybody, we all do the best we can
    I know hindsight's 20/20, but I still don't understand...
    How do you get that lonely, how do you hurt that bad
    To make you make the call, that havin' no life at all
    Is better than the life that you had
    How do you feel so empty, you want to let it all go
    How do you get that lonely... and nobody know

  11. heynowiloveyou heynowiloveyou
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2011 2:50pm UTC
    this old world really ain't that bad a place.

  12. heynowiloveyou heynowiloveyou
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 11:27am UTC
    get over it:
    Please read this;
    Listen, you need to go look in the mirror right now and tell yourself you are beautiful. What does it matter what other people think if you think you're beautiful.
    For years, i was ugly. The only reason i was ugly was because i listened to what people said about me. But then i got over it, i got over the fact that my life doesn't suck, i have friends and that's all i need, and that i am pretty no matter what any boy ever tells me.
    Why do you think you need a boyfriend? i'm 16 and i've never had a boyfriend. That doesn't make me a loser, or ugly. it makes me someone who would rather spend a Saturday night hanging out with friends having a good time, instead of crying on the couch because my boyfriend isn't texting me, or he broke up with me.
    I can tell you, that i am beautiful. Just because the guy i like doesn't like me back does not make me ugly. Not every guy you talk to or like, is going to like you back, and who knows? Maybe there isn't someone for everyone.
    Maybe you're not going to get married, but let me tell you something;
    you're not going to find out for a few years, so make the best of your life now. Stop crying, get over the fact that a guy doesn't like you. because it really doesn't matter.
    Get over it, seriously.
    you're ugly. the ugliest person i've ever seen until the second you believe you're beautiful. because YOU are all that matters.
    thank you.

  13. heynowiloveyou heynowiloveyou
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2011 4:55pm UTC
    Rebecca Black's
    next song:
    Thursday, Thursday, gotta do my
    homework on Thursday
    so i can party friday.

  14. heynowiloveyou heynowiloveyou
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2011 10:04am UTC
    yeah, it said we'd always be together.
    such a perfect fairy tale & you would never.

  15. heynowiloveyou heynowiloveyou
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2011 3:27pm UTC
    a simple little text message from you, makes my day.
    a simple little talk on the phone everyone once and a while,
    makes my life.
    The few days i've ever seen you,
    makes me know i can now die happy.
    i love you, daddy.
    why'd you leave me?
    - vent .


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