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Member Since: 23 Sep 2010 07:54pm

Last Seen: 7 Mar 2012 07:38am

user id: 126128

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  1. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2012 1:16am UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2012 1:11am UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2012 3:29pm UTC
    Most amazing and inspirational quote here.
    Oh, but you can't read it.
    Why? Because of SOPA.
    A bill in Congress for censorship of the internet.
    With SOPA in action there will be no Facebook, Google, Youtube, Tumblr, Twitter, Wikipedia, Online Libraries, and yup NO WITTY.
    We will all be affected by this bill.
    Please take action.
    Fav this.
    Make more quotes.
    Join the petition.
    Call your senator.
    We all have a voice.
    Now let yours be heard.

  4. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2011 7:18pm UTC
    It’s an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bury your soul to, who will accept you for what you are, I’ve been waiting for what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. With Bella, I feel like I can finally begin. So I’d like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride, no measure with you will be long enough. But let’s start with forever.
    - Edward Cullen ♥

  5. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2011 7:13pm UTC
    Well Bella was just like everybody else, totally mesmerized by Edward
    Or the hair as I call him
    And then suddenly Edward is all about Bella, even though she’s not the captain of the volleyball team.
    I’m just kidding…and the president of the student council.
    -Jessical Stanley(:

  6. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2011 7:09pm UTC
    Edward will be a good husband.
    I know this because I’m a cop. I know things.
    Like how to hunt somebody to the ends of the earth.
    And how to use a gun.
    -Charlie Swan(:

  7. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2011 7:05pm UTC
    Excuse me? Is this on? Hello?.
    Uhm…I’d like to propose a toast to my new sister.
    Bella, I hope you got enough sleep these last 18 years,
    cuz you won’t be getting any more for a while.
    -Emmett Cullen(:

  8. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    October 24, 2011 4:26pm UTC
    We all know it’s going to be a bad test…
    when you don’t know the answer to #1

  9. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 9:47pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2011 12:12am UTC
    For the little girls who won't get that father daughter dance...
    For the young boys who can't ever play catch with dad...
    And the children who won't feel thier mother's touch...
    For the men and women who can't feel thier spouse's lips...
    For the firemen who risked thier lives...
    And the police officers who tried so hard to save...
    For the people flying home that day...
    And the shocked civilians on the streets...
    For the ones who lost thier lives...
    And the ones who lost thier loved ones...
    But most importantly, for America, the country that would never be the same
    For 9/11 .

  11. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2011 2:07am UTC
    So, this year I graduated from High School,
    Finally growing up, going to college, first step to becoming an adult.
    The first time I picked up a Harry Potter book, I was in 1st grade. 7 years old.
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. And since then, I've been hooked.
    Throughout my childhood, I've either been waiting for the next book or movie.
    Well, I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.
    And now, I would like to thank Harry Potter.
    For being there through my childhood, and helping me grow up.
    It's been an amazing eleven years,
    and I know that there will never be another series like Harry Potter.
    i know its not pretty;;just a vent;;sorta just hit me;;its really over

  12. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2011 5:12pm UTC
    L i f e i s P o i n t l e s s
    The moment you're born, you're a step closer to dying
    Everything you do, earn, achieve brings you closer to death
    Every second you spend thinking about something is gone
    So it doesn't matter whether you got the A, or the boy, or even the new skirt
    In the end you're going to die and be forgotten, just like the rest of them

  13. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    December 7, 2010 8:46pm UTC
    Did You Ever Think...
    Maybe hes in the same situation as you?
    And maybe the girls hes head over heels for doesn't see him?
    And maybe he goes out of his way to please her?
    And maybe even after all the trouble hes left heartbroken?
    And maybe..just maybe he knows exactly how you feel?
    And A
    And now you're probably thinking, why doesn't he just love me?
    Because I love him more than she ever would.
    But think about you and him for a minute.
    Would you ever get over him, for another guy?
    I didn't think so.

  14. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    December 1, 2010 8:18pm UTC
    I love you & You love her
    "She's just a friend," you say.
    But I know that's not true,
    Because the way you look at her
    Is the way I look at you ♥

  15. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2010 8:58pm UTC
    I'm going to the Harry Potter midnight
    premiere tonight.
    And yes, I'm bringing my wand.
    And yes, me and my friends are going to
    paint scars on our faces.
    And yes, I'm wearing my Dumbledore PJ's.
    Pshhtt I k now you're jealous(:

  16. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2010 6:21pm UTC
    Does he watch your favorite movies?
    Does he hold you when you cry?
    Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts?
    When you've seen it a million times
    Does he sing to all your music?
    While you dance to purple rain
    Does he do all these things?
    Like I used to?

  17. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2010 6:08pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2010 8:52pm UTC
    Boy: "What's your dream?"
    Girl: "To be kissed in the rain. What about you?"
    Boy: "To be the one kissing you"

  19. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2010 9:16pm UTC
    In the past hour I have...
    - gotten butterflies 5 times because my phone vibrated, and I thought it was him
    - checked his facebook page 11 times
    - typed his name into the search bar to see if he was on
    - scrolled down my aim buddy list to see if he signed on
    - checked my phone 22 times incase he texted
    - listened to his favorite song 21 times
    So much for not making him my everything♥
    ♥ ♥3

  20. hawaiisurfergrl7 hawaiisurfergrl7
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2010 4:46pm UTC
    Today I showed my boyfriend all the quotes on witty
    He took about 10 minutes to read through some quotes
    Then turned and looked me in the eyes
    and said I'm So Sorry ♥


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