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  1. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2012 5:55pm UTC
    I have nobody to go to.
    I lost my bestfriend. She accused me for something I didn't do and got mad. Because of her I've lost others too. There's too much drama in middle school. And this is why I want to go away to a prep school for hockey. No drama. Just hockey.

  2. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2012 5:29pm UTC
    You know, I fake it oh so well,
    That God himself can’t tell.
    What I mean and why my words are,
    Less than parallel,
    With my feet.
    You ask me what I need.
    And all I really need,
    Is to breathe.

  3. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2012 5:01pm UTC
    Did you know that turtles breathe through their butts?
    They must have bad breath.

  4. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2012 2:41pm UTC
    Why do we even try?
    No matter what we do we get judged.

  5. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 7:33pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 7:30pm UTC
    ( : (
    You decide.

  7. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2012 3:27pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2012 6:45pm UTC
    I'd like to be everything you want
    Hey boy let me talk to you
    If I was your girlfriend, never let you go
    Keep you on my arm boy, you'll never be alone
    If I be a lady, anything you want
    If I was your girlfriend, never let you go, never let you go.

  9. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2012 3:07pm UTC
    I love this song soooo much <3

  10. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2012 4:13pm UTC
    I hate waking up from an amazing dream and coming back to reality.

  11. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2012 4:46pm UTC
    0 faves= i'm beautiful
    3 faves=i'm beautiful
    7 faves=i'm beautiful
    15 faves=i'm beautiful
    25 faves= i'm beautiful
    30 faves= im beautiful
    No matter what anyone thinks you're beautiful.


  12. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2012 4:34pm UTC
    Beauty comes in all sizes
    Not just size zero.

  13. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2012 3:04pm UTC
    To all those girls
    who think that they're fat or ugly because they aren't a size zero, you're the beautiful one, it's society that's ugly.
    -Marilyn Monroe

  14. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2012 8:58pm UTC
    Behind this smile is everything you'll never understandyr understand.

  15. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2012 8:29pm UTC
    You know you're fat when you run to KFC in a storm.
    At least I got my chicken <3

  16. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2012 8:16pm UTC
    I secretly love blue eyes.

  17. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2012 2:13pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2012 6:10pm UTC
    They'll hate you if you're pretty,
    They'll hate you if you're not.
    They'll hate you for what you lack,
    They'll hate you for what you got.

  19. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2012 5:08pm UTC
    How much do I cost?
    Natural Hair:
    [x] Brown - $100
    [] Blonde - $50
    [] Black - $60
    [] Red - $70
    [] Other- $75
    Eye Color:
    [x] Brown - $50
    [] Green - $75
    [] Blue $150
    |] Hazel $100
    [] Other - $15
    [] Over 7′ - $200
    [] 6′8″ to 7′ - $175
    [] 6′0″ to 6′7″ - $150
    [] 5′5″ to 5′11″ - $75
    [] 5′4″ to 5′10″ - $85
    [x] Under 5′4 - $25
    Total so far: $175
    [] 50 to 56 - $175
    [] 46 to 50 - $150
    [] 41 to 45 - $125
    [] 31 to 40 - $100
    [] 26 to 30 - $75
    [] 21 to 25 - $50
    [] 19 to 20 - $25
    [X] 0 to 18 - $100
    Birth Order:
    [] Twins or more than twins - $750
    [] First Born - $320
    [] Only Child - $250
    [] second born - $150
    [x] Middle child - $100
    [] Last Born - $100
    [] third born - $550
    [] fourth born - $300
    [] fifth born - $400
    [] sixth born -$215
    Total so far: $375
    [] I did like twice - $400
    [] Only Holidays - $250
    [] Sometimes - $215
    [] YES - $200
    [] only weekends - $300
    [] Every other day - $50
    [] Once a day - $15
    [] I live from the bottle - $Bankrupt$
    [x] No - $600
    [x] perfect vision - $400
    []need or have glasses/ contacts but dont wear them - $200
    [] No correction - $100
    [] Glasses - $50
    [] contacts - $25
    [] Surgical correction - $100
    Total so far: $1375
    Shoe Size:
    [ ] 13+ - $300
    [ ] 12 and a half to 13 - $250
    [] 11 to 12 - $400
    [] 7 to 10 - $500
    [x] Under 7- $450
    Favorite Color/Colors (don't need to be 1, can be more):
    [x] Green-$750
    [] Red - $600
    [] Black - $100
    [] Yellow -$475
    [] Brown - $300
    [x] Purple - $225
    [] White - $400
    [] Aqua - $350
    [] Orange - $300
    [x] Blue - $300
    [] Pink - $100
    [] Other - $500
    Total: $1840
    did you use a calculator to add it all up?
    [] Yes $0
    [x] Nope - $1000
    [] some- $750
    Total: $4100

  20. goaliegirl29 goaliegirl29
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2012 10:50pm UTC
    I miss you.


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