Witty Profiles

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  1. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2010 1:47pm UTC
    The next day was absolutely amazing. We had a yummy camper’s breakfast, and then we went back out to the lake where we swam and canoed for five hours before going back to the cabin for lunch.
    That was when the most interesting things started happening. Cliff and Mason were becoming more and more blunt with their wolf jokes, causing complete confusion for Abbie’s poor little mind. I had to pretend that I had no idea what they were talking about so she wouldn’t question me. I knew if she asked me, I was going to slip up and say something that would put me in a ditch.
    We were finishing our hamburgers when there was some howling outside. Abbie clutched my arm and the boys ran out the door. I noticed a huge grin on Cliff’s face and I assumed he was getting ready to reveal his secret to Ab. Mason called my name and I dragged Abbie out to see what was going on. She sort of whimpered as we went out there and the boys were nowhere to be seen. I could feel that Mason was out here though. Maybe its part of our connection, but I felt a tingling on the back of my neck. A good tingling.
    "Where did they go?" Abbie was clutching my arm with a death grip and our bodies had no space between them as I walked her to the edge of the porch.
    "They’re here somewhere. Probably trying to scare us or something." She pulled me to a stop on the top step and held me back before I could step off the stairs.
    "You’re not afraid are you?" I teased.
    She nodded and pointed to a bush that was slightly quivering. My heart skipped a beat, but I knew that nothing was going to happen to us with Mason and Cliff out here with us. Some branches snapped behind the bush and a deep red wolf appeared in front of us. I smirked at Cliff and held Abbie to me so she wouldn’t run away.
    Mason came around to us, slowly, in his human form. He grabbed my hand and pulled us down to sit on the steps. Cliff squatted down a few yards away from us and he never took his eyes off Abbie.
    ‘There’s something you should know about us, Abbie." Mason began. "We’re not like normal people, and what I’m about to show you will help you understand some of the jokes that were tossed around today that you didn’t understand."
    She nodded, but kept her eyes locked with Cliff’s wolf eyes.
    "Are you afraid of him?" I gently asked.
    She shook her head with a surprised expression.
    "That’s good," I whispered.
    "Do I know something about this huge dog?"
    "Like what?"
    "Well, I feel. . . some connections with it."
    "That wolf over there is your boyfriend, Abbie."
    She looked from Mason, to me, to Cliff, and back to me. "You’re kidding me right?"
    Cliff formed back to his human appearance, and slowly walked up to Abbie. Mason pulled me inside, so I didn’t get to see her reaction when he told her about him personally.
    "I’m so glad that’s over!" Mason dragged me into our room and sat on the edge of the bed.
    "You had nothing to hide from her!"
    "I had to listen to his complaining and you were worrying about keeping secrets from her."
    He pulled me over so I was standing between his legs with his arms loosely around me.
    "You poor baby." I patted his cheek and made a sad face with my lower lip trembling.
    "Right?" He kissed me, but I started laughing at the way my mouth felt as he kissed my bottom lip.
    He pulled back and stared at me like I was crazy. I laughed again and pulled him out to the fire pit where we sat on the wood stumps together. I linked my arm through his and laid my head on his shoulder. We were quiet for a minute and then I thought of something that I just remembered.
    "Who was howling earlier? I didn’t see you or Cliff do it."
    "Do you really want to know that answer?"
    I raised my eyebrows at him. "Is it bad?"
    He sighed. "It was your brother and Curtis. Curtis wanted to be here when she found out."
    "Zagger is here?"
    Just then a wolf leapt over my head and landed on the opposite side of the fire pit, staring at us.

  2. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2010 8:14pm UTC
    I held back a shriek when the lights went out. I felt around, blind from darkness, and managed to slip my legs under the blankets as Mason’s hands groped around for me and, finding me, pulled me into a comfortable position by his side.
    "How did he answer you without making it noticeable to Ab?" I questioned.
    "He sort of grunted. I’m blocking them out, so I don’t know how he got away with it. I don’t want to know either."
    I blushed and was glad the darkness hid my embarrassment. It was forgotten, however, when his scratchy face rubbed against mine until he found my mouth. "I love you." His lips murmured against mine, but he didn’t kiss me. Maybe he was still being cautious from earlier.
    I put my arms around his neck. "I love you more." His lips formed a smile against mine, and I wished I could see his eyes crinkling up right now. He nudged me, and I smiled at his impatience.
    I gave in, and let the magic that coursed between our mouths take action. He let me stay in charge, so we took it nice and slowly. Like molten hot lava flowing down a volcano. I was in a breathless stupor when he stopped kissing me and leaned our foreheads together, breathlessly inhaling each other’s minty freshness from our previously brushed teeth.
    "You’re so beautiful," he whispered.
    I laughed. "You can see me in this darkness?"
    He kissed my nose. "Of course I can."
    "Well if I could see you, I know you would be looking exceptionally well yourself."
    "I look hot right now. You know I do." His fingers trailed up my spine.
    I grinned. "You feel hot too. I don’t even need a fire with you around." I snuggled closer to him. He lit a fire inside of me! I may get through this mountain chilled night after all.
    Our foreheads were still touching, so I leaned into him so our lips could meet. They were long lost friends by now though, so it turned into a kiss that would have melted wax lips, and made my insides twist into an absolute frenzy of happiness.
    After a few blissful minutes, I pulled away from him to catch my breath and we both fell into a peaceful sleep. Our arms tightly wrapped around each other and all.

  3. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2010 11:16pm UTC
    At first he was just playing, but then the kiss turned a little rough. His hands were hard on my back and neck, and his teeth were piercing my lips. I tried pulling away, but he held me to him and forced my mouth to move with his own.
    I started feeling a little trapped, causing me to panic. I ripped my mouth away from his, and it must have caught him off guard, because he fell on top of me and we both fell to the ground. He attempted to keep kissing me until I freaked out.
    "Get off me! Mason!" When I shouted his name, he finally came to his senses and rolled off of me. I scrambled to my feet and glared down at him.
    "I am so sorry Zoe! I don’t know what came over me." He slowly got to his feet and kept eye contact with me until I looked away.
    "I’m not that kind of girl, so if that’s why you brought me here, you’ll have a rude awakening coming to you."
    "I swear that’s not what I was doing."
    "Fine. Making out isn’t fun, or worth my time, when I feel trapped and you hold me to you like that." I was almost in tears now, and I felt like such a brat.
    He was in front of me now, and his hands were reaching out to me. "I really am sorry. I swear I wasn’t trying to hurt you or offend you. I’m really sorry babe."
    My racing heart was starting to calm down, but I was still a little shaky. I don’t know why though. I mean don’t a lot of girls wish they had Mason kissing them like that? Maybe my angelic side is getting to my devil side, and that’s why I’m feeling guilty right now.
    I shouldn’t feel guilty though, right? I mean, it was only kissing! Maybe we were getting too comfortable with each other. I could really use some advice right now on my sky rocketing emotions! Zagger was the one I wanted to talk to right now and I started missing him.
    I blocked out the never ending apology Mason was giving me, righted my toppled tree stump, and started poking around in the fire with a twig I picked up off the ground.
    He sat on his stump and stared at me as if I was going to start yelling at him or something.
    "We’re going to have to get a leash for you on the nights a full moon is out."
    He let out a shaky breath and stared into the fire. "You think that’s what the cause was?"
    I nodded. "Zane told me today that you have trouble controlling you PMS. Do you normally act different on full moons?"
    He thought for a minute and then looked at me with his mouth hanging open. "I think we figured out one of your little theories!" I patted his mouth shut and turned back to the fire.
    We talked a little more, and I asked a question that just barely popped into my mind. "So, um, what happens to your clothes when you morph?"
    He went into a long and boring process about how they magically disappear and reappear in and out of existence. Or that’s what they suppose happens. He admits that he sometimes feels like his fur is heavier in places where his clothes would be baggy on his human body.
    "I usually take my shirt off, if I have time, before I transform. This is all probably weird mumbo-jumbo to you anyways though, right?"
    "Some of it. I think it’s cool mostly though."
    He hadn’t touched me since our. . . incident. . . so I linked my arm through his and held his hand. He smiled down at me and then he looked up and grimaced. "They’re coming back."
    Right when I was getting into all his wolf stories/ problems. I kissed hi cheek and stood up to put the fire out. He pulled me away from it and poured something over it. Whatever it was, it put the fire out right away! He linked his fingers through mine and we went back through the sliding glass doors and our bedroom to pretend we were snuggling on the couch the whole time.
    It was something else to have his strong arms around me, holding me tight against him, and I remembered other guys that have held me in similar positions, but with not as much effort or desire to actually hold me. Usually their arms were just loosely resting on me, and they felt like dead weights rather than the strong arms of a boyfriend.
    I felt my hair slightly move, and holding really still, I felt it again and this time I heard him inhale deeply. Was he smelling my hair? Oh my, he was. Good thing I buy Almond & Shea Butter shampoo and conditioner by Suave!
    He sat up a little straighter under me, and I could just barely make out the sounds of Abbie and Cliff getting closer and closer. They’ve been gone for about an hour, and I wondered if Mason planned on taking me for a similar ride tomorrow. I hoped he would.
    "Pretend you’re asleep so they’ll go up to their room and leave us alone," He whispered in my ear.
    I rolled over on the couch and sort of laid across his lap so my head rested on the arm of the couch and Mason’s arms went around my back and under my head. His hand on my back took up the role of softly tickling me.
    It felt amazing as I relaxed myself into my false nap. They were right outside the cabin, and once the motors were killed, they came inside, laughing at something. I felt Mason jerking around, so I assumed he was motioning for them to be quiet. They shut up and quietly went up the spiral staircase to their room where I waited to hear their door close before I opened my eyes again.
    Mason’s eyes connected with mine, and I smiled. "Did they just now get back?" We had to play the part incase Cliff was listening.
    "Yes, I’m surprised you didn’t hear them come in. They were noisy." He stroked my cheek and I started to really feel tired.
    "Should we get to bed?" I yawned, no longer faking.
    He nodded and slid his arms under me as he got up. He cradled me and my blanket against his chest as he locked the doors and turned the lights off. He flicked the light on in our room, and gently put me on the bed.
    He cleared his throat. "Are you done with the generator?"
    I looked at him, confused, but he was looking up at the ceiling, waiting for an answer. He nodded, and went to the sliding glass doors where he lifted a picture and flipped a few switches.

  4. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2010 5:56pm UTC
    "Why so quiet?" Mason asked as I handed him a plate to dry.
    I shrugged. "Just lots of things on my mind, I guess."
    He turned my water off and pulled me to him. "Are you okay?"
    I nodded. "Everything in my life just seems to be changing all of a sudden. It’s not a bad thing, I just need to slow sown and take a minute to get used to it is all."
    His fingers trailed up and down my arms as he said, "I love you, and I’ll always be here for you to talk to."
    "I love you too." I’ve heard that line way too many times, but whenever the moment came for me to get something off my chest, something always happened to turn the attention from me. I’ll have to wait a little while more before I try trusting that line from this one.
    He stared into my eyes for a few seconds before he told me to go shower and get ready for bed and he would finish up in the kitchen so we could watch a movie together. I enjoyed the warm water on my lake smelling, chilled skin, and took about fifteen minutes under the waterfall like shower head. It was amazing.
    I was surprised to find that my towel was heated up for me when I finally wrapped it around my body. It felt so nice that I seriously contemplated crawling into bed with it. Of course I didn’t, that would have been weird, so I found my pajamas and looked for a warm blanket to snuggle up in with Mason.
    I found one that looked promising, and went out to the living room with it. Mason was already out there, wearing pajama pants with slightly wet hair, and no shirt. Wow. How can I be the lucky one that he’s chosen to be with? I mean, really! Who get’s to snuggle up with an eight pack and sculpted biceps all the time? Yeah, I didn’t think there were very many girls out there that could.
    "How did you take a shower already?" I plopped down onto the couch, next to him, and he spread my blanket out over us.
    "There’s a shower upstairs. I hurried so you wouldn’t have to be alone." He smiled at me and I loved the way his eyes sort of crinkled at the edges, making his smile that much more breathtaking.
    "You’re too good for me, you know that?"
    He shook his head and kissed me once on the mouth. "I’m not good for you at all. You deserve so much better than me."
    I shook my head, knowing that was impossible, and decided to change the subject. "Has Cliff marked on Abbie?"
    He let out a sigh. "Yes, why? Is she going to break up with him?"
    "No? Why would you think that?"
    "I don’t know. That’s just our worst fears. We’re all afraid that one day the girl we love won’t love us back. Even though we’ll never stop loving them."
    I touched his cheek. "You won’t have to worry about this girl."
    He smiled and I knew he would worry no matter how hard I tried to extinguish that worry.
    Yet again, subject change! "What are we gonna watch?"
    He handed me a remote I hadn’t noticed he held, and tole me to press play. I did, and the beginning credits of a cheerleading movie began playing.
    He shrugged. "it was the only girl movie I could find. My sister must have raided our stash of chick flicks when she left for college."
    I stared at him a few more seconds. I didn’t’ really want to watch a movie anyways. "Aren’t we supposed to be camping?"
    "You don’t watch movies when you’re camping! We should go build a fire or something."
    "I thought you were cold."
    "Hence the fire!"
    He stood up and held his hand out to me. I grabbed it and he led me to the master bedroom.
    "Wait." I paused in the doorway. My heart started thudding against my chest. Really loudly. "I don’t want to be in here either."
    He smiled. "Relax. Put you shoes on."
    Confused, I slid my feet into the flip flops I left at the bathroom door. He pulled me out the sliding glass doors and showed me the fire pit with tree stumps around it for chairs.
    "Oh." I felt a rush of heat in my cheeks ans was glad when he let go of my hand to go start the fire.
    He was an excellent boy scout! The fire was started and blazing withing seconds. He moved two stumps together and put his arm around me when I sat down. "How’s that for a fire?"
    "It’s pretty much the best fire I’ve ever seen. . . and felt! I’m getting warmed right up!"
    We stared into the fire for a second or two before he broke the silence. "I’m sorry again, for the way I acted earlier."
    I kept my eyes on the fire. "I thought we were done on that subject of matter?" Technically speaking, he could have meant more than one ‘earlier’ that involved Alex or Abbie.
    "We are. I just had to confirm it."
    I nodded. "Speaking of earlier, what did you mean about your wolf bite being dangerous?"
    "Don’t you know? Wolf bites transform people into werewolves. But only on the full moon."
    I looked up at the sky. It was a full moon tonight. "How many more legends are true about you guys?"
    "I don’t know. There’s quite a few, but most of the are just that, legends. If they are true, they’re usually a little bit different."
    Interesting. "So if you bit me during a full moon, I would become like you?"
    He hesitated before he nodded. "But you probably wouldn’t be quite like us. I wouldn’t know though. I’ve never seen it happen before."
    "So you’re not like. . . bloodthirsty. . . or anything?"
    "Kind of. Our meals are usually bloody on the inside. But not to the extent that people notice."
    Just the thought of my boyfriend eating raw meant when I wasn’t around made me want to gag! "How raw were your pork chops at dinner?" I made a disgusted look when he tole me he could taste the blood in the meat. "And you’ve been kissing me with those lips?" I smacked his arm and he laughed.
    "It was delicious baby!" He pulled me to him and forced a kiss on my mouth.

  5. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2010 5:18pm UTC
    "You wanna tell me what’s on your mind, honey?" I softly asked her.
    She shrugged. "I can’t."
    I looked at her glum expression and my heart tightened at her dismay. "Says who?"
    "Our mothers."
    "What?" I gasped.
    She nodded and turned around so her back was leaning against the railing.
    I grabbed her arm. "What’s wrong? Is everything okay? You’re not sick or anything, right?" I was starting to imagine her on her death bed and not knowing what was going on.
    She chuckled. "Nothing’s wrong Zo. Everything is right. I’m not supposed to tell you because they wanted to. But since your 18, and I’m almost there, I think you should know. Who knows when they will tell you. I think that they were going to wait until me and you got in a huge fight or something and they would be the ones to keep us together, but I’ve been keeping a secret for three years now, and I can’t keep it much longer!"
    I stared at her, not comprehending a thing she was saying. She was keeping a secret from me for three years?
    "What’s going on?" I whispered.
    She grabbed my hands and stared into my eyes. "We’re half-sisters, Zoe."
    My eyes widened and I had to take a deep breath before I could speak. "You’re joking right? There’s no way possible that we could be sisters!"
    "Right, but we’re half-sisters. We have the same dad! He was some player guy in high school and got both of our mom’s pregnant in a month!"
    "My biological father, Robert Hash, is your dad too?"
    She laughed, "Yes!"
    "How have you known for three years? Why didn’t anyone try to tell me?"
    She shrugged. "It was kind of a sore subject for awhile, but he sent me something for my 15th birthday, and I found a ton of cards and letters stashed away in my mom’s dresser one time when she was at work."
    "They swore me to secrecy when I asked about it, but I’ve had this funny feeling that I should tell you. Plucs I hate keeping secrets from you! And I know you don’t keep secrets from me, so I had to come clean. I don’t even care if I get grounded for it. I was just sick of knowing I had a sister and she didn’t know about it!"
    She pulled me into a hug and I felt myself snap out of my stupor. I hugged her back and we started jumping up and down, laughing and shrieking with joy. The boys came out to see what our commotion was about and Abbie grabbed Cliff and made him dance around with us. "I no longer have secrets from Zoe! We’re half-sisters! Woo hoo! No more secrets!" She sang.
    I looked at Mason and he smiled at me. He knew that I had a secret from her, but it wasn’t my secret to tell. He pulled me into his arms. "Congratulations," he whispered. I felt horrible for having a secret from Abbie! I moaned in to his chest so she couldn’t hear me, but it didn’t matter. She was lip locked to Cliff.
    "Hang on a little longer. I think he plans on telling her tomorrow." I looked up into his eyes and was suddenly just as happy as Abbie was. I mean, I had the perfect boyfriend, and my bestfriend was my sister! Really, what else could make life any better?
    "Sorry I freaked out on you Mason. I was just ready to burst, and Zoe’s emotions triggered me into exploding on you."
    "Don’t worry about it Ab. I’m glad for the two of you. You were practically sisters before! Now I wonder how much more fun you two can have with new things to talk about."
    I hugged him and was glad that he was so nice and considerate to her. He even pulled her into our hug and convinced Cliff to join us in, what he called a ‘very non-gay’ moment.
    Even though it felt like we were only outside for five minutes, it ended up being thirty. The boys used that time where Abbie and I were talking to make us dinner. It was graciously ready for us when we went back inside. We ate some amazing fried pork chops, with a super sweet apple sauce, and white rice. It was delicious, and I was making mental notes about Mason’s cooking for the future. He told me that even though he wants to stay in the car business, he’s always wanted to be a chef in Italy.
    I thought that was pretty amazing, and we now plan on going to Italy at some point in our lives. Mason and I cleaned up the kitchen while Abbie and Cliff took the raptors out for a night ride.

  6. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2010 12:56pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2010 12:41pm UTC
    I went downstairs and leaped into Mason’s arms. "I hope you know I’ve never been canoeing before!"
    He laughed. "That’s okay, you’ll be riding with me."
    "Then why bring two of them?"
    He set me down and pulled me out the door where Abbie and Cliff were waiting. Keeping up my role, I ran to her and we hugged and giggled as we danced in a circle. I let her go and ran back to Mason. "I love you!"
    He pulled me to him. "I knew you would for this!" I hugged Zane and Alex goodbye, and then I was in the front seat by Mason with Abbie and Cliff in the back seat.
    The drive up through Virgin was nice, well except for the jokes Cliff had up his sleeve about the town name, but once we were on the road to Kolob, I really felt like my life was flashing before my eyes on every hair pin turn that Mason swerved around.
    He was going so fast that I had to yell ‘slow down!’ more than once.
    "Haven’t I demonstrated my ability to drive already?" he leaned towards me and I put my hand over his mouth. I wasn’t about to see that trick on these roads.
    "You keep those eyeballs of yours on the road in front of you!" He laughed, but did what he was told. The normally thirty to forty minute drive up the mountain, took us fifteen minutes.
    I hopped out of the truck when he s topped at the cabin, and I had to bend over a bush, holding my stomach. I didn’t vomit, but I sure felt queasy. Mason came over and pulled my hair up out of my face. "I’m driving home." I told him once he made sure I was okay.
    He laughed. "That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day baby!"
    He cradled me in his arms and carried me inside the cabin. "Do you like it?"
    It was such a cute little log cabin! I had a feeling the next couple of days were going to be magic! "I love it." He set me down in the master bedroom and kissed me.
    "This will be our room," he whispered. I blushed. The room was huge, with a sliding glass door that revealed beautiful scenery right in the back yard.
    "I think it’s great. Now how are you going to entertain me out here in the middle of nowhere for the next two days?"
    "I’ve got a few things up my sleeve. Don’t you worry darlin’."
    I pulled him back outside where Abbie and Cliff were unloading the four wheelers. They were Raptor 660's, and I really wanted to ride them!
    "Wanna go for a ride?" Mason put his arms around my waist from behind and I leaned my head back on his chest.
    "Do I get to drive?"
    He laughed. "I don’t think so. These are pretty powerful bikes. I don’t want you getting hurt."
    I turned around and raised my eyebrows at him. "I’m not a girly girl, buster brown! And I’ll be happy to prove that for you."
    I walked over to Abbie. "Mason doesn’t think I should drive because I might get hurt."
    She burst into laughter and handed me a hot pink helmet. I put it on and hopped onto the red flamed Raptor.
    "Coming?" I asked Mason.
    He looked at Cliff, shrugged, then got on the back of me. Abbie handed him a helmet and I glared at him until he finally put it on.
    Abbie winked at me before walking over to Cliff. She handed him a helmet and put a neon green one on her own head. They were Answer helmets, and Mason’s was bright blue, and Cliff’s was neon orange. She motioned for Cliff to move back. He shook his head, so Abbie shrugged and swung her leg around and sat on the front of the bike anyways.
    "I bet they kill them on the first try!" Cliff shouted.
    I started my bike and took off without any hesitation or stalling. I think Mason was a little surprised though, because as soon as I started going into high gear, he clutched my waist and held on tight. I sped down the mini mountain road that the cabin was on, then Abbie and I sped, side by side, on the main road to the reservoir.
    "How did you know where the lake was?" Mason shouted over the noise of the bike.
    "This isn’t my first camping trip sweetie!"
    I parked the bike and shook my hair out after I pulled my helmet off.
    "You are so hot Zoe."
    I looked bact at him, ready to make a smart comment, but he grabbed my face and started kissing me. He was kissing me so hard that I had to pull away because the inside of my lip was bleeding. He gently kissed my bite mark and winked at me.
    "Good thing only my wolf bite is dangerous." He kissed me again and then pulled me off the bike.
    Do wolf bites transform you? Man! I need to get a notebook and write all my questions down! I linked arms with Abbie and we walked down to the boat dock together.

  8. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2010 12:23pm UTC
    He pulled a chair up to me, but I ignored him. I’d have to build him a dog house or something later so he would understand my anger. He gently brushed his fingers against my arm. I shivered in delight, but I clenched my jaw together and kept my eyes shut.
    "I guess I’m just a little jealous of the way you get along so well with Alex. Growing up, I’ve always wished I had a friend like you. You two are always there for each other. You even told me this morning that you give each other massages. I’m sorry for the way I acted, I’m just a little stressed out right now."
    I broke down and opened my eyes. He was warily looking down at his hands, loosely linked together, and my anger ran away for another day, or minute, who knew?
    I put my hand in-between the two of his, "I’m sorry if I’m too comfortable with Alex. I’ll work on tuning that comfort to you, but you do have a bestfriend like he does. I’m your new best friend, okay?"
    He nodded but still seemed upset about something. "What’s wrong?"
    He shrugged. "I just feel like a five year old when I whine and complain like this."
    "It’s okay, Mase. I do it all the time."
    "Yeah, but I’ve always been jealous of Alex. He always hung out with you, he always talked to you, I just don’t understand how I was never in his place!" he was gripping my hand now, and I had to keep myself from pulling away.
    "Because you never tried to? Why does it matter? You have me now. Now him. You heard him say that he’s never thought of me like that."
    "But you have."
    I paused. "What girl doesn’t wish she could date her best guy friend?" I gave up on him awhile ago so I didn’t ruin our friendship. Do you not understand that you’re the one I want now? Last time I checked, you wanted up to be soul mates, right?" He nodded. "I’m not going anywhere. I promise."
    "I’m your best friend?"
    "Unless I need someone to complain to about you, then it’s most likely going to be Abbie."
    "I can deal with that."
    He knelt down in front of me and hugged my stomach. I held his head to my chest and let him hold me tightly for whatever reassurance he needed right now.
    "Should we go finish our movies?" I asked.
    He shook his head and pulled me to my feet. "I’m going to take you out for the weekend. Well, what’s left of it. Will you mind missing school on Monday?"
    "No, but where will you be taking me?"
    "My grandparents have a cabin on Kolob Mountain. Do you want to go ‘camping’ with me?"
    Away with Mason in the wilderness for a couple of days? That sounded absolutely amazing! "I’d love to!" He picked me up and carried me to my room where he told me to pack my bag and he would be back in thirty minutes to pick me up so we could get there before it got all the way dark.
    Part of me wondered, as I packed clothes and makeup into a travel bag, if he was getting me out of town because of what that Adrian guy said about me. How serious was that threat? Should I be worried about it? I had so many questions, and I really wanted to know about what happened this morning when he left me alone with Alex and all the other girlfriends.
    Alex and Zane came into my room and watched as I packed. "May I help you?" They shook their heads. Whatever.
    "You lied to me, you know." I told Alex.
    "I don’t believe I did madame."
    I tossed a book at him. Now that I knew I couldn’t hurt them, I could have the satisfaction of throwing whatever I wanted in my reach. He caught it right before it hit him in the face and smirked at me.
    "He was upset about me and you, and you knew it. Didn’t you?"
    "Nope. Like Zaney here said, he doesn’t know how to control his PMS."
    "Abbie and Cliff are going with you guys, just so you know." Zane said, trying to change the subject. A small part of me died, knowing we wouldn’t be completely alone, but then I cheered up because Abbie and I needed some time together!
    "You idiot!" Alex punched Zane’s arm. "That was supposed to be a surprise!"
    "I’ll act surprised, stop hitting my little brother."
    I called my mom and told her what I was doing. She didn’t mind, because Mason already called her and asked permission for me to go! What a sweetheart! She told me to leave money for Zane, and to have a fun weekend.
    Zane and Alex were going to chill at Alex’s place, but I still gave him the money my mom left earlier. Mason’s truck pulled up outside with a trailer attached that held two four wheelers, and two canoes. Boy I couldn’t wait for th is adventure!

  9. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2010 11:35am UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2010 5:44pm UTC
    That was a shocker! I guess I couldn’t blame them though, Mason was pretty sexy. "Are we going to stand here and glare at Zoe all day, or are we going to do something with our lives?"
    I turned around and seen Alex just walk in and I was glad that he got all the death stares off me. He grabbed my hand and led me to a vacated couch, pulling me down beside him.
    "They’re mad that Mason wouldn’t go out with them, but I was always refused when I actually tried," he complained.
    "They’re missing out on a great opportunity." I winked at him.
    "So are you!"
    "Nuh-uh! I’ve dated you before! Heck I was even your girlfriend for a weekend. We just don’t work out in love. Only in friends."
    "Oh all right then. So what were you and Mason doing?"
    I smirked. "Playing in his room."
    He knew I was joking, and he didn’t believe me. "We were having a Harry Potter movie marathon when I fell asleep during the second movie, and was abruptly woken up to come to this place where he ditched me and all the girls hate me."
    "Very productive day!"
    I nodded in agreement and stretched out on the couch, my head in his lap, facing the ceiling. "How long is it going to take?" I asked, closing my eyes.
    "Dunno. Depends on the situation." seeing as how my nap was rudely interrupted, I found this the perfect moment to sleep.
    Alex didn’t though. "You should entertain me. This could be a long, boring night otherwise."
    "You’re the one that’s supposed to be entertaining me!" I opened my eyes and seen the smirk on his face.
    "I can’t thought. It’s against Mason’s orders."
    "What orders?"
    "I’m supposed to keep my hands off of you."
    Yet his right hand was resting on my stomach, and his left hand was playing with my hair. "We won’t tell him then. Tickle my back." I rolled over and felt myself relaxing under his soothing massage.
    Over the years of being Alex’s friend, massages were always occurring when we were distressed. There’s never anything romantic about it, but while in-between relationships, there have been a couple of make-out incidents from them.
    He knew how to put me to sleep, and I was drifting when one of the glaring girls came over to flirt with him. I didn’t pay attention to what they were saying, but I made sure my legs spread out across the entire length of the couch.
    After a minute or so, she left. "You make it hard for me to get a girlfriend you know? Especially since you’re with my best friend."
    "I thought I was your best friend." I mocked hurt feelings at that.
    "My best guy friend, then."
    "So you really are his best friend? I thought it was Cliff."
    He shrugged. "I don’t know. I guess we’re all each others best friends. Mase and I played together a lot when we were little though, and we’ve known each other the longest. Even though we’re all pretty much brothers, him and I are closer than the others."
    Interesting. "Will you be obliged if I fall asleep? You’re making me relax really amazingly."
    "Go ahead, but when Mason gets here, he won’t be happy about you laying on me like this."
    "Let me deal with Mason."
    I was later informed that I slept for two hours. The longest nap I had taken in a really long time. I woke to the sound of voices. Mason’s was amongst them. They were all chastising Alex for falling asleep, and not keeping and eye out for the girls.
    I knew I was the only reason Alex wasn’t being beat up right now, so I kept my eyes closed and held really still. My arms yearned to reach out to Mason and have him hold me, but I didn’t want Alex to get hurt over what I talked him into doing.
    Strong arms slid under me and I was lifted into Mason’s arms. I could smell his cologne, and I knew it was him that was cradling me against his chest as we walked away from everyone. I put my arms around his neck and pulled myself closer to him. "They won’t hurt him right?" I whispered.
    "No, only two guys are really upset, and they won’t start anything with Alex."
    Feeling relief flow through me, I could turn my attention fully to Mason. "I missed you," I whispered.
    "Really? Seemed like you were just fine with him."
    I heard an edge to his voice and knew I was going to do a lot of sucking up to him so that he wouldn’t stay mad at me. I sighed and unwillingly struggled to get out of his arms. He understood what I wanted and put me down on my feet.
    "I really don’t want us to be. . . I don’t know, mad at each other? You mad at me? Over things I do with Alex." I put my hands on either side of his face and wished I could see his expression in the darkness.
    He didn’t say anything, but he picked me up again and started running. "Are you mad at me?" I whispered.
    I took his silence as a confirmation, and that tore my insides apart. I didn’t want him to be mad at me over my relationship with my best friend. It’s not fair, is it? I’ve been friends with im since as long as I can remember! I’ve gone to him more times than not when Zagger moved out and I needed more comfort than my parents or Abbie could give me. I guess I’m one of those messed up girls that likes to hang out with her guy friends too often.
    Maybe I’ll have to reevaluate the way I act with him if it upsets Mason and our relationship. I honestly didn’t want to patronize my relationship with him, but I also didn’t want to lose my best friend. We were out of the tunnel now, and I could see that Mason’s face was stern and stared straight ahead.

  11. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2010 11:22pm UTC
    "Okay, I just grabbed a bunch of my favorites, and a couple I thought you might like. Pick one."
    He held out the movies in front of me to look through, and I was surprised that his favorites were some of mine as well. I picked a Harry Potter movie at random, and he talked me into having a Harry Potter movie marathon, so we started with the first.
    "I’m a huge Harry Potter fan Zoe! This is going to be an amazing day!" He sat down with me and I immediately made myself comfortable in his arms.
    "I’m glad you are, because I am too! I always wished for a Hogwarts letter when I turned eleven! I cried for a week and wouldn’t talk to anyone when I didn’t get one."
    He laughed. "I had a similar reaction, only it was more like a month. . ."
    I smiled and kissed his cheek. He really was my perfect guy! I can’t believe how lucky I am to have him like me so much and finally approach the relationship between us. I am so darn glad that I was the one he wanted to share his secrets and parts of his life with me.
    We relaxed together on his couch, talking and laughing together as we watched our movies. I ended up falling asleep in his arms during the second movie, but I didn’t know this until later when I was shaken awake and violently pulled to my feet.
    "What’s going on?" I mumbled.
    "Mason tried to make me walk, but I staggered and almost fell over, so he picked me up and he ran downstairs.
    "What’s going on?" I asked again.
    "I’ll tell you in a minute, so just stop talking!" Shocked that he would talk to me like that, I shut up and paid attention to where he was taking me.
    He ran us out to his backyard where I was airborne for a split second until I landed on his wolf back. I didn’t have time to register what happened, because he was speeding through the trees so fast that they were just a blur in my vision.
    I held onto his fur as tight as I could to keep from falling off his back. We skidded to a stop that sent me flailing over his back, in the air, and I screamed as I fell to the floor, being caught in his human arms right before my face was about to smash into the ground.
    He held me to his chest and covered my eyes so I couldn’t see where we were going. I buried my head against his chest so he could support me with two arms, and he started running again. I was dying to ask what was going on, but I forced myself to stay quiet and focus on the smell of Mason to keep from getting motion sickness, and then we were running downhill.
    "You can look now," he said, loosening his grip on me as he slowed to a walk.
    "Where are we?" I asked as I looked around. We were in what looked like an underground cave. Roots and dirt was visible through the ceiling and walls, and the floor was covered in dirt and loose rocks.
    "I can’t tell you, but you’ll be safe here. If you try to get out you’ll get lost, so I need you to stay here. Understand?"
    "No, I don’t understand! Are you leaving me?"
    "Yes, I have to help with something, and I don’t want you to be exposed to what’s out there." He tried to set me down on my feet, but I clung to him with as much strength as I could muster in my drowsy arms right now.
    "I don’t want to be left here alone without you!"
    He laughed and easily pulled my arms and legs of of him. "Other girls will be here soon, so you won’t be alone. Zane will probably be the one sent here to guard you guys, so you’ll be fine."
    "I don’t want you to leave me though!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tight.
    "I know, I don’t want to either, but there are five vamps in the area and since I’m Steve’s secondhand man, I have to go help out incase anything happens to him or Ryan."
    "Who will protect me if you’re not here? Zane will feed me to the enemy!" I joked, knowing he wouldn’t.
    He leaned down and planted a kiss on my forehead. I held him tight and inhaled his scent. "I’ll be back in a couple of hours." He pulled my arms off and ran out of sight.
    It felt weird, watching him leave me, and I felt like running after him. "You won’t be able to catch him," a voice said to my left.I peered into the darkness around me and made out the shape of a girl taller than me, leaning against the wall. "I’m Amy, Ryan’s girlfriend." She extended her hand out to me and I hesitantly shook it. "He’ll be back before you know it. The girls have things in here to do to make the time pass."
    I didn’t know what to say, so I just followed her deeper into the cave, trailing my hands along the walls because I couldn’t see, and hoping that there weren’t any creeping crawlers on the walls that my hands might accidentally touch.
    My eyes could detect light ahead and we were soon in a room that was being lit by propane lamps. There were about ten girls in there, some I knew, and some I didn’t. They all had gloomy looks on their faces.
    "Cheer up girls! We have a new girl among us!" Amy exclaimed.
    They all looked up and glared at me. Shocked, I looked over at Amy to see if she knew why they were giving me dagger looks. "Mason wouldn’t ever date them, so the had to resort to less, sexier guys."

  12. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2010 11:15pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2010 8:56pm UTC
    "I was only joking! Haha! You should have seen your face sweetie!" I put my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.
    Alex recovered from laughing long enough to say, "Why did you have to give it back man? She’s already letting them burn!" Then he was laughing again as Mason and I scrambled to flip the pancakes.
    I threw out the bad ones, and stuck to making eggs while Mase finished what was left of the pancake batter. I put a laughing Zane and Alex to work at setting the table. It took them a while to stop laughing, and then we ate our breakfast.
    While I was eating, I was dreading the list of chores my parents had left to be done before they got back. "What’s on your mind, Miss Thoughtful?" Mason asked as I picked at my food.
    "Just the chores I have to get done before I can go anywhere today."
    "Well what do you have to do?"
    I listed off my usual Saturday chore list. "Vacuum, dust, mop, clean bathrooms, scrub counter tops, wash windows, and mow the lawn."
    "You do all of that?" He asked, shocked.
    "I do half of it," Zane muttered with a full mouth.
    "I’ll help you so it gets done faster. How does that sound?" Mason said to me.
    "That sounds amazing. I’ve been trying for years to get Alex to help me, but all he does is sit around and watch me!"
    "That’s right! I work too hard to clean the house! The wife does the house work where I’m concerned!" Alex said with a smug smile.
    "It’s okay babe, I’m not a lazy scumbag that sits around and does nothing."
    I cleaned the kitchen as the boys argued about whether or not guys should do housework. Typical boys. At least Mason was on my side.
    Alex and Zane went to mow the grass and Mason started to help me clean the four bathrooms in my house.
    "When are your parents going to be back?" he asked, dumping cleaner in the toilet and scrubbing it clean.
    "Uh, they get back on Monday I think. Probably sometime before we get home from school. Why?"
    "I just wondered how many more times I was going to be allowed to sleep over."
    I looked over at him and he winked at me.
    "Does your mom know where you were last night?"
    He shrugged. My jaw dropped. "What? Are you serious? What if she’s called to cops or something?"
    "Whoa, Zoe! Calm down. I was just kidding. I always tell her if I’m not coming home."
    I put my hand over my heart and felt how fast it was beating. "You okay? Your heart is flying 90 mph!" He pulled me into his arms and patted my back.
    "I just had an image of your mom hating me."
    He couldn’t stop laughing at that. "Why would my mom hate you?" he asked between laughs. I shrugged, I forgot the reason once I was in his arms.
    "Well, don’t worry, I don’t think she’ll ever have a reason to hate you. And now I got you back from the incident in the kitchen." I laughed and he kissed me. I broke away and pushed him back to the toilet to get his work done.
    I missed his arms around me, so I worked faster so that we could cuddle up on the couch with a movie and blanket later on. After a few minutes, Mason picked up on my vibes and started cleaning as fast as I was.
    "Have you been put to work before? Because you are an excellent house cleaner!" I told him as we were dusting the living room.
    "I was a little trouble maker, so my mom punished me by forcing me to clean the house."
    "She’s a very good mother for doing that then. My mom did that to me and Zag, but not so much to Zane." I vacuumed upstairs and Mason did downstairs and we finished at the same time.
    "Oh yeah! We’re done!" Mason sang. He picked me up and put me over his shoulder so he could dance outside and show Zane and Alex that we were done. They weren’t alone though.
    Three of their werewolf friends were sitting on the back porch with them, the lawn mowers untouched. Embarrassed that I was still in my pajamas, I ran back inside without getting mad at Zane for not doing his work.
    I went up to my room to shower and get ready for the day. I was putting on my makeup when Mason came in to see what made me run away.
    "I wasn’t even dressed! I just wanted to get dressed before I was paraded around your friends. Is that a problem?"
    "Of course not! I’m sorry I didn’t know they were out there. You’re beautiful to me no matter what you’re wearing, so it didn’t cross my mind that you would be upset over that. I told them that if they wanted to stay, they had to mow the lawns."
    "Did they?"
    Right on cue, I heard the lawn mower fire up and I looked out my doors to see all five of the boys playing on the lawn mowers. I rolled my eyes and finished with my makeup.
    "What do you want to do today? I’m all yours." Mason came up behind me and started massaging my shoulders.
    I thought for a minute about what I wanted to do and tried to relax under his hands.
    "You’re really tense Zoe. Are you okay?" I shrugged and finished putting on my makeup.
    He continued working on the knots in my back and shoulders and took the hint that I didn’t really want to talk. I finished up and waited for him to stop massaging me.
    "You okay?" He knelt down next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
    I nodded. "I’ve never been able to let people besides Alex massage my back before."
    "Why’s that?" He picked my hand up and kissed my fingers.
    I smiled. "It either hurts, tickles, or feels uncomfortable."
    "So mine was good?" He asked with a grin on his face.
    "It was absolutely perfect, and I really needed to relax. Thank you."
    "Anytime." He kissed my hand like guys used to in old movies. "So what do you want to do?"
    "We, you and me, should cuddle up on the couch with a blanket and watch movies all day." I spun my chair to face him and put my hands around his neck.

  14. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2010 12:39am UTC
    I must have dozed off, because I woke with a start when I felt fingers touching my face. Mason had a finger over his mouth, telling me to be quiet, and helped me untangle myself from Alex’s arms and blanket without waking him up.
    He started to pick me up, but I pushed him away. Zane’s neck was in a weird angle, and I wanted him to be laying flat before I left him. Mason, understanding what I was trying to do, picked him up without any effort and laid him out on the couch in a more comfortable position.
    "Thank you," I whispered.
    He nodded and carried me up to my room. "You didn’t have to wait for me. You could have gone to bed." He told me when we were in my room.
    "I was going to, but Alex almost attacked me when I put a blanket on him, so I was talking to him until we fell asleep. Where have you been?"
    "I’m sorry. I didn’t expect to be gone that long. I had to do some stuff for Steve so that I would be cleared for the rest of the weekend."
    I curled up next to him on my bed and felt his breathing deepen until I was pretty sure he was completely asleep. It took me a little bit longer though. I was wide awake now, and Mason started snoring. I couldn’t believe my luck! My perfect boyfriend snores? I guess not everyone can be perfect in every way. I rolled over so that my back was to him, and that helped a little.
    I woke up to birds singing outside my open balcony doors. Confused as to why they would be open, I got up and went to find nothing unusual. Starting to freak out, I ran to my bathroom and shut and locked the door. I realized a second too late that someone was in my shower.
    "Zoe? What are you doing?" Mason poked his head out of the shower and was grinning at me.
    I ran out as fast as I could, completely forgetting that Mason was in my house last night! I wrapped my robe around me and went downstairs to make breakfast. Zane came in when the scent of bacon began to roam through the house, and started harassing me.
    "You’re cooking Zoe? I didn’t think that was possible."
    I rolled my eyes and thought about how stupid I felt for forgetting that Mason was in my house. And I walked in on him while he was in my shower! I really couldn’t believe that I forgot my own boyfriend was in my house!
    I started whipping up pancake batter when I felt strong arms slide around my waist. "Why did you run away screaming?" Mason asked in my ear.
    My face instantly reddened and I just shrugged. "Because I didn’t realize you were in there until I had already shut and locked the door."
    He laughed and kissed the side of my neck before letting go of me to flip the bacon. "Sorry I zonked out on you by the way. I didn’t realize how tired I was."
    "It’s all good. I fell asleep a bit after, so no worries." I smiled. "You do snore though."
    "Yeah! He sounds like a freaking freight train! I’m surprised you got any sleep Zoe!" Alex came in and sleepily leaned against the kitchen counter.
    "Oh whatever, I do not!" He hesitated. "Do I Zoe?"
    I laughed. "Not like a freight train, but almost!"
    "I’m sorry babe. I didn’t know that!"
    I laughed again and finished flipping my pancakes. "Don’t worry about it. I fell asleep eventually."
    He took the pancake flipper away from me and forced me to sit down and he took over. "You haven’t even eaten any of my food and you’re already taking over so you don’t have to eat any of it?"
    Nobody has ever given me back my cooking utensils as fast as Mason had just then. Alex and Zane were doubled over, laughing until they were blue in the face.
    "I’m so sorry, Zoe! I didn’t mean that. I was just feeling bad that you didn’t get much sleep. I was wanting you to rest. I’m so sorry!" He scrambled for words, not knowing what to say until he seen the amused look on my

  15. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2010 12:37am UTC
    When I settled down in my room to get ready for bed later that night, I went through the amazing time I spent with Mason. We ended up going to eat at Olive Garden, Mason wanted to make it up to me from when we went to Durango’s instead, and then we went to the park and ate homemade ice-cream sundaes until ten at night. It was so fun!
    I always liked going on dates with Abbie, and this time was no different. Mason, I decided, wasn’t as outspoken as Cliff was. Cliff had a fire mouth, and he loved seeing how far he could go before I would glare at him to silence his swearing.
    They were huge jokester’s, and more than once, I got ice cream shoved in my face. Abbie and I were pretty good at getting them back though. Besides all the fun we were having, there were a couple of times when Mason’s arms cinched tight around my waist and he looked around with wary eyes.
    If Abbie noticed it, she didn’t acknowledge it, but before we dropped them off at her house, she looked at me with a look I knew was full of unanswered questions she would drill me with later.
    Mason had to go do something for Steve, so he dropped me off at my house. "I’ll miss you," I whispered, one hand on my door handle, the other still clutching his.
    "I’ll be one hour tops! I promise." He kissed my hand and I got out of the truck. He waited until I was inside before he drove away and I felt lonely with him not by my side.
    I went to the living room to find Alex and Zane, but they were both unconscious on my couch. I attempted to take Zane up to his bed, but that was impossible. I used to be able to pick him up and take him to bed, but
    now he was too heavy for me!
    I went and got blankets instead. When I came back and put a blanket on them, Alex woke up and almost attacked me.
    "I’m so sorry Zoe! I was dreaming and I woke up and you were touching me!" He tried to explain.
    "I was only putting a blanket on you! Now shut up so Zane doesn’t wake up!"
    "I’m really sorry. I didn’t hit you did I?" he asked worriedly.
    "No, just relax and go back to sleep. I’m sorry for waking you."
    "Where’s Mason?" he asked, rubbing his eyes with a huge yawn.
    "I don’t know. He left me saying he’d be back. That was about five minutes ago."
    "He’ll probably be a while then. Might as well make yourself comfortable. Steve might make him go longer since he’ll be with you all day tomorrow."
    I sat down next to Alex and let him tickle my back "what is he doing?"
    He yawned again before answering. "We have watch posts on the outskirts of town that we have to keep our eye on every now and then. Steve is still worried about the incident we had at the beginning of the week."
    "Will he get hurt?" I started to feel worried.
    He snorted with laughter. "Yeah right. If anything is out there, he won’t be alone. Besides, Mase is pro at this kind of thing."
    "Why didn’t you ever introduce me to him?"
    He sighed. "I don’t know. I almost did, when you were with Curtis, but I told him and he flipped out on me, so I kept quiet."
    I laid down across his lap and he started massaging my shoulders. He was great at massages! I taught him exactly the way I like it. I’m glad he’s paid so much attention over the years. Now if only Zane would pay attention to my lessons. . .

  16. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2010 2:45pm UTC
    He kissed the top of my head before turning to get in his truck.
    "See you later," he muttered as he slammed his door.
    I watched as he drove away and wished there was something I could do with whoever these ‘people’ were that were making him so stressed out. If there was some truce between them, shouldn’t the vamps be keeping to it? Whatever. I’ll try and keep my mythical life down to the wolves. That seems like the best idea. I don’t want to be getting involved with anything else. I couldn’t handle that right now.
    I ignored all the questions Abbie was asking me about what just happened while I took her home. I guess her and Cliff were just walking out to my car when they seen Adrian walk away and Cliff left Abbie to run to his car and left without saying goodbye to her. I dropped her off, making sure she was going to come over to my house so we could get ready together for our date tonight and I raced to my house to find my parents gone again.
    They left a note and some cash, saying they wouldn’t be back until Monday, and that they would bring us back souvenirs from wherever they were going. I trudged up to my room and dumped my bag before looking for Zane. I found him in his room, lying on his back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling with a bored expression.
    "Anything wrong buddy?" I asked, I lied next to him and felt him breathing.
    "Mom and dad are gone again, and you’re going to leave soon."
    "Well then, that is a problem then, isn’t it? You should call up a cute girl and come on our date with us." He groaned at the suggestion.
    "What would I do with them if I did?"
    "Whatever we’re doing! You’ve gone on dates before, you can’t tell me that you don’t know how to make a girl have a good time! Stop being a lazy bum and pick up the phone."
    He didn’t say anything so I got up. "We’re leaving at 7:30, so give the girl plenty of time to get ready if you choose to come with us."
    I left him to make up his mind and I went to my room to get some homework out of the way so I could be with Mason all weekend. If that was possible. Steve might make him run some shifts and then I’d be sad that he’s out protecting the town from the pesky vampires while I’m home alone.
    I worked on a paper that wasn’t due for two more weeks and got it finished! I was so proud of myself that I ran through the house rejoicing.
    "What in the world are you doing?" Zane asked when I ran past him and ruffled his hair.
    I ignored him and went back to my room where I showered and got ready for my date. Forty minutes later, Abbie showed up and started making a masterpiece out of my hair while telling me all about Cliff and how much she liked him.
    I listened without really listening, and she didn’t seem to mind. Zane came in and watched us, sitting on my bed, and I asked him if he called a girl to go on a date with him.
    "I just called some friends to come over. We’ll play video games or something boring like that."
    "You chicken!" I teased.
    "They’re not like me Zoe. I just don’t want to get too involved with girls right now. I’m waiting for my soul mate."
    "Wow Zane. It’s just a date, not a marriage commitment," Abbie said sarcastically.
    "You don’t understand Abbie. Just mind your own business."
    "Be nice Zane!" I said, glaring at him in the mirror.
    He got up and walked out my room. "What’s his problem?" Abbie asked.
    "I have no idea," I said, knowing exactly what his problem was.
    I turned our conversation away from Zane and got her talking about Cliff again until she had nothing else to say without repeating herself a million times.
    We finished getting ready and went downstairs to find Mason and Cliff talking with Zane and Alex.
    "Where’s your girl, Alex?" I asked, hugging Mason and turning to look at Alex.
    "Just gonna hang out with Zane and some other guys tonight. Since you have a real boyfriend and all now." He smirked at me and winked at Mason.
    Small talk was passed around before we said our goodbyes and I reminded Zane that there was money on the counter for some pizza or something. We all hopped in Mason’s truck, me and Mase in the front, and Ab and Cliff in the back. Perfect double date ready to happen!
    "Where are we going?" Abbie asked.
    "It’s a surprise," Mason said loudly right as Cliff was about to tell us.
    He glared at Cliff in the mirror and Cliff shut his mouth. Abbie and I laughed and then I turned my attention to Mason. I couldn’t help myself when my heart fluttered in my chest as I looked at him. He looked over at me and laughed quietly to himself.
    I moved to sit in the middle seat next him him. "What’s so funny?" I whispered in his ear.
    "Babe, why is your heart beating so quickly?" he asked, putting his arm around me.
    "Oh my gosh, you can hear that?" I asked, shocked.
    "I have really awesome ears."
    "This is so unreal!" I whisper yell so only he can hear.
    "Sorry, I try not to make a big deal about it because it freaks people out, but I couldn’t resist with you since you know about my secret."
    "I’ll have to try and monitor my heart from now on when I’m with you!" I kiss his cheek and snuggle up under his arm for the rest of the ride to our mysterious destination.

  17. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2010 12:45am UTC
    I ran to my bathroom and quickly showered. There was nothing like a hot shower to calm you down. Well, except maybe a bubble bath. Anyways, I put on some cute pajamas and picked up my room a little bit. It wasn’t messy, but I stowed away some papers that were left out from earlier and took my throw pillows off my bed and transferred them to the couch.
    I usually slept with them all on my bed, but I planned on having a life like teddy bear sleeping with me tonight. I combed my hair and then walked down the hall to check ion Zane. He wasn’t in his room, but I found him downstairs watching tv in the living room.
    "It’s a school night." I reached for the remote to turn it off.
    He rolled his eyes at me and moved his arm out of my reach. "I’ll go to bed when this is over."
    "Fine, lock the house up before you go to bed."
    I turned to leave but he was suddenly standing in front of me, blocking my exit.
    "I’m sorry for the way I acted. Earlier and ever since Friday night. It won’t happen again. I promise." I gave him a hug and told him it was alright. I knew he was really sorry.
    His movie was back on and he let go of me to sit in front of the tv again. Boys. Tv is their life sometimes. I don’t understand it.
    I rolled my eyes and went back to my room. I would have screamed when arms were suddenly around my waist, but I knew it was Mason, and I knew nothing could hurt me while I was in his strong, warm arms.
    "Is your mom okay with this?" I asked him. I put my hands over his on my waist and we walked out to my balcony.
    "She doesn’t care, it’s your parents I’m worried about."
    He pulled me down on the porch swing I had set up and he gently rocked us back and forth with his feet.
    "What they don’t know won’t hurt them." My parents trusted me, so if they did find out then I would just have to fake some tears and act innocent. My brothers hated that I could get out of my dad’s wrath when I was sad. He hates tears.
    We talked for what seemed like forever. I’m sure it was on ly an hour or so, but the last thing I remembered was him telling me he loved me before I fell asleep in his arms.
    After my very interesting day and night with Mason, I met a lot of his friends, and found out that most of them were werewolves. They all grew up together and most of them began to change around the same time. I really enjoyed hearing all about Mason’s stories, and he loved telling them to me.
    We went through the rest of the week like any other week except for now I wasn’t keeping my eye out for guys I’d like to date anymore, I was keeping my eye out for the cute, quirky, silly little things that Mason was always doing. Whether it was just the two of us, or if it was hanging out with his friends. I loved the way he
    made sure to include me in things, but I didn’t always join in of their conversations, and he felt bad for leaving me out when I didn’t understand what they were talking about.
    "I just like watching you and listening to what you and your friends joke about," I told him Friday after school when he was complaining about it.
    "Now that’s not a good thing Zoe. Even I know that some of the things we say aren’t appropriate for your poor sensitive ears, babe."
    I laughed and pulled him out to our cars. We started parking next to each other in the parking lot and it made for great kissing opportunities after school. I was waiting for Abbie to show up to take her home, so Mase stayed with me before he left to put in a couple of hours at the garage before we went on a double date with Ab and Cliff.
    Alex was supposed to meet up with us, but it only depended on if he could get a date or not. Abbie already chewed him out pretty good for bringing Cherrie, so I don’t think he’ll make that stupid mistake anytime in the near future if he wanted some of his body parts.
    "I wish you didn’t have to leave me," I whined to him. Just like I had every day after school.
    He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead. "You’ll see me soon enough, I promise." He winked and I rolled my eyes.
    "Yeah you better!" I playfully punched his arm. It was no use trying to hurt the guys in my life anymore. They were all super human and my lashing out didn’t even phase them anymore now that I knew why I couldn’t hurt them.
    "Abusive relationships are harmful to the soul." Mason tensed and I turned to see who was talking to us. It was a guy that I recognized from somewhere. I didn’t know where, but I knew I’d seen him before.
    "Mind your own business Carter," Mason called over his shoulder.
    "It was only a statement Bourne." I assumed Carter was a last name since he just called Mason by his last name, but he walked over to us until we were a few feet apart from each other.
    "We don’t need your commentary around here. You need to leave us alone and go back to wherever you came from. Now." Mason had his hands around my wrists and he was gripping them tightly.
    I looked up at his face and he was glowering at the guy that had so rudely interrupted the little time I had with Mason before we were separated for a few hours. I looked over at the guy and he had a smile on his face that made me a little unnerved.
    "Who are you? And what do you want?" I finally asked.
    His gaze snapped to me and Mason groaned. "I’m Adrian, and I want you to tell your boyfriend here that if he does what we want him to do then we’ll leave him alone."
    I suddenly knew where I had seem him before. He was one of the guys that came to the garage with that Gerald dude. I didn’t notice immediately because for most of the visit I was trying to figure out why some guy was giving me painful headaches. Then I found out half the guys in my life, including my best friend and brothers, are part time wolf boys. My life just keeps getting more and more interesting.
    "Okay, well he doesn’t want to do what you want him to do, and I’m pretty sure he can kick your sorry little a-" Mason put his hand over my mouth and I glared at Adrian.
    "Yes, he can kick it, but not if he’s smart and keeps his distance."
    "Just like you should be!" Mason shouted that and I was glad that the parking lot was empty so that nobody hear him yelling at a stranger.
    "You might want to keep an eye on her Bourne. She’s a pretty girl. We wouldn’t want anything bad happening to her." And with that, Adrian turned around and seemed to disappear out of sight behind cars that looked impossible to hide his tall frame.
    Mason pinched the bridge of his nose with one hand, and wound his other arm tightly around my waist. I loved his arm around me, but I hated seeing him so distressed. I gently touched his cheek and he slowly opened his eyes to look at me. I managed a small smile before he enveloped me in both of his arms.

  18. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2010 12:36pm UTC
    We pulled away at the same time and we both had satisfying smiles on our faces.
    "I really think I’m in love with you Zoe."
    I looked into his eyes and felt something inside of me come alive. Almost as if a part of me was locked up in side and Mason was the only one who held the key for me to feel the sensations racing through me when he was touching me.
    I touched his cheek and traced his lips with the tip of my finger. "I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you as well. I love you," I whispered.
    We stayed outside for a few more minutes, staring up at the stars in each others arms. When we finally went back inside, I noticed my parents were still gone. While Mason changed, I called my mom’s cell phone. It took a million rings, but she finally answered.
    Wow. Sometimes I think my parents are still teenagers. Turns out they went to Las Vegas for the night and forgot to mention that little detail to their kids that they wouldn’t be home. Thanks mom and dad, if I did that I would have been grounded!
    Oh well, it gave me more time with Mason! I didn’t mind that one bit. I started for my room with two Mountain Dews in my hand and I was met halfway up the stairs by my gorgeous boyfriend. Unfortunately he was no longer shirtless. Darn.
    "You’re beautiful," he said, snaking an arm around my waist and taking the sodas out my hand and pulling me to my bedroom.
    "My parents decided to leave me with Zane for the night, so you should stay with me so I don’t get scared." I looked at him with pleading eyes and he laughed.
    We sat on the couch and I curled up into his side with his arms tightly around me. "I can’t, I have a home and mother of my own."
    "But your mom likes me doesn’t she? She won’t mind if you stay with me, will she?"
    He sighed and I sat up to look at him. Did he not want to stay with me? No, that thought was tossed out when he pulled me into yet another amazing kiss. "How about I stay until you fall asleep?"
    "Okay." I made sad eyes at him and he kissed me again.
    "If I stay the whole night I’ll have to run home and get stuff for school tomorrow. Will that be a problem for you?"
    I clapped my hands and grabbed his face to kiss him. "That’s not a problem at all! It’ll give me just enough time to shower and be ready for bed by the time you get back."
    "You’re lucky I love you." He kissed me like he did when we were outside by the pool before he got up and walked out of my room. I knew he would be back in a few minutes, but I wanted to cry when I seen him walk out my door.

  19. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2010 3:16pm UTC
    "So are you going to tell me what was going on with my brother?" I asked. We got out of the water and he pulled two pool chairs together so we could sit side by side.
    "It’s actually kind of weird, what I’m about to tell you, so if you don’t want weird tell me."
    "I think I’m beyond weird when my boyfriend is a werewolf."
    He sighed. "Zane is jealous of me because he hasn’t found the right girl yet. Well, something like that."
    "That doesn’t make any sense. He’s only sixteen, he’s got plenty of time."
    "Yeah, well time to us is different to what you refer time to."
    I stared up at the stars and waited for him to continue. "You’ve read vampire and werewolf books haven’t you?" I nodded. "Well, don’t most of them tell how the wolves kind of find their soul mates?"
    I looked at him and I wondered if I was his soul mate. "Yeah, so?"
    "Well we have a weird connection to finding our soul mates too. And he’s worried that he won’t ever find his.
    We all tell him that he had time, not everyone of us have found ours, but he doesn’t listen sometimes to what we say. So he doesn’t like me because I’ve. . . found mine and. . ."
    "He hasn’t. . ." I finished.
    "Something like that."
    "You say you’ve found your soul mate?" I questioned.
    He nodded and reached out to hold my hand. "If she’ll have me."
    "How do you know if I’m your soul mate? We’ve only been together for three days."
    "In my mind we’ve been together since I was twelve. I knew you before I changed, but after I changed, you were the only girl I wanted to be with. At first I thought it was really weird how I was so obsessed with you. I got in good with Alex and your brother so I could get to know you more, but whenever they offered for me to meet you I would always decline and sit in my room like a jealous five year old not getting the toy he wanted at the grocery store with his mom."
    "How does it work?"
    "We’re not really sure. Only a couple of us have done it, but most of them don’t want it to happen. Like Curtis for example. He’s a party guy, and he’s always with different girls. He’s afraid of commitment. That’s another reason he didn’t let you get back together yesterday. Zagger told him I marked on you and he backed off. He never knew, but that was the way I wanted it. Only Zagger, Cliff, and Alex knew. And now Zane of course."
    "You ‘marked’ on me?" That sounded like a dog marking his territory!
    "Yeah. . . like how a normal dog does. . . I know it’s weird, but it’s in our blood."
    So was I linked to him for the rest of my life now? What if I didn’t want to be with him for the rest of my life? What would happen to him? What would happen to me? "Has a girl ever not wanted to be marked?"
    He shrugged. "I know it’s weird, and if you want me to back off I will. But you’ll be the only girl for me. Steve’s girlfriend left him and he’s never dated another girl since. If I wasn’t trying to make our relationship as humane as possible for you I’d already have told you the L word."
    I looked back up at the stars and smiled. He loved me? I was just thinking I loved him earlier. Did that mean we would get married and have a family together? Thinking about it, I really wanted it to happen.
    I could see myself having a life with him.
    "What if I don’t want a humane relationship?" I was still looking at the stars, so I didn’t see his reaction to
    what I said.
    Then all of a sudden I was in his lap kissing him. He had pulled me onto him by the hand he was holding earlier, and when our lips met, I knew we were meant to be together. We were soul mates.

  20. girl_coming_out_of_shell girl_coming_out_of_shell
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2010 5:50pm UTC
    "I think I know what this is about." Alex pushed me out of the pool house and locked the door.
    What the heck? Whatever. I went back over to the pool and sat on the edge with my feet dangling.
    "What’s going on?" Abbie asked with concerned eyes.
    "I don’t even know. I think he’s jealous of Mase, but that’s still no reason for him to be acting like he is. Alex made me go out and I think he’s talking to him. He said he knows what’s going on, but whatever. I’m having such a crazy day, I’m just waiting for another head explosion to happen to complete my day."
    "That’s not gonna happen, and if it did there would be some other head explosions on the guy that gives it to you." Mason hopped onto the wall by me and pulled me into his side.
    "A guy is giving you headaches?" Abbie asked.
    Mason threw his head back and I racked my brains for an excuse to give her. Cliff was the one who saved us. He pulled Ab to him and they were passionately kissing. I rolled my eyes and Mason sighed in relief. Then his head snapped up and he was staring in the direction of the pool house.
    Zane and Alex were still in there with the door shut, so I figured his ears caught something. "What are they talking about?" I turned his face to look at me and he made a face at me.
    "I’ll tell you later. I’m just glad that you’ve never done what Zane suggested earlier."
    I shook my head. "Alex is right, we’ve never liked each other in that way, he knew that, so I don’t know why he brought it up."
    "Because he wants me to be punished for dating you. Don’t ask questions, I’ll tell you later."
    I was about to protest and demand to know why my brother would punish him but he cut off my means of speaking with is mouth moving against mine. I tried pulling away, I didn’t want Abbie and Cliff to see us kissing, but he held me to him and I just let my mouth do what they were born to do.
    Oh man, it’s a really good thing that Curt made me stay with this boy, no, this man, because he’s been holding back on me. Wow. That’s all I can say from that kiss. Wow.
    He broke away from me and we were both gasping for air. Abbie was grinning at us and I felt myself blushing. I didn’t care though, I really liked Mason, maybe even love? No, not after three days of going out with him. That’s not possible! Is it?
    Alex and Zane came out and dived into the pool like nothing happened. Cliff and Mason started horsing around with them, so Abbie and I stayed on the side of the pool. I guess as long as they are cool with each other. But I definitely wanted some answers later.
    "So, what’s he like?" Abbie asked me.
    I looked at her and had to hide a smile trying to present it self. Now just thinking about him even though he was only a few feet away from me, I felt tingly all over. She even rubbed my arm where a few goose bumps formed.
    "Somebody’s in love!" she said in a sing-song voice. I nudged her and we giggled together. The boys could probably hear us, but they continued their rowdy dunking game.
    "I can’t be in love after only three days can I?" I whispered.
    "I don’t know babe, if it’s real it can happen at anytime. Don’t you believe in love at first sight?"
    "Well if it was love at first sight we would have been dating a long time ago. We have been going to school together for the last ten years!"
    I moved here in the second grade, so we didn’t go to kindergarten or first grade together. Every year after that I’ve known who he was though. I probably had a little crush on him when I was little or something, but not like I do now.
    "Love is mysterious. Just go with it."
    "Kay. How’s Cliff?" She shoulder bumped me and I knew she was pretty serious about him too.
    "Let’s just say that we jumped on the right crush bus this time."
    We burst into laughter and ended up falling into the water from laughing so hard. We swam until 9:00 or so, then Abbie, Alex, and Cliff left. Zane awkwardly said sorry to Mason and I before leaving to go to his room, and it was just the two of us out under the stars.


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