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Member Since: 27 Apr 2010 07:29pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 107404

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  1. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2010 12:39pm UTC
    I finally realized why relationships in the older days worked out so much better; they didn't have phones to break up with each other over; they didn't have computers to spread rumors. They only had the love they shared :)

  2. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2010 11:03am UTC
    & and just when you thought they were the best friend you'd ever have
    After all the fun times
    All the crying phone calls over [him]
    after all the secrets
    after all the fights
    They turn around and stab you; not in the back;but
    in the [h e a r t]
    Fave if you have been through this </3

  3. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2010 10:02pm UTC
    you are the peanut to my butter,
    cocoa to my puff,
    movie to my popcorn,
    ice cream to my cake,
    age to my birthday,
    game to my game-boy,
    cookie to my milk,
    frosting to my cupcake,
    and the Pink to my Heart
    Lazy with the color. no jocking please its all me except for the first two lines

  4. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2010 6:12pm UTC
    Never frown; you never know who may be in love with your smile.
    Sorry lazy with the colors. no jocking

  5. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2010 6:29pm UTC
    kissing test
    1.hold you breath
    2.click add a quote
    3.copy and past this quote
    4.good now if you did it without breathing you are a good kisser

  6. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2010 7:11pm UTC
    And your the one who i can spill all my fears, thoughts, and problems to and you listen and always give me advice and help me through it. I dont care if u c me cry or laugh cuz i know your with me all the way. I dont trust anyone as much i as i do u and your awesome :)
    Luv ya sophia... sry lazy with the colors :) fav?

  7. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2010 6:19pm UTC
    If our relantionship lasts the whole summer without seeing each other at school, ill be sure that we can last through anything ♥

  8. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2010 5:30pm UTC
    I was texting my boyfriend and i thought he said ily and my heart started pounding and stomach churned.. then i reread it .. it said ttyl.. i kinda wish i wasnt in the happen of rereading :/

  9. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2010 7:33pm UTC
    dont get so overwhelmed in others' beauty to lose sight of your own beauty
    but dont get so overwhelmed in your own beauty do lose sight of others' beauties

  10. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2010 2:59pm UTC
    While they were dressing up dolls I was dressing the basketball with the net
    While they were playing house at home I was running to home plate
    While they were hitting it off with boys I was hitting it with a tennis racket
    While they were buying make up I was buying a hockey stick
    So Many Differences between them and I
    Mine no jocking!

  11. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2010 4:08pm UTC
    When I text you it means im missing you ♥
    but when i dont it means im waiting for you to miss me ♥

  12. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2010 12:18pm UTC
    So all the stars are leaving us
    Jonas brothers died of the love bug
    Lil wayne got stopped by a lady cop
    Drake is [over]
    Kesha got high on love
    Selena Gomez left.. [naturally]
    Miley Cyrus fell on the climb
    Alicia Keys is [No One]
    But Jay-z is forever Young

  13. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2010 3:54pm UTC
    "so stick that in your juice box and SUCK IT!!!"
    "Nah ill just leave it here so tht u can"
    "its strawberry kiwi i dont like tht flavor u take it"
    haha zach

  14. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2010 7:49pm UTC
    On January 23rd 2045 imma have a huge party cuz if u write it out its 1-23-45 haha i cant wait!! :)

  15. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2010 7:42pm UTC
    xxbobo123: hello
    starchristy55: who is this?
    xxbobo123: you dont remember? oh what a shame. year 1997 you were born. december 5th
    2003 you had your 6th birthday party. your best friend sally michaels got you your first ever easy bake. but she turned on you.
    starchristy55: what the.....?
    xxbobo123: when you were trying to bake the vanilla brownies. you set down the butter knife. she grabbed it and tried to stab you. but, when she missed your head, where she was aiming, and hit your arm ,and saw what she had done, she turned the knife on herself.
    starchristy55: who is this? billy? jane? fred? taylor? brittany? those are the only people who went to my party! an adualt wouldent do this!
    xxbobo123: december 31st you had the funeral. you kept seeing her, standing next to people staring at you, with the knife in her eye. blood dripping from all paths. but you ignored her.
    starchristy55: who the eff r u?
    xxbobo123: 2 years later on january 3rd of 2005, her birthday, you saw her again. but she didnt just fade away like before, she followed you every where
    starchristy55: who do you know my life? how do you know me? how do you know this?
    xxbobo123: 1 hour ago you were just thinking of her. of the day you killed her.
    starchristy55: i did not kill her!
    xxbobo123: i think differently
    starchristy55: who ARE you?
    starchristy55: why are you doing this?
    starchristy55: come on! ANSWER MEE!
    dancarella38 has logged on
    dancerella38: hello christy
    starchristy55: oh great whos this person?
    dancarella38: why its me, sally
    starchristy55: why is this happening to me?
    dancarella38: the day on your birthday party i tried to kill you, i regret it, but i always finisha task before it ends
    dancarella38: i will see you tonite christy. goodbye
    dancarella38 has signed off
    xxbobo123: i will see you tonite as well
    starchristy55: who are you?
    xxbobo123: remember 3 days after your party? billy colman died ina an accident?
    starchristy55: yeah?
    xxbobo123: i died, there was no accident. i died because sally came to me. and asked me to come with her. which i did not want to do. she said i must or a slow painful death will come to me. i refused. so a slow painful death indeed there was.
    starchristy55: oh my god... im so sorry
    xxbobo123: well now you have that same choice.. let us take you... or a slow painful death
    xxbobo123 has sighned off
    later that night
    christy sat in her room cold and afraid
    exactly wat she was told would happen, did
    she chose to be taken because she beleived it was real
    repost this once and you will be safe
    if you dont repost thisthe spirits of, billy, sally, and christy will haunt you.... this is a life or death situation....
    repost, or be taken..or have a slow and painful death...

  16. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2010 6:39pm UTC
    And im completley sure that no one has the same history as us , hun.

  17. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2010 5:37pm UTC
    I love running. Barefoot. I feel free. Like nothing can touch or hurt me. I feel like i can fly. Like there is nothin else in this world at the same time except the track im running on.

  18. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2010 4:26pm UTC
    If guys broke everything they touched then somehow they always touch our hearts </3

  19. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2010 6:03pm UTC
    OMG today i saw some old fat dude with a long white beard on a motorcycle. On his motorcycle was a sticker that was a fireblaze..... I wanna be like him when I grow up :):)

  20. gigglegirl1101 gigglegirl1101
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2010 8:36pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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