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Member Since: 5 Jun 2011 01:52pm

Last Seen: 7 Jan 2014 01:47pm

user id: 180280

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by LilaLove99!(:

On 6.18.11, Jackie O'Neil wrote:
Heyy Witty world :) So this is LilaLove99 on gabbylovesjackie's profile. And yes I did make her profile, hence the username:) So anyway, about Gabby... Well. On November 3rd, 1998, a beautiful baby girl was born in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to Suzanne and Michael Herbert. She has dirty blonde hair and blue-ish grey-ish eyes. In her left eye, there are two freckles: one is brown, and one is yellow. So. Miss Gabrielle Potter Herbert moved to the lovely state of Virginia in the summer before 2nd grade. Then, she met me. *cue the anxiety music* And her life has never been the same;) Gabby and I have been besties ever since third grade. That's me in her profile picture too, just over a year ago. I'm the gorgeous brunette and she's the equally gorgeous blonde. Yeah. Definitely a blonde. Some random stuff about Gabby...
She has a lake house in Pennsylvania, which I have been to 2 times. The first time I went with her to the lake, we picked up her little doggy;) She's a Corgi and her name is Kessy, named after the farm (Keswick) next to our neighborhood. Gabby plays softball and field hockey, her favorite sport is softball, and her favorite position is catcher. She likes the colors green, purple, and blue. She's a very free-minded girl, who stands up for herself AND me when she feels it's necessary, which is most of the time. She lives-- well I'm not going to tell you where she lives, though I could. She's on Buzz(a gmail thing), and she loovees texting :P Maybe if you're cool enough she'll give you her number. She's not on Facebook, so don't ask... She's on YouTube: kessyluv98. And her best friend in the entire world forever and ever and ever and ever is me, Jackie. Oh. Yeah. She does have a boyfriend, so for all you perverted child molesters out there, DON'T COME LOOKING FOR MY BABY. HER BOYFRIEND WILL BEAT YOU UP. Haha just kidding, he couldn't hurt a fly. Brandon and I have a... love-hate relationship. But deep down we love each other. WAY deep down. Somewhere embedded in the internal organ chain. She's not really a nice person, and I'm not being mean; she says so herself ;). She's very independent, and doesn't like people who are too clingy. She hates only a few people, like Cynclaire Choi, Evan Arents, and Preston Hausser. She strongly dislikes a lot of people, but some of them are on Witty.... so I won't mention them. She has a few close friends (Emma Wilson, Emma Jones, Chloe Hogan) and then her bestest friend of all (me :D) and I can say that because she knows it's true. :O. BRAIN SPARK. Would you like her schedule? Yes you would;). Okay so on even days (like the 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.), she goes to Math first block, then ASE second block, then Health/PA third block, then Latin fourth block. On odd days (like the 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.), she goes to Social Studies first block, then English second block, then Science third block, then Exploratory fourth block. And I just now realized that her schedule was stupid to state because school is over. Oh well. So anyway, that's probably more than you wanted to know about my dear friend Gabby Herbert... if you want to know anything else, ask her or me (LilaLove99) in our commentsss, because I know just as much about her as she does. So goodbye for now, Wittians:)

LilaLove9Hackiin' HeBabygirl :)
GABBY. I haven't seen you in forever... :\ Probably since October. It makes me so mad! iiloveyousomuuchh :D I'm totally going to start emailing you a detailed account of my day every day :) So don't forget to text me when you have spelling or grammar problems (which we all know occur often) and DON'T FORGET TO TEXT ME GUURRLL. AT 323-319-6060; THERE'S MY NUMBER. Jk. Isn't that Mindless Behavior's number? Whate'rr. :O Didyouknooww that Patrick and Diane are going out now? And Peter and Fenstermacher might go out soon, and Lydia and Evan are going out and Cabell and Sarah are STILL going out! Hehe so anyway, I'm going to email you now, don't forget I looveee you! <3 <3 <3 xxoxxo, Jackie :)



jackie was here!
hey guess what! you're coming over soon! yeeeaaahh! and we're gonna go see the hunger gamessss. my life is those books. and one direction. hehe (: anyway, i'm gonna go prepare my stuffand wait for darcey to get here, iloveyou! bye!




  1. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2011 11:17am UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2011 10:35pm UTC
    the day i get my license is the day you,
    ---> get hit by a car.

  3. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2011 2:15pm UTC
    Does anyone else
    at the newest quotes,
    Then just hit "refresh"
    to look at all the quotes that people just
    Posted ?
    or is it just me....?♥

  4. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2011 2:04pm UTC
    This Or That?
    [] Curly or Straight [x]
    [] Pizza or Pasta [x]
    [x] Fruit or Vegetables []
    [] Blonde or Brunette [x]
    [] Tall or Short [x]
    [] Taylor Swift or Ke$ha [x]
    [x] Katy Perry or Lady Gaga []
    [] Justin Bieber or Cody Simpson [x]
    [x] Eminem or Drake []
    [x] Bruno Mars or Big Time Rush []
    [] Pink or Purple [x]
    [x] PINK or Hollister []
    [x] Blue or Green []
    [] Cheetah or Zebra [x]
    [x] USA or UK []
    [] London or Paris [x]
    [x] Winter or Summer []
    [x] Hot Guys or Smart Guys []
    [] Uggs or Flip Flops [x]
    [x] Love or Friendship []
    [x] Beautiful or Hot []
    [] Pancakes or Waffles [x]
    [] Cake or Cookies [x]
    [] Vanilla or Chocolate [x]
    [x] Boyfriend or Guyfriend []
    [] 1 Best Friend or Several Close Ones [x]

  5. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2011 11:25am UTC
    If I were a princess I'd be Pocahontas:)
    [ ] One of your parents is dead
    [ ] You are expected to do a lot of chores
    [x] You love to dress up
    [x] You love animals
    [] You are waiting patiently for your Prince Charming
    [ ] Your mom is really strict
    [ ] You have sisters who seem kind of jealous of you
    [] You’re afraid to speak your mind sometimes
    [x] You have left your shoes at a friend’s house before
    [] You have blonde hair
    [x] You’ve kissed someone your friends didn’t like
    [] You’ve been lost in the forest
    [x] You love to read
    [x ] You are not shy at all, and not afraid to speak your mind
    [x] One of your family members is a bit weird
    [x] You have done volunteer work
    [x] You have a wild imagination
    [x] You love to take care of people in need
    [] You’ve had guys like you only because they think you’re pretty (girls)
    [] You’ve rejected at least one person when they’ve asked you out
    [ ] Your dad is very rich/important
    [x] You are very clever
    [ x] You’ve been with someone way different from you
    [ x] You’re unique and different from everyone else
    [x] You’d never marry someone just because they were rich
    [] You have set a lot of goals for yourself
    [ ] You don’t have a lot of friends
    [x] You’re independent
    [ ] You are wealthy
    []Your parents try to control your life
    [x] Your parents expect a lot from you
    [x] You really try to follow the rules, but it’s hard for you
    [x]You’re a bit of a trouble maker
    [ x] You’re the youngest in your family or in the last 2
    [ ] You have a lot of sisters (3 or more)
    [x] You collect something
    [x]You have/had long, hair
    [x] You have/had a pet fish
    [x] You’re extremely curious
    [ ] You believe everything people tell you/you’re a bit gullible
    Snow White:
    [] You know that you’re beautiful
    [ ] Sometimes it seems like your mom is jealous of you
    [x] You’ve almost been killed
    [x] You have at least seven good friends
    [] You’ve had food poisoning
    [x] You have/had short hair
    [x] You get along with almost everyone
    [x ] All of your friends are different
    [x] You love to have a good time
    [x] You’re happier when you’re out of the house than in
    [x] You can be a tomboy sometimes.
    [x] People wish you could be a bit more girly
    [x]You’ve pretended to be someone you’re not
    [] You’ve had a physical fight with someone
    [x] You have/had considered running away from home
    [] Your parents try to plan your life out
    [] A lot of your friends are boys
    [x] You sometimes find yourself in bad situations
    [] You love your family so much that you’d do anything to protect them
    [ ] You live/have lived with someone other than your parents
    [ ] You almost died at a very young age
    [x] You are gentle, loving, and/or thoughtful
    [x]You have a decent singing voice
    [x] You like to sleep in late on the weekends
    [x] You spend most of your time outside [try to]
    [ ] You’re adopted
    [x] You’re very romantic
    [] Pink is one of your favorite colors
    [x] You love to walk around and explore big cities
    [x] You are more spiritual than religious
    [x] You’ve been in an interracial relationship
    [x] One of your family members is dead (mum, dad, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa)
    [x] Your parents are very protective of you
    [x] Someone you know has been in war
    [x]You love nature
    [] You have/had black hair
    [x] You would love to move somewhere exotic and beautiful
    [x] You’re very adventurous
    TOTAL: 9
    Repost as "If I were a princess I'd be .." (full in blank with one you have highest total in)

  6. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2011 11:29pm UTC
    i have screwed up 39% of my teenage life
    [] Kissed someone before dating
    [] Gotten a phone taken away at school
    [] Gotten caught chewing gum
    []Gotten caught cheating on a test
    Total so far: 0
    [] Arrived late to class more than 5 times
    [x] Didn't do homework over 5 times
    [] Turned at least 2 projects in late
    [] Missed school just because you felt like it
    []Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class
    Total so far: 1
    [x] Got your mom, dad, sister etc to get you out of school
    [x] Text people during class
    [x] Passed notes
    [x] Threw stuff across the room
    [] Laughed at the teacher
    Total so far: 5
    [x] Took pictures during school hours
    [] Called someone during school hours
    [x] Listened to iPod, CD, etc during school hours
    Total so far: 7
    [] Threw something at the teacher
    [] Went outside the classroom without permission
    [x] Broke the dress code
    [] Failed a class
    [x] Ate food during class
    Total so far: 9
    [ ] Been called the worst student
    [ ] Punished on a school trip because you behaved badly
    [x] Didn't take your stuff to school
    [ ] Given a teacher the finger when they weren't looking
    Total so far: 10
    [] Faked your parents signature
    [ ] Slept in class
    [x ] Cursed at a teacher behind their back
    [x] Copied homework
    [] Got in trouble with the principal/vice principal/dean
    [x]Thrown food in the lunch room
    Total so far: 13
    Multiply by 3 for a total.
    Post as "I have screwed up ___ of my teenage life

  7. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2011 11:23pm UTC
    Witty Girls Please Listen....
    This g irl has a gift for
    writing here's a link to her
    witty acount so you can read her fab stories!

  8. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2011 7:55pm UTC
    ABC'sOf MyLife Is;
    [a]vailable: Hell no!
    [b]irthday: November 3rd
    [c]rush: Brandon [My BoyfriendJ]
    [d]rink you last had: Dr. Thunder
    [e]asiest person to talk to: Jackie or Emma Wilson
    [f]avorite genre of music: all kinds
    [g]ummy bears or gummy worms: worms
    [h]ad your first kiss: yupJ
    [i]nstrument: My voice...?
    [j]uice: Apple
    [k]illed someone: attempted but failed....[stupid golf cart]
    [l]ongest trip: Pennsylvania to Florida
    [m]ilkshake flavor: Chocolate
    [n]umber of siblings: 2
    [o]ne wish: Not to move!
    [p]erson who holds the best memories: Jackie
    [q]uiet or loud?: LOUD
    [r]easons to smile: the stupid things in life
    [s]ong: too many to name
    [t]ime you woke up: 7:15 thanks to my dog!
    u]mbrella: rainbowJ
    [v]egetable: Carrot
    [w]arm at the moment: yes the computer really heats up my leg...
    [x]-rays you've had: leg
    [y]our favorite movies: Mean Girls, Kung Fu Panda[long story] Lion KInd
    [z]odiac sign: Scorpio

  9. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2011 10:38am UTC
    Today I made pancake
    And when I showed my dad one of the pancakes which was supposed to be a "mickey mouse"
    All he said was "Gabby...., You're fired!"
    "You don't know how long I've waited to say that....."
    And all I can think is....
    *How could you fire me and what from....? I've never worked for you and I'm pretty sure you can't fire me from being your daughter.....*

  10. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2011 11:08pm UTC
    My cousin: What's with the black lines on the road?
    Me: I don't know. Why are you asking me?
    My cousin: It looks like a puzzle....
    Me: Well maybe it was a puzzle and they didn't have....white....glue...?
    all mine

  11. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2011 8:58pm UTC
    [ Im freasha' then a ]
    M U F F I N .

  12. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2011 4:20pm UTC
    Love is knowing that they could break your heart at any minute
    but trusting them enough to know they won't. ♥

  13. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2011 10:16pm UTC
    "what is your problem?"
    My problem? My problem is that I'm sick of being second best.
    I'm sick of not being included.
    I'm sick of not feeling good enough.
    I'm done being lied to.
    My problem? People like you.

  14. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2011 10:12pm UTC
    someone or
    Really ugly
    and saying to your best friend,
    "That's you." ♥

  15. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2011 4:14pm UTC
    Does anyone know any awesome fanart accounts other than LilaLove99Fanart and _RandomRequests? I'm trying to get a bunch of really cool fanart accounts but so far those are the only two I have :P
    Thanks I love you guys:)

  16. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2011 9:00pm UTC
    After all,
    there is an
    "if" in "life"

  17. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2011 8:47pm UTC
    Friend: I'd catch a grenade for ya!
    Best Friend: I'd throw a grenade at ya!
    you know it's true, so click the organ {♥}

  18. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2011 4:48pm UTC
    And no matter
    how many boys I may be with;
    you will always be the one that's
    on my mind.
    you will always be the one that
    ssskdjfsdfljkEmakes me feel special.
    you will always be the one
    who I love\
    ♥ ♥ ♥
    not my format

  19. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2011 4:43pm UTC
    This quote has been deleted.
    JK. Wait... how'd you know?

  20. gabbylovesjackie98 gabbylovesjackie98
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2011 4:36pm UTC

    I would love you
    because you're soooo
    Yes I'm talking about a puppy! What did you think I was talking about?
    ...you pervert.


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