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Member Since: 20 Mar 2011 07:05pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 159507

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  heeey ladies;  
  my name is alex & im a sophmore. being a bitch to people that make me mad is what i do best. 
  i believe in myself & respect everyones opinions. i know not everyone wants to know what im thinking,
  but im gonna tell the world anyway  i believe in second chances. but only when they are deserved.
  i believe in god & how he is living up in heavan with my mommy, who died almost two years ago.
  i like to talk more than i listen, but when someone really needs me, im all ears. i enjoy not giving a shit
  in a word of people who care too much. ive never been in love. oh, i believe that either you will always 
  love someone, or you never did. there is no "falling out of love."  you are never going to find anyone else who is just like me. i live in sweatpants & a uniform skirt (when you attend a private school its hard not
  too) id rather have my hair in a bun then have to straighen it. in summer, i will hardly ever wear makeup
  i smile way to often, most people assume its fake. some of the time it is, but usually im just a happy 
  person, & dont give a f*** what anyone says. i love country music & playing outside. im scared to grow
  up, even though im supposed to be mature now. i know how to respect people, but i dont always do it
  i love to sleep& more importantly dream. i believe that no matter how much you want something, not 
  ALL things are possible. I tend to fall up stairs more than i fall down them. i eat to much fast food&  drink to much pop. i believe in weekends being longer, & laughing until you cry. ice cream & chocolate
  can fix any broken heart. waiting for prince charming will get you no where. i hate having a boyfriend, 
  but i have one anyway. i hate being bored, but i am 99% of the time. i remember when i would play princess & stay out until the fireflys would come out. i have kissed many but have yet to feel true love. i want to lay on my roof & watch the moon & the stars sometime, but not until i meet the person i am supposed to marry. if you are still reading this, i really appreciate it, most would have stopped by now. if you read until this point, please comment & let me know someone has the time to read the little things (:
  i love hot chocolate, & wish my mom was still around because all my friends are bestfriends with their
  moms, & i hate feeling left out. i usually am the person people come too for help, & i loooooove helping    
 people. i live for my friends. and i try to always see the bright side of situations, i hate when people text & drive. i love when someone wakes me up with a sweet phone call or text, i miss when i believed guys had cooties, i hate when people watch girls asses when they walk. i miss when boys were gentlemen. 
 i hate being called a flirt, even though i dont care what anyone thinks of me. 
  thats about all im going to say right now. 
anything else you wanna know, hit me up <3 
  xoxo bitches. (:

  1. freshesstbittch freshesstbittch
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2011 8:49pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. freshesstbittch freshesstbittch
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 11:58pm UTC
    Sometimes; I don't know who my bestfriend is.

  3. freshesstbittch freshesstbittch
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 1:01am UTC
    who would you pick:
    the guy you've been in love with since 3rd grade but has broken your heart, more than once, told you he liked you.
    or, the biggest sweetheart in the world, who isnt really your type.
    Comment your pick.

  4. freshesstbittch freshesstbittch
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2011 1:23pm UTC
    i came to win, to fight
    to concur, to thrive
    i came to win, to survive
    to prosper, to rise.
    to flllyy, to flllyyy
    Fly Nicki Minaj

  5. freshesstbittch freshesstbittch
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2011 7:56pm UTC
    Stronger by Mandisa <3
    look it up
    bad day? i hope this helps (:

  6. freshesstbittch freshesstbittch
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2011 10:12pm UTC
    today, I told you I've liked you for 6 years & you asked me why I didn't tell you.
    I guess you don't remember.. I did.

  7. freshesstbittch freshesstbittch
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 10:54am UTC
    I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it...

  8. freshesstbittch freshesstbittch
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2011 12:01am UTC
    Feeling trapped in a relationship..
    gotta' love it
    miss the good old days, when i was single </3

  9. freshesstbittch freshesstbittch
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2011 7:21pm UTC
    Shout out to my haters,
    sorry that you couldn't phase me
    Nicki Minaj <3


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