Witty Profiles

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  1. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2011 9:33pm UTC
    This Weekend is Father’s Day Weekend;
    Favorite if you love your dad and never want to lose him.*

    Iloveyoudad.<3 october6,2002.

  2. lovemexo13 lovemexo13
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2011 3:56pm UTC
    Hey Guys!
    please read this?
    -So I emailed the head of
    Witty & I told him that we
    really should have notifications.
    && he said that if THIS quote gets
    5,000 ❤'s...
    witty will then have notifications!
    please fav this

  3. LoveHisBlueEyes LoveHisBlueEyes
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2011 10:35am UTC
    When you carry
    the Bible, Satan gets a headache.
    When you open it, he collapses.
    When he sees you reading it, he faints.
    When he sees you living
    ...it, he flees. And just when you're
    about to fav this,
    he'll try to discourage you...
    Any takers?

  4. Brittney_Bieber Brittney_Bieber
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2011 2:43pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. SummerKindOfGirlxx SummerKindOfGirlxx
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2011 4:31pm UTC
    My Friend Just Called Me
    Her boyfriend, Eric has been sick in the hospital. He started puking up blood and having trouble breathing about a month ago. Well, she just called me crying. She just came back from visiting him like she does everyday. The doctors told her that it might be the last time she'll see him. He's not doing well, and he might not make it through the night. They have been dating for 3 years now, and they are completely in love with eachother. He has been telling her that he's not worth it anymore..please, witty girls, favorite this. If he makes it, we can show him the favorites to show him people care. Even if we get 1 favorite, then it just shows 1 more person cares about him. He's feeling really, really, down on himself. And pray for him also.
    Love, Jeniffer and Marcelle.
    We love you Eric (:

  6. kimbahhlayx kimbahhlayx
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2011 7:00pm UTC
    wins an award
    kanye sits down

  7. Vivaalajuicy Vivaalajuicy
    posted a quote
    March 5, 2011 10:06pm UTC
    I'd kill the sexiest person alive...
    But suicide's a crime.

  8. singer23 singer23
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2011 6:12pm UTC
    I wish I had a boyfriend who'd flip off paparazzi for me..
    nice one JBiebs

    not my format

  9. toothymonster toothymonster
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2011 7:45pm UTC
    people that don't know me
    think »i'm quiet«
    people that know me
    wish i was

  10. xoiloveyouforeverxo xoiloveyouforeverxo
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2011 9:10pm UTC
    So today i went to cvs to get some tampons
    [i was waiting at the checkout ]
    when my boyfriends dad walks in
    We looked at each other
    then i looked down at the box in my
    in my hand and said
    well this is akward and he said
    No. Its very

    not my format

  11. wilkil4shoes wilkil4shoes
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2011 8:28pm UTC
    My Math Teacher Staples
    Burger King Applications
    To Failed Tests

  12. lizitish lizitish
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2011 4:42pm UTC
    & I wanted to send you something sexy,
    but the mailman made me get out of the mailbox

  13. Java Java
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2011 5:05pm UTC
    youre only reading this because it says
    in a really large font ♥

  14. allywldr13 allywldr13
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2011 5:28pm UTC
    That awkward moment when the girls on pretty little liars open a text from B.

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. x3wittyfades x3wittyfades
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2011 6:33pm UTC
    josh: i hope you go bald.
    drake: i hope they cancel oprah!

  17. alliee_xx alliee_xx
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 4:37pm UTC
    Long but worth reading, i promise you
    Dear Emily,
    Hey little sister.
    How is everything up there?
    Hope you said hi to Grandpa for me.
    Things down here are the same as when you left
    Except its a lot calmer, too calm.
    I havent been to the hospital since
    the day you passed away.
    I hope Grandpa found you when you got there.
    I hope you too are having a great time.
    I hope your looking over me,
    & i hope you miss me as much as i miss you.
    I miss you bothering me.
    I miss you sitting next to me at dinner.
    & i know it might be hard for you to believe,
    but i actually miss the chaos in the house.
    Now its just quiet and eerie all the time.
    But not today because...
    Happy Birthday Sissy.
    I promised you i would never forget.
    Of course i wouldnt, how could i ever?
    Were going to your favorite restruant tonight,
    the really expensive pub in town.
    Were celebrating tonight, all of us.
    Were celebrating your painless afterlife.
    Were celebrating your birthday,
    and were celebrating you.
    I wonder what you and Grandpa will do tonight.
    Probably be at the dinner table with us,
    But only in spirit right?
    I wish you and Grandpa were actually here.
    Well, since youve been gone,
    I made some new friends.
    Emily and Sarah are now potheads
    so ive been hanging with Kristin alot.
    I have a boyfriend too.
    & i think hes gonna be here for awhile.
    His name is Nick, and i love him.
    I know you would love him too.
    I havent been getting good grades lately.
    Mom limited my cell and my computer.
    But honestly, thats not helping.
    I still have bad grades.
    ALSO, while youve been gone,
    i have raised ALOT of money
    for AML foundations and charities.
    But i didnt raise it all by myself.
    My Witty Friends have helped me also.
    The day you died, I made a quote...
    And told the girls that if they liked or commented
    I would put in one or five dollars.
    The quote was a huge success,
    and has helped me not give up on my goal...
    of raising $5,000!
    I'm almost there though.
    I've raised over $1,500 so far...
    and im not giving up
    until ive reached the whole $5,000.
    So sissy, I just want you to know
    your always on my mind...
    Happy Birthday Little Girl.
    I love and miss you so much.
    Just for her birthday, can we get 100 favs?

  18. singer23 singer23
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 3:34pm UTC
    On His Birthday,
    J u s t i n de c i d e d t o d o n a t e m o n e y t o
    The A m e r i c a n Ca n c e r So c i e t y
    & To c o u n t r i e s who n e ed f r es h w a t e r
    Th a t Sa y s Some t h i n g
    f a v f o r l e s s c a n c e r a n d more b i r t h d a ys

  19. xobprior3344xo xobprior3344xo
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2011 6:14pm UTC
    Like this if you were smart enough to highlight((::

  20. LoveByWhisper LoveByWhisper
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2011 6:10pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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