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Member Since: 2 Aug 2011 06:11pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 202740

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Hey Witty (:
Here's me:
Taylor Swift
Jbiebs <3
Witty (of course)

This is my writing account! Hope you like the story! (whatever it's gonna be... :/ I need ideas!) Oh, my name's Emma.. by the way. ^__^
I'll be your best friend if you..
I love you wittiers!
Stay beautiful.
I need ideas for my story!
  1. foreversummer foreversummer
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2011 4:55pm UTC
    Chapter 3
    The waiting room for the auditions of 13 Roses was hot and clammy. It reeked of sweat and nervousness. I gulped in breath after breath as the time ticked by. Girls auditioning for the part of Rose walked in the big glass doors looking nervous and walked out looking even more nervous or perfectly satisfied, a smug smile stretched across their makeup packed faces. I adjusted my flowy white tank top and looked down at my light washed skinny jeans one last time. There was a mirror across the room that I repeatedly kept smoothing down my honey blonde hair in. My audition number was 125. A lanky brunette with long limbs walked out calmly. I did a double take as she stopped in front of a large man and exited. Holy crap. That was Amber Johnson. Like, Amber Johnson from the red carpet. The one who's face was plastered on every magazine cover. I swallowed hard. I was up against a real star. Someone with years of movie experience. Oh God.
    "Number 125, your up." Said a blonde lady who's head was poking out the glass doors.
    "Good luck sweetie." My mom said looking as nervous as I felt. A wave of nausea washed over me as I walked as confidently as I could over to the doors. I took one last gulp of air before stepping through the doors. Here we go.

  2. foreversummer foreversummer
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2011 11:02am UTC
    Chapter 2
    "This... is... unreal." I breathed as my mom and I walked into our hotel room. The movie production rented out 1 1/2 floors for people who were auditioning. The room pretty much took my breath away. The front hall was huge and had a giant soft carpet lining it. There was a table with mints on it. When you walked inside, there was a mini kitchen and a living room with a giant flat screen TV. There were 2 rooms that branched off from there with queen sized beds and their own TVs. The best part? The view. It was literally breath taking. I stood like a idiot in front of my window, speechless. Outside it had just gotten dark and LA was just lighting up. There were lights outlining everything and the Hollywood sign was lit up and perched in perfect view.
    "I can't believe we're here!" I said turning to my mom.
    "Neither can I!" She said looking around. I promised my mom that if I got the part she could be my manager.
    "Do you think I'll get the part?" I asked looking at her.
    "Honestly, I have no clue. Yes, you're a very gifted actress, but we don't know if other people are more gifted." She gave me a smile. "Don't worry hun. Give it your best. If you don't get it, there's other movies."
    I nodded slowly. "So will you help me go over my lines one last time?" I asked.
    After we practiced my lines and watched a movie, the clock read 11. It was such a time difference from Boston, but I was exhausted.
    "Night mom." I yawned going to my room. I didn't change from the sweatpants and T-shirt I had on. Even though I had butterflies times 10 in my stomach, I fell asleep pretty quick, thinking about auditions tomorrow.

  3. foreversummer foreversummer
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2011 8:49am UTC
    Chapter 1
    "Kira! Miss Banks! Over here, over here!" People were screaming at me left and right. I couldn't turn around without being nearly blinded by the bright flash of cameras.
    "Leave me alone!" I yelled back ducking my head and trying to plow through the wall of people.
    6 months earlier...
    "Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, if you get the part, which you 85% won't so be prepared, if you do, your whole life will be flipped upside down! No more.. well.. anything!" My mom was looking at me, a look of concern painted onto her normally calm face.
    "Mom.. chill out. I know I might not get the part and I realize that my life will be different. It'll be better!" I reassured her before looking out the plane window. The white fluffy clouds grazed the plane's wings as we flew along. "I've been waiting for this opportunity since I took my first acting class in 1st grade." I told her. Actually more myself. I had to admit, I was really nervous. Not that I would say it out loud or anything. If I did, my mom might have a stroke. We were on our way to LA so I could chase my "unrealistic dreams" as my mom would say, by trying out for a part in a new movie called Written in the Stars. Acting has been my top dream since I could remember and it was (possibly) about to come true.
    "You're right, you're right. I need to "Chill"" She said putting air quotes around chill. I smiled then rolled my eyes
    "Now descending into Las Angeles California. We hoped you enjoyed flying with us. Our arrival will be in 10 minutes, please stay seated blah blah blah." The flight attendant drowned on and on, but I wasn't paying attention because as soon as the plane swooped below the clouds, the first thing that caught my eye was the Hollywood sign. Perfectly perched on that famous hill. My stomach flipped and the familiar feeling of butterflies rushed through my entire body. LA, here I come.
    *how do you guys like it?? Comment! (:

  4. foreversummer foreversummer
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2011 6:32pm UTC
    Okay Witty..
    Here's your mission. I want to write a story but I have NO idea what to write about. Does anyone have any ideas? Please comment!


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